Sexting / Texting One Directi...

By lizzielaurad

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Ever hoped to be retweeted by a famous person ? Or followed by a famous person ? Even speak to a famous perso... More

Sexting / Texting One Direction
Chapter 1: "Yes im weird. Deal with it!"
Chapter 2: Who is it? HAHA ! too bad..
Chapter 4: <3
Chapter 5: Selfish huh?
Chapter 6 part 1: Talk about sassy...people call me the sassy one HA !
Chapter 6 part 2: I'm checking myself into an asylum
Chapter 7: Operation Make Ellie Jelly
Chapter 8: Who knew they would be the fucking smart ones ?
Chapter 9 Part 2: Harry
Chapter 10: Future endeavours ? Is he stupid ?
Chapter 11: If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it !
Chapter 12: You Are An Idiot.
HELP !?!
Chapter 14: You just wiped your face with my dick towel
Chapter 15: Well its official. I look like a tomato
Chapter 16: "OH MY GOD" was all i could say
Chapter 17: Potato Fart
Chapter 18 Part 1: Awww. Is wittle Hawwy embawwised?
Chapter 18 Part 2: buck, buck, bucuuuuk!!
Chapter 19: "Sexy as hell, hey?"
Chapter 20: Yeah and I'm the Queen of Sheba
Not an update sorry
Chapter 21: "Well, aren't you a cutie?"
not a chapter

Chapter 9 Part 3: Louis

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By lizzielaurad

A/N okay so this is the last part of chapter 9. I know there is times under the messages in all the other chapters...but now i seriously cant be bothered and i know that u guys probably dont care either...ill only do it if necessary....also there will be a couple messages that link back to harrys...again the timing may be off...but obv i didnt plan for them to be the EXACT same...also louis will be Italic Bold and Aria will be just yeah...READ ON !!! :) - Laura xo

Chapter 9 Part 3: Louis

Arias POV




From: Louis

:D im perfectly fine !! I like to break out in song when im in a happy mood. :)


To: Louis

LOL okay.. if thats what makes u happy then by all means. :) Break out in song !!


From : Louis 

Okay gimme a sec..


From: Harry

LIAMS THE EXACT SAME !!!....okayy i will :)


To: Harry

Err...Harry...i know... i was obsessed with u guys remember? -_- ... :) YAY !!


From: Louis

Ahem here it goes ... 



To: Louis


From: Louis

Hold your horses, im preparing myself...

To: Louis

HA ! okayy...xD

From: Louis

Oh why are we are waiting so long im suffocating.

Oh why are we are waiting so long im suffocating 

To: Louis

You like that song?

From: Louis 

Boy its now or never.

Time we got together.

Been a long time coming

now i need that loving

From: Louis

YEAH !! 

To: Louis

I like the way you tease me

But let's just make this easy

Put me in control

We can switch roles

To: Louis 


From: Louis

And I'll take the lead

You're so far behind me

You know what I need

I'm not gonna stop

To: Louis 

Whatever the weather

We gon' be better together

So what's up baby?

What about us?

From: Louis

'Cos I've been watchin' and waitin'

Why don't you give it or take it?

So what's up baby?

What about us?

To: Louis

Watcha doin' to my head?

Na, na, na, na, na, na

Should be here with me instead!

Na, na, na, na, na, na

From: Louis

What about those words you said?

Na, na, na, na, na, na

What about us?

What about us?

To: Louis 

Wow i cant believe we just did that!

From : Louis 

Yeah me neither !! it was fun though. i was full sitting on my bed typing it and singing it at the same time haha !

To : Louis 

Yeah and so much effort !! what made you choose that song ?

From: Louis

Harry was just listening to it. :L

To: Louis


From: Louis 

i know lol

To: Louis

but then again we kinda just did the same thing so, we arent much better lol.

From: Louis

Yeah ! i know !! hahah ! :)

To: Louis

You know what song ive had in my head lately ?

From: Louis

Which one ?!

To: Louis

Yo !

My best friend, best friend til the very end,

Cuz best friends, best friends dont have to pretend.

You need a hand, and i'm right there right beside you

You in the dark, i'll be the bright light to guide you

From: Louis

Yeah i love that song too. :D

To: Louis

Yeah its like my favourite at the moment. :D

From: Louis

Yeah its sort of mine and Harrys song. ;)

To: Louis

LOL ! No way !!

From: Louis


To: Louis

Its funny thats all. I mean its Cher Lloyd, its weird. lol

From: Louis

Dont you and ur best friend have a song? :D

To: Louis

I dont have a best friend rememeber? :/ I have like, no friends at all.

From: Louis

Oh...i forgot :$

To: Louis

Its okay.. i have friends...just not quality ones i can trust. You and Harry are like the only people i can trust besides my mother. And i havent even met you guys.

From: Louis

AWWWWW Ri-Ri !!!! :3 Thats cuteeee <3

To: Louis


From: Louis

Well you know what ? Im your new best friend !!

To: Louis

What about Curly ?

From: Louis

HAHA ! dw bout him

To: Louis


From: Louis

Yeah so what song?

To: Louis

Idk lemme think.

From: Louis

Me too...

From: Louis


To: Louis

what is it

From: Louis

Its a real classic. A personal favourite of mine !!

To: Louis

aww :) what is it?

From: Louis

Im sure you will agree with me :)

To: Louis

Lol which song is it?

From: Louis

i mean who wouldnt like this song? Its really good and super catchy :D

To: Louis


From: Louis

Oh yeah sec

From: Louis

You're a true friend

You're here till the end

You pull me aside when something ain't right

Talk with me now and into the night 

'Til it's alright again

Your a true friend <3

To: Louis


From: Louis

:O i left u speechless, Thats how i felt too when i realised that this was the perfect song. And i also love it ...soo....:)

To: Louis

Really ?

From: Louis

YEAH !! Its great hey !!

To: Louis -.-"

From: Louis 

WHAT !!! how could u not like HANNAH MONTANA ?!

To: Louis 

1. its Miley Cyrus. 2. Err no. Im 17 not 7

From: Louis 

1. no its Hannah Montana and 2. so? shes great. Age is but a number...

To: Louis

Are you sure your not gay?

From: Louis

No im not fucking gay !!

To: Louis

mmhmm.. sureeee ur not.

From: Louis

im not fucking gay -.-

To: Louis

lol okay. 

From: Louis

So i guess "HANNA MONTANA" is a no?

To: Louis

No chiz !

From: Louis

OKAYY !!! sheesh. No need to get touchy ! :L

To: Louis


From: Louis

See i would say "Ill be there for you" But thats mine and Liams song..You know from the show "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" ? Cuz he loves that show !! :)

To: Louis

Yeah oh well we will think of one :)...How is Liam btw...I heard that he and Danielle broke it true? or was it another rumour ? (A/N they did break up btw...if u didnt know)

From: Louis

yeah eventually :P....yeah they did :/

To: Louis

:).....oh...hows he holding up?

From: Louis

Yeah...hes fine. It was a mutual thing. They realised it just wasnt working out...Long distance and all.. Theyre still good friends though :)

To: Louis

Aww thats good then :)

From: Louis 

Yeah...the other guys still dont know about you hahah !

To: Louis

LOL! its alright :D Liam would probably flip anyway. I mean we have only been talking for like a week now and uve already declared to being my best friend

From: Louis

Oh well...If he has a problem then stiff shit...Both Harry and I like talking to you....sooo....and yeah i know its only been a week but it feels like its been know?

To: Louis

I dont want to cause any arguments between you guys :/ Actually funny you mention it because i was thinking the same thing. 

From: Louis

OH ! dw you wont !! Liams known as Daddy Direction and such and yeah he sorta is the one who pulls us in line sometimes...but hes ALOT more immature than everyone thinks...haha the amount of times hes done reckless things is beyond me LOL! ...yeah <3

To: Louis

HAHA ! i could imagine that tbh. That cheeky smile of his sorta gives it away when i think about it. :3....<3

From: Louis

Yeah...when u put it like that...its true..

To: Louis

Hows things with Eleanor? Sorry mood killer, i know but i was curious..

From: Louis

nahh its fine babe dw...umm i havent spoken to her today. I mean it was only last night that we were fighting so i dont want to rush into anything. Its better to let things cool for a while before i bother.

To: Louis

Yeah true...i understand what u mean..See this is why i dont get into relationships. Too much drama and hard work and effort that i just dont have.

From: Louis 

Havent u hever had a bf?

To: Louis

Nahh !!

From: Louis

What ?! How is that possible ? Your gorgeous and funny ? :O 

From: Louis

I dont believe u. Your lying.

To: Louis

its cuz, at school im 'popular', not to give myself a big head or anything. And all the girls that i chill with are all about getting laid and such, and i just feel like the guys would only want to 'date' me because, since my friends do that, i automatically put out as well which, as you know yourself, is not the case at all. So i dont give them the benefit of the doubt. 

From: Louis

Oh. So your popular aye? ;) 

From: Louis 

Oh and dw. You have every right to feel that way, but you have to have a relationship some day 

To: Louis

oh shut it ! (c) ;)

To: Louis

Yeah but im not planning on doing that though. Im waiting for someone later on it life that i didnt know through high school. Someone who knows me for the real me and not for someone who i pretend to be.

From: Louis

Yeah makes sense

To: Louis


From: Louis

Anywayy....We have to meet up still !!

To: Louis

I think Harry is planning something for my 18th? im not sure if he is or what it is but i have this gut feeling. 

From: Louis

Oh is he now? Thanks for telling me :L

To: Louis

Haha ! didnt you know ?

From: Louis

Nope !! I guess that means i have to tell the others about u soon :P

To: Louis

Lol yeah i guess.

From: Louis

You excited to meet us ?!

To: Louis

Umm.. YES?!?! Only been dreaming about this for like 3 years now?

From: Louis

Awwww cute :3

To: Louis

Oh shuush you :P

From: Louis

;) NEVER !! 

To: Louis

*rolls eyes*

From: Louis

*pokes tongue at you *

From: Louis

So when r u 18 again ?

To: Louis

in EXACTLY 4 weeks from today !!! psyched/10 !! :)

From: Louis

WOOT !! getting my partaayy on !!

To: Louis


From: Louis

What? xD

To: Louis

I can imagine you shaking your ghetto booty on the dance floor ;) (A/N #nohate)

From: Louis

LOL yeah !! ill clear the dance floor. My booty is too bootylicious for people to handle xD

To: Louis

Oh gawd !

From: Louis


To: Louis

smh (A/N means shake my head)

To: Louis

You there ?

From: Louis


To: Louis

From: Louis

Aria !!! -.-"

To: Louis

SORRY SORRY !! i had to !! dont hate me ):

From: Louis

*sigh* i dont hate you. But i would like to kill you right now

To: Louis

LOL what did he say?

From: Louis

He came in and was like "Louis your a little fucking shit" and i was like 

"what ?" completely confused on what he was talking about and then he was like

"did you tell Aria bout the other night?" and i was like "No? why would i tell her about what happened" and then i winked at him. Then he hit me and said "no not that ! about the hair caught on the shower curtain rings" and then i was like.."errrr....maybe?" and then he was like " LOUISSS !!" Then i was like " SORRYYY !!!!"  The he ran his hand through his hair and sighed looking back at me then he asked if i sent u a picture and im like.." pft no? i never even took a picture." and he ws like "good. or id fucking kill you."  and then i snickered at him as he walked away. 

From: Louis

Wow i wrote..."and i was like...and he was like".. sooooo many times hahah ! 

To: Louis

HAHAHA ! sorry D: He told me hed kill me. and i said that if he tried i would post a pic on twitter of him with his hair stuck in the shower rings. lol

From: Louis

He said hed kill you ?! Wtf ? what did you do ? 

To: Louis

Oh i said something about Larry stylinson and he got pissed and said that if i was a Larry shipper then he would kill me. 

From: Louis

howd u start talking about that? and yeah u better not be -.- or ill personally kill you myself. :P

To: Louis

we were arguing over you :P im not dw :)...ehh no. i dont think so !!

From: Louis

*raises eyebrows at you* arguing over me aye? ;) Theres plenty of me to go around babe ;).. Good :) ...haha lol alright m8

To: Louis

yeah...about  who you love more ;).....O.O STD/AIDS ALERT !!!

From: Louis

i love me more than i love either of you two, sooo....:P.....Okay ..lemme get this straight...i aint got no disease down in my lower region. Im perfectly clean and healthy down under alright ? :L

To: Louis


From: Louis

yeap !! deal with it babe !!

To: Louis

no comment

From: Louis


To: Louis

so how are you going to tell the others ? are u gunna do it all at once or one at a time ?

From: Louis

i have no idea tbh. what do u think ?

To: Louis

idk :/ i think telling them all at once would be easier.

From: Louis

yeahh....but thats not as fun ;)

To: Louis

oh god.

From: Louis 

you should know me by now !!

To: Louis

What are you planning LouPoo ?

From: Louis 

LouPoo ? 

To: Louis

Yeah...just came up with it now xD

From: Louis

your such a shit

To: Louis 

i know !!! so yeah what are u planning !! DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT BOY !!

From: Louis

Nothing...dw ;)

To: Louis 

LOUIS !! tell me !!

From: Louis

Oh look at the time... ive got to have a shower...ttyl

To: Louis

Louis !!! -.-" ur a butthole. and Harrys in the shower. -.-

From: Louis

He got in the shower like 15 minutes ago? hes finished.

To: Louis

Louis, im a directioner...i know damn right that he takes forever in the shower -.-" dont fool me boy !! 

From: Louis

We have two showers ?

To: Louis

Really? *raises eyebrows at you *

From: Louis


To: Louis

i dont even know why ur acting like this? lol ur so confusing !!

From: Louis

no reason. Just know that i love you yeah ? :) i gtg ttyl

To: Louis

Fine !! ill let it go !! yes i know...i love you too biffle bear !

From: Louis

Bye  :D again <3

To: Louis


Well....that was interesting. After all this talking to the boys for the past would think that i would fan girl over it all the time...and i can honestly tell you...on the inside i do...but weirdly enough i think im getting used to it ...i mean here and there i have those little "OMG IWREBGWERGNWRE" moments...but other than seems almost normal. I really do feel like i can truly trust both Harry and Louis, but their mischievous ways scare me. 

Im actually terrified to find out the guys reactions to me. I mean what if they dont like the idea? and then Lou and Harry stop talking to me? That will kill me. Niall im not so worried about its more Liam thats worrying me. Will he hate the idea? Will he be un-phased ? Will he want to get to know me too ? I guess i wont find out til the time comes. 

And for some weird reason i got a message from an unknown number right at this very moment that just answered my question

From: unknown

Hi. Is this Aria ?? Yes this is Liam. I just have to say that im not very fond at the idea of you talking to Louis and Harry ... please stop ...Thank you ! 

And for the first time in ages...i was speechless.. 


A/N sooooo it looks like Liam isnt too happy about this....but how did he find out ? ;)

What do you think ? :) Arent these two cute as well ? ...aww 

Can any of you guess which songs they were singing aswell ?

Now this is going to sound weird and i havent even thought of who i want her to date...or if she even dates any of them yet ..but who do you ship ?

#Haria ? # Louria ? ..or if theres any other names that you can think of ? haha ! <3

Picture: its a gif of Louis...OMFGSH !!! i LAUGHED SO HARD HAHAHAHA ! if u watch it comment what ur reaction was !! haha

REMEMBER !!!  v/c for dedication !!! <3






-Laura xo 

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