I Want You... (EDITING)

By GloomandDoom

683K 13.4K 3K

Can true love resist eachother? Amanda DeAngelo is the new student at Jericho Valley High School. Amanda no... More

I Want You...(Teacher-Student Romance)
|Welcome to Jericho Valley|
|Nice To Meet You|
|Fancy Seeing You Here|
|Memories Aren't Always Great|
|Boy Is On My Mind|
|"You're Hot Then You're Cold"|
|You Think To Much|
|Nobody Likes A Tease|
|There's A First For Everything|
|The Games Have Ended|
|Dinner & A Movie|
|Party Of The Year|
|A Day With Downey|
|Trouble In Paradise|
|Two Heartaches|
|Mr. Evans|
|Nothing But The Truth|
|Meet The DeAngelo's|
|Panties In A Bunch|
|Panties In A Bunch Pt.2|
|Ready To Tango|
|The Day After|
|Calm Before The Storm|
|You'll Wish It Was A Nightmare|
|No One To Save You|
lNo Way Out|
|Salvation Came With Death|
|Jericho Valley High School Prom 2013: "Dancing In The Moonlight"|
|"Here's To The Rest Of Our Lives"|
|Something's Can't Be Forgiven|
|Trying To Forget|
|Time is of the Essence|
|See You Later..|

|The Choice|

10.5K 246 32
By GloomandDoom

Sam stood behind me, I didn't want to wiggle back around to face him. Robert was looking up at him with so much hate and anger, I've never seen that look before. "What are you gonna do tough guy? Kill me?" Robert wasn't showing fear...but I knew inside he was scared, who wouldn't be scared of Sam? Sam pulled up a chair and sat down, he picked me up and made me sit on his lap..I tryed to squirm away but he held onto my hips tightly..Robert was fumeing. Sam reached in the back of his pants and pulled out a gun and set it on his lap. I looked at the gun as he sighed and leaned back a bit. "See, Amanda...I'm not that bad of a guy. I'm gonna give you a choice here, you can either choose to let fuckface die and you can live and stay with me like it should be, OR you can both die...choose wisely love." I glared at him.."Just kill me already you son of a bitch, don't kill her." Robert was trying to be a hero...but I'm not letting him give his life for mine. I shook my head, Sam looked at me, "Let's let the lady speak." he took the tape off my mouth, it burned, "I will never choose you." I spat at him through my teeth. He pouted, "Aw, wrong answer." he quickly picked up his gun and shot me in the foot. I have to say, that was the most scrutinizing pain I've ever endured. I let out a glass chattering scream..I still couldn't move under Sam's grip..he chuckled and Robert started yelling. "Wanna try again?" Sam said while looking in my eyes as I tried to catch my breath through the panting, I just glared at him. He nodded, "Right...well since I'm not a complete monster, I'll let you have sometime to say your goodbyes and shit. When I comeback you are both dead, unless you change your mind." he got up and smacked my butt while letting me fall to the ground. Once I heard the door lock again and I knew he was gone..I decided to let the tears out. I cryed and shook on thr ground, I couldn't even grab my foot because I was still tied up, it hurt so much. Robert kept trying to make me calm down but the pain was to much. When all of a sudden his voice sounded different..as if there was hope of somesort. "Amanda...Amanda! Stop crying look!" I looked at him and then followed his eyes to the mirror sitting aginst the wall. I shurgged, "What about it?".."If you scoot over there and rub the rope against the corner of the glass it can be cut..it looks sharp." I shook my head and sobbed, "I-I can't move..I can't do it.".."Stop! You can and you will..we are not going to die here do you hear me? We are going to grow old together..we are going to go places and do things and then die when the time is right.. But not here and not now. You need to to this." He looked at me with a concentrated face and spoke if a stern voice..I stopped the tears and managed to roll over to where the mirrow was..it was pretty difficult, I balanced my body wait and sat myself up on my knees, I lifted my arms and began to rub the rope quickly against the edge of the mirror. Afrer five.minutes I wanted to give up.."Don't stop.." Robert said as he watched.

The rope cut little by little until it hung together only by a small thread, I was able to get my hands out. I smiled, "It worked! You're a genius." he smirked.."Reward me later..come here and untie me." I nodded my head, first I untied my legs..I couldn't even stand I had to crawl over to Robert because of the in my foot. Right when I started work on the rope around the left chair leg I heard the door unlock, Sam was coming back...I started freaking out.."Keep going." Robert whispered while keeping his eyes on the staircase. My fingers started to fumble and I started to get nervous.. I was only able to untie one leg from the chair when Sam came down and saw what had happened. He walked over and smirked..."Well well.. look at this." he quickly reached out and grabbed my hair, pulling me towards him, my knees buckled under me and he dragged me away from Robert...he crouched down and rubbed my hair, he looked at me for a while before soeaking. "When I first saw her...I was infatuated..I became obsessed..I don't understand what it was and I can't understand what she see's in you. She was mine and you took her...and now I'm taking you away from eachother." he looked at me with cold eyes. Robert was glaring at Sam with a clenched jaw. Sam's eyes grew a shade darker.."Actually I'm deciding whether I should fuck you right here..right now and make Robert watch..or just kill you both already. I gulped and Robert spoke out, "Kill me." Sam smirked.."Actually I'm just going to fuck you first. He pinned me down and got on top me. I started to scream and push as Robert yelled at Sam. As he started to unbutton my pants, I looked to the side behind him..and through the mirror I used earlier I could see the gun he shot me with shoved in his back waistband. I wrapped my arms around his kneck...pretending to get really into what he was doing..he grinned a desperate satisfied grin..and Robert got quiet. I moved my hands from his kneck to his back, Sam was eager and excited..right when he was going to pull my pants off I snatched the gun and brought my knees up, I pushed him back with my good. foot and he stumbled back onto his butt, I scooted back as I held the gun pointed directly at his face in my other hand. He sat back and looked at me. "Shoot him! Amanda! Do it!" Robert yelled as I sat there enjoying my new power in the situation. I narrowed my eyes and pulled the trigger, hitting Sam in the should near the heart. He fell on his back and layed there as blood started to ooze out, his eyes shut and I knew I was safe. "Hurry untie me." Robert said as he watched Sam. I dropped the gun and waddled over to Robert on my knees and untied his hands, he grabbed my face, "I love you so much." he said as he kissed me. He leaned down to untie his other leg when all of a sudden I heard the gun being picked up, as I turned my head back to see what was happening..the sound of a gun shot swallowed the room and entered my ears..and everything switched to slow motion, even the blink of my eyes. I fell over and the fall felt like it was a lifetime. I hit the ground..the last thing I saw was Robert's face as he watched me, it was as if he just witnessed the most horrifying thing in his life. My vision started to blur and the high-pitched ringing noise in my ear grew louder, I faintly saw Robert as he practically flew from his seat and onto Sam, arms out infront of him..my vision then went pitch black and my eyes flickered slowly to the back of my head, my eyelids felt as if they were carrying bricks, the last thing I heard was that damn ringing noise and another gun-shot being fired as my eyelids closed, eyelash to eyelash, I tried to make myself open my eyes but they wouldn't budge..my own body was stopping me from what I desperatly tried to do, I was no longer in control of anything.



Nevemind about the next chapter being up tonight im beyond tired and have school tomorrow AND have AP testing. I made this one short on purpose. Stick around and see what happens. :o

VOTE-COMMENT please&thank you.

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