Codename: WILD

By Thegreenflamingo

8.1K 756 583

Agent Mathew Oakley boards a helicopter for his mission in Sydney Australia to save Ex-agent Troye Sivan from... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
The Sequel:

Chapter Ten

494 47 43
By Thegreenflamingo

Mathew's point of view

Before I knew what was even happening we stopped somewhere, parking behind a bunch of tall bushes witha huge field surrounding it.

"If either of us must die I want it to be me." Troye glanced at me in the dark, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"Don't even think about it."

"I don't want to go through another six years of hell, Matthew. I'll die if I have to." He gives my hand a squeeze before we start heading out the door. Daniel loads a bunch of guns, handing two to each of us. I grab a few sharp daggers, putting them into leg holster sleeves. We also grab extra bullets just in case.

"We look for evidence of them being here, if we spot anything out of the ordinary, we shoot. We blow up the building if they come after us. Got it?" Daniel looks each of us in the eye for a second. Everyone answers him with a nod and a "got it" in return.

"Oakley, Sivan. You two go left, and Phil and I will go around the right side of the building. Connor, you keep watch and go around to the back door. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Daniel. I understand." I nod nervously, closing my eyes for a second to physically shake off the nerves. I open my eyes again when the memory of getting shot in my right shoulder by Nikolay became too much to handle.

"Let's give it a minute before we move in." I nod, taking the safety off my gun as I hold it in the firing position. If Troye dies, I'll risk my life killing those Russian pricks. But I'd do that even if he doesn't die. I'd do it for any of the agents and allies I'm currently with. We're all constantly putting our lives into each others hands. If we don't have trust, we have nothing.

"Connor you go first, then Oakley and Sivan. And lastly, Phil and I." Connor looks from side to side before running towards the abandoned factory with his gun held at shoulder level. Troye and I wait half a minute before following Connor. After another minute Daniel and Phillip begin going around the right side of the building.

Troye motions to the building with his head, I follow behind him, peeking in a broken widow. I don't see Nikolay or Nestor. And they're likely to have an army of men with them. They have to be here somewhere.. He taps me on the shoulder, motioning forward with two fingers. I nod, following not too far behind him. We stop for a minute to scan the area, turning in a circle with our guns held at eye level. There's nobody in this area, we better keep moving. This is quite a large building. It's really old, too.

"Watch my back, Matt." Troye whispered. I nod, checking behind us. I keep walking forward, turning back ever so often to make sure we aren't being followed. I cringe when Troye crushed a very crunchy leaf. It made my heartbeat speed up. He could get us caught- and shot.

We stop walking when we see light coming from an open window. I crouch down, listening carefully. I heard people speaking in Russian. Nikolay, Nestor and some other men. There's got to be at least five other men in that room not including them. Hopefully, Daniel and Phillip get here quick. Maybe they'll enter through a back door and open fire.

"They're here." They spoke in Russian.

"Let's meet up with D, P and C." Troye whispered, having us go back around the way we came. We ended up on the right side of the building, Phil nearly shot me before he realized that it was just me and Troye. He sighed in relief, pulling me to crouch down on the ground.

"They're on the left. They know we're here." I whisper, my eyes scanning the premises.

"Where's Connor?" Daniel looked behind him.

"I don't know for sure, but I think he's around the back." Daniel nods, crouching down as he continues to walk around the building moving towards the left. We find Connor peeking through a window.

"Guys, they know. We have to blow this place up." Connor muttered, checking his gun to make sure the safety's off.

"I say we open fire first."

"Daniel, are you crazy? We're blowing it up before they escape. They must have plans to kill us already." Daniel rolls his eyes at me, pulling something off his belt loop.

"I'll count to three then we run for the fucking hills." He's holding two grenades. I nod, reaching for Troye's hand. I can't leave him behind. Not again.

Daniel shatters the glass of the large window with his elbow, looking back for a second.

"One, two, three!" He pulls the silver rings off the hunter green grenades, throwing them through the window. He pushes and shouts for us to run, and we all do as told, running as fast as we can towards the Jeep as we cover our heads with our bent arms.

I look back to watch the building blow up and burn to pieces, shards of glass and pieces of wood fly everywhere, landing over by our feet.

"Don't stop running!" Daniel shouts, shoving us all ahead of him as he helps Phillip get back to his feet after he tripped over a plank of wood. I keep running with Troye as Connor runs slightly ahead of us. He can start up the Jeep while we wait for Daniel and Phillip. Smart plan. But I feel like we won too easily.. What if they're setting us up?

"Connor wait!" I shout, detaching myself from Troye.

But I was too late.

He already made it to the jeep.

I heard gunshots and screaming. Nikolay and Nestor must've got out in time and left their men to die.


"Troye! We have to do something!" I scream, pulling my gun out as I run over to Connor's unmoving body. He was shot in the stomach. I can't stop to help him just yet, I have to kill the bad guys.

"Don't! Mathew, just stay down!" Troye shouts, opening fire at the Russians running from us. One of them turned around, aiming their gun at Troye's chest.

Panic set in and I leaped up from the ground, lunging at Troye. I managed to push him out of the way, but he still got shot. Not in the chest, but his left shoulder. I didn't have time to react, I grabbed his gun, firing at the men with two guns. I shot one of them in the thigh, but the other managed to get away. They can't get away. Not today. Not ever. They're going to die.

A rush of adrenaline floods my veins, giving me the energy to chase after the run away. I shoot the man on the ground in the chest, instantly killing him. I ran past his dead body, shooting at the back of the man zig-zag running from me.

"Matt! Get down!" Daniel runs past me, holding a big, black sniper rifle with a silencer on it. He shoots the man in the back until he falls to the ground. That gives us just enough time to catch up to the dying man.

Daniel whacks the man in the face with the butt of his rifle. "You shot two of my friends! Why'd you do it? Huh?"

The man was whispering something. Daniel nodded to me and we both leaned in to listen to the man.

"W-Wild.." That was his very last word before all the life left his broken, dead body.

"He- he shot Troye and Connor! what are w-we g-gonna d-do?" I scream at the top of my lungs as I kick the dead man in the gut. This must be Nikolay. He always knew how to run quickly.

"Phil's with them. He called an ambulance." Dan mumbled, looking down at the ground with sad eyes. The sun is beginning to rise and I can see tears forming in his eyes.

I sniffle loudly as a broken sob escapes my lips.

"W-We should go back.." I take a shuddering breath as I begin to imagine what could be happening to Troye, Connor and Phillip as we speak.

"I'm sorry." Daniel is crying.. Why? He pulls me into a hug, letting his rifle clatter to the ground.

"Don't be. Troye did as he swore to. It would've hurt him more to live with the fact that I got shot instead of him."

"I hope Connor is okay. He was bleeding a lot."

"He's a real trooper.. I'm sure he'll make it."

We make our journey back over to Troye and Connor's bodies just as the sound of sirens come closer. We get to them just as they put Connor on a gurney. Next they put Troye on one, cutting his shirt and jacket off as they attended to his wounded shoulder.

I climb in the ambulance with him, standing beside him as he groans and people touch his bleeding shoulder.

I find a spare second to get near him. I press a soft kiss to his forehead, my fingers lightly stroking his hair as I cry.

"It's all going to be okay, baby. I'm here."



Will Troye and Connor make it? Are Nikolay and Nestor gone for good? Stay tuned for more of Codename: WILD. I'm so evil holy shit. Good thing I update vvvv regularly.. 🌚💀



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