Chapter 6. Let the plans begin

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James POV's

I sat in my office chair typing away on my computer when there was a knock on my door .

What is it for crying out loud?. Can't these people leave me alone I swear I'm going to start firing people For disturbing me.

"Come in!"

I yelled and my new PA, Lauren walked into my office with a smile on her face that said 'come and eat me'. She walked towards me with her blond curly hair shaking like she owned the place.

"Excuse me sir but there's a woman here to see you I think her name is-"

Lauren was interrupted by another honey blond woman who walked into my office .


I watched as Shakirah walked towards my desk with a frown on her face.

"Lauren it's okay you can leave. I need to speak to miss Shakirah here please ".

"Yes sir ".

My PA walked out and closed the door behind her. Now my focus was on Shakirah. She was a beautiful specimen of a woman with, long tanned legs, honey blond hair and sea blue eyes that burnt into your soul and to top it all beautiful full lip's.

"How dare you betray me like this James!? ".
She slammed her hands on to my desk.

"Baby I don't get what -".

"Oh don't baby me like that you think I don't know that you're getting married !".

Damn. How  did this get out so quick, it's only been two days since Rose agreed to marry me.

"Shakirah baby it's true, I am getting married in a months time but you know that I love you".

"Then why are you marrying your her, the maid of all people ! "

Great she not only knows that I'm marrying but she also knows that I'm marrying a maid. What a way to down grade myself.

"I just have to baby ,you wouldn't understand "

"James then make me understand! ".

"She's pregnant! ".
I scolded her.

Shakirah came to a halt and looked at me with a surprised look on her face and started laughing .

"Why are laughingñ. Do you think it's a joke? ".
I asked her furiously.

"No James it's not a joke but the joke is you getting your maid pregnant. I never knew you as the one to downgrade yourself ".

"If you have nothing to say do yourself a favour and leave my office. ".

"But before I leave I just wanted to ask... where do me and you stand now that you're getting married? ".

"I'll call you if I need you okay now leave my office! ".

I watched as Shakirah walked out of my office taking her fine body along with her.


I felt a buzzing sound in my pocket and retrieved it . I looked on the screen and my moms name appeared and I answered the phone.

"Hi mother ".

"You're late and you promised you wouldn't be late! ".

"Late for what mother? "

"Seriously. I can't believe that you forgot, that you have to go with Rose to get an engagement ring and that you also that you have an appointment with the priest and later you have to meet the rest of the family for dinner at restaurant Oui for tasting ".

"Okay mother tell Rose to hold still I'll  be there in an half an hour "

"Okay son see you at dinner Love you"

"Love you too mother".
I hung the phone.

Great I'm not even married yet but this wedding is starting to eat up what's left of my sanity.


I drove my car onto the parking lot of Tiffany's with Rose sitting by my side in the passengers seat.

"James what are we doing at Tiffany's? ".

"I am getting you a wedding ring my dear so hurry up or we forget the ring and you wear a piece of string around your finger on our wedding day".

We both walked into the store and I was greeted by a lovely woman who smiled so bright that all the teeth were revealed.

"Good afternoon Mr. Veldez and how may I help you this afternoon".

"Well I'm here with my fiancé to get her an engagement ring, seeing that I proposed in a hurry. You know how busy business men like me are".

The young woman looked at me with a shocked expression. I could tell from the way that she looked at Rose that she was disgusted that she could be my fiancé.

"Well it's uhm ok. Well we have a selection of diamond rings ranging from sapphires and Rubie's. If you could please follow me and I'm sure we could find something for miss... miss".

"My name is Rose ma'm ".

"Ok then Miss Rose ".

The young lady accompanied us to a private room away from the rest of the buyers. She had two guards bring out a set of specialty selected rings for us. I looked at Rose's face and all I could see was amazement. I bet she's never seen so much diamonds in her life and never brought one evens.

How can such a pretty woman like Rose be single. Couldn't other men see what I saw, how could they have overlooked her pretty brown eyes, beautiful dark skin and a figure that made every cell on my body spiral out of control.

"Rose my dear are you okay? ".
I asked her. From what I could tell from the way she shrieked I must have woken her from her day dream .

"Uhm what? ".
She asked me.

"I was just asking you what type of ring do you prefer my love?".
I asked Rose.

When we were done and Rose was done making her selection of rings, we walked into the parking space and into my Farari. As I was about to start my car I heard Rose speak.

"James I, I just wanted to thank you for the engagement ring, because I know it cost a fortune. So. So thank you".

Looking at her face I could see that she was nervous as she stared playing with her hands again.

"Rose you don't have to mention it. You're my fiancé and we're having a baby together so it's the right thing to do. Don't worry about the price of the ring, it wouldn't come close to breaking my bank. Put on your seat belt, because we have to be at the priest and later meet the family for dinner". I drove my car out of Tiffany's parking lot and drove onto the open road.


Hy guys two updates so soon
I'm awesome.

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