IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 11

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Mindlessly web-surfing while writing an Author’s Note: *begins writing*gets sidetracked*comes back 10 minutes later wishing she hadn’t watched that video* That is exactly what happened, sadly. It was a cute video at first and then bang things my eyes shouldn’t behold at the moment. *sigh* I’m writing this chapter before I get distr—oooooh I love this song!  (Leapfrog13 I love your guts because out of all my readers you actually told me how to put up a picture!)


I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 11: Do You Recall?

---------| Draco’s POV |-----------

            Parkinson clung to my arm as I headed off toward the dungeons where the common room was. Hopefully when I got there, she would give up and slut herself off over to Crabbe or some other hopeless guy with no sex life whatsoever. My hands were shoved in my pockets, and I decided to skip my next hours of class. They weren’t worth troubling myself with. Parkinson soon got that I wasn’t rising for her offer of a blow job in her room and left for some Fifth Year closet queer.

            “Pureblood,” I mutter as the password. Ever since First Year the password had yet to change and honestly, I didn’t care. It could have been ‘butterflies’ and at the moment it probably wouldn’t have bothered me. The door swung open nonetheless and I entered into the spacious common room. Plunking myself on the couch, I basked in the silence. Sure, there were people milling about, minding their own business, but at the moment I didn’t hear them. Jesperson was a real talker. She wouldn’t shut up and this silence was the one thing that would stop a damn headache from coming on.

            Violet Jesperson. I had a mental list of all the reason she shouldn’t talk to me, let alone ask me to the bloody Winter Ball. Right now I was able to think of around five.

            1: She was a Gryffindor

            2: She hated my guts and the feeling was quite mutual

            3: Every time we got near each other, I felt like I’d puke my guts up

            4: We didn’t agree on anything

            5: Even if I did like her—which I absolutely do not—she wouldn’t li—I mean, she was hideous

            Five good and solid reasons for Jesperson not to talk to me. Five things I honestly felt like defined our acquaintanceship. We used to be more than acquainted and then I had to go and screw it up. First Year. That was year we were actually “friends.”

            I, Draco Malfoy, had been friends with a mudblood.

            Shocking, right?

-----| Flashin’ Back to 1st Year; 3rd POV |-----

            Walking into the Potions classroom, Draco finds that he shares it with Gryffindors and mudbloods. Professor Snape was sauntering back and forth, just smirking at how clueless these children were. Draco stared for a second, slightly frightened at the man’s cruelty, but then smirked the famous Malfoy Smirk right along with him.

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