REWRITING A 180 Degree Turn

By NicholasChase

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Okay, guys. I am so sorry for being such a crappy author, but I have my reasons. I will be updating this stor... More

Chapter One - A 180 Degree Turn
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 3
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyxBoy] Chapter 4
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 1
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 5 PART 2
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 6
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 7
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 8
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 9
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 10
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 12
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 13
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 14
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 15
A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 16

A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 11

2.4K 71 7
By NicholasChase

Gabriele’s POV

Today couldn’t have come any sooner. I was going to meet up with Dylan. I’m a bit nervous seeing as I was cold to him the last time we met. It was a childish move on my part.

I passed the living room to see my family sprawled everywhere watching a classic Disney movie.

“Guys, I’m heading out. Don’t include me for lunch.” I tell them. I heard a chorus of grunts and “uh’s” indicating they heard me. I made sure the door was closed shut as I hopped into my car and rode towards a private beach house owned by Dylan’s family.

The beach house took twenty minutes to reach. The house was a wide, one floor glass and wooden house. It was modern and classic combined. What made it even prettier was the private beach which was trash-free and there was a cave in the property.

The whole property was separated by barbed wires. There was also a forest nearby which I’m guessing is Dylan’s favorite part.

I parked my car just outside the fence.

There was a KEEP OUT, PRIVATE PROPERTY sign near the entrance which was wide open. I walked on the limestone pathway leading to the beach house. There were children playing on the beach. They also happened to be the same ones Dylan was with yesterday.

I took off my Vans and walked on the silk-like sand towards the playing children. One was sitting nearby, making sandcastles so I decided to approach him first.

I bent my knees and crouched to his level. “Hey there,” I greeted him. The boy turned to look at me and I saw it was the kid who I helped yesterday, the one whose nose bled.

His eyes flickered from blue to green behind thick lashed. “Hello.” He also greeted me with a shy smile. This kid was too adorable for his own good. He looked familiar, though.

“What’s your name?” I asked him nicely.

“I’m Alexander. Only daddy and my brother and sister can call me Alex.” He says with a cute grin. It made me swoon internally.

“Okay. Alexander, can you tell me where Dylan is?” I asked him again.

Alexander’s head tilted a bit to the side. Oh, stop the cuteness. My daily dose of cuteness will exceed and I might die from blood loss due to nosebleed. “Dylan?” He pondered.

“I meant your daddy. Have you seen him?” How adorable. I just want to lock this kid in a room and never let him out. Those dimples are going to be heart breakers someday in the future both to men and women.

Alexander’s eyes lit in recognition. “Yes! Daddy’s in the kitchen making us sammiches.” He said enthusiastically. I resisted the urge to hug him. It might freak him out.

I thanked Alexander and I walked up a set of rocky steps and entered a sliding door leading straight to the kitchen.

Dylan was there mixing juice and making sandwiches and cutting up fruits. It was a heartwarming sight. It was of a man devoted to loving his children, making them snacks with a happy smile. That man also happens to be my boyfriend.

“Gabriele,” Dylan acknowledged my presence with a sheepish grin. “Glad you could make it. Let me fix this up and we can talk while the kids eat. Would you mind calling them?”

I nodded my head and walked down the steps and into the beach to call Dylan’s children. It was strange to say “Dylan’s children”, but it sounded right nonetheless.

“Hey guys,” I called after them. They gathered around me and I told them the snacks were ready.

The little girl who looked so much like Dylan that it was creepy, complained that she was tired and raised her arms, a sure sign she wanted me to carry her.

“I’m Cathewine. Daddy and my bwothers caw me Cat.” She informed me and stuck her thumb in her mouth in an adorable manner after talking. Be still my heart! She looked like a younger girl version of Dylan. Catherine has his brown hair and light brown eyes.

Alexander took my right hand as I carried Catherine with my left.

A small hand clutched my shirt and heart. It was the cute little boy who I could tell would grow up to be a fine young man one day.

He had dirty blond hair and a wary look in his icy blue eyes. It was a normal look on a curious child. “Hello there.” I greeted him with a warm smile.

The boy grasping my shirt gave me a toothy grin. “I’m William. Only daddy and my siblings can call me Will. Are you daddy’s boyfriend? In that case, you can call me Will too!”

Oh dear. Dylan’s children will be the death of me. Cuteness overload. I just want to squeeze them until they can’t breathe anymore. Okay, too far, thoughts. Too far.

Dylan’s grin widened when he saw me with his kids. He ushered them into the living room and left come cookies, fruits, sandwiches and juice for them to eat. He put on Finding Nemo and we went outside to talk which was my purpose in coming here.

We sat down at the table on the back porch of the house. It was awkward. I wasn’t sure if I should be asking first or if I should wait for him to say something.

“So,” I drawled. I absolutely have no idea what to say.

Dylan sighed and finally spoke. “Okay. Let me start by saying I’m sorry about this situation. I wouldn’t be shocked if you decide to drop me.”

I smiled wistfully at Dylan. “I don’t think I can, Dyl. I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to leave you. I’m also sorry for being immature yesterday.”

Dylan laughed. “I’d never. And don’t apologize. I would be upset too if I suddenly bump into you and I find out you have kids.”

“Gabriele, I swear I never cheated on you. I didn’t know I had children until a few days ago when they were sent to me. Their mother died. I don’t want them to grow up without parents.” Dylan explained.

I smiled at him. Dylan was simply perfect. He’d make a great dad. “Don’t worry, Dylan. I’m fine, amore. Besides, your children are so attraente.”

Dylan’s brow rose. “It’s sexy when you speak Italian. What does that mean anyway?”

“It can mean attractive, charming and cute.” I informed him.

“Ah,” He boasted, “They got those from me.”

“Wouldn’t doubt that.”

We both laughed at that. It was a calm and peaceful moment.

We were silent once more. We both knew all was forgiven.

“Who’s their mother?” I asked in curiosity.

“Sue Patterson.” Dylan told me.

I just nodded my head. No wonder the little boy named Alexander looked like someone familiar. He looked somewhat like his mother, Sue.

“How old are they?” I asked again. I know it was nosey to keep asking, but Dylan didn’t seem to mind.

“Three years old.” He said with a fond smile.

My eyes widened with shock. They looked like a bunch of five year old children. How can three year old infants look like that?

“It’s a wolf thing.” Dylan answered when he saw my shocked expression.

Once again, we lapsed into silence. It was another comfortable silence where you just want to sit and do nothing as the hot afternoon breeze from the sea blew at your face. It was peaceful. No trouble at all.

My phone vibrated and I saw a message from maman saying it was importante.

“Dylan, your children are angels, but I have to go. My mother texted saying it was urgent. See you when I see you.” I said and pecked his lips. He grabbed my wrist as I was about to leave and pulled me in for a deeper kiss.

Dylan’s tongue forced itself in my mouth and I moaned at the feeling of our tongues twisting, entwining like vines. We were simply kissing, no battles of dominance.

Dylan finally let go of me and I bade the children farewell. They were still engrossed by the movie.

“Come see us again next time!” Catherine chirped, her eyes leaving the television for a split second to give me a smile.

As I drove away, I saw Dylan stare at me from the living room window.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us, bambino?” Maman asked for the nth time.

My nonna was sick so maman and papan needed to fly to Italy to make sure my sickly grandmother was well. Also, they haven’t seen her in a while.

Non ti preoccupare, mamma.” I rolled my eyes at maman’s worrying. “I’m all grown up so I’ll be fine.”

“B-but, bambino,” She said in a worried tone, “we don’t know what might happen with you all alone here. Oh mio dio! What if there’s a thief?”

My parents were going to visit nonna, my maternal grandmother who is in Italia. Mother was worried because she was sent to the hospital just this morning. Her siblings contacted her and said that my mother’s youngest brother was the only one who is with her.

Also, Elizabeth and Nicholas were going to visit their parents and nonna so they were also leaving. And I was here, stuck at home since I still had one more week of classes.

I shot my papan a help-me-look. Maman just won’t stop worrying.

“Gabriele is a responsible young adult, il mio amore. Stop fussing over our little boy. Now, stop being paranoid.” Papan reassured maman.

Maman still didn’t look sure because she knew I’ve wanted to go back to Italy for some time now, but it couldn’t wait. Besides, it was importante mom was there. Nonna was in a critical condition and might not make it (and I pray that she would).

“Go, mamma.” I tell her again in a reassuring voice. If they don’t leave now, they’ll be late for the flight. “I promise I’ll be fine. I have the numbers for the police, your numbers, Dylan’s, the fire department and pizza delivery.”

Mamma finally agreed, though reluctant, and got in the car. Our nanny, Isabella, and butler, Marco, were also going home to Italia. They haven’t been home in years.

“But you can’t cook.” Mama reasoned.

“I’ll be staying at Hailey’s house. I’ve asked her already.” Mother pursed her lips. I rolled my eyes again.

After a brief do’s and don’ts speech from mother, I bade all of them good bye and watched as my entire family boarded my papa’s most precious white Hummer limo. I sighed. My parents tend to flaunt their wealth to the world. But then again, they worked hard for it.

The car took off and I could see my mother’s worried face as they drove off to the airport. They wouldn’t be back in two weeks.

After the car was completely gone from my sight, I rushed upstairs to pack some clothing so I could proceed to Hailey’s house.

In all of my friends’ houses, we have each other’s clothes so we could stay wherever. Just as I was about to close the small backpack filled with money, mostly and gadgets, the doorbell rang.

I ran down towards the security camera at the gates to see who it was. The television showed a teenage boy looking around frantically.

“Who is it?” I asked through the microphone.

“I’m Mac, a friend of Dylan.” Mac rushed. “It’s an emergency. Please, come quick. Dylan and his kids are in trouble!”

At the mention of Dylan and the children in danger, I pocketed my phone and put the security cams and house protection on high alert. I let our guard dogs roam free after leaving a sack of dog food outside so they don’t starve for days.

After putting the house on total lockdown, I followed the boy, Mac into his car with no hesitation. I buckled up and he drove on the road like a maniac.

I wouldn’t have thought that following Mac would’ve become my stupidest decision ever.


A/N: OMFG! What’s happening???

Haha. I’m such a boring author (sorry)

I have no idea what’s going to happen myself.

I’m candid.

Anyhoe ---> enjoy, vote, comment (for criticism or moral support), and (or you may now) fan! :D

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