Codename: WILD

De Thegreenflamingo

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Agent Mathew Oakley boards a helicopter for his mission in Sydney Australia to save Ex-agent Troye Sivan from... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
The Sequel:

Chapter Nine

445 48 46
De Thegreenflamingo

Mathew's point of view

I walk downstairs with the feeling of dread present in my chest, I'm gonna have to face Connor again. It's so embarrassing that he saw me cuddling Troye, and he walked in right when I was about to confess my love to him. Guess that can wait.. You know, if I ever get the guts to tell him.

"C'mon Mathew, Phil's already constructing a plan." I groan in response to Daniels demands just as my foot touches the last step. "And where the fuck is Troye?"

"I, uh he's-" I look behind me to see him only a few steps behind me. "-right behind me." I smile a little as remember all the times he's been right behind me on missions. God, do I miss working with him.

We both walk over to the living room, sitting down in a circle on the floor.

"Is this some sort of satanic ritual or do you have a plan?" Troye grumbled from beside me. I smack him in the chest to shut him up. He doesn't know how angry Daniel gets when people are mean to Phillip.

"Mr. Top agent man, you can fuck right off. Phil is doing his best to construct a plan, so stop yapping or else." Daniel got Troye to shut up. Well, at least for the time being.

"Dan, don't be rude. I'm already finished." Phillip sat down in the circle between Daniel and Connor, his phone in hand. "So, what we're gonna do is gonna be kind of freaky-"

"Freaky how?" Daniel cut him off.

"Freaky, like blowing them up."

"I thought we were going to shoot and arrest them." I mutter mostly to myself.

"I used to think everyone deserved a second chance, but I'm with Phil on this one. Nikolay and Nestor nearly killed you once, I can't let them try again. I just can't." Troye looked to me with sad eyes. The kind of sad eyes that make you physically ache. I had to look away.

"I'm with Troye and Phillip here. Lets kill tonight, those bastards don't deserve to see another day." Connor cracked his knuckles, getting to his feet.

"How are we supposed to blow them up?"

"Easy, we throw a couple of grenades into the abandoned warehouse." Daniel shrugged, peeking over Phillips shoulder to see his phone screen.

We spent the next hour and a half memorizing the coordinates and the plan. Then came the time to pack up and leave the house.

As we were walking downstairs Troye pulled me aside. "Matt, what if they try and succeed this time?" He held my shoulders tightly. Now would be the perfect time to tell him.. But I just can't. I don't know if he still loves me.

"Then I die a hero. Troye, if I do die, please finish the job for me. And speak at my funeral." I smile sadly, pulling him into a tight hug. One of his hands rests on the small of my back, the other lightly caressing my neck and head. He's so much taller than me- six inches to be exact.

"Don't say that, Matt. I swear that if someone even comes close to shooting you, I'll take the bullet for you." I begin to tear up, my face still buried in his warm chest. I clutch onto the fabric of his leather jacket.

"W-Why would you d-do that for m-me?" He pulled out of my embrace, cupping my cheek as he looked me right in the eye. My wet, red-rimmed eyes.

"Because I love you, Matty. I never moved on, and I never will." Even after six years he feels the same way about me.. I have to tell him. It's now or never.

"I-I'm- Troye, I love you too.. I'm in love with you, and I'm so sorry I never said it back until now." I look down in shame until he lifts up my chin again, staring right down at my lips. I got on the tips of my toes and he leaned in, capturing my lips in a bruising -yet sensual- kiss. We didn't dare pull away until all of the air had escaped our lungs and the need oxygen was unbearable.

He leaned his forehead against mine, eyes still closed.

"I love you so fucking much, Matty." His arms wrapped around me, holding me tight like I was a feather that could blow away in the wind and disappear forever.

"And I you." We shared a warm hug until someone interrupted us.

"We uh, we have to get going now.." I looked to see Daniel standing awkwardly at the end of the stairs. I ignored him, kissing Troye once more. He held my hand as we made our way downstairs and into the garage. His touch feels like electricity running through my veins, electrocuting my fingertips.

We got in the jeep, sitting side by side with Daniel to Troye's right.

"I swear, I'd do anything to save you. Even if that means dying in your place." Troye held up our intertwined hands, placing a tender kiss atop mine.

"I'd do the same for you." I whispered back, suppressing tears.

When I was twenty and still living with my abusive father, I always wondered what love felt like. I always wondered what it'd be like. And now I know.

Love hurts, and love is beautiful.

Love is putting someone else's needs before yours.

Love is what I feel when I'm around Troye.

It's the feeling in the pit of my stomach that drives me mad.

It's the look Troye and I give each other.

Love is what we share.



Thought I'd give you guys some fluff and romance/love confessions before the action scenes come.. No literally, the next chapter is an action packed thriller. (Action as in people dying, getting shot, shooting, possibly main characters ge--). Lets just say that the next few chapters are very eventful AND I LOVE THEM/WRITING THEM LIKE OINK YES BITCH!!



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