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Rosalina Aldaine has worked nonstop for her entire life. Currently a student at University of Chicago, she ho... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

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"I have some exciting news for you this morning, girlie," Joe told me right as I arrived at 9. I'd been working at Salvatore Corps for a little less than a month and I loved it. Joe had me doing all kinds of artwork and advanced paperwork. He was really impressed with my work, which made me want to try even harder.

"What is it?" I took of my coat and set it on the back of my chair.

"You know that prototype you created a few days ago? For the sponsorship ad?" I nodded. "Well I showed it to the boss, that's how impressed I was."

"T-the boss?" I tried not to reveal anything. Is he talking about who I think he is?

"And not just another high-level manager. The boss boss. Mr. Salvatore himself. I happened to run into him yesterday and I couldn't help but to gush about you. And guess what?"

"What?" I asked in a small voice. I'd only seen Mr. Salvatore once since the time he lashed out at me in the hallway, during which he pretended not to know me. Or who knows, maybe he really didn't remember me. After all, he was that heartless.

"He wants to see your work, maybe work with you for a bit! He told me to send you up to his office today." He clapped his hands together. "I'm just so excited for you, girlie! Do you know what this means?! This has never happened for any other intern! He'll get to see all of your awesome work! He'll love you for sure," he told me.

I tried as hard as possible not to reveal the horror on my face. I really did. Joe was so excited and it was so sweet that he thought so highly of me. But unfortunately, I have a horrible pokerface.

"What's wrong?" His expression falls slightly. I debated whether or not to tell him anything. I was a very honest person, but could I really ruin this?

"Joe, do you know him?"

"Not at all. I've only spoken to him a few times before yesterday. Doesn't really say much. Oh and he hired me himself. I was one of the first employees at this location," Joe looked proud. "Why?"

This location? How many million dollar locations did he have?

I decided that I didn't want to tell Joe what happened. He was so happy about Mr. Salvatore wanting to see my work, and I didn't want to be ungrateful. Besides, even though the things he said to me were hurtful, it was weeks ago and he easily could have just been having a bad day. So I put on a fake smile and tried to act excited.

"I was just wondering. Thanks so much, Joe! You don't know how much this means to me." He was beaming again.

"You bet, girlie. Why don't you go on up now? Top floor," he told me.

"O-okay. So I'll see you later then?"

"Yup, whenever you're done," he answered happily. I forced another smile before grabbing my bag and heading out to the hallway. I took as much time as possible making my way to the elevator and then to the fifteenth floor.

I decided I would act pleasant. He was, after all, the owner of this company and I knew I had to be respectful.

There was only one room on the 15th floor. His office was huge-bigger than my entire apartment. He had a huge mahogany desk with neat piles of paperwork sitting on top. There was also a huge computer screen, and I wondered how much it must have cost. There were massive windows, overlooking the city, as well as various couches and side tables.

The office lacked any personality. Joe's office was decorated by frames of his wife, friends, and various family members. The closest thing Mr. Salvatore had to those was an elegant plant sitting in the corner of the room. The last thing I noticed was that Mr. Salvatore was nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't help but to breathe a sigh of relief. Oh well, I had tried. I quickly headed back toward the elevator and pressed the button. The doors opened a moment later, and I froze when I was met with Mr. Salvatore's large frame. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Mr. Salvatore was completely impassive as he stepped outside the elevator and watched it close. Without even acknowledging me, he walked over to his desk and sat down. Only then did he look back over at me.

"Come sit, Rosalina," he ordered. I was surprised he had even remembered my name. As if my legs had a mind of their own, I made my way to the chair opposite his and sat down.

"I appreciate your interest in my work, Mr. Salvatore," I finally spoke, stoically and business-like. He was silent for a few long seconds.

"I'm not. I do, however, need a new personal assistant. There was a small...mishap with my former one yesterday, and I'm looking for someone to fill her position."

I was shocked. I was slightly offended that he wasn't really interested in my artwork, but I was mostly surprised. Why would he want me to be his personal assistant? I barely knew him and I already couldn't stand him.

"Sir," I began slowly. "I've been working an internship that's earning me college credit and helping me learn things that will be useful for my future career. I very much enjoy what I do now and I've worked hard for it. I'm sorry, but if offering me a job as your personal assistant is the only reason you called me here, then I should probably get back down to Joe." My voice got a little harsher toward the end because I was slightly insulted. Is that what he saw me as when Joe showed him my artwork? His personal assistant? 

"A woman's place is not in economics, Rosalina. Especially not a woman like you."

This time I couldn't help but gasp. Did he just say what I thought he said? I could practically feel my face turning red in anger. What a chauvinistic, arrogant, self-serving pig.

"What do you mean 'a woman like me'?" I asked lowly, not doing much to hide the furiousness in my voice.

"Beautiful and financially lacking," he said simply, as if discussing the weather. My jaw dropped and my cheeks flushed in complete humiliation.

"How dare you!" I told him loudly, losing myself to my temper. "Some of the most brilliant economists are women. Ever heard of Janet Yellin or Claudia Goldin? How could you say such a thing?" I could barely even speak, I was so angry. I shot up out of my chair and made my way out of his office.

"You're fired." He said stoically from behind me. I froze.

"W-What?" I asked with wide eyes as I turned around.

"You'll no longer work here as an intern. I'll contact your school immediately." I felt my heart drop and a sick feeling come over me. Could he really be this cruel?

"P-please, sir. I really need this internship, it's everything to me." I knew I sounded pathetic, but I didn't know what else to do.

"I'm offering you an alternative position, Rosalina. And no one would know a thing," he spoke smoothly. And then I understood.

"Are you...blackmailing me?"

"Of course not. I'm simply offering you a job since you're currently jobless." There was the smallest hint of a smirk on his lips and I found myself growing angry.

"You arrogant-"

"Careful, Rosie. I'm the one offering you a job."

"No, you're the one who took away my internship for no reason and is now blackmailing me into being your personal assistant!"

"So do you accept my offer?" He completely ignored my small outburst. I was in total disbelief.

"Why do you want me to be your personal assistant? Is this your way of punishing me for bumping into you that day?" It was completely demeaning that he wanted me to work as his assistant when I was trying to earn a college degree so that I could become a successful businesswoman and artist.

"It's a yes or no question."

"And if I say no?" I challenged.

"I'll call up your school and tell them you've been terminated as a result of poor performance and gross misconduct," he said as if he were talking about the weather.

"You can't do that!" I exclaimed.

"Is that so?" He mocked.

"I'll just tell them you were lying!" Now he was full out smirking.

"So naive. Rosalina, do you really that's how the world works? That they'd believe you, a poor college sophomore, over the CEO of Salvatore Corps?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, because I've always been honest and hard-working! Maybe I'm not a billionaire like you, but I know how to treat people! I tutored the dean's son last semester for free just because I wanted to help him. I've been involved in fundraisers and I'm even planning on going on a mission trip next summer. I've already talked to the dean about all of this. Do you really think they'd believe that you fired me for those reasons once I tell them that you tried blackmailing me?"

Mr. Salvatore didn't look affected one bit, and it infuriated me. "Darling, are you just going to stand there and spout more nonsense? Or are you going to accept my offer?" I stood up a little straighter and held my chin up high.

"I reject your offer, Mr. Salvatore. I'll count on honesty and the fact that I have an outstanding reputation at the university." I turned and started for the door. I gasped audibly when I suddenly felt a thick arm wrap around my waist.

"Rosalina," he sneered quietly. I could feel his hot breath on my ear and it sent chills down my spine. "I've donated millions to your precious university throughout the years. I'm their most generous benefactor. Do you honestly think they would risk relations with me over an insignificant little college student who complains to student services?"

I tried to pull away from him, but he only tightened his grip. "Take my offer, Rosie. You'll be paid generously," he whispered and I could hear slight humor in his tone. "Don't be stupid."

I knew he was right. Hell, I would be an idiot if I didn't. Of course they wouldn't believe me. What reason would he have to lie? I didn't even know why he was doing this. But what I did know was that I couldn't be jobless. I had barely been able to feed myself with my waitress job, and I doubted I'd be able to find even another job like that for a while. He'd already threatened to ruin my reputation before. And I couldn't lose my good standing with the university. I had no other choice. I slumped against him slightly in resignation, in spite of my pride.

"Fine," I spoke quietly. "I'll work for you." He released his tight grip on me. I turned around and looked up to meet his dark eyes, now gleaming with satisfaction.

"Come," he demanded, walking over to his desk and retrieving a small pile of papers from a drawer. "Just sign right here," he handed me a pen. Under paragraphs and paragraphs of fine print was a line which called for my signature. I looked at him suspiciously.

"I'll need time to read through this, Mr. Salvatore. I don't sign anything without reading it." He didn't show any sign of being caught the way I thought he might-he didn't even twitch. He just made a 'go-right-ahead' gesture.

I picked up the contract and sat down in front of his desk. I squinted down at the tiny words, struggling to comprehend them. I'd always suspected I needed glasses but I never had the time or money. And this wasn't helping. I almost groaned out loud when I realized it was 20 pages long. I looked up at Mr. Salvatore who was staring at me intensely.

"I can't read this," I said simply. "Please print it bigger."

"Just sign it, Rosalina. I don't have time to print another one. It's just a standard business contract." He sounded annoyed.

He didn't look suspicious and the contract did look like a standard business contract. There was no way I'd be able to sit here and read 20 pages of this. Reluctantly, I picked up the pen on the desk and signed.

"Good," he commended, taking the contract from me and storing it in a drawer. "Now we'll go over your responsibilities as my personal assistant."

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