Stubborn Love -Klaus

By GiBbErZz

118K 2.8K 296

"It's always been you, Niklaus!" I cried at his retreating back, tears streaming down my pale cheeks. "It was... More

Chapter One - The Unfamiliar
Chapter Two- Recognition
Chapter Three -Dance With Me
Chapter Four -Remind Me
Chapter Five - Unraveling
Chapter Six -Will You Scream?
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight -The truth.
Chapter Nine -Her Dying Compromise.
Chapter Ten - A turn for the worst.
Chapter Eleven - Monstrous.
Chapter Twelve -Manic.
Chapter Fourteen -Sadistic.
Chapter Fifteen - Revelations.
Chapter Sixteen - Wake up.
Chapter seventeen- Awaken

Chapter Thirteen -Nightmare.

3.6K 94 1
By GiBbErZz

Present day -Mikaelson Manor.

"Bonnie, are you alright?" Elijah got to his feet quickly followed by Kol. But Bonnie remained on her knees, gazing up at the two brothers with wild eyes.
"I liked you, Elijah, I really did. You were humble and honourable. You always have been, haven't you? That's what you mother admired most about you, unlike your brothers," She shot a witheringly glare at Kol. "But still that wasn't enough, was it? She still wanted you terminated. She wanted to kill her own children after turning you into the monsters you're destined to suffer as."
"Who are you?" Elijah demanded.
"Who am i? Elijah," She laughed,"poor, naive, hopeless, Elijah," Out of nowhere the rooms temperature dropped and wind began to pick up. Bonnie's hair blew and swirled around her face as she smirked. And then almost noticeably Bonnie's body began to shift - it began to rise. With no effort her body was lifted up into the air by the wind and soon she was upright, standing on nothing, hovering just above the ground, a couple of inched above the Brothers. "I'm your worst nightmare."
Bonnie's eyes glazed over black and dark unnatural veins wriggled underneath every inch of her skin, her hair fanned out around her head like an evil, black halo. And she swung out of her left hand forcefully. Every single glass pane in the room shattered, windows, mirrors, cups, everything exploded.
Elijah and Kol watched wide eyed as the room was showered in glass. They covered the eyes and shielded as much of themselves as they could but still glass managed to find it's way to bury deep into their skin.
Insane laughter rang out. "You shouldn't have done it, Elijah. You should have left it alone; left Aleysia alone. She was dying, it was her time." Bonnie's shoulders lifted in a shrug. " It was her time five hundred and twenty three years ago. You haven't stopped anything. You Michelson's just can't take defeat, can you? She's never going to live -not for long anyway. It's not her destiny."
"Who are you?!" Kol growled, lowly. He had had enough staying silent and letting Elijah try and control the situation that he really wasn't succeeding in.
She hummed as if contemplating the question. "You know what I have to say to you, Kol."
"I don't care," He gritted out.
"It was never you." The smirk on Bonnie's lips twitched. "Never. You meant nothing to her. Aleysia didn't care."
"Shut up."
"She knew, you know; about your feelings. You never did keep them secret. But she pretended she didn't so she didn't have to force herself to have the god awful conversation with you."
"Shut up!" Kol's control was slipping. His control was always tested when it came down to Aleysia and these words were destroying him. Cutting him deeply and he didn't like it. In fact, he hated every single letter than left the Bennett witches mouth.
"The truth does hurt, or so I've been told." She shrugged, uncaring. "But you gotta let it go, Kol. Really, after all this time; all this time of not knowing, of confusion and fear, it's still him. It's still Klaus. And it will always be him. You're just the back-up."
"Enough!" He growled. All of his self control slipped and his face morphed. His eyes turned red and his fang elongated.
"But you haven't even hear the best part yet-"
"I. Said. Enough!" Kol charged towards the witch and for a fleeting second actually thought that he was going to make it to her in time, but just as he came an inch away from her he was tossed backwards into the wall, like a rag doll. Elijah was instantly between the two, his back to his brother and his eyes locked with Bonnie's.
"Tell us who you are." He ordered angrily.
Slowly the Bennett witch's eyes began to fade back into their warm chocolate-y brown and she was lowered to her feet, however the wind did anything but die down.
Bonnie raised three fingers. "There are only three people alive that know who I am." She grinned. "Me." Her eyes flickered behind Elijah, "Kol," Kol's head snapped up and narrowed his eyes in confusion. And then Bonnie's gaze fell elsewhere. "And her."
Both Kol and Elijah turned their heads to follow her gaze to where Aleysia was seemingly asleep.
"She knows everything. Every memory that was hidden from her- from you, all compulsion, it's been freed. How much of that do you want her to really remember, Kol? Because I think when the truth comes out, you're going to have a very very vengeful Hybrid on your back. Well, that is if you decide to tell him she's alive. You couldn't bring yourself to do it last time, could you? I wonder what would have changed if you had, if he had known that she had been alive this whole time." Bonnie's voice slowly transformed into a raspy whisper. "Do you feel guilty, Kol? Do you feel anything? She's never going to forgive you."
Kol stayed motionless on the floor where Bonnie had previously tossed him. He couldn't find the strength to move, he was too busy repeated her words over and over again in his head. He did feel guilty. Unnaturally so, but even with the substantial pressure of the ever growing guilt, he was able to justify his actions. To reassure himself that everything he did was beneficial and was good. But now he was scared, he was terrified of Aleysia's memories finally being restored because everything he has tried to hide for over the last five hundred year was about to be exposed and there was no way that Kol could survive knowing that Aleysia hated him. Couldn't forgive him for what he had done.
"Look at him," Bonnie cooed. "Curled up in a little ball, drowning in his self pity. I suggest you get the truth out of Kol before Klaus hears it from Aleysia. We all know whose side he's going to ta-" A scream ripped through Bonnie and her body convulsed, spasming as she collapsed to the ground.

England, 1490.

"Aleysia, put that down, now!" Her father scolded once again.
Aleysia looked up her father and frowned but did as she was told. She placed her newly polished sword back down onto the dark desktop. Since she had received the gift from her brother on her birthday she hadn't once removed it from her Fathers working space. She knew that her mother would loose all sanity she had if she saw her only daughter wielding a sword. And knowing that she actually owned one would probably result in a heart attack. Her Farther after a lot of persuasion of Edwards behalf had allowed Aleysia to keep the sword and not tell their mother of the secret.
"Father. . ." Aleysia said slowly.
Her father paused in his work. "Yes?"
She looked up at him with her innocently wide, green eyes and smiled softly. "Could you teach me?"
Her father put down his forging Hammer and gave his daughter his complete attention. "To use a sword?" He clarified.

She nodded, apprehensively. "Yes,"
He shook his head, defiantly. "No, Aleysia. I will not. It is not a woman right to wield a sword and I refuse to teach you as much."
"No, 'buts'. I have been accepting of you being in possession of a sword; of your brother forging one for you, however the line in drawn at using the weapon. It is nothing but an ornament, Aleysia, especially to you."
Aleysia didn't mean to- she tried her hardest not to- but she couldn't help it, her eyes watered.
"Please," She tried once again weakly.
Her father shook his head and returned back to his work.

Aleysia made her way into the house after leaving her father to work in peace. She didn't want to be around him right now, she hated that she wasn't able to do things that other people could. Although she understood. She understood why woman didn't do a much as the men. Why the men were allowed to do more, why they were in charge. But even though she understood she didn't like it. But she could never bring herself to speak out about such matter. It would cause a lot of problems, for her entire family.
"Aleysia, darling, is that you?" Her mother called as soon as she stepped inside.
"Yes, Mother. Edwards helping Mister Godtare."
Her mother came around the corner with a bright grin. "That sweet man." Her mother said. "I still don't understand how he can continue on the way he is, but anyway," Her mother handed her an envelope. "This came for you."
Aleysia tentatively took the letter from her mother. She had never once received her own personalised letter before. The enveloped was thick and made from a rich paper that people around here just wouldn't be able to afford. She flipped it over and brushed her fingers against the right red wax seal.
"Are you going to open it?" Her mother pressed.
Aleysia slid her finger under the seal and gave a short tug. The seal came off easily and the envelope flipped open. She grabbed the letter inside and opened it.

Her eyes scanned the contents quickly before frowned. "This cannot be right, Mother." She said once she'd finished.
Her mother quickly took it from her hands and read it. With every word that Elizabeth read the more her face seemed to brighten and when she finished she encased her daughter into a choking embrace.
"Mother. . . " Aleysia tried.
"Do you know what this means, Aleysia?" Elizabeth said, pulling away.
"Nothing." She answered. "It means nothing because i'm not going."
The smile on her mothers face dropped. "Why not?"
"It's not real, Mother. We don't get invited to these extravagant events. They happen without us every year."
"But this time is different. You've been invited my one of the lords personally."
"'Personally' would have consisted of him coming here and asking me himself, Mother. But they don't wonder that far from their money."
"Aleysia, you're being unnecessarily rude."
"But it's true! I'm not going to entertain some Lords just in the hopes of being noticed."
"But you have been noticed."
"I don't believe it." She said defiantly.
"You should go, Darling. This won't happen again."
"It's not what I would class as fun, Mother."
Her mother smiled tenderly and brushed hair out of Aleysia's face. "You might surprise yourself."

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