
By ValkyrieJade19

22.8K 1.3K 908

Valkyrie Cain has just gotten back after five years of being away from Skulduggery. But something's different... More

1. Not Just A Facade...
2. He Wasn't Stupid...
3. Curse His Bloody Big Ego...
4. Wedding Bells?!
5. You Can't Destruct The Indestructible...
6. We're Together...
7. There's Tomato Sauce On Your Chin...
8. Not Until We're Seventy...
9. You Think I'm Going To Rape You?
10. You're Grumpy...
11. They Don't Even Blink...
12. Dusk Is In My House...
13. And The Ceiling Walking Woman Too!
14. You've Fried Your Sister's Brain...
15. Valkyrie Almost Saw Her Lunch Again...
16. Why Do I Have A Good Feeling About This?
17. Something Is Really Bad...
18. She Stabbed Him You Idiots!
20. Tanith Squealed Like An Overexcited Fangirl...
21. Maybe I Need A Nokia Phone...
22. Fuck The Boss' Orders!
23. Someone Kidnapped Me...
24. I Don't Think He'll Ever Forgive Me...
25. The Wedding's Off!
26. I Will Hit You...
27. I'll Kill All Three Of You!
28. Death Thought I Was Too Sexy To Die...
29. Been Eating A Lot Eh?
30. A Deadly Combination...
31. He Knocked You Up...
32. Well No Shit Sherlock...
33. Too Busy Drooling Over Me?
34. She Lied To Him...
35. I Will Pour Boiling Hot Water In Your Eyes...
36. Whispers From Where?
37. You'll Be Dead In The Next Ten Seconds...
38. It's Been An Ugly Day...
39. I'd Like To Resort To A Lot More Than Just Violence...
40. Skulduggery Was Shot...
41. They Didn't Speak For Years...
42. Oh, The Bromance...
43. I'll Kill Him If You Scream...
44. Let's Go Tell Your Parents I Fucked You...
45. You Look Really Pale...
46. Wait, You're Leaving Now?
47. It's A Secret Though...
48. You're Leaving It All Up To Common Knowledge?
49. That Came Out Of My Penis...
50. God, Give Me A Break...
51. A Mandatory Pep Talk...
52. I Trust You With My Life...
53. Hello Sophie...
54. Just Remember That We're Still Watching You...
55. Still With The Small Talk...
56. Especially About Anal Sex...
57. Killing For A Living...

19. I Stink Like Puke...

415 26 10
By ValkyrieJade19

Valkyrie awoke that night and groaned. She rolled over and immediately felt sick. No, not again, she thought. She felt the bile rise in her throat and she moaned with her lips pressed firmly together before quickly getting out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. She heard Skulduggery walking in calmly as she chucked up in the toilet. He held her hair back and rubbed circles into her back. Then she sighed, flushed the toilet and sagged to the floor.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I woke you up."

"I wasn't even sleeping, Valkyrie."

She looked up at him, confused.
"What do you mean you weren't sleeping?"

He blinked a couple of times and sat down on the floor beside her. She snuggled against him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Please sleep," she said. "You can't stay up every night."

"But I can't stand the thought that someone might come in..."

"Skul," she interrupted, using her finger to turn his face towards her. She looked into his dark eyes and sighed. "No one is going to hurt me, I promise. And if they do, it'll be the last thing they ever accomplish."

She pressed her lips lightly to his, then realised that she probably still smelt like vomit. She pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry," she said, and felt a blush start to creep up on her cheeks.

"For what?"

"I stink like puke! You don't want to kiss me when I smell!"

He grabbed her, pulled her close and attacked her lips once more. Valkyrie just sat there, stunned. Then he pulled away.

"Do you really think I wouldn't want to kiss you just because you smelt bad?"

She nodded. "Yes, actually I did."

"Valkyrie..." He whispered, his hand caressing her cheek while he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled and snuggled into his chest. 

"Let's get you cleaned up," he said.

Valkyrie nodded and he helped her to her feet.


After having a restless night, Valkyrie awoke once again to the sun streaming through the bedroom window, and the smell of breakfast cooking. She grinned, and got dressed as quickly as she could, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Please be a girl," she whispered, rubbing her belly.

She hadn't let on yet, but she desperately wanted a baby girl. She really didn't mind if it was a boy, she would still love him the same, but a girl was something that she had been hoping for ever since she had found out that she was pregnant.

"I love you so much," she whispered, before smiling at her reflection, the reflection that stayed in the mirror, and made her way downstairs.

Skulduggery turned when he heard her and she smiled beautifully.

"That smells good," she said.

He smiled and walked towards her. His arms wrapped protectively around her stomach and she leaned against him.

"What are we doing today?" Valkyrie asked him.

"We are going to see Reverie."

"I wonder why we're doing that?" She asked. Skulduggery smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You better eat something," he said.

She sagged and sighed.
"Do I have to?"

"You threw up last night. You need to eat something before we go."

She sighed again.
"Fine, only because you insist."


Skulduggery and Valkyrie caught curious glances from Mages as they walked through the halls of the Irish Sanctuary. No doubt Tanith had spread the news as quickly as a bushfire. Valkyrie sighed. Great. Skulduggery led the way into the Medical Wing and Reverie Synecdoche looked up. She smiled at them both and stood up from her desk.

"Skulduggery, Valkyrie," she greeted.

"Reverie," they both said.

"Tanith has told me some exciting news."

Valkyrie groaned.
"Who else has she told?"

"Oh, just about everyone in the Sanctuary."

Valkyrie groaned again, louder this time. Skulduggery smiled. Reverie embraced Valkyrie in a gentle hug.

"Congratulations honey. You will both be wonderful parents."

Then she pulled away and Skulduggery put his arm around Valkyrie's shoulder. Reverie smiled.

"You two are perfect for each other. Have you told your parents about the bub yet?"

"No," Valkyrie admitted. "I was hoping to do it after the honeymoon."

"I think that's a great idea!" Reverie agreed. "Let's just hope that nobody spills the beans before you do."

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine, however things work out. Now, I have a feeling I know why you've come."

Valkyrie smiled and looked up at Skulduggery, who nodded. Valkyrie looked back to Reverie.

"We'll be able to know the baby's gender won't we?" She asked.

"Usually we can detect the sex of a child around eighteen to twenty weeks into the pregnancy, or four and a half to five months. How many months are you Valkyrie?"

"About five."

"That explains why you're already starting to show as well."

Valkyrie looked down at the small bump. She grinned and felt overwhelming love for the new life that she carried.

"I hope I'll still fit into my wedding dress," she said and both Skulduggery and Reverie laughed.

"I'm sure you will," the doctor said. "When is the wedding?"

"In a week."

Reverie's eyes widened. "Wow time flies fast nowadays."

"Yeah, it does."

"Well, let's get you settled then shall we?"

Valkyrie looked up at Skulduggery and grinned, and they followed the blonde doctor into one of the rooms.


Valkyrie's heart almost stopped beating when she heard those three words...

"It's a girl."

Tears filled her eyes and she started laughing like a madwoman.

"Oh my god," she smiled.

She hugged Skulduggery and wiped the tears away that had managed to sneak out of her eyes.

"Congratulations," Reverie smiled.

It was a girl. Exactly what she had been hoping for. A little girl, and another daughter for Skulduggery. Valkyrie couldn't wait to hold her little bundle of joy in her arms.

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