Maybe it's for the best // Tw...

By TwentyOnePugs

344 21 15

Rose, a girl from Australia is sent to the other side of the world where she has to live with Josh Dun and hi... More



52 3 6
By TwentyOnePugs

Everything was black.

Everything sounded muffled.

Where was I?

I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, I didn't have the energy. The sounds became clearer. There were beeps, every so often apart, I could hear voices- It sounded like my parents but why were they here and where was I? I tried to open my eyes but I just didn't have the strength. I felt myself slowly begin to hear less, and then everything became muffled again.

''Whats happening,'' Was the last thing I thought before I began to feel myself lose consciousness.


I woke up, confused; My head pounding. I tried to adjust my eyes to the blinding light. The voices of numerous people hurt my head as I tried to understand what was being said. Finally, I adjusted to the light and realised where I was. I was in a hospital bed, why I was in here; I'm not sure.

A nurse came rushing in with a clip board, asking me questions which I just ignored.

"Why am I here" I inquired.

The nurse took no notice of my question and continued to write stuff onto a piece of paper. She put the clipboard down, "A few days ago you were in a bad car accident, which resulted in you being in a coma; we didn't expect you to wake up this early, or at all for that matter. You're lucky to be alive." She walked out leaving me there to think about what had happened.

"Rose! You're awake." My mum rushed to my bedside hugging me tighter than ever. "Rose!" my little sister Mary yelled. She tugged my arm and i flinched. I looked down to see a drip in my arm; I hate those things, they're painful.

"Where's Jake and everyone else?" I managed to choke out.

Mum went silent before taking a deep breath. "He didn't survive. Johnny's in a critical condition and still hasn't woken up. Aleisha and Sammy are both okay, with only a few cuts and scratches."

I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. Jakes gone.. my best friend. It's crazy how someone can be there one second and the next they're gone. Maybe if I had denied the offer to go out that night, he wouldn't have gone either and he'd still be here. My best friend.. gone.. I couldn't believe it, it can't be true. This has to be a bad dream.

"Don't think that you're out of trouble either"

Tears began filling my eyes as my mind thought about Jake. I was never going to see him again, never going to see his goofy smile, never going to hear his voice. It hit me and I didn't know how to deal with it. I couldn't care less if I was in trouble, I just couldn't bare the thought of living without my best friend with me.


I lay in the hospital bed staring at the walls for what seem's like a life time. There was a television in the room but we had to pay for it and no one was willing to do that, so i just stared at the walls. The nurse that i'd first seen as I woke up walked over to me, a tray in her hand.

"How are you feeling Ms.Marie," the nurse placed the tray of food on my bedside. I sighed, not wanting to talk to her or anyone right now. "Shitty" I played with my fingers and cracked my knuckles, something I often did when I was nervous or upset.

"With the way you're recovering, we think you'll be able to leave today. Although, we've spoken to your parent's and you'll be going through therapy for the next three months which will be organised this week"

I sat up quickly, "Wait. Why therapy. What for?"

"I think it'd be best for your mother to talk to you about this, I was only told to let you know of the therapy"

She flips a piece of paper over on her clipboard and starts writing on it. My Mum walks back into the room and begins whispering to the nurse. I couldn't quite understand what they were talking about, did I even want to know.

The nurse walks out of the room and my Mum heads to my bedside. "You'll be able to leave in a few hours. They just want to do a few more tests and make sure you're stable and then we can leave"


I carried my bags inside, dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom. I pushed the door open, throwing the bags I had onto the floor. I collapsed onto my bed staring at the roof, realising how messed up everything is. I heard Mum call my name, asking me to come sit at the table with her. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to face my punishment.

I unwillingly got off my bed and made my way downstairs, dreading what I was going to sit through. I sat on the mahogany chair across from my mother.

"Rose, what's happened to you" my mothers eyes were filled with anger yet sadness. I shrugged, not caring at whatever she had to say.

"Answer me will you" her voice on the verge of cracking.


"Don't tell me nothing Rose. There's something going on why won't you talk to me about it" I looked down and began biting my nails. What did she expect me to say, what was I supposed to answer with, I barely understood the question. Was she asking what's happened with me due to my attitude of not wanting to be around her, did she find out we snuck into an over aged place, I wasn't too sure.

"Rose tell me why there are scars all along your wrist, dammit tell me" Her voice finally cracked, i looked up as tears ran down my mothers cheek. My whole body suddenly went cold. Then I remembered, that in the hospital they would have seen my arms, I didn't even think about it until now. I didn't know what to say, I never spoke to anyone about it, I mean it's not something you really tell everyone.

"When did you start and why Rose please tell me" my mother pleaded.

"Why do you even care, it's not as if you ever cared before" I didn't care right now, I felt numb as if nothing mattered, I could be grounded for life and yet I wouldn't care. My Mum went on about useless shit, I just zoned out for more than half of it. I didn't want to hear whatever she said, I just wanted to go back to my room and never leave it.

"So you'll be going to therapy, to cope with the loss of Jake and learn to deal with your emotions rather than harming yourself" I snapped back into reality. I don't want to go to therapy, I don't want to talk to people who are paid to listen to my problems. They don't care it's just for money, how is that supposed to make me feel better.

"I'm not going." I crossed my arms and stood up to leave the table.

"Yes you are because you're going to be spending time in Ohio with your relatives, away from here, away from those who got you into whatever you seem to be into these days. I've already booked your flight, two days from now."

Was my mother serious right now. Ohio? I've never been outside of my state in Australia, let alone left this country and all of a sudden my Mum's sending me away how was this going to help. I stood up, furious that my own mother was sending me away. I couldn't even look at her.


The two days went by quicker than anything. I was nervous about having to fly to the other side of the world and spend time with people I've never met. If I had nails to bite right now I'd be biting them. I felt like I wanted to cry, I felt so alone and scared. My best friend was gone and I still found it hard to believe, my mothers sending me away because she can't deal with me and I'm going to be living with strangers. How was this considered therapy.

I hear my flight be called over the p.a system. I grab hold of my carry on luggage and queue behind those who already made it to the gate. The line moved forward quickly, thankfully. I had never been on a plane and being my first time by myself, I was a bit scared.

"Ticket please madam"

I handed my ticket to the flight attendant. "Enjoy your flight," she smiled and handed back my now half ripped ticket. I followed what seemed like a tunnel when I was greeted by another flight attendant who asked for my ticket. I was directed where to sit and put my bag in the cabin above me.

I took a seat, looking out the window. It was a usual sunny day, something I definitely won't miss so I guess that's one positive. I grabbed my phone, putting one earphone in as I waited for the flight to take off.

After what seemed like forever the pilot began to speak, going through all the safety instructions. Don't smoke, don't take seatbelt's off until instructed to do so. blah blah, so many instructions. Imagine having to sit through this all the time.

Finally the plane took off and I began to slowly fall asleep.


"Excuse me miss," someone shook my shoulder and I awoke from my sleep.

"Huh?" I asked confused, rubbing my eyes and re adjusting to the light.

"Everyone has already exited the plane"

"Shit," I mumbled. The flight attendant stood out the way as I grabbed my bag from above me. I followed her out the plane and walked to the conveyer which had the luggage from the flight. Obviously, mine was the only one left as I got off the plane so late.

I carried my suitcase behind me as I walked to the main part of the airport. I had no clue who was here to pick me up or what they looked like. I sighed as I looked around seeing so many people. How was I ever going to find the person I'm supposed to be staying with.

Finally, I spotted someone holding a sign with my name on it. The man was somewhat average height, with kind of long pink hair. I couldn't see his face too well but he looked as if he was nice.

"I'm guessing you're Rose," the man said. I turned my head slightly, getting a better look at him and he laughed. "Jeeze you look tired, or hungover. Maybe a mixture of both. You weren't drinking on the plane were you"

"No, no. Not at all" I quickly said.

"I'm only joking" he laughed again before grabbing my suitcase. "I'm Josh by the way" he lead me out through the doors, exiting the airport and suddenly I was hit with a cold breeze. I only had a thin sweater on as back in Australia it was always hot, I was not prepared for cold weather like this.

"You don't remember me do you" he said as loaded my luggage into the back of his car.

"I didn't think we had ever met before." I tried to think of when I could have met him, there was not a single memory of him. "Wow, now you've hurt my feelings. You don't even remember me" he pouted and I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head at how childish he acted. "I met you when you were about seven, my parent's and I stayed with you and your Mum for a week when we were visiting Australia"

I thought about it a bit more but I just couldn't remember ever meeting him. "I really don't remember, sorry" I genuinely felt bad about not remembering but then again I was only seven at the time. We hopped in the car and drove for about twenty minutes before pulling into the driveway of a nice looking house.

"Should I grab my suitcase out" I asked awkwardly. He shook his head, "Nah, this is my parent's house and you're staying with me not them. It'd probably be awkward for you just spending six months with them, I'm sure you'd get bored. We're just here for dinner."

"Dinner? I'm not even dressed decently" I just got off of a plane and I'm wearing sweat pants and a thin sweater with my vans. My hair was up in a messy bun and I had no make up on. What a great first impression. Well, not first but first in a very long time I guess.

"You look fine, don't worry my parent's will understand they're used to seeing me looking horrible when I get home from being on a plane."

I shrugged, how often would someone go on a plane though.


Dinner was over, his parent's were super nice and welcoming, turns out they aren't related to me but rather very close friends of my Mums before my Mum moved to Australia. Josh drove us back to his place. It was a really nice apartment on the third floor with a decent view. He took me to what would be my room, it was really nice with a queen sized bed, with a wardrobe that had huge mirrors on them.

"Just unpack your stuff tomorrow, you look tired. Oh and bathroom is in that door there" He pointed to the door that was in my room. It was crazy that I was staying in a room which had it's own bathroom. "Well, i'm off to sleep as well I'll see you tomorrow, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask."

He shut my door and walked off. I sat on the edge of the bed checking my phone for any texts. I had none, kind of surprised not one of my friends or my family asked how my flight was. I placed my phone on my bedside table and changed into some clothes to sleep in. I turned the light off and jumped into the comfy bed. What had my life become, I wasn't even sure.


A longer second chapter c: Originally this was going to be chapter 2 and 3 but I put them both together. What do you guys think? Ahh i'm so keen to write the next chapter. 

Please remember to vote and comment ^-^ 

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