A Kinda Happy Love Story

By alliero

8.6K 220 21

(Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction.) Tony Jackson needs a change of scenery. He takes his daughter, moves to Charmin... More

Chapter 1: Back Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Author's Note #1
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note #2

Chapter 3

985 25 1
By alliero

July 12th, 2015

I was walking down the hallway of Charming High, today had been such a great day. It was about to get even better. I was standing at my locker when the cutest boy in school walked up to me.

"Hey, Alexis," he said with an adorable half smile on his face.

"Uh, h-hey, Dylan," I stuttered out back at him.

"You look beautiful today, sweetheart," he purred out at me. I was shocked. Dylan had never even talked to me before and now he was saying I was beautiful.

"Wow, thanks, Dylan," I said as I smiled shyly and looked down at the floor.

When I raised my head to speak to him again I noticed the atmosphere in the hallway had shifted. Dylan was laughing at me, all the other people in the hallway had stopped to look at me too. They were pointing and laughing right along with Dylan. I turned and look in my locker mirror and I saw why. My whole body was dripping wet and my makeup was smeared and running down my face. I began to shiver and feel freezing cold. I was so embarrassed, I ran down the hallway looking for the nearest bathroom as everything started to fade...

"WAKE THE FUCK UP, MICKEY," I heard coming from somewhere near me. My head was still somewhat in a fog from being asleep. I gasped for air as I tried to recover from the shocking cold. "Happy fuckin' birthday, kid! You're finally legal!" It was Jax screaming at me as I laid in my bed. I finally opened my eyes and saw him standing there with a bucket. A bucket which was previously filled with the ice water he had just dumped on me.

"Jax, what the fuck man," I growled out at him, "Why did you pour water on me?! What time is it?! I was having a great dream till you interrupted asshole."

"It's 10:47, butthead. Now get up! It's your 18th birthday and you gotta go shopping while we go to the clubhouse for church. Then we gotta get ready for your party," he was so excited. He sounded like a five year old opening presents on Christmas morning. "We're gonna have a party tonight. I'm gettin' Mickey drunk tonight. I'm gettin' so much ass tonight," he sang as he walked around my room. He opened one of my drawers, grabbed some joggers and a t-shirt, and threw them at me.

"Come on, sis. Get up and go get in the shower! Mom is making a big ass breakfast it's lots of bacon and you know she ain't gonna let anybody have shit till you make your birthday plate first," he whined, "Get your skinny ass out of bed cause me and the boys are starving."

I rolled over and threw my pillow at him as I sat up in the bed.

"Ugh, remind me why I agreed to this party in the first place?"

"Well number one because nobody throws a better party than SAMCRO. Two, because you know the crow eaters from damn near every charter and for some reason they like you. And three, us guys love crow eaters and we love to party. Put those things together and you got the baddest crow eaters on the West Coast coming to Charming to celebrate with you, and the guys get highest quality pussy the Sons have to offer for an entire weekend," he said all that in the happiest voice he could muster. It made me want to laugh but I had to keep acting pissed off if I was going to get him out of my room anytime soon. Jax did what he had to do for the club, but he was a talkative ass softie when he was with me.

What he had said was true. SAMCRO did throw one hell of a party, especially when it was a special occasion. The princess of SAMCRO turning 18 was considered to be a very special event, so tonight was going to be epic. The guys never missed an opportunity to have a change in the pussy scenery, so they used me as an excuse every opportunity they could to get different crow eaters down to Charming for a weekend. I was never upset about it. I knew a lot of the guys were with crow eaters to relieve stress and I wanted to make sure they were relaxed as possible so that when shit went down they were ready. But I'd never let them know that.

"Ugh," I fake gagged at Jax's response, "Why did I ask? You know, I don't even know why I like you guys. You're all sexist, pussy craving, dickheads." Jax laughed at my fake disgust.

"Oh stop acting, that's why you love us, darling," he shot back while flashing a classic jax Teller grin at me. "And members from four different states are gonna be there tonight. So you're gonna have your pick of the litter. I know you're happy about that." He gave me a knowing smirk and raised his eyebrow at me.

I just smiled innocently in return. Jax was right, I was actually very happy about all the brothers coming in. It gave me a huge pool of options to pick from and I planned on having mind-blowing birthday sex with someone before the night was over. That was one good thing about having a trigger happy, gun enthusiast father nicknamed "Twitch". I could fuck as many different guys as I wanted and they would never open their mouth to tell anyone. They didn't want it to get back to my dad and have him put a bullet in their ass. I'd fucked 2 Sons from Tacoma and 2 from Rogue River so far, but nobody knew who the guys were because they'd never said a word. They never called me a slut or whore, they respected me and my family and they knew I was just a girl who enjoyed sex.

I finally got out of my thoughts and responded to Jax, "Yeah whatever dude. Now get out of my room so I can get ready, dickhead."

"Those are the words I've been waiting to hear, sis," he said. I thought he was about to walk out of the room but then he turned and started walking towards me with a weird grin on his face.

"What are you doing, doofus?" I asked warily as he got closer.

Too quickly for me to react he jumped at me and grabbed both my wrists. He used his weight to pin me to the bed and his grin broke out into a devilish smile as he climbed on top of me and started planting kisses all over my face. He knew how much it grossed me out when he kissed me. Even though we weren't blood we were still raised like brother and sister. He laughed as I tried to fight him off. I didn't stand a chance against him in this position. I had no leverage on top of the fact that he was already stronger than me.

"Happy. Birthday. Mickey," he said between each kiss.

"Get the fuck off me, Donald!" I yelled as I tried to turn my head back and forth so he couldn't kiss me.

Donald and Mickey were nicknames we'd given each other when I was a little girl. As a kid I had this obsession with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so Jax, Juice, and Opie started calling me Mickey. In return I'd started calling Jax, "Donald", because we were the closest and Donald and Mickey were best friends. I started calling Juice, "Goofy", because he was the funniest out of all of us and he wasn't the brightest even though he was good with computers. He was always helping me pull pranks on the other guys or making me laugh, so Goofy was the best fit. I'd started calling Opie, "Pete", because he was the most serious out of all of us. We often joked that he was ruining all the fun, like Pete did to Mickey and his friends. We still loved him though. The nickname stuck and eventually all the guys in the club started calling me Mickey, but Jax, Juice, and Opie wouldn't let anybody outside of us 4 use their nicknames.

I finally got a hand free from Jax's grip and I punched him hard in the ribs. He rolled off me and grabbed his stomach while still laughing.

"Okay, okay, Mick. No need to be violent. I just wanted to tell my favorite little sister happy birthday," he laughed.

"Jackson, leave your sister alone so she can get ready," we looked up go see our mother, Gemma, standing in the doorway smiling at us. She was always happy seeing me and Jackson joke around together. She loved her babies and she was happy she didn't have the kind of kids that fought all the time. It was rare for Jax and I to fight.

My birth mom had taken off right after I was born. When my dad moved us to Charming, Gemma took me as her daughter. She always joked that she wasn't going to let my dad and the guys "turn me into some butch ass dyke man lady." Gemma's words, not mines. I loved her and my godfather Clay, I spent just as much time with them and Jax as I did my real dad, Tony who had earned the nickname Twitch. I had my own room at their house and I basically lived there. I didn't like being alone in my house and my dad spent a lot of nights at the club house or on runs.

Jax got up out of my bed still smiling, "Yes ma'am," he replied as he finally got out of my room. He gave Gem a kiss on the cheek as he walked out. "Love you, squirt," he called over his shoulder as he started down the hall.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too, asshole," I yelled back.

Gemma chuckled as she came and sat down on my bed next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart. I can't believe my little girl is all grown up," she said softly. I looked over at her and I could see tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, ma. Finally. I can go to the gas station and buy your cigs like you're always itchin' to ask me to," I joked to lighten the mood.

"Well you're right about that, kiddo. So prepare yourself for midnight trips to the gas station for Newports," she laughed. She got quiet and we sat in silence for a moment before she spoke again, "Okay, baby, well I just wanted to say happy birthday and tell you to hurry before breakfast gets cold. I sent Jax, but clearly he didn't do a good job of telling you."

I laughed, "Yeah, mom. He just made me take even longer." I got up and started digging through my drawers to find underwear.

Gemma got up off my bed and started to walk out. "Okay, sweetheart, I'm going back to the living room to try to keep the boys from eating all your food."

I chuckled and replied, "Yeah, good luck with that mom."

As she closed my door I decided to skip taking a shower to save time. I'd already taken one the night before anyway. I would just take one in my dorm at the clubhouse before the party started. I got dressed and began thinking about all the things I had to prepare for the party. I was supposed to go shopping with Nadia and Josiah around 1 o'clock. I went through my closet and picked a backup outfit just in case we couldn't find a good one at the mall or I spilled something on it during the party. I put the outfit into a bag and grabbed all the rest of the things I would need that night. I grabbed the duffle bag and headed out to the living room. As soon as I walked in I was greeted with hugs and kisses from my dad and all the guys.

After everyone told me happy birthday we made our plates and sat down at the table to eat. I looked around at my mom, my best friends, and all the guys with a smile on my face. "This is my family," I thought to myself. At least they were the only family I had ever known up until this point in my life. When my father joined the Sons most of his family in Detroit saw this as a return to the gang life and they turned their backs on him. My grandmother was really the only one who didn't cut us off. I had a few cousins my age who I followed on Twitter, but we didn't speak very much. My father and I had been through so much over the past 18 years but it only strengthened the bond we had. My dad, my mom, my godfather, my brothers, and my uncles were the people who would always be there for me. These people would die for me before they'd let me get hurt. Along with my two best friends, they had all watched my grow into the person I was today. My heart filled with love and pride as I looked at my family thinking they were all I'd ever need.

As I looked around I noticed a couple Nomad club members at the table: Herman Kozik and Happy Lowman. I was cool with Kozik. He was a blonde playboy, he'd tried to get into my pants multiple times but I wasn't impressed by him. He was fun to hang around though, we always got drunk and he always brought really good weed to smoke. Kozik was one of the Nomads I knew best, Happy Lowman however was the opposite. He was quiet but still managed to be a dick. He talked to the guys, but he tended to ignore me which I hated. He also had his face attached to a crow eater about 60% of the time when he was here, so we didn't speak much. I'd had a bit of a crush on him when I was around 15 or 16, but I don't think he really noticed me other than looking annoyed by my presence on a few occasions. I wondered what they were doing here. I knew a bunch of people had come into town for my birthday party, but I didn't expect to see anybody except SAMCRO at breakfast this morning.

I decided to save my questions for later and just enjoy the breakfast with my family. As I listened to my family laughing and having a good time I felt like someone's eyes were on me. I looked up, scanned the table and locked eyes with Happy Lowman. He stared at me for a few more seconds before dropping his gaze. This wasn't the first time I had caught Happy staring at me, but this time something in his stare was different. I wasn't sure, but it almost seemed like he wanted to tell me something. I sat there for a few seconds thinking about what happened before somebody tapped me and pulled me out of my thoughts. I shook it off and went back to enjoying my breakfast with my family. I had plenty of time to worry about Happy later.

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