Not Something Sisters Do (Cam...

By yeahx5h

2.3M 69.9K 103K

Thank you for reading :) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39: Part 2
Chapter 40
Final Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 22

67.4K 1.7K 3.3K
By yeahx5h

I just couldn't stay away and leave you guys hanging so here ya go...

Enjoy :D

"Is she dead?"

"No she's not dead!" I snapped. What kind of question is that?

Normani is lying on the floor unconscious, and I don't know what to do. She's not dead, I already checked her pulse to make sure she was alive, and she is. Thank god.

Everything happened so fast first me and Camila were kissing like no big deal, then all of the sudden Normani walks in out of nowhere and catches us. And now she's passed out.

I ran a hand through my hair as I sat down next to Normani waiting for her to wake up.

Camila sits down next to me and rests her head on my shoulder, "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know," I admit putting an arm around her shoulder.

She intertwines her fingers with the hand that's hanging off her shoulder, "If anything happens just know that I really really like you.. Okay?"

I squeeze her hand and kiss the top of her head, "I really like you too."

"Ah what the fuck," me and Camila quickly pull away from each other to check out Normani who was waking up.

Normani sat up holding her head. My heart started to race oh god please don't let her remember.

She turned her head to look at me and Camila who were sitting on our knees next to her with concerned looks on our faces.

"Please tell me that was a dream?" Normani practically begged.

She remembers. Her eyes darted back and forth between the two of us, I watched as she stood up holding her head.

"Lauren seriously?" She asks her voice completely confused.

I stood and so did Camila. I helped a very confused Normani to her feet, and looked over at Camila who had a worried look on her beautiful face.

I grab Camila's hand and squeeze it, "Can you give us a minute?"

She nods and leans to give me a kiss on the cheek and leaves closing the door behind her.

"What the actually fuck?" Normani blurted. "Please tell me this a joke and that I didn't just faint..?"

I chuckle nervously and run a hand through my hair, "There's a lot I need to tell you."

We sat on my bed and I had told her everything that had happened between us. Starting from the beginning on how I started to find Camila beautiful, how I began to get jealous when she would talk to boys, our first kiss (which was weird as fuck to say out loud) that Camila didn't even remember. And the reasons as to why my mood has been like a rollercoaster these last few months. And all of the things that have lead us to where we are now.

"So..." Normani spoke up for the first time. "Are you two... Like girlfriends or something?"

I shrugged, "I don't know... We haven't really talked about it."

"What do you feel for her?" She asked. "Like how does she make you feel?"

"I don't know," I shook my head a smile forming on my face. "She makes me feel so many things. One second I'm pissed off and having a really shitty day, and just one glance at her my troubles fade away. Every night we cuddle and when I'm in her arms I feel so safe and warm... and loved, she feels like home. And when she's in my arms, I never want to let go, because I'm always so afraid that if I do she'll be gone and all of this will just be a dream. She makes me feel happy. These last couple of weeks have probably been the best weeks of my life, and I have never been happier."

"I... I think I'm slowly falling in love with her."

I felt my cheeks heat up at my confession and my heart is filled with so many emotions. I can't help but smile at the thought of Camila. I have never admitted any of that out loud before especially how I think I'm falling in love with her.

"Lo," Normani starts with a sigh, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I don't know how I feel about this."

She stood and began pacing the room while I watched.

"I mean yeah I noticed how you've become happier than you were like two months ago. But Lauren this is your sister for fuck sakes."

I ran a hand through my hair, "We're not blood though."

"Well no shit," Normani said harshly. "But your parents are married. What's going to happen when they find out?"

I jumped to my feet and stood in front of her, "Mani you can't tell them!"

"Relax I'm not a snitch."

I let out a breath of relief.

Out of nowhere she reached out and hugged me. I reciprocated as she spoke, "I'm going to need time to wrap my head around this. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I just need some space to figure out how I feel about my best friend dating her step-sister."

My heart dropped and sadness washed over me, "Does that mean we won't hangout tomorrow at Fall Fest?"

"I'm sorry but like I said Lo, I need some time."

So that means no.

I hug her tightly, "I'm sorry Mani, it wasn't supposed to be like this. It just.. kind of happened."

She pulled back with a sad smile on her face, "I know, you can't control what you feel."

I nodded and stood there as she grabbed her purse that she had forgotten in the first place.

"We're still best friends right?" I asked.

"Of course we are," she said. "But like I said..."

"You need time," I finished the sentence for her.

Normani nodded and gave me one last hug before leaving. I looked out of my bedroom window and watched her drive away.

I let out a deep exhale and ran a hand through my hair. Fuck.

There was this sad and feeling of relief I had in the pit of my stomach. I felt relief because now its not a secret to my best friend anymore but sad because she doesn't exactly accept my relationship with Camila.

Oh yeah, she was waiting for me to get done with my conversation with Normani that ended like 10 minutes ago. Shit.

I grabbed my phone off my bed and pressed the lock button to see the time, 6:43. Putting my phone in my pocket I walked out of my room and right over to Camila's.

Quietly, I opened her door that was unlocked and went inside. I froze in place when I saw her standing with her back to me, looking out the window, singing.

Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your
Wildest Dreams

I was stunned I had never heard her sing before. Her soft delicate voice gave me chills and made the hairs on my neck and arms stand.

"Holy shit," I mumbled out loud. Camila whipped around, eyes wide and cheeks pink.

"I- I didn't hear you come in," She said nervously.

I smiled at the way she stuttered when she was nervous. Closing the door and locking it, I walked over to her and gave her a tight hug I desperately needed after the whole Normani thing.

"Are you okay?" She asked into my neck.

I shook my head, "no."

Camila didn't say anything except pull out of our hug and brought me over to her bed and lied down, I cuddled into her side. My head resting on her chest, and arm wrapped around her torso. I let out a content sigh when I felt her rub my back softly.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked softly.

I sighed closing my eyes, "Normani doesn't accept us. She says she needs time to wrap her head around the idea of her best friend dating her step-sister."

Camila was silent but continued to rub my back until she finally spoke, "Then give her time. I mean, what we have is... a bit out of the ordinary. And it's not like we straight up told her about us, she walked in on us making out. It's a lot to take in."

"Yeah.. I guess your right."

A kiss on the top of my head made me smile. My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much.

I craned my neck to look up at her, "Why didn't you tell me you're an amazing singer?"

Her eyes widened, "What?"

"Camz," I got up slightly resting on my elbow and used my right hand to stroke her pink cheek. "You're amazing at singing. Why is this the first time I've heard your voice?"

She looked away bashfully, "I don't know... I usually sing when I'm home alone."

"Can you sing something for me?" I asked hesitantly not wanting to push her out of her comfort zone.

She raised a brow making a thoughtful expression, "Later?"

I smiled, that's better than a no.

"Sounds good."

With that I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips, a loud growl of a stomach broke us apart. It wasn't mine, and judging by the embarrassed look on her face it was hers.

"Hungry?" I giggled teasingly.

She nodded.

"Does pizza sound good?"

Her eyes sparkled as she nodded enthusiastically.

I raised a brow at her silence, "Are you not going to speak?"

She shook her head, her pink lips I loved so much had a tiny smile on them.

"What will break your silence?"

A devious smile formed on her face as she tapped her finger on her lips.

"A kiss?" I asked leaning forward. She nodded slowly. Again, I pressed my lips on hers then pulled back.

"More," Camila whispered. Instead of teasing her, I threw my leg over her waist and straddled her. I leaned down, my hair created a dark curtain around us as I kissed her again. Her hands shot up and began to stroke my sides up and down. My hands cupped her cheeks as I tilted my head to the side deepening the kiss. I kissed her top lip, then I dipped my tongue into her mouth, our tongues brushed against each other. I moaned when I felt Camila drag her nails down my back and rest on my hips before going further down and cupping my ass.

Suddenly a loud growl was heard once again, I pulled out of the kiss and looked down at an ashamed Camila. I giggled as I watched her cheeks turn a very bright red, I tried to get off so we could order a pizza but she still had a very firm hold on my butt.

I raised a brow, "Do you mind?"

"Sorry," she mumbled sheepishly and released me.

Pecking her lips I got off her lap and stood up, while she lied there with a pout on her lips.

I laughed and held out my hand for her to take, "Lets go order that pizza."


We had finished our pizza, and now we're both camped out on the couch watching Halloween Town on Disney channel. I was cuddled into Camila's side, her arm was thrown over my shoulder as I absentmindedly played with her slender fingers.

The house was really quiet except for the sound of the TV. I looked up at Camila who was only focused on the movie and not to anything else. Tonight we would be home alone again, in all honestly I don't really care. But I wondered how Camila felt about it.

"Hey Camz?"


"Have you noticed our parents are like... never around?"

She shifted in her seat causing me to also, I grabbed the remote and muted the sound.

"Yeah I've noticed," she spoke. "I don't really mind it."

I nodded, "Me neither. I mean it gives us some alone time." I winked at her causing her to giggle and fall into me. So I was now on my back with her on top of me. I love this position.

Camila kissed my lips, I smiled against them. She broke it and rested her head on my chest, "What's going on tomorrow?"

Oh yeah, Fall Fest.

"I don't know, its going to be weird seeing my friends there. Especially Normani, since she said needs space and all that shit."

"So you don't want to go to Fall Fest anymore?" I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

I rubbed her back, no I don't want to go because it's gonna be awkward as hell trying to act normal in front of Normani who knows the truth.

An idea popped into my head, "How about I organize a day for us? Like a date where we don't have to hide, we could go somewhere and hold hands and kiss in public?"

Camila lifted her head and smiled brightly at me, "you'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would, you did that for me once too," I said remembering the coffee shop. "And this could be like our first official date."

Camila brought her face close to mine and smiled such a happy smile, "You're amazing, you know that?"

I blushed, I've never really had someone tell me I'm amazing or give me as many sweet compliments like Camila has and actually mean it. Yes, people have complimented me but I was a cocky asshole and responded with something sarcastic.

I didn't want to respond to Camila's sweet words with something rude. So I used no words at all and pressed my lips on the tiny little mole on her forehead and left a lingering kiss.


I opened my eyes and was blinded by the bright sunlight shining through the blinds. A smile formed on my face when I felt a slender arm wrapped around my waist and very slow breaths hitting the back of my neck.

Slowly and carefully, I turned around and was face to face with Camila. I smiled at her calm peaceful face, and reached up to stroke her soft cheek. That mole on her hairline gets me everytime. I leaned forward and gave it a little kiss. She didn't move, so I gave her cute pointed nose kiss, I stiffled a giggle when it crinkled. She was still sleeping, when I remembered I had to organize what we're doing today. I got out of bed and gave Camila a small gentle kiss on her lips and went downstairs to the desktop computer to figure out what to do.

After figuring everything out, I opened my bedroom door to find a sleeping Camila lying on her side with her arm stretched out where I was once laying. My heart swelled in my chest, so sweet.

I walked over to my bed and lifted her arm and crawled back underneath, snuggling into her. Camila stirred and let out a small sigh, tightening her grip on me.

I nuzzled my face into her warm neck and pressed my lips on her soft skin. Camila let out a little moan, but still remained asleep. The last time I had checked the clock it was almost 10:30 and that was a little bit ago when I was making breakfast for us.

I trailed tiny kisses from her neck, to her cheek, then pressed my lips on her ear and whispered.

"Get up Camzi."

"Let me sleep," she rasped out trying to roll onto her stomach.

I giggled at her cuteness, "Camz get up I made us breakfast."

Camila smiled a dopey smile and cracked an eye open, "You made breakfast?"

"Yes I did," I leaned forward on my elbows and kissed her cheek.

She hummed, "You're the sweetest." My cheeks heated up, I responded with a tiny peck on her lips.

"Breakfast is waiting," I got off the bed and waited for her to do the same.

"Help?" She asked in a soft voice holding up her hands.

I rolled my eyes playfully, grabbing her soft hands I yanked her up connecting our lips. I pulled back and smiled at the gorgeous girl in front of me and lead her down the stairs.

"Wow Lauren," was what Camila said after finishing three pancakes and two bananas.

"Wow what?" I asked before talking the last sip of my apple juice.

"You probably make the best pancakes ever."

"Thank you thank you."

Camila giggled, "So what are we doing today?"

"It's a surprise," I said smirking as i got off the stool and began washing our dirty dishes.

"Lauren," she whined making my smirk grow. "Come on tell me."

Camila kept trying to get me to tell her what we were doing tonight. But I wouldn't give. No matter how many kisses she gave me or that sexy lip bite she does. No way am I going to ruin this surprise.

The dishes were done a long time ago and now me and Camila were hanging out in her room on the floor just listening to some music. I glanced over at her alarm clock and saw that it was 2 in the afternoon. I sat up and turned Camila's speaker down.

"Camz," she looked up from the magazine she was reading.


How do I put this? "I think you should go over to Dinah's."

A confused frown formed on her face, "Why?"

I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"Because she's going to help you get ready for our date tonight."

"How does she know about our date?" Camila asked still very confused.

"I called her this morning and begged her to help me out," I winced at the end.

"Wait hold up. How did you know that she knew about us?"

"Camz she's your best friend, and judging by the way she treats me I could tell."

"Oh," she whispered nodding her head slowly. "So what did you two talk about?"

"Well our whole conversation was pretty much her threatening that if I hurt you she'll kill me very slowly and painfully."

Knowing Dinah I knew she would. Which was scary as fuck. But I had assured her that I would never hurt Camila, well not intentionally.

Butterflies swarmed into my stomach when Camila bursted into loud laughs, "She would say that!"

We both got into this intense stare, brown into green. I opened my arms when Camila crawled on her hands and knees and climbed into my lap.

"You're truly amazing, Laur."

I blushed. Thank god she couldn't see the reaction she got out of me, I thought to myself as I kissed the top of her head while slowly stroking up and down her spine.

"I'll pick you up at 6 okay?" I told her as I wrapped my arms around her thin waist.

"Okay," she said standing on her toes leaning up and pecking my lips.

We were standing by the front door, it was 3 o'clock so Camila would have three hours to get ready for our date. I was excited but also really nervous.

"Bye," I mumbles against her lips.

"Bye Laur," one last hug then she was gone leaving me alone to get ready for our date.



I know I said I wouldn't cut the chapter in half but I did! I'm sorry I just really wanted to get this long ass chapter out for you guys!

Next chapter is gonna be fluffy just like this one was. The reason why I decided to cut this in half is so that I can make their date all detailed and cute and not rush and make it all choppy and weird. Part of the reason why I don't like doing long chapters is because they turn out all choppy and weird!!

Anyway, thank you all so much for your wonderful comments! I love you guys!


Lol make sure you Comment and Vote!!

Love you..

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