Chapter 2. Out with The old and in with the new

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James POV's

I sat on my comfortable chair ,in my office , waiting for some paper work to arrive. Being the CEO of a multi million dollar company that created the latest and finest computer technology wasn't easy. My thoughts suddenly drifted away to a far place.

I could remember it clearly, her beneath me moaning even in deep sleep. Damn how can one good for nothing girl turn my head upside down?. Why only her ?,when I could have any woman I wanted and by the snap of my fingers they all jumped into my bed without asking questions, rather they appreciate the moment that every woman dreams of and that is sleeping with a Veldez.

I was brought back to reality by the knock on my door, I hesitated but I had to answer it anyways.

"Come in ",
I replied concealing the anger in my voice.

My PA was at the door . She was a blond woman and she swiftly entered my office with a smile on her face. She wore a red blazer with a matching skirt that was short and tight on her and not only hugged all the right places, but they also chocked every single part of her body. She also  wore red hills, about 7 inches so to say.

Goodness ,is it valentines day and I wasn't aware of it.

"Good morning sir. I was told that you wanted me in your office and I was just wondering why? ". She asked me with a seductive almost predatory voice.

I straightened myself from my chair and looked at the seat opposite my table and nodded to her to sit down.

"Well Karla you are a nice girl and you've been working for my company for.... how long? ".

"6 weeks sir ". She replied with a smile on her face almost oozing sexual lust .

"Well Karla, I like your work but I don't love it .... so if you could please pack your stuff and go to the main desk and they'll have your pay check waiting for you. And I wish you all the best in life."
She looked at me with a shocked expression on her face and stood up from her chair.

"So what you're saying is that you're firing me". She asked with a Sharpe edge to her tone.

"Yes Karla ,I am indeed firing you. So clear up your desk, because I don't want my new PA to be delayed of her work ".

"How can you be so heartless?. Just a few days ago you were telling me how much you loved me and how you can't live without me and how you want to marry me!. So you think you can just sleep with me and leave me as soon as you're through with me huh. ".

She was now screaming with tears pouring down her face,  while she looked down at me.

"Karla before I slept with you I remember telling you that what happens between us is strictly private and that there are no strings attached".

I told her as coldly as I could hoping that maybe then she'll get the message properly.

"Then why did you say that you loved me in the first place! ".
She screamed whilst still crying.

"My dear Karla I only told you what you wanted to hear, like I tell all those women who have been in my bed what they wanted to hear . So it's your call, will you walk out of this building and grab your check with the fat bonus that I'm giving you or do you prefer I call security to drag your trashy ass out of my building?".

"No!. No! , I will not leave this office. You're mine and always will be mine "

I dialed the number and the security team were there in seconds. I watched as they dragged Karla out of my office, while she screamed , kicked, clawed and professed her love for me.

Love huh. Is this woman crazy. As if such a word ever existed. Even if I could love, it certainly wouldn't be with a commoner like her. For me it was plain and simple, if I were to be married I would marry a woman of my status.
In life that is how things worked, the rich marry the rich and the poor marry the poor. When it comes to family and money there are no compromising. Now I just have to figure out how to get this pretty girl out of my system before I lose my mind with lust for her.


Keep voting. Hope I wasn't late with the updates for those of you who read fast like me

Don't forget to read my first book: The billionaire's broken hearted Girl .

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