|Nobody Likes A Tease|

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RECAP: ** "Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked in a husky sensual voice. I paused..Im pretty sure my heart stopped for a couple seconds my eyes opened wide..and I took in a quick loud breath of air through my lips, Im pretty sure I started sweating. I turned my head to look out the classroom door window to make sure no one was coming down the hall, his breathing was now on my neck, when I turned back my eyes met his, his lips were parted. I closed my eyes, I've never had my first kiss. Im 18 and I've never even done that..yea Sam kissed me a bunch of times but there is no way im counting that sick bastard. I never kissed him back, I didn't enjoy his kisses they were sloppy and rough and the sweat above his upper lip always smelled, everytime Sam kissed me I felt like scum...I seriously battled with myself if I should say yes to Robert...I have never needed to be kissed by someone so bad before..but he is my teacher, this is wrong and what about Josh? What if we got caught? Why is he doing this to me? All of this was to much for me..I felt overwhelmed, so I did what was right.**

I opened my eyes, to see his piercing into mine, it took alot for me to do this. I stood up straight and put my right hand on his chest to push him off a bit, "No, this is wrong." I said in a stern voice, his eyebrows furroweded and he whispered "Are you sure that's the truth Amanda?", I looked at him directly in the eyes and said "Yes."..he shook his head and removed his hand from the wall behind me, "Lying is a bad trait Amanda." he then turned around and walked to his desk casually. I was still standing next to the classroom door watching him, "Im not lying." I protested, he shook his head, "Yes you are Amanda."..That made me mad, what does he know..I walked to his desk with anger in each step and made him look at me..he smirked "If you really didn't want me to kiss you then you wouldn't have looked out the window to make sure no one was coming." He said calmly, I stood there dumbfounded...I then regained my anger, "Why are you doing this to me?!"..he looked at me with confusement.."Doing what?"...I stuttered not sure how to put it.."You...you know...this!" I motioned my hands back and forth at the both of us..he furrowed his eyebrows and then chuckled.."Amanda, Im just messing around...I thought you understood that." he then grabbed his coffee to take a drink, right before his lips reached the top I slapped the cup out of his hand and he was covered in coffee. I quickly walked to my desk and grabbed my bag, as I walked out the door I could hear him yelling for me to come back with a bit of anger in his voice , but I slammed the door as hard as I could and ran to the exit..I was infurriated. Who does he think he is, what he did was so innapropriate and then he tells me he was just 'messing around'..Im tired of being peoples toy. Screw Mr. Downey.

As I walked out the school entrance I quickly grabbed my phone..but I didn't know who to call, I didn't want to see my parents right now..and I didn't want to see Josh..so I called Ivy. "Hello?".."Hey, it's Amanda..uh wanna hangout?".."Yea! Where are you?"..I kicked the pebbles on the ground as I walked across the parking lot.."Well....I just got out of detention.." I started thinking about what Mr. Downey did but I quickly shook it off and focused on my coversation with Ivy... "Oh, detentions already? Troublemaker..well I'll be there in a few and then we decide where to go.".."Alright." We both hung up and I sat down on a bench in the front campus..I scolded myself for thinking that Mr. Downey maybe liked me or that he really wanted to kiss me, of course not...He thinks just because he's good looking he can mess with anyone and not give a damn about their feelings...well two can play that game. A few minutes later Ivy pulled up in her car and as I was opening the passenger car door, Mr. Downey was walking through the front campus with his man bag slung around his shoulder and napkins in his hand that were wer with coffee stains on them, Im guessing he tryed to clean himself up, I laughed to myself. He noticed me getting in the car and he started walking faster towards me, "Amanda wait!" he called out but I slammed the car door and told Ivy to drive. As we drove towards the busy street and out of the parking lot I could see Mr. Downey through the side mirror, just standing there.

I Want You... (EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें