The Brains and the Bad Boy

By SpoonsAndDoggos

395K 9.7K 503

Alice was a shy girl with a bright future ahead. She was brilliantly smart from all the studying she did to k... More

Count to Ten
Big Kid Soda
I Can't Take This
Lost Glasses and Cruel Girls
Nerd to Risktaker
He Found Out
Drunken Kiss
Daddy Salaway
The Jealousy is Real!
Counting Stones
One Mistake
40 Days Without An Accident
Aunt Diane
Burning Bar
First Party
First Party Part 2
Spring Break
Stormy Hearts
Anger Issues
Home Again
Spitting Bullets
Guns and Girls
Wingardium Levifuckyou
New Girl
Dance with Me
Culinary Disaster
Second to Last
I need your help!
Thanks for your help!

Mother's Day Problems

7.9K 231 12
By SpoonsAndDoggos

"So today, is Mother's Day as all of you know," Ms. Salonski started, "I want you to write a letter and give it to your mother as a gift." She clapped and I couldn't help but slouch far down in my seat. Way to make me feel left out, English teacher... "I hate my mom, she's so annoying." Andrew whined and I didn't respond. What an ungrateful little- "Are you ok?" He asked me.
"Totally, completely, 100% fine Mr. Ungrateful." I growled at him. I couldn't help it, I was kind of pissed I didn't have a mom to write to. "Oh, Alice dear, I forgot. I'm so sorry." She remembered as she looked to me.
"No, no, it's fine. It's just another day." I scowled and she gave me a pitying look.
"What do you mean?" Andrew interjected into the conversation.
"My mom's dead you ungrateful little bastard." I snapped and I got a look from the teacher.
"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss."
"I've heard that enough over the years, so if you would please shut the hell up." I spat at him out of spite for my situation. My phone beeped, 'wanna hang out this period? -THEHOTTESTPERSONYOULLEVERMEET' Note to self- change contact name immediately. "Mrs. C can I be excused?" I asked her politely and she gave me a curt nod. I found my way to the school's front yard, the parking lot was across campus from this class. I was caught by the waist suddenly the second I peered down to my phone. I gasped before turned to see a smirking Keith. "Fucking asshole!" I said slapping his chest.
"I think you mean 'the most amazing person you've had the curtesy to meet'." He snarked and I frowned at him with a raised eyebrow. Keith chuckled at my expression, "I'm surprised you actually ditched class, what's going on?" He asked, knowing me all too well.
"Mother's Day cards, not really a point in participating. Not like she can actually read it." I said with a frown.
"Aw, you ok?" He asked, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What do you want to do?"
"Dunno, how does the beach sound?" He answered.
"I don't have a bathing suit." And guess what he had in his backpack already? My bikini from vacation.

Next thing I knew we were on an LA beach. Keith pushed me into a changing room and we hit the sand. "You had this planned didn't you..."
"No. Sort of. Ok, I totally did." He smirked and I gave him a shove into a wave. He grabbed my hand last minute and I fell right on top of him as we crashed onto the sand. Our faces were an inch apart. "Why hello there." I said awkwardly. He chuckled and closed the space pretty quickly afterwards. "Get a room! God, teenagers." A guy yelled from a towel about 50 feet away, he looked to be in his twenties.
"Mind your fucking business." Keith shouted back, I rolled off of him and sat up blushing.
"Why don't you get back to fucking school." Keith went to help me up.
"He is right, we should be in school."
"You are such a nerd." He laughed at me.
"Hey! I take pride in that title." I pouted.
"Uh huh." And being the gentleman he is, once I was about to steady myself he let go of my hand and let me fall back into the water. My top almost untied and I was mortified for a minute as I hurried to tighten it again.
"The sign did say 'Clothing Optional" Keith said in my ear as I sat on the wet sand.
"Okay, next time I'll let the top come off for the whole beach to see." I said sarcastically.
"Never mind, that's only for me to see." He smirked. I blushed so hard that I probably matched my hair. "I'm going to get us something to drink, be right back, ok?" I coughed, getting up.
"I'll go with you." He said getting up now, I shook my head.
"I can walk to the bar by myself." I flipped my hair and put my other hand on my hip.
"Sorry, that's against the rules of dating me, princess."
"What rules?" I scoffed.
"The ones I made up obviously."
"About 5 seconds ago." He grinned and I let out a short "ha."
"Sorry, Red, I'm still going with you." I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, Daddy," I cringed right after I said it, that sounded better in my head. I felt him pull me close to his side. "That sounded a lot better in my head." I squeaked.
"Trust me it sounded just fine to me." He smirked and I covered my face in his shoulder. He waited a few feet back while I got us some root beers, when he asked for an ID from the last girl who asked for a beer I decided it'd be best to avoid alcohol. "What's with you kids and trying to sneak beers from me? It's obvious you aren't 21." He said while shaking his head disapprovingly. I shrugged in response and he handed me my order. I walked back to Keith who seemed annoyed with some girl who was fawning over him. "Here you go." I handed him his drink, cutting in front of the girl.
"Thanks babe." He said with a thankful half-smile. The girl scoffed, flipping her hair and leaving in her way too tiny for comfort bikini. "Was someone a little jealous?" Keith smirked, clasping his hands around me.
"Pfft, no. Like I would- ok fine, a little."
"That's kinda cute." He said with a chuckle and I smiled shyly. We found a nice spot in the sand and just relaxed for a good while. The beach was even prettier than the one by Disney. The sand was a bright white, the water was a sparkling turquoise that was crystal clear. "Its almost time for gym, should we head back yet?" I asked, looking up from his shoulder where I was laying my head.
"Nah, in a little bit we can." He replied and I nodded. A nice, relaxing day was what I needed for today.

I wish we'd just stayed at the beach, the last two periods were insufferably boring. "Ms. Clery, would you mind if I ask you a favor?" My History/English teacher gestured me over to her desk.
"Yeah Mrs. Chex?" I hiked my backpack higher on my shoulder.
"Can you tutor one of my struggling students for English?"
"Depends, who is it?"
"I think you know him, Keith Salaway?" She asked with squinted eyes like she wasn't sure. I laughed and nodded, "yeah I know him. I'll find some time for tutoring don't worry." she thanked me and sent me on my way. Keith was up front, waiting for me instead of the parking lot. "So, guess who I was asked to tutor for History?" I said with a grin.
"You." I answered sitting behind him.
"Good luck with that." He rolled his eyes.
"I have my ways." I said and we left for home. We were greeted by Zack who was back for some mid-semester break or something. "I was still hoping you would've left."
"And I was still hoping you'd get hit by a bus but neither of us are getting what we want." I said with a sarcastic smile. Zack rolled his eyes, now annoyed, while Keith stifled a laugh. Ms. Salaway greeted us from the kitchen as well as Steven.
I set up Keith and I's books on his little desk. "So what are your 'ways'?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. I thought for a second, he doesn't respond well to someone just reading to him. Something has to be in it for him.

"Right again." I said with a smile and he smirked. I was currently straddling his lap as I read off questions from a book we recently read. I kind of promised him that if he got 20 questions right he would get to do whatever he wanted to do with me this weekend and I'm slowly questioning that deal as he's gotten 19 questions right out of 25 with 2 remaining. "I think your in for a fun weekend." He said roughly and he pulled me closer by the hips, I blushed and went on with the final questions.
"I can't believe you got all twenty." I ran my fingers through my tangled ponytail.
"Did you expect less with that offer?" He chuckled and pulled me closer for a kiss that soon escalated into a full make out session. "So what exactly do you have in mind for this weekend, should I be scared?" I asked half-joking.
"Well I guess you'll just have to see, won't you?" Why can't people just answer a damn question when asked one?!

By nightfall we were having a little Mother's Day dinner for Ms. Salaway. "Don't you have a mom to go appreciate?" Zack asked the minute I sat down next to Keith who had my hand secured under the table. I downcast my eyes and bit my lip. "Zack, shut up." Keith snapped and I downcast my eyes.
"Sorry that I have to stay, Zack. I would be with my mom about now but the cemetery closes at 7." I said coldly and he blinked at me like he was a bit surprised. I felt Keith run his rough thumb over my knuckles in a circle and I relaxed a tiny bit. Ms. Salaway got some cards and tiny things from everyone, Keith got her a bracelet which I couldn't help but find adorable. Keith has let go of my hand and his palm was resting on my thigh. As time passed I felt it slowly creep higher and higher up on my leg until it was at the fringe of my shorts. I nudged him with my foot, what does he think he's doing?
His hand has officially crossed the shorts boundary and he was ignoring the nudges I was giving him. This was completely inappropriate and I almost didn't mind. Almost. Ok now the sirens were going off as his hand kept going and was now going between my thighs. I took a sip of my water as a cover up and to seemingly act normal as my breathing became a bit uneven. What the hell was he doing? I was fighting with myself with whether or not I should stop him, I really didn't but I knew I had to.
After dinner I walked into Keith's room and shut the door. "What do you think you're doing in there?!" I whisper shouted, my face now a bright shade of pinkish-red.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Red." He said with a smirk that didn't match the fein innocence in his voice. He had my body pressed against his, his free hand wandering around his newly marked territory. "Stoooop." I moaned, not sounding convincing that I wanted him to stop. He leaned in and kissed me. He kissed along my jaw and nibbled on my ear. "I just thought you'd want a preview of this weekend." He growled in my ear. Well, there goes any strength in my legs right there. I really should've thought that deal through, no turning back now I guess.

The next day came and went as well as the day after leaving me tired on a Friday afternoon. Ty is slowly beginning to feel better but not by much, Sabrina's still out to kill me, Keith keeps "giving me previews" of this weekend, and all that fun stuff. "I must say your tutoring has already started to help Mr. Salaway slightly. How, I haven't been able to ever teach him and his hoodlum friends a thing." Chex asked me after class, causing me to cringe at the thought of actually telling her.
"Um, that's not really important." I stammered and she raised an eyebrow.
"Well, I might want to use whatever your teaching method is for my other struggling students." She said and I shook my head vigorously.
"You really don't." I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck.
"Fine, forget it. So how do you know Mr. Salaway? You seem pretty comfortable with him."
"We got paired for a project in late February about. We started dating a few weeks ago."
"Oh... You are dating that disgrace of a young man?"
"You can't call someone a disgrace before you know them, Ms. C. He's actually great, he just doesn't take orders from teacher well. Or you know, police officers. Or his parents. Ok, he just doesn't take orders well."
"And he treats you well? I'm just making sure because of his reputation." I was taken aback by her rudeness.
"That you would even suggest that... Have a good weekend." I bit my tongue and added a fake smile. How uncalled for. My phone rang and I picked it up, it was Keith. "Where are you?" He asked.
"I'm on my way out now, see you in a minute." I assured him.
"Ok, I'm in the usual spot." He told me and I said ok before picking up my backpack and heading for the door. I pushed through Lindsey's skank army and found the parking lot. "Who does she think she is pushing through us like that?"
"Now I'm going to have to burn this shirt."
"Nerd germs."
"Now I have slut all over me!"
"Well it's a bit too late for that." I yelled ove my shoulder. Keith greeted me with a rushed kiss before getting on and leaving with me holding on behind him.

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