Kuroko's twin sister

By Zerin_Chan

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Kuroko Tetsuya had a twin sister, that the generation of miracles or also known as the GOM didnt know also th... More

I thought they are idiots
Your a girl?!
You have a twin sister?!
who is Shu-Nii-Chan???
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A draw

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By Zerin_Chan

(Tatsumi Wearing a winter clothes pic)

Tatsumi POV

I eyed as tetsu-chan get the ball the the end of the broader. I just stand in the middle where i standed before. I smirk.

Third POV

As tatsumi eyed her twin brother the others look confuse especially Shintarou. He has puzzled on his face. 'Why? She didint landed that time. She like falling in slow motion' shintarou thought deeply.

'That's was impossible. To shoot a ball at the middle of the court of course expect for shintarou. Even your a shooting gaurd it still impossible to shoot at that court! But how she do it...maybe she has a special ability like tetsuya anyway they twins. Yes! They twin but its still dont answer my question. Neh tatsumi kuroko who are you?' Thought by Akashi deeply while he though he have a frown face.

'Whattt! What just happen that's impossible. To shoot at the midfle of the court. Heck even me i can't do that. But how she do that!' Thought by hyuga look cofused

Tatsumi ran toward to tetsuya. She stand at front of tetsuya as her arm stretch to reach the ball. As tetsuya dribble the ball the side so tatsumi will not get it. Tetsuya make a move as he pass the ball at his left and make a 90 degree turn around tatsumi. Tatsumi 'tch'ed. Tatsumi turn her head so she can see her twin. Tatsuya position himself the phantom shoot. And he shoot the ball.

Now the score is 3-2.

"I will not lose to you,little twin sister" he said.

"Your older than me by 5 minutes. Brother" tatsumi said in matter-of-fact

As the other watching the twins match. They shiver has they felt the atmosper around the court. This aura of serious battle between sibling. This is like when the generetion of miracle like when they are serious. As one of them just smirk. He liking the match between the twin. But he still bothered about something and that's is tatsumi.

'Maybe latar i will get a information about tatsumi' though by Akashi. Well Akashi is rich and can get what his wants. But Akashi didnt know that kuroko's family or kuroko's blood have a lityle dark secret. And nobody know hat is it. of course if you marriage a member or have a blood line of kuroko's. Like tatsuya and tatsumi

*skip match*

Its already 24-22. The other cannot take the atmosper anymore. Its so intense. Its like when your swimming then some one will put you in the deeply part then you out of air. That what they feeling. Because now the sibling is....let say more serious than before. Now the ball was dribbling by tatsumi while tatsuya was blocking tatsumi so she cant go anywhere. Tatsuya eyed tatsumi closely. Tatsumi go to the right

'Wrong move tatsumi' tatsuya thoughted so tatsuya block the right path by his hand but tatsumi make a turn to the left. Shocking everyone. Because thats was aomine's move. She copy it perfectly. (I dont know what episode)

'Howw??? She copy aominechi moves perfectly. She didnt that moves it. But for me in did to see it twice but she... i dont know?! How she do it! Tatsumichi how you do that" thought by ryouta

Tatsuya turn his head fast and his body so he can catch up with tatsumi he ran fast so he can stop her at the feont. He did it. He block tatsumi path and get the ball. Tatsumi blinked from the confuse. She shook her head a little then look at tatsuya he positioning himself to shoot.

'I cant make in time in the front to stop him from shooting' she thoughed. I ran behind tatsuya and jump at the same time tatsuya jumped. tatsumi stretched her right arm then form a claw at her finger.

Teppi eyes widen as he see the form of his vice claw. Forming by tatsumi. He stand up. Also the other seirin member stand ip form their seating position on the bench. They knew that form. They knew it.

Tatsumi grab the ball. The ball was disappear form the hand of tatsuya. Tatsumi eyes widen. She look down the ball was leveled at tatsuya knees. And tatsuya's knee was bend down. She knew what tatsuya going to so.

'that was a trap!' Tatsumi scream inside her head. As she landed tatsuya jump and use his signature move for shooting the phantom shoot. The ball shoot at thhe ring yhen bounds down. Tatsuya turn around looking at tatsumi.tatsumi glare at tatsuya because tatsuya have asmrik. Tatsumi knew exactly what that's mean

"I cant believe it, you fall on my trap" he said. His lip forming a pout lip. Tatsumi knew tatsuya holding his laughter and he didnt what to laugh because he dont what the other see it

"Tch" that what tatsumi only repond to tatsuya.

"What cat got your tongue?" Tatsuya tease. But tatsumi hive tatsuya a glare and growl lowly

"Now the score is even. Now let see who will win and follow the winners win. Of course i will win, tatsumi" tatsuya said to tatsumi. That right the score was now 24-24.

But the silent court was ruin by a cell phone ring. Tatsumi look at her bag at the dloor near the bench where the other was seating. Tatsumi hold a 1 min sign on her fingera then ran over her bag. She zip it open then get hee phone. She look at the screen. Cousin Shu-nii-chan. She answered

Tatsumi POV

"Hello" I said

"Tatsumi i hear that you can home. So right now i was at tatsuya's apartment. But you guys not here. Where are you?" He said/ask me. I roll my eyes

"Im with tatsuya. Dont woryy we going to home right now. But stay still and dont so anything stupid. Bye shu-nii-chan" i end call it

I look at tatsuya

" i think we will cancelles the game. Let say it a draw. Shu-nii-chan was your apartment right now. He hear was home and decided to visit me. So yeah we need to go home" i told hime. He groan but nodded anyway. I look at the others

"Sorry but me and tatsu-chan need to go home our cousin was there. Maybe next time i will fight you guys in the one on one" i told them thengrab my bag and tatsuya's bag.

i went to tatsuya and then walking out the gym

"Bye" i said

"Dont worry coach i will come tomorrow for pratice" tatsuya said and we are off to go home.

Author's Note

Sorry for the long update. Its hard to think about the basketball moves. Heck i dont to know how to say or type it.

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