Rebel Me This. (boyxboy)

By paintingtheworldgray

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Lionel Robinson was a good boy, always had been until the neighborhood bad boy tickled his fancy, making Lion... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

136 11 0
By paintingtheworldgray

Rebel Me This: Chapter Two


             "If you were a periodical element, which one would you be?" Lionel asked Joy, while laying on his bed one day, looking at her laying on his rug out of the corner of his eyes. It had been a month since they became friends and Lionel was super happy, he had never had a friend before, he had always been too weird or too smart for the company of the cool teens. Joy liked Lionel's weird behaviors and she enjoyed how smart he was because he never did anything stupid to get them in trouble, unlike her brother and Samwise always did. Lionel's mother was the only one unhappy about this new friendship, she thought it was taking away from Lionel's studies and she was worried he would end up like George (Lionel's older brother).

"I think I would be potassium because it can be explosive but it is also in the human body."

"Gold because sometimes I might not look like I am worth a lot, but once you shine me, you have found out my true worth. If you were a Pokemon, which one would you be?" Joy asked, sitting up on the floor to look at Lionel, who was still dressed in his school clothes. They were trying to pass time before they went to Lionel's school to watch the track and field competition where Joy wanted to root for the twins, she even made signs.

"A Psyduck because everyone takes them for granted and thinks they are slow, but in reality they are not."

"Oh, good choice! I am going to go with...Squirtle, just because it is my favorite Pokemon."

"If you had only two days left, whether it be from a disease or world destruction, what would you do?" Lionel sat up on his bed, sparring a quick look towards Samwise's room, before he turned to completely look at Joy.

"I would do all the things I've always wanted to do but was too afraid of how my parents would react. Like I would probably dye my hair, get a tattoo...get my clothes dirty, good clothes. Stuff like that." As Lionel spoke he ran his hands through his snow white hair, it was cut in a fashionable enough style —it was his mother's approved style— Lionel just always thought it was too plain for his personality.

"I don't know, I think I would just do things I would want to do, like re-read my favorite book, spend time with people I love, definitely not go to school. Swim buck-naked in that fountain in the middle of town, tell my mom and dad I love them for letting me be myself, stuff like that." As Joy spoke, she looked at Lionel, still rubbing his hands in his slightly fohawk hair. Joy had never lived a sheltered life, her parents allowed her to do whatever she wanted as long as she got good grades, she wasn't pregnant and she was happy. Joy didn't know what it was like to live with restrictions, with so many rules you were afraid to breath too loudly or scream or express yourself healthy, it was weird for her to see. Joy was slowly trying to open Lionel up to newer things, make him experience stuff that his parents have been shielding from.

"I am going to go down and talk to your mommy about snacks, while you can get changed and grab me something that has your school colors to wear." Joy jumped up and left quickly, Lionel got up and changed. Lionel changed into his Seniors school shirt and grabbed his old Juniors shirt for Joy —honestly, they were the only school colored/themed thing he owned and he didn't even buy them by choice, his mother forced him into it— he also pulled on a pair of super tight skinny jeans since he had bought them on a whim once and were never worn, but today was a good day to wear them. He jogged down the stairs —as swiftly as one could in his super tight new jeans— to where Joy was currently busy putting sandwiches and juice boxes into her...bag? Is that what those were called, tote bag? Well, Lionel was not sure but the baggy tote thing was now filled with nom noms. Joy changed her shirt in the middle of the kitchen —she knew Lionel was gay and felt that meant she could be naked around him without having to worry about it later— and with her grabbing her bag, they were getting into Joy's car that is if you could call it a 'car' , Lionel refers to it as the cat, since it makes a weird sound similar to a dying cat.

"So, is your team good? I mean, I've seen Meri and Pippin run before but they were just playing around, never serious."

"Don't know, I've never paid attention to sports, to be honest." Lionel said laughing a little bit because it was true, Lionel hated sports usually, after all the boys with huge muscles that push Lionel into lockers everyday were in those sports teams.

"I think they've won trophies, that means something, right?"

"I guess, don't know much about sports, other than they all involve winners and losers." They both chuckled at that notion and when they got to School, they noticed that the bleachers were beginning to fill up, apparently track and field was a popular sport. Lionel and Joy got seats toward the middle of the bleachers, they thought it was a safe bet for them to blend in, that was until Arwen and Elrond found them: bringing with them, Anne and Samwise.

"Elle, we didn't know you were coming! Hello, Joy!" Arwen had taken to calling Lionel "Elle", no matter how many times he told her that was a girl's name but he didn't argue too much, it was the first nickname that was ever given to him obviously aside from the mean ones that his bullies call him.

"Are you here for Meri and Pippin also? Samwise thinks it is silly to watch them, since all the do is run around in a circle but I like it, it reminds me of when a dog chases it tails." Arwen beamed at Lionel, flashing her surprisingly straight teeth at him and it never stopped to amaze Lionel how perfect the Marshalls' were. Elrond said his hellos, reminded Lionel and Joy that Friday was closely approaching, they havs been playing together every Friday —Lionel and Joy enjoyed it, both having too much imagination and never releasing it during their week, so Fridays became their favorite day of the week. Anne, who up until now, had no clue that her two youngest children had been playing with two high schoolers, she even stated this as she shook Lionel's hand.

"They just stick fight in the backyard, it's not like he is selling them drugs, plus he is Lionel Robinson as if he would even know what drugs were." Lionel blushed deeply as he looked at Samwise, who was the one that just talked, Sam was glaring at his mother. Not that Lionel was going to fight or speak again, but Lionel did know what drugs looked like, thank you very much. Google has pictures of everything now-a-days, it's hard to find a picture Google doesn't have, Lionel has tried. Joy just shook her head, used to the way the Marshalls' act by now, she pulled out four posters from her bag, well tote...tote bag! Damnit, it shouldn't annoy Lionel so much that he doesn't know the name of the, bag? UGH! Joy handed Lionel the sign he was forced to make, not that he minded making it, Lionel got to use glitter since his mother never let him play with it before, she said it was too messy and too girly for her boy.

Somewhere towards the middle of the track meet, Lionel had Arwen on his shoulders (though it did not give her much height, Lionel was only 5'6'' after all), she was waving his sign around proudly. Elrond had one of Joy's posters as did Anne, all of them were screaming as the twins raced and won each of their heats. Lionel kept glancing over at Samwise whenever he got the chance: taking in his red hair; his tattoos that were peaking out from the sleeves of his shirt, along with the v-neck part of his shirt; the way the scorching sun reflected off Sam's lip rings —yes, rings as in multiple ones, he had four; he was just so interesting to Lionel. Sam never caught Lionel staring at him, he was too busy texting on his phone, not playing any attention to the races happening all around him. When the race was over, Arwen insisted on introducing Lionel to the twins, she claimed it was important. So, Joy and the rest of the Marshall clan followed as Arwen pulled Lionel to where the twins were chugging down water, Lionel shook Meri and Pippin's hands, they remember seeing him around school -which honestly made Lionel blush, no one ever noticed him before, at least that's what he thought.

         "You are always eating your lunch in the library." The twins said together, in that creepy twin way but Lionel just gave them a small smile as Samwise laughed loudly.

"You're friends don't want to eat lunch with you?" Sam joked but his smile turned downwards as Lionel muttered abouy Joy being his only friend, no one else liked him or wanted to associated with him, no one at his school anyway. Samwise looked at the small boy in front of him, he had always held distaste for Lionel Robinson. Lionel was smart, smarter than Samwise anyway; he was on good terms with his parents; the entire fucking town loved the boring boy but Sam didn't know that no one their age liked Lionel. That was sad? Pathetic? All of the above options probably? Joy glared at Samwise as she pulled Loinel away from the Marshalls, muttering a few bad words to the red haired boy.

         Lionel entered his house quiet, climbing the stairs on the tips of his toes, not wanting to talk to his parents because the moment he closed his bedroom door, Lionel was crying. Lionel never was afraid of his emotions in the past: he openly cried during movies, if something sadden or moved him enough to tears, like Old Yeller; Lionel let people see him mad and sad, but he didn't want to explain to his parents why he was crying. It didn't want them to know that it was because of Samwise, that what the red haired guy had said hit him in the gut. The way Sam had laughed at Lionel's imaginary friends, the loud throaty laugh as he picked on Lionel. It was so upsetting, Lionel flopped on his bed and cried silently into his pillow, not looking out his window and into Samwise's room. Not noticing Sam looking for the boy that he knew creeped on him and he just allowed it happen.

Maybe, Lionel shouldn't go after Sam. Maybe, understanding the rebel was too hard and too upsetting.

Maybe, Lionel was meant to be along his whole life, never loving or dating anyone. No. Lionel was going to know Samwise.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) <3

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