Loving Mister Uchiha. [SasuNa...

By LilBeats23

69.7K 2K 817

Naruto had a MAJOR crush on Sasuke since when they first met as a child, and when Sasuke left the Hidden Leaf... More

Loving Mister Uchiha [SasuNaru Fanfiction *BoyxBoy*]
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 ( part 1 )
Chapter 6 ( part 2 )
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
[ TSAC ]Chapter 13 [ Reunion ]
[ TSAC ] Chapter 14 [ Our Married Life ]

Chapter 2

5.8K 181 57
By LilBeats23


Chapter 2


Naruto woke up early, and probably wondering why.

"heh! who cares." He said " today is a beautiful day, cause i have no school today, yey!" Naruto sang. He went to the bathroom and took a shower, put some clothes on, the same morning routine.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Naruto shouted and he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed straight to the front door. Naruto opened the door and he slightly flinched because of what he saw. It was Sasuke.

"Morning dobe." Sasuke greeted Naruto.

"What are you doing here, teme!?" Naruto asked.

"Jeez, Calme down. Look, Kakashi said that i can pick whoever i want to accompany me to the

Hokages office. So go get dressed." Sasuke told Naruto while waving his hand gesturing Naruto to move fast.

Naruto blushed when he realized that he was still wearing the towel, He ran fast back to his room and put on his usual clothing. Naruto walked down the stairs.

"Took you long enough." Sasuke told Naruto with a grin.

"Shut up." Naruto answered quitely.


They are now walking in the halway towards the Hokage's office.

"What am i going to do here,?" Naruto asked.

"Help me with my Residential Papers, Idiot" Sasuke answered.

"Hmpf...." Naruto looked away.

They entered the Hokage's Office.

"Morning Oba-chan!" Naruto greeted Tsunade.

"Morning Naruto. Now, your Sasuke right?" Tsunade asked.

"Hai." Sasuke responded.

"Here's your paper that needs to be submitted tomorrow. You can bring them home if you want, just submit them in time." She said while finding something under the papers in her desk.

Sasuke nodded, and headed straight to the door Naruto followed Sasuke.

"Naruto." Tsunade called " stay for a minute"

Naruto nodded.

"Sasuke, I'll see you outside." Naruto told Sasuke. Sasuke nodded.

"What do you want, Oba-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Inform Kakashi that your team will continue traing next week, and accompany your boyfriend tomorrow for his submission for the papers." She told Naruto with a smirk.

Naruto blushed."Oba-chan. Sasuke is not my boyfriend okay!?" He said still blushing.

"Oh, Yeah , Sure, Whatever you say. Shizune bring me some sake." Tsunade ordered.

"Hai." Shizune responded.

"Okay, Naruto you are now dismissed." Tsunade told Naruto.

Naruto nodded and exited the room. He made his way to Sasuke, who looked troubled with the papers.

Narutos POV

The words are still playing in my mind.

'accompany your BOYFRIEND tomorrow........'

'accompany your BOYFRIEND tomorrow........'

'accompany your BOYFRIEND tomorrow........'

'accompany your BOYFRIEND tomorrow........'

'accompany your BOYFRIEND tomorrow........'

"Oh my god, Am i gay towards Sasuke?" He whispered, then face-palmed.

"Something wrong dobe?" Sasuke asked.

"Nothing, And dont call me Dobe!" I looked at him, with a glare

"Okay." Sasuke responded. "Dobe." I looked at him, and he smiled. I blushed.

Am i really gay towards Sasuke?




Chapter 2



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