Behind Closed Doors (A Harry...

Von mullingford

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On the outside, Jesse is just like anyone else; beautiful, friendly, and always smiling. On the inside, she's... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 22

195 11 8
Von mullingford

*Song is I Choose You by Timeflies Tuesday because that song is my jaaammm. Enjoy xx*


I walked into the tattoo parlor, an excited smile on my face as I immediately spotted my mate behind the counter. "Hey Leo!" I greeted enthusiastically, seeing his head pop up and a smile spread across his own face.

"Hey Zayn, how've ya been?" he asked as I approached the counter, I took his open hand in mine and shook it firmly, scanning his full arm tattoo sleeve with admiration. I've always thought it would be sick to have a full arm of tattoos, maybe just a half-sleeve would be cool but it's always been on my bucket list, which is why I'm going to start on that wish today.

"I've been good, back to school though which sucks...but other than that things have been fine. How are Lucy and Adelaide?" I drew my hand back and shoved them in the pockets of my joggers, watching as his face lit up. It always did when his new baby daughter was brought up, and I always thought about when I would have a wife and kids to call my own. It made me smile just thinking about it.

"Oh they're fantastic! It's been exhausting with Adelaide waking us up every night and having to take care of her, but when you look at it; the good overweighs the bad and I absolutely love being a father!" He beamed, taking a picture out of his wallet and showing me a small, blue-eyed, dark-haired baby girl.

"She's gorgeous, Leo. Looks like you." I said, smiling down at the little baby. She truly was gorgeous, so small and delicate, it was adorable.

"Thanks mate," he looked at the picture once more before putting it back in his wallet. "So you ready to get started?" I nodded my head eagerly, following him into one of the rooms in the back and feeling the nervous excitement pump through my veins.

Leo was my cousin who was also a tattoo artist, which you could tell by the ink going up his right arm and across his chest and back. He was only four years older than me, twenty-two, but he married his high school sweetheart when they were twenty and two years later had their beautiful baby girl.

He went to an art university after finishing high school with high marks; I wasn't surprised when he graduated uni at the top of his class since he was one of the smartest guys I knew. Some people wouldn't expect that because he looked like the stereotypical 'bad boy' with tattoos and gauges, and it's a perfect example that you should never judge a book by its cover.

Leo sat down on his swivel chair as I took a seat across from him, rolling up the sleeve on my right arm so he could see the place where I wanted the tattoo.

"What were you thinking on getting?" he asks, getting out a marker so he can sketch a rough draft on my skin. I reach into my pocket and take out a piece of paper, uncrumble it, then hand it to Leo. He looks at it for a second and turns it to see it at different angles, a surprised look on his face.

"Wait...did you draw this?" he asks in disbelief, looking at me with his wide hazel eyes. My cheeks immediately blush and I scratch my neck, nodding my head while chuckling slightly. "Uh, yeah actually."

"This is sick, Zayn! I didn't know you could draw!"

He continues to admire the red, yellow, and black 'ZAP!' I drew on the paper. I wanted to get a tattoo that represented my love for comic books, so one night the idea came to me and I drew it in around ten minutes. It was just a sketch, not even the best I could draw, which is why I was surprised when Leo liked it so much.

"Well let's get started, mate!" Leo claps his hands together and puts on some latex gloves as I lay down on the chair, rolling my sleeve up more to give him a clearer view. After he cleans the skin, does the sketch on my arm, and all the other prep stuff, he begins to trace the sharp needle over my forearm. I immediately wince in pain and rest my head on the chair, squeezing my eyes shut. This isn't my first tattoo, but that doesn't mean I haven't gotten used to the feeling of practically getting stabbed.

"Hang in there; this will take at least an hour and a half." Leo says, concentrating on the black lines he's applying to my tan skin.

All I can think is one simple word: Fuck.


"Alright, Zayn. It's all done!" Leo announces, wiping my arm with a white towel before stepping away from me. I sit up in the chair and walk over to the mirror placed on my wall, looking at the new tattoo on my skin.

"Holy shit, Leo, this is amazing!" I'm smiling ear-to-ear at the beautiful art; it looked so badass and gave me a bad boy demeanor, but at the same time it was fun and colorful. It was everything I expected and more.

"Seriously, mate, you outdid yourself!" I inspected it on my skin more, my smile never dying down. Leo chuckled as I pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks man, I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it!" I beamed, smiling even wider. It was like this new confidence and maturity was pumping through me and I felt like I could go out and do whatever the hell I wanted.

"I have to admit, it does look pretty wicked." He observed the ink, admiring his work. "Let's get this thing covered up and get a bite to eat, what do you say?"

"Cool!" I almost giggled, I was so giddy getting this new tattoo that it was turning me from 'Bad Boy Zayn' to 'Giggly 12-year old Zayn'. I shook my head and laughed at my internal thoughts.

After Leo put the salve on my arm and coved it up with saran wrap, we walked up to the front so I could pay before we left.

"Since you're family, you get a 50% discount." Leo smiled and typed something on the computer that sat behind the counter. This is why he was my favorite cousin; he was such a generous lad that always put people before himself and was never greedy.

"Really? Thanks Lilo!" I smiled before reaching in my pocket and taking out the right amount of money, watching as his eyes narrowed and arms crossed. Leo hated it when anyone used his childhood nickname, I remember when I was thirteen he almost broke my leg because I called him Lilo. I don't know why, but he hated it with a burning passion.

"Do you want that discount or not?" he asked, voice firm and low. I just chuckled at his serious attitude, it was so much fun to mess with him.

"Yes! Yes I do!" I said in between fits of laughter, after a few seconds I could see the corners of his mouth go up and a slight chuckle escape his mouth. Soon enough, we were both laughing harder than we should.

"You're such a dick." He laughed, shaking his head and taking the money out of my palm, putting it into the cash register and closing it. He was about to come around the counter so we could leave, but he did a double take at something on the counter, muttering a curse word under his breath and analyzing it.

"What's the matter?" I asked, leaning over the counter to see what he was looking at.

"I forgot that I have another appointment scheduled in a few minutes, it totally slipped my mind. Maybe we could just catch up later?" he said, looking up at me with apologetic eyes.

"I don't mind staying while they get tattooed." I shrugged my shoulders and looked up at the clock. It was only a few minutes to three, and I didn't need to be home until 6:30, so there was really no rush in leaving.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be responsible for you getting in trouble for not being home on time or something." He looked back down at the -what I assumed to be- scheduling book, and back up to me.

"I don't have to be home for another three and half hours, I'm not supposed to be anywhere either." I reassured. He nodded his head and smiled, opening his mouth to say something but instead being interrupted by the bell on the door jingling. I turned around and was met by the eyes of the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen; I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat.

"Uh, hi...I'm here for my three o'clock appointment with Leo." The girl said, her voice was sweet and resembled silk. She stood in front of the door, giving me a good view of her. She had medium-length chestnut brown hair that fell in pretty waves, and light brown eyes that sparkled from the sun that seeped into the window. I spotted a single dimple on her right cheek, and for some reason I had the weird, sudden urge to just kiss it. Woah, chill out Zayn. You don't even know the girl's name. But damn is she fit, just my type.

I turned to Leo, a cheeky smile spread across my face and an excited look in my eyes.

"I'm definitely staying."


"'s time to wake up..."

I heard a sweet, quiet voice slowly pull me from my deep sleep and the covers being pried from my body. I groaned in annoyance at the wake-up call and flipped around so my face was buried into the pillow, mumbling something about needing more sleep and the fact that it was too early.

"C'mon, Harry you need to get up." Jessie giggled, gingerly pushing my shoulders. "I know its Monday, and everybody hates Monday's, but if you get up I'll give you a kiss." I turned my head to look at her, a small smirk showing on my tired face.

"Oh really?" I sleepily teased. She nodded her head and smiled, sitting down on the bed next to me. It was then that I noticed that she was only wearing an oversized t-shirt, which rose up a little to reveal her lace panties. If I wasn't so tired, I would've pinned her down and kissed her right then and there.

"Yep, just get up first."

I groggily pulled myself from my horizontal position, tossing back the duvet and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. Jesse stood up and held her hands out, an indication for me to take them which I followed through with. When she was about to pull her hands away I brought her closer to my body in an abrupt manner, causing her to gasp.

"You're not going anywhere until I get that kiss." I smirked and tilted her chin up to look at me, before softly placing my lips against hers. It was as if her lips woke me up immediately, because a burst of butterflies erupted in my stomach and it seemed that my mind became clearer. She was better than any alarm clock I had owned.

"Alright pretty boy, you actually have to get ready now." She patted my chest and turned around to walk out the door, leaving her bum on full display. I reached out and smacked it playfully while wolf whistling, not being able to fight the urge. She squealed and turned around to shoot me a glare, but I could see the playfulness in her eyes and the way she bit her lip.

"You know you love it, babe." I teased, chuckling lowly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Should've expected it from a horny teenager."

Niall didn't show up to school all day.

At lunch, all the boys confronted Jessie and I since Niall had apparently told them over the weekend about what happened. There wasn't really much to tell, we kind of just came clean with everything and explained that we didn't mean for it to end this way at all with Niall not talking to us. They were all of course pretty surprised, and Zayn kept saying that it was weird that we went from best friends to what we are now, he couldn't really get it through his head.

They all said they were cool with it after a while, but they didn't know if Niall would be. In their words, he was completely heartbroken and an emotional wreck when he tried to explain it; not to mention completely pissed off. But it's not like that was a surprise to us, we both knew that was the angriest we'd ever seen him.

"So what are you gonna do about Niall, then?" Liam asked us while we were in our free period.

I shrugged my shoulders hopelessly; it was the same question I was asking myself. "I'm not sure he even wants to talk to us right now. We should probably just give him some time to cool off before we talk about anything." I said. They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Until then we'll try to talk to him. He's gotta come back to school someday and see you both, he can't avoid you forever." Louis added, his more serious side coming out but a small smile playing at his lips. I could tell they all really wanted to help us get everything pieced together again.

It made me wonder what I would do if I was in put in Liam, Zayn, or Louis' position. They were all being cooperative, but would I be if the situation was reversed? Would I be able to push past the fact that they went behind not just Niall's, but all of our backs? The answers were unclear, and it just made this situation more surreal.

There was still that nagging thought in the back of my mind saying that Niall wouldn't forgive us, and he would completely shun us from his life, never wanting anything to do with us again. It made my stomach churn with guilt, and sometimes I would wish that none of this happened between Jessie and I. But then I would take that wish right back, because despite the consequences I've never been happier than I am now with the girl I love.

I believed that it was fate that brought us together, and I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Even if the circumstances weren't the best, I still stuck by it, because it eventually works out in the end.

At least that's what I'm counting on.


Hellloooooo -Marcus Butler AKA British sex god AKA Rosy-cheeked dimple-possessing cutie pie of the century.

This chapter was just all over the place, I apologize

So the whole thing with Zayn was for my friend Julia who I LOVE and is writing her own fanfiction Bruised and Broken that you neeeeeddd to check out! Yeah I'll go more into Mr. Malik and Julia, that was just a snippet

I have a track meet with my best friend's school tomorrow and I'm super-duper excited! I ran like ¾ of a mile to get ready for it (Note: long distance is not my thing, I run the 100 because I wanted the shortest possible distance, so ¾ of a mile is like WOAH for me)

Question of the chapter:

Will Niall forgive, or will he plot his revenge? MUAHAHAHAHAHA

I had nutella when I got home with some greek yogurt I mean YUM YUM YUMSIES. It was really good and then I added some bananas which just made my taste buds explode into a flavor disco.

Vote/fan/comment/just nutella




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