|Salvation Came With Death|

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*Robert's POV*

I walked into the emergency room as they brought Amanda in on the stretcher from the Ambulance truck, they were in a rush and I was following close behind. I had already called her parents and they were on their way. Josh and Ivy drove me to the hospital..I couldn't get in the ambulance truck with Amanda because the medics were in there trying to get her to wake up. They rushed her into a room, and as I walked into the doorway a nurse came out and put her hands against my chest pushing me back, "Sorry sir but this is a restricted area..we need to work on her she's losing alot of blood ".."Is she gonna be ok?!" I shouted while trying to look over the woman and into the room, the doctors where putting on their latex gloves and grabbing tools that I had never seen, "Is she even alive?!" I yelled as the lady closed the door and I stood there, I felt like I couldn't do anything...I hated feeling completely useless, there was nothing I could do to help her, I began to cry..it wasn't a hysterical cry, it was silent but overwhelming..I had no control over my body I walked across the hall and slid down against the wall, I held my head up in my hands and cried..all I could think of was seeing Amanda as she was shot..it was terrifying.

Her parents came to find me still sitting against the wall on the ground, Kathy came over and got eye level with me, "Oh my god...Robert are you ok? Where's Amanda..You don't look well...you need to see a doctor." I shook my head, "No I need to see Amanda..I need to know she is okay." she grabbed my hand and pulled me up, when a nurse came out from the room.."Are Amanda DeAngelo's parents present?" Kathy stepped forward eagerly.."Yes yes, I'm her mother. Is she okay?" The nurse walked us into a little private room..and I knew why, I had always seen this in the movies..I didn't want to hear it, I couldn't. The woman closed the door and asked us all to sit down, I stood by the door. She sighed, I could tell Kathy's mom was getting scared, "Just tell me..is she okay or not just please tell me she will be okay." Amanda's dad was comforting Kathy with his hand on her back as the nurse took a deep breath, "Amanda came in here unconscious with two gunshot wounds." Kathy covered her mouth as tears started to fall..."There wasn't much we could do to save..." The womens voice became very faint and I just completely stopped listening, that was the last thing I heard before I quickly walked out of the room...I tried to keep calm, taking deep breaths..I walked down the never ending bright white hallway, the faster I walked the longer it took..I felt as if I was having an anxiety attack..It was getting harder for me to breath, everyone was looking at me as I kept my eyes on the ground. My mind was gone and I just couldn't do anything but walk. I walked out of the hospital and into the parking lot...when I stopped in the middle of the street, I didn't even realize that I had done that without watching out for incoming cars. I could faintly hear the sound of a car swerve and stop abruptly near me, I then felt someones hand on my shoulder as they spun me around..it was Charlie, "Are you fucking crazy!!" he yelled, I didn't even flinch I just stood there, I tried to turn away but he grabbed my arm, "What's wrong with you? You're like a zombie! Where are you going? Shouldn't you be in there with Amanda?" he said while pointing at the hospital building with a confused expression. That's when I lost it, I realized she was gone forever... I broke into tears and shook my head..he took a step back and looked at me with a shocked face, "No." was all I heard him mumble before he jumped in his car and drove quickly to the hospital parking lot, I walked over to a bench across the street and sat there alone, with dry blood still on my face..people walked by and looked at me as if I was a psycho path..but I was in a daze.


*Charlie's POV*

As I ran through the hospital looking for my mom...I couldn't shake Robert's face when I asked him about Amanda..I was really hoping that what I was thinking was wrong. I know Amanda and I fight alot and we are complete smart asses to eachother..but she's my little sister and even though we never say it, I love her.

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