Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 10

37.8K 836 696
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Malarie's POV

"Are you serious? Jason, I've already washed it four times!" I groan, looking up from my kneeling position on the shower floor. "Well wash him again, it feels as if he's not clean enough." He glances at his penis, holding his non useable hands up on the shower wall.

Grumbling to myself, I go to wash his penis again. He's literally been acting like a big baby these two weeks of not having any use to his hands. I can understand him not having any mobility of his left hand, from him having his cast on. But come on, it's been two weeks and he still has his bandage on his right hand... where I took a bite out of him. I've seen the bite marks, and they're not even that bad- or deep. To be honest I think he likes me doing things for him, like washing his gorgeous body, feeding him, and clothing him. But I have four other people to do that for, and he's not making my stress any better.

"Get under my balls please." Huffing, I carefully wash under his testicles for him. "Fuck, babe." Rolling my eyes, I ignore his horniness... and his huge erection in my face

If you think Jason let me get away with being on my knees... in front of his hardened penis- without giving him some type of action. You're sadly mistaken. Not once, but a total of four times already. He even stupidly came in my eye again, though this time I quickly washed it out. It's still quite irritated, but I'll live. Shit, I have to live. I do have five children! Jason being my oldest.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just want my dick to be clean, and you aren't doing it like I would." His voice comes off sorrow filled. "How in the hell am I no- it's fine Jason." I squirt some more Dove for men onto the green towel, washing his well defined abs.

He sighs not saying anything else for a couple of minutes. All could be heard was the warm water spraying out, as it rains down on my bare back. As well as me softly washing his body with the soap filled towel smearing over his entire body.

"I truly do apologize, I know I can be a pain in the ass. And me asking for you to wash my body for the fifth time was an asshole move to do. I'm sorry baby." I look up at him for a couple of seconds, before nodding. "You're my pain in the ass, and I love you. You're forgiven." I tell him. He smiles, pulling me up with his trash bag covered hands. He doesn't want his cast or bandage to get wet.

"Your all that matters to me... apart from my children, family, and friends. Malarie you make my life complete, and I want you, me, and the kids to go somewhere fun for this hot ass summer." I laugh as he caresses my back with the bags on his hands. "We have to see what's a child friendly place to go. We have four children, under the age of eight." He grins, putting my hands on his still shampooed filled hair.

Being the best wife to be, I rinse out all the soapy bubbles in his hair. Even massaging his scalp as I lovingly wash him off. I got lots of kisses for taking the extra mile of helping his friend down below... for the fifth time in two hours. It wouldn't go down, and I know Jason can't really help himself. I have to be his hands- literally. I'm not too fond about helping him go to bathroom, but I've done it before, so I guess it's not too much of a problem.


"Dad look, swag!" Jacob shouts, pointing to his sandcastle. "Heck yeah bro, give me some." Jason holds his now removed, bandaged right hand out to our son.

They exchange a "man" handshake, making me and Pattie playfully role our eyes. Jason has taught our son, handshakes are better than kisses. Especially when it comes to men and women, aka strangers. He's also taught him to give daddy, uncles, and other men handshakes too. He's so paranoid of the same thing happening  to our kids, that unfortunately happened to him. Thanks to Cyrus, he's fucked up my babe's head. I now have to sleep with a taser by my side, afraid of a repeat of two weeks ago. The taser was totally Jason's idea- an idea I hate. I would hate to hurt him, but he made me promise to use it... if it came down to it.

"Mommy, handshake?" Jacob holds his hand out to me. "Nope, mommy gets lots of kisses." I pull him into my arms, kissing all over his face.

"No! Daddy say no kissing ladies, it's bad mama." He gasps, looking at me scared. "You can kiss me, I won't hurt you. I'm mommy, so it's okay." He giggles cutely, kissing my puckered lips.

"Aww you are so cute, honey." Pattie coos, squeezing Jake's chubby cheeks, as she holds Jasper in her arms. "I know that, Grandma Pattie." He runs out my arms, into the water with Za, Alex, and Ryan.

"He is definitely your son." She pokes Jason's chest, as he lays his head in my lap. "I know, three years ago on a jet plane he was made." I inwardly sadden, while Pattie shakes her head in disgust. "Just like this morning, you both were going at it." I look to her confused, shaking my head in disagreement.

"Mom, you were listening to us? You are so weird!" He stretches his hands up cupping my face, to pull me into a kiss. "Stop it Jason, not right now." I refuse his kiss, pulling away from his mouth.

"What the hell is up with you?" He whispers lowly, so his mom couldn't hear us. "Nothing, I just don't feel like showing PDA right now." By the way he's looking through my eyes, he saw my lie.

"Why do you always lie to me?" He speaks a bit too loudly, getting Cal's, Pattie, and Tasha's attention. "Um here you go, I'm going into the water. Come with me Natasha Sophia." Cal hands over Ariel to me, running into the beach water with Tasha running after him.

I don't blame him trying to get away from us. We've been bickering every since we gotten out of the shower, earlier today. It started with his stupid OCD. I left the cap off the toothpaste, and he blew up about it. I simply tried to put the cap back on, only making him yell at me more. He needed me to finish bushing his teeth. Next it was me helping him out with putting on his clothes. He yelled at me for being "too rough" with him. I was not, he just didn't like how I was putting on his clothes in a hurry.

I had to help four other people get dressed. Not even including myself. Yes, Natasha too. She will try to go out mixed matched, then Jason will complain about me letting her walk out the house like that. From that point on, we've been a little back and forth with one another. No one pays us no mind, because we'll apologize to one another sooner or later. That's us... that's what we do. We could be angry at each other, but still say I love you.

"I'm not lying to you, geez Jason be quiet." I cover his mouth, rolling my eyes. "Pattie, I'm sorry you had to hear Jason moaning loudly. I'm on birth control, and there weren't even penetration going on." He snatches my hand off his mouth, giving me a cold hard glare.

"Seriously Malarie? You would tell my mom that, right in front of me. Damn." He rubs my thighs gently, staring angrily at me. "She already freaking knows! Hell, the whole house heard you screaming like a woman, just stop talking to me." I look down at his pissed face, breaking our intense glare.

"You're so annoying." He childishly thumps my knee. "Move, get away from me if I'm so annoying." I go to move him, but he wraps his arms around my body, holding on tightly.

"I want to, but you wouldn't want me to go. And I'll never move away from you, you're stuck with me. So get used to it." He purses his lips cutely, making me inwardly roll my eyes. Stupid hot ass. "I can't with you." I murmur to myself, snuggling Ariel in my arms.

"You two argue as if you're already a married couple. There's probably no need to marry each other." Pattie jokes, kissing Jasper on his chubby cheeks. Jason scoffs loudly, taking Ariel out my hands. "Fu-forget that, I'm marrying you. We have four kids together, and they deserve to have both their parents married... and being together." He places Ariel on his chest, speaking directly to me.

I don't look at him, instead I stare ahead at the blue ocean water. As well as watching my and Jason's two older children running around. I feel fingers graze upon my cheek, making me smile lightly. His cast covered hand stays on my face, while his fingers linger down to my lips. I can't help the wide grin plastering over my entire face. I cannot never stay upset at him... even when he cheats and beats the crap out of me. I always forgive him in my heart, but tell my mind to put up a fake frontage.

"Baby, we're getting married. Yes, I'm stating it... because you have no other choice but to marry me. You know I'll follow you wherever you go. Like I've told you before, I want to go where you're going, sleep where you sleep. I only have one life, and I want to live it with you. I mean that babe, I'll follow you until the end of the world." Jason admits, tugging on my hair.

"Aww, Jason that's too sweat. Dun, dun, dun, dun." Pattie coos, snapping a picture of us with her new Canon camera. "Mom, stop." Jason blushes, hiding his face in my ribs. I pull his face away, staring at him.

"You can't force me to do anything, Mr. McCann." He nods his head teasingly, pulling me down to kiss his lips. "Face it, you can't live without me, as much as I can't live without you. We're impossible without each other. There's always going to be you and me." He mumbles against our closely touching lips.

"Is that so?" I still make no moves to kiss him. "Very much so." He crashes his lips against mine, kissing me oh so tenderly.

The kiss we share with another isn't our usual make out session, though it's firm but soft at the same exact time. We couldn't kiss for long, only because of Pattie's constant 'aww's' and snapping several pictures of us. Our little Ariel even began to move- we were squishing her a bit. Much to my surprise, Jason complied and released his plump lips from mine. Any other time, he wouldn't have cared who was watching us. My boy is changing... I like it.

"I love you so much." Jason pulls me down once more, giving me a sweet passionate kiss. "I love you too... my bugaboo." I watch Jason sit up to put Ariel in her stroller, as well as adjust his member in his swim trunks.

That bulge though. It's just, ugh... it's everything to me. As well as all of him. But that penis... man!

"Baby stop being such a pervert, and come in the water with me." Jason snaps me out my lusting over his glorious penis. "Huh?" I question still in a daze.

He chuckles sexily, pulling me up to my feet. He indulges me into a hug, kissing my shoulder gently. He's so smooth, he even runs his fingers along my butt cheeks.

"Let's get wet." I'm already wet. He laughs, shaking his head. "What's funny?" I smile, adjusting my straps on my bikini top.

"You're already wet for me?" I widen my eyes in shock. "You heard me? Dang it, I always speak out loud." A cute giggle comes from his mouth, causing me to blush.

"As much as I want to get you wet, I want to get in the ocean. You are dirty minded, and clearly very horny for me." I give him a seductive smirk, running my hands over his gorgeous tanned stomach. "Hmm, I wonder where I get it from? I couldn't have learned it all by myself, someone experienced had to teach me my dirty ways. I was a virgin before I met you, so it's your fault. You're right, you make me super horny. But you are too, I can uh... tell." Jason goes to say something, yet a throat clearing interrupts us.

"You two, there's a time and place for everything. Right now is definitely not the place for me to hear how horny you two are. That's something mama doesn't want to hear." My face flushes over in mortification as Jason groans, tugging me to the water. "Jason, your mom heard me say how horny you make me." I groan loudly, still feeling the specks of my unfortunate embarrassment.

"Fuck, I know right? Well on the brighter side, she knows how much I love you... and that I'm taking care of that pussy. I swear I eat it so much, I'm turning into one." I interlace our fingers together, chuckling at his stupidness. "You know what they say, you are what you eat." He stops dead in his tracks, grinning from ear to ear.

"Does that mean you're a dick? You know since you suck mine, and you act like one all of the time." I smack his arm, pouting. "Aww that little face you're making. I love you so much, dick suck." Gasping loudly, I smack his arm again.

Being the mischievous woman I am, I jokingly snatch off the grocery bag on his cast hand, poking his sprained fingers. Which causes him to scream out in anguish, only drawing attention to himself.

"Ah, shit! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, not the fingers. Please not the fingers." He painfully hisses, grabbing the bag out of my hand. "Oh no, Jase... I'm really sorry, babe I didn't think it would hurt you that bad." He rolls his hazel eyes, pulling us to the water.

He better not be thinking about drowning me. Knowing him, he's thinking of some way to bang me in the water.


"I should've write will you marry me in the sand." Jason breaks our peaceful silence, as we watch the sunset together. We even have a small fire going. "I like how you had it carved in the grass. You blew me away Jase, your truly did. You're such a charmer when you want to. I love that about you." He places his hood on his head, smiling ahead at the ocean water. It's so beautiful tonight.

We had such a wonderful day today. I was happy Jason wasn't thinking about drowning me... but he was thinking of someway to swim with his cast on. I had to be the bad guy and tell him no, which resulted in one of his childlike temper tantrums. I just ignored him, just like I do to Jacob and Natasha. He absolutely hates when I ignore him- it makes him a bit aggressive and touchy. I have huge hickeys all over my breast and neck area, like it's not even funny. He dragged us all the way back to the car, just to put "his mark" on me.

Did I mention when he was having his tantrum, I got flirted with. Yes, a male flirted with me. And boy, was Jason ready to knock him out. I had to hold him back, although I wasn't doing a very good job. Instead I decided to be the nice person, and introduce myself to... Clark. I was accused of knowing him already, and that I told him to meet me at the beach to "fuck". Of course I denied, because it isn't true. Clark tried to talk to me more, but Jason threatened his life.

That's around the time I was roughly dragged to the car. Cal, Alex, Ryan, and Za came to my rescue, thinking Jason was going to beat me to the point where I was unrecognizable. To be honest, I thought he was too. The way the tent to his eyes slightly darkened, to the way his jaw clenched extra firmly. Hell, the pulsating vein in his neck even scared me shitless. But he simply gave me huge hickeys over my breast and neck. Let's hope my children don't think a "monster" got me again.

"I had a good time today. What about you?" Jason admits, settling his chin on top of my head. "I had a lovely time, too. Just being with you, and our friends and family." I stare at the water rocking back and forth, letting the mesmerizing sound take over my hearing.

"Yeah, all I could think about was you in your bikini. The bikini I absolutely love on you." I smile at the thought of him liking my vintage swimsuit. "Aww baby boo, thank you." I kiss his injured fingers, rubbing his thigh with my other hand.

"You're welcome sexy lady. Is it weird that I couldn't stop thinking about fucking you on a beach? Or fucking you in the ocean?" I turn all of my body around in his arms, shaking my head disapprovingly. "And you talk about my mouth being dirty. But to me, no it's not weird at all. That's probably because you're my other half, and I'm used to you saying stuff like that." He pulls my hood over my still damp hair, bending down to kiss me.

We kiss a lot, but his kisses will never get old.

We're cut short by car horns honking obnoxiously. I pull away, but Jason holds my face in place, kissing me some more. Even fiercer and rougher than before. The honks get crazier, as well as lights being flickered our way.

"Jason, man you know you hear me honking this car! Let's go, it's getting late!" Alex yells, irritation evident in his voice. "Alexander, can't you see I'm busy? Vanish bro!" I giggle lowly, kissing Jason's lips again.

Alex is a bit irritable, because he's sleepy. Jason and I literally begged everyone to let us watch the sunset on the beach. Pattie was okay with it, but everyone else wasn't. Our kids wanted to come with us, but Pattie chose to keep them in the car with her. She said we needed to have our space, without the children ruining our special sunset watching together. We agreed with her, even though Jacob and Natasha clung to Jason like two monkeys.

"Whelp, I hope you two like sitting on that sand staring at that so called sunset... because four other little people will be sitting next to you when I pull out this parking lot!" A car was being started, instantly making me and Jason jump up quickly! "Alex are you fucking crazy? Don't play around with my kids like that!" Jason shouts, sprinting back to the car. Leaving me to put out the fire, quickly trail behind.

The kids aren't even outside the car... gosh, Jason takes things way too seriously at times.

"Going to threaten to put my fucking kids out the damn car, that's it you asshole. I can't have a good time with my woman either." Jason grumbles to himself, as I grab ahold of his good arm. "Babe, quit it. He was just kidding around, you're taking it the wrong way." I halt his walking, speaking some sense into his head before he kills his brother.

"I don't care! No one, and I mean no one plays around with my kids like that." His chest rises and falls, as he attempts to calm down. "Your kids? I thought I carried them inside of me, and adopted one with you." He brakes away from my arm, walking to the car.


Jason's POV

Clearly she doesn't understand where I'm coming from. I would literally kill anyone who messes around with my kids. I don't care if Alex is my brother, he will feel my wrath if he does that shit again.

"So you're pissed off at me? I didn't do anything." Malarie shouts from behind me. I continue to walk to the parking lot of my car. "Thanks for watching the kids, mom." I hug her, making sure she gets into Alex car safely.

"You're welcome honey. Relax, your brother wasn't going to put the kids out the car. He was being very immature, right Alexander?" She smacks his chest. "Right mom." He groans, mumbling a sorry.

After a couple minutes of listening to him apologize to me, we make up and hug each other. I love my big brother, I guess me being mistreated as a kid made me snap. We say our goodbyes, getting back into our cars to head home. Malarie sits quietly in her seat the whole time. As I drive on the roadway, I keep glancing back to our four children in the car. They're my entire life.

"Are you going to be ma-" I go to say what I have to say, but her turning her body towards her window cuts me off completely. "I'm trying to say sorry to you, so turn around." I grasp her inner thigh... hearing a gasped moan come from her.

"So you can moan a little, but not talk to me." I stop at a red light, turning her face to me. "I hate you so much, you do that stuff on purpose. You always somehow make me forgive you so quickly." She smiles, rolling her eyes annoyed.

"I hate you too... but I love you so much more." I mock her tone, leaning over my seat to weirdly sniffle her vagina. "Ew! Jason what the hell are you doing?" A smack is planted on the top of my head, as I steal a kiss from her lips.

"I had to distract you somehow, and don't act like my face has never been down there. Shit, it fucking lives in that pussy, girl. Now, where are we going on vacation?" She purses her lips, tapping her chin.

"I want to go all around the world." I raise my eyebrow to her, proceeding my drive home. "There isn't "I" in team, sweetheart. Let me get you home, then maybe as we watch TV you can tell me then." She nods in response, smirking to herself.

Where should we go? There's so many places that we all can go on vacation. I wouldn't mind taking her all around the world, but we have a child who has to go to school. As well as having small children... but that wouldn't stop us from doing so, We can always get Natasha homeschooled if we wanted to, then we can travel the world.


- Long time no update! Chapter 10 is now up!

- Where should they go on vacation with the kids?

- Alexis -

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