Petty rivalry -an Uchiha love...

By ruka7216

24.1K 468 168

The Itakes and the Uchihas. Both clans have been wiped out and both clans have only one survivor. Yuuki Itak... More

Let's get started
Kicking some uchiha butt
The blood curling nightmares
team 7/the team from hell
The test
My idiotic teammates
Oh wow... ==
I wonder who
Not bad ppl...not bad >)
Richan appears

Ermmm Can't think of a title

1.8K 47 9
By ruka7216

<<yaaaaaay I got more comments than in the previous chapter! Luv u guys 4 the confidence boost ur AWSHUM 4 that! Plz comment again cus as I announced I won't update unless I have at least 1 comment in the latest chapter ik it's mean but Im an attention whore and needs to know that I still have fans. I don't own naruto just yuuki Itake who btw ish pro so no dissing her in this chaper shes u get 2 know more about her personality>>

Yuukis POV:

I walked into the house to find it surprisingly clean. Wow, I guess the hokage really wants my abilities to become an asset for the village. Well that's good since I don't want to spend all day cleaning. I decided on the largest master bed room in the house and unpacked my few belongings. Placing a kunai under my pillow I finally settled in. Putting a band with multiple kunai attached to it around my thigh and putting on a long tank top underneath another shorter colored tank top and some shorts on I headed out towards the ninja school. I was taking my sweet time since I already graduated in the land of water. (srry idk if that's Wat it's called) suddenly I heard a loud voice.

"get back here naruto!" cried the voice. Suddenly an orange blob rushed towards me trying to stop. Stepping one step to the side I watched the blob fall and get taken away tied up by a jonin. I sighed slightly melodramatically. Two jonins couldn't catch a 13 year old. Pathetic. I walked into my assigned classroom to find the orange blo- I mean kid in the orange jumpsuit being lectured by what I guess was the teacher. Keeping my face blank I gave the teacher a note from the hokage.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!" he randomly yelled," this is Yuuki Itake. She's a new studnet! Introduce yourself yuuki." holding back the urge to run away and get a hearing test to make sure I wasn't deaf I went to the front of the class. I bowed and introduced myself

" my name is Yuuki Itake. Please take care of me." I say with a gentle and charismatic smile.

"All right. Since naruto missed it we are going to do the transformation jutsu again."

Sasuke's POV:

Hn this new girl will never be a decent ninja. She looks too fragile she could never learn to kill someone. Her expression, how her skin is so pale and looks so breakable almost like porcelain and her lack of muscle she's useless. She's the heir to my clan's rival? Give me a break. Yet there's something familiar about her that I cant place my finger on.

Yuuki's POV:

"sasuke Uchiha." those words made me tense up for a nanosecond. He just had to be in this class didn't he? Sighing I watched as he did a perfect transformation from the back of the room. He suddenly surprised me by sitting next to me. Baka Uchiha just leave me alone so I can hate you.

"drop out of the academy." he said in a straight forward fashion. I looked at him questioningly. Well then again he can always say something to make me hate him.

"your too weak. You will have to kill when you become a ninja. Are you ready to do that?" he said.

"........." I waited for the right amount of hate to build up from those words. I stood up from my seat abruptly and walked towards the sensei and tapped him on the shoulder. I felt a certain Uchiha's stare as I did so.

"Sensei?" I asked tentatively. Both the sensei and sasuke were staring at me waiting for my statement.

"yes yuuki?" he said with a questioning tone.

"I would like to spar with one of the other classmates to get to know them." I say with a confident smile. "may I please spar with Sasuke Uchiha?" I wasn't smiling anymore ohhhh heck no! I was smirking as sensei gave his approval.

Sasuke's POV:

My eyes widened with shock. Who is this girl? Just a minute ago she looked like she couldn't hurt a fly now she looks like she enjoyed the prospect of fighting me. Hn let's see if she has any skills as a ninja at all.

<<btw yuuki's fav weapons are kunai and she has them like the 1 on the pic except imagine alot of them with a band through it. That's what she wears on her thigh. I'll draw it maybe if I remember next time. comment vote and maybe fan if ur up for it pls also i just tried drawing manga for the 1st time tell me wat u think>>

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