I Was Dared to Love You (A Dr...

By unique-goddess

6.8M 148K 187K

Violet Jesperson was dared. But hey! Who doesn't like being dared? When she finds the dare is to fake date Dr... More

IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 1
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 2
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 3
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 4
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 5
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 6
IWDTLY (A Draco Mafloy Love Story) ... 7
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 8
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 9
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 10
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 11
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 12
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 13 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 13 -Part 2-
You Know You Wanna Read Me ...
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 14
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 15 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 15 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 15 -Part 3-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 16
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 17
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 18
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 19
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 20
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 21 -Part 1-
You'll Read It 'Cause You Love Me ...
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 21 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 22 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 22 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 22 -Part 3-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 23
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 24
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 25
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 26 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 26 -Part 2-
Because It Seems Important ...
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 27 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 27 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 28 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 28 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 30 -Part 1-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 30 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 31 -Part 1-
Clearing some shiz, duh ...
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 31 -Part 2-
IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... Epilogue
Acknowledgments & Key Information
Two Year Anniversary
Learn to Love By Loving You (An IWDTLY Sequel)

IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 29

104K 2.1K 4K
By unique-goddess

This Author is writing a Note to you: Urg, I got a haircut and now I feel funny. My head’s all light and my hair tickles my neck. Weird. I also got Itachi’s headband (it has a specific name but I’m too lazy to find it out). It’s epic and I wear it all the time now. You should get yourself one! I feel bad though. I made my mom pay a lot of money for it. My next goal is to get Gaara’s, which will have a red band and the hourglass for the Village of the Sand instead of a blue band and a leaf with a scratch through it which was a sign of him leaving for Akatsuki. I do realize that a few of you are like, “What the heck is she blabbing on about?” and for that I say, “Read Naruto, it will become your savior.” Now, my sad attempt at a complete chappie that will hopefully be three pages minimum.

PS: I couldn’t go online the entire time I wrote this. That’s like telling the birthday girl she can’t eat her own chocolate deluxe birthday cake that had four layers and whipped fudge frosting. Just. Pure. Freakin’. Unfairness.


I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 29: It’s no Bunny Hill

------| Violet’s POV |-------

            We stood there, in the doorway, staring at the clueless fool named Draco for a moment. This sincerely shocked me. He seriously didn’t know what sledding was? It was like the only reason I liked the snow as a child and now for that matter. If it weren’t for sledding, I would have never broke my arm in two places and gotten my crush to sign my cast. If it weren’t for sledding, I would have never gotten a goggle tan and had the Funniest School Picture as my yearbook picture. If it weren’t for sledding, I would have never attempted the Monster Hill on the corner of Maple and Acorn and crashed into Lucy’s yard, thus becoming her best friend.

            I mean, I knew Draco had a sheltered life, to say it kindly, as a kid. But to not know what sledding was? That was just sad, even if it were a muggle activity. It was only the most known thing to do in the winter, besides skiing of course. He must have really been blocked from the muggle world, more than I figured.

            Suddenly, Gavin begins giggling like the little kid that he was. His orange sled was still pulled up beside him. It was one of the older models. It could hold around two adults, three small kids, or one teen lying down. At the tip it stated it was a Speeder, which in my opinion were the best for racing. Devon’s favorite were the round ones—we had three—so he could do jumps and spin in circles on the way down. As Gavin giggled, I was able to note that his face was bright red and there were dribbles of iced snot running from his nose. This wasn’t necessarily gross considering it happened every time any of us went outside in the cold. And now that I thought about it, it was really cold out right now. Perfect weather for sledding down the big hill is Mrs. and Mr. Davis’s backyard, our seasonally gone neighbors. Glancing over my shoulder, I give Devon the get-your-ass-ready look and shoo him towards the laundry room. I spin back around and look at the completely lost Draco. Aww, his nose was so cute when it was scrunched up. Those brooding gray eyes clearly stated that he was wondering what the heck we were talking about. Sometimes, this boy was just too adorable for his own good.

            Giving him a small smile, I watch as he hesitantly returns it. For a moment I forget about the twelve year old brat standing in my doorway, the blaring of a homerun on the TV, and just look at Draco. We hadn’t had much alone time since we came to my house. For some reason that sent a shudder of distaste through my body, and I felt a burning in my gut to stab my entire family just to be alone for once. Whoa, talk about sudden hormonal urges.

            Shaking my head, I give a small peek at Gavin, who was giving me dreamy eyes. Clearly he was out of it. He was probably imagining me riding down the hill with him, clutching his waist or something cheesy like that. In the back of my mind, though, I thought it would be awesome if I could clutch Draco’s waist. Feel his pecks and such. If I could dramatically sigh right now without seeming like an out of it weirdo, I would have totally done so by now. Anyway, I’m getting off track again.

            Looking at Draco, I see he’s still staring at me. Smiling at him a bit more happily, I wait for his returning smirk. A signature Malfoy Smirk arises and I’m temporarily blinded by cockiness and all that’s obnoxious. It sure packed a punch, that smirk. The smirk only grew deeper as I stepped closer and closer to him.

            “Draco,” I stated seductively.

            “Yeah?” came his husky response.

            Bringing my hands up slowly in the air, Draco can’t help but think of my doing something dirty. His pink tongue poked out and licked his lips greedily. He was ready for it. And boy was he surprised at what he got. I slammed my palms onto each of his shoulder tops, rather harshly. Grinning evilly, I state, “We. Are. Going. Sledding.”

            Chuckling, I watch him simmer down from his expectations. Gavin giggles louder and Draco shoots him a mean glare. It only makes him laugh that much louder. When he looked back at me, I smile sweetly. A question seemed to be on the tip of his lips, but he looked to be shrugging it off as unimportant.

            Opening those mesmerizing lips of his, Draco answers ever wittily with, “Oh … Okay.”

--------| Draco’s POV |--------

            I followed Violet like an innocent puppy. Seriously, what happened to the badass Slytherin I used to be? What happened to the secret late nights watching my friends get high and drunk? What happened to seeming like the unattainable playboy? It all disappeared once Violet got knocked into me at the Library. Not that I’m really complaining about becoming different. I mean, this is Violet Jesperson. This is the girl who willingly likes me for me. And damn it all to hell and back if I was I going to give that up to go back to looking like a man-whore who was just playing around.

            Before we left the front door, Violet slammed it right in Gavin’s distant looking face. His eyes were glazed, which I figured meant that he was day dreaming. Looks to me like he has a little, or possibly creepy-stalker, crush on Violet. The thought sent me into an instant dislike of the small-fry. Not that that he was really a competition. Based on his height, he looked to be around nine or ten. Hardly anything to worry about for now.

            Internally, I zone myself back into walking. Left, right, forward, repeat. Simple. We approached at small room that was painted a light blue and had a few baskets of clothes in it. Why was their laundry sitting around in plastic baskets? Shouldn’t someone being working on that? Didn’t the hire someone to get things done around the house?

            Hearing a slight growling coming from the other direction of the room, I notice two blocky white things. One stayed silent, but the other seemed to be giving on threatening noises. Growls and sudden thuds came from the beast. Instantly—reflexively—my hand searches out my wand. It didn’t seem to be advancing on us but by the noises it was giving off, it wasn’t happy with our arrival. Pointing my wand at it, I hide my fear. What was it? What spell would be the right one to fend it off?

            A scoff from my right made me jump in fright. Violet was looking at me as if I were the stupid one. Why isn’t she defending herself? The idiot! This beast could really hurt her! Her silent steps patted across the flooring as she stepped towards the white beasts. What was she doing?! The slapping noise of her palm smacking the beast echoed in my head. How was she able to stand so close without getting hurt?

            “This, Draco,” she began with a calm voice. Perhaps the beast wasn’t threatening at all? “This is a clothes washing machine. It washes clothes. Never in my life have I seen it come to life and eat something.” Oh? Perhaps it was a silent killer! She would never be the wiser. I didn’t lower my wand any. Violet’s blue-green eyes continued to stare at me, waiting. Her brow was raised and she had yet to be attacked and killed. Flushing with utter humiliation, I realize it was just a machine, nothing more, nothing less. Beginning to lower the poised wand, I look to the floor. When a bombing sound reverberates through the room though, I snap it instantly back up. Pointing it at Violet, I note that she had kicked the silent beast. “This one,” she stares at my wand until I lower it and put it back in my pocket, “is the dryer. It dries clothes. The only thing it has ever eaten is spare socks.”

            “Always my favorite ones, too.” Devon. I had forgotten that he was in the room also. He was now in a pair of puffy pants that made a strange skritch when the legs rubbed together and a pair of neon blue gloves. His chest was bare as he attempted to zip up the jacket he had tugged on in the last three seconds. Walking forward, he nudged Violet in the back and made her zip it up. Damn, the skritch-skritch is really bloody annoying. Violet turned back to what she was doing, taking out several random looking items from baskets. She tossed a pair of dark green mittens at me along with a hat. The hat was striped with navy and orange, which seemed to be Violet’s favorite color. On the front was a cartoon character with a long tail and black strips that coincided with the orange fur. Underneath that it read ‘T-I-Double G-Er.’ Whatever the heck that means. It was interesting, that’s all that mattered.

            Seeing as I only had a jacket and a scarf that were mine, I had to borrow just about everything else. Including a bright orange pair of puffy pants that were too big for Violet. She and Devon got a normal black pair. Joy.

            Was it really necessary to wear so much in order to go sled?





            Ugh, this hurts my brain.

--------| Gavin’s POV |--------

            I can’t believe she closed the door in my face. My dear, sweet Violet could be so feisty sometimes. I bet it was because she didn’t want me to see her changing. Yeah, that was it. She was self-conscious about my seeing her getting dressed. Oh Violet, I hope you go down the hill with me. Your arms around my waist and you giggling in my ear. Oh tender, sweet Lord, let my dreams come true for once in my sexy life. Please? I’ve been a good boy this year, really I have. Oh, wait, that’s Santa who does the whole naughty/nice thing. Shucks.

            “Gavin? What are you doing out there, dearie?” came the timid voice of Mrs. Jesperson. Her voice was similar to Violet’s, only older sounding. Her looks were the same, but she was a scary lady. Devon had let me stay over one night, while Violet was away (I went in her room! It was so cool in there. Her bed is really comfy and smelled just like her shampoo, which I had found in the bathroom.). Mrs. Jesperson made a funny dinner that night. There were eyeballs and tofu in it. I went home with food poisoning the next morning. I was also sleep deprived from being forced to play some war game the entire night with Devon. My mom refused to believe it was because of Mrs. Jesperson and Devon so she didn’t say anything to them.

            If I didn’t respond, I was going to be forced to see The Glare. No one did The Glare quite like Mrs. Jesperson did. Her eye twitched and her old lady lips curls. It was really a disturbing sight. So basically, I had to respond. “Oh, hi there, Mrs. Jesperson! What am I doing? Well, I’m waiting for Vio—” Before I could finish my sentence, Mrs. Jesperson was shoved to the side by Devon.

            “Bye, mom! We’re going sledding on the big hill! Be back for lunch!” he screamed as he toppled over me and towards the open garage doors. Behind him were a racing Violet (wow, her hair looked great today) and that other boy, what was his name? Wait, who cares what his names was! He got to see her change, that made him an immediate competitor in the battle for Violet’s heart. The poor guy probably thought he had a chance! It was pretty clear that Violet was fully in love with me. I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t be? Well, that’s was my brother told me to think anyhow.

            Violet helped her mom up really quickly before toppling me over like Devon did. Struggling to stand up in these stupid kiddie snow pants, I unconsciously grab the hand that was offered. Violet had raced to the garage like her idiot brother so that just left the weird, blonde, British boy. Staring up at him with my brown eyes, I glare.

            He doesn’t seem to get the gist of it and grins at me. “Hey, my name’s Draco Malfoy. Friend of Violet’s from school.”

            “Psh, like I should care.”

            And then I stomped off like the man that I am.

            Damn accent ...

---------| Devon’s POV |--------

            Where were the dang flabbin’ circle sleds? I needed those! Violet had already found her lame Speeder sled, but I had yet to find my precious circle sleds! What was I going to do? I could use that ugly purple one of Violet’s. How was I to get any air with that honker?


            I wasn’t.

            “Violet,” I whined like a child. “Where’s my sled?”

            She giggled slightly, her hand behind her back as she walked out of the garage backwards. Oh, she thought she was a trickster didn’t she? In front of her she was dragging her Speeder and the extra Speeder that wasn’t orange in color. Racing forward in my heavy duty snow gear, I dump myself onto her Speeder. Violet groaned at the sudden weight. Which was actually kind of an insult. I was not fat! Just dense.

            “Give me the sled!” I yelled dramatically, waiting for her to easily give in. She was always easily peer-pressured as a kid. That’s how she broke her arm, snuck into a teacher’s house, and set off the fire alarm at school. It was just way too simple. It made my home life the absolute best! Besides Mom’s whacked cooking of course and Dad’s strange obsession with sports.

            A sharp pain in my forehead caused me to think perhaps I should I have paid attention. Violet had thrown the sled like a Frisbee at my head and ran. I watched silently as she grabbed Draco’s hand and tugged him towards the neighbors.

            That girl seriously had it bad.

---------| Violet’s POV |---------

            I wanted to see Draco’s reaction to the big hill in the Davis’s back yard. Chucking the two sleds over the fence, I listen to them land on the other side. Sure you could see the tip of the hill over the fence and it ranged into our backyard but that wasn’t the full effect.

            “Jump it,” I command Draco as I heaved myself over. Landing in the fluffy snow, I get blasted with cold flecks.

            “Whoa,” Draco murmurs as he looks at the big hill. It was huge, really. Bigger than the Monster Hill, which was a stupid name mix up. As kids we were convinced it was a mountain. My mother told us we were exaggerating and should grow up. Thanks, Mom.

            “Yeah,” I murmured back, dodging a flying Devon as he flung himself over the fence. “It’s no Bunny Hill.”

            “Got that right,” Draco agreed.


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Love and fireworks,


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