The Billionaires Forceful Mar...

By Eugenia_Zantoto

528K 7K 314

Rose Maryland ,a beautiful black young woman who works at the Veldez Household (also the richest Italian an... More

Read: important
Chapter 1 . Unknown Stains
Chapter 2. Out with The old and in with the new
Chapter 3. Bun in the oven
Chapter 5. The Marriage Agreement
Chapter 6. Let the plans begin
Chapter 7. Two for the price of one
Chapter 8. Confronted
Chapter 9. Cake Shopping.
hey guys
Let me explain

Chapter 4. Drunkards tell all

21.4K 842 36
By Eugenia_Zantoto

Rose's POV's

After I slept, I felt a little better and started helping all the other maid's prepare the table for supper. All the other maid's have been avoiding me lately ,they probably already knew that I was  pregnant. The house was nice and quiet and I enjoyed it, because that gave me time to think.

Why would anyone want to rape me. I've never had a boyfriend before so I don't know how I could have gotten pregnant?. Maybe its the holy spirit, if it  happened to Mary it could probably happen to me.

I was brought back to reality by the footsteps of people climbing down the staircase . When I looked up ,all the members of the prestigious Veldez family were climbing down from the stairs. They each took a seat at the table and I felt sick, because they all were  really silent, even Ken who always crack's a joke or two. I continued pouring wine into everyone's glass's.


The sound scared me so much that I almost dropped the expensive wine bottle ,which would have cost me a life time to repay.

Who the heck could that be?. Oh my goodness it's James and he seems to be... drunk.

James walked into the dinning room ,wobbling and stumbling all over the place. One could clearly see that he had a drink too many, so much that it was taking over him. He stood at the dinning room entrance and his eyes were focused on no one but me. Disregarding everyone's presence, he walked towards me and pushed me up against the wall. Everyone in the family stood up from their seats trying to get him off of me.

"You bitch!. You ruined my life, why can't you be like other women!. I refuse , I will not do it!. Get an abortion or anything! ".

James was now beginning to scream at the top of his lungs , his face was reddened with anger .

Ken managed to get his brother, James off me and pulled him away from me. James's mother came to me asking if I was okay, while the other maid's stared in shock .

"What the fuck dude!. What did she do to you this time that you want to kill her and on top of it you're drunk as a skunk!? ".

Ken scolded his brother , whilst having James pinned to the wall. Ken left James and flung him onto the floor. 

"Ken... she screwed me!. I don't want to be a father you see but she. She.... screwed me. "

James replied while stumbling about and using the wall to keep himself steady.

"What do you mean by, you're going to be a father ?".

Mr. Valdez asked his son .

"Don't you get it father, I rapped Rose okay!. I barged into her room to ask her why my shirt was not ironed, but she was sleeping. I later looked on her bed and saw that she had taken, sleeping pills and was knocked out cold. So I took advantage of her not knowing that the bitch was a virgin and on top of that I didn't use protection.... and guess what family?, she's pregnant with my bastard! ".

James screamed at the top of his lungs, while still wobbling in all direction he began sobbing. 

I sunk to the ground and different thoughts invaded my mind.

James Veldez rapped me. He's the father of my unborn child.


James POV's

I opened my eyes and I felt as if I had been hit with a brick over my head. I lifted my head off my pillow only to find my dad, mom,  sister and brother staring down at me.

"Hey son, did you sleep well and how are you this lovely morning? ".

My father asked me and from his tone, he was being sarcastic .

"Yes .I guess I'm fine, it's just that I have a headache . By the way why are all of you in my room? ".

"Well it's nothing. Just that my son came home drunker than Amy Winehouse and also confessed to rapping the only maid in this house that he despises!.

My mother yelled at me and across her face I could see traces of disappointment.

Shit!. How could I have done that?.

I bitterly thought to myself,  especially when I couldn't even look at my mother in the face.

"Mother I can explain. "

"Good .Go ahead and explain to me ".

My mother requested, with tears that were threatening to splatter soon, if I did not come up with a reasonable explanation for my actions .

For the first time in my life, I was speechless. Because I was so ashamed ,I had no explanation for my actions . My father soon stepped in and placed both his hands in his pocket,  which was bad news for me by the way.

"Son... I want you to hand over the keys to all your cars, your apartment keys, credit card and keys to your office "

I stared at my father and was stunned at what he said to me.

"Father ,what do you mean that I should give the keys to my office? "

"Son I'm dismissing you from the office. From today onwards you are no longer the CEO of the Veldez Incorporations. You like all the other the employees will have earn the same and you'll obviously have to work your way to the top. From today onwards Mike Brown will take your place as CEO ".

"Father please don't do this to me please ".

I quickly got off my bed, got on my knees and pleaded with my father .

"So tell me son ,how will your sorry ass fix things?, because if I'm correct and your little act of lust gets out into the public our companies name will be dragged all the way to the bottom!".

"Wait father what if I could fix it"
I told my father not really having a plan.

"And how would you do that?"

My father asked me with a voice sounding as if he was about to explode .

"What if ... what if I marry her and make an honest woman of her? . Father think about what people will say if my child is born out of wedlock. They will probably call him or her a Veldez bastard and I know you wouldn't want that".

My father walked right in front and lifted me from the floor by my ear, so that he could look into my eyes.

"Go ahead. But you have 24 hours to make her say yes or else it's back to the beginning for you".

With that everyone walked out of my room and left me standing alone in my room like an idiot.

Marriage. What have I done to myself?. I know nothing about marriage and I can't even stay with one woman for over a month but marriage is forever. Shit now I only have 24 hours to make her agree to my plan.


Hy guys thanx for those of you who have been reading my book  really appreciate it believe it or not.

If you have any questions that you would like to ask plz don't be shy and remember to vote,  comment

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