Lost · Austin Mahone

By adrianesaints

30.7K 1.2K 41

What happens when Austin Mahone goes missing? More

Lost ~ Austin Mahone
00. Prologue
01. "He left his family."
02. "Who are you?"
03. "That's all I remember."
04. "That's the guy in my basement."
05. "Does he play dollies?"
06. "Girls, I'm home!"
07. "I'm sorry about last night."
08. "I was the one who started this."
09. "Thanks for everything Calli."
10. "I honestly don't know how it happened."
11. "Tipo, you're my homie!"
12. "He broke his nose?"
13. "Well you look hot!"
14. "I'll take what I can get."
15. "I know I tricked your brother."
16. "You've drawn this before?"
17. "Smile!"
18. "You can't like me!"
19. "Who is it?"
20. "Kayra Hilton and Jake Walker."
21. "I can't promise that."
22. "Thanks mom."
Epilogue. "You will cry your eyes out."
Extra: "Very good looking.
Extra: "This is my little brother."
Extra: "Turn up, Michele!"
Extra: "Every minute without you."
To post or to not post?

Extra: "Party Pooper!"

479 20 0
By adrianesaints

I spent the weekend at my dad's with Timothy and Tanner. They were more than happy when they saw me walk through the front door. They both had presents for me and I couldn't help but find that beyond adorable. Tanner made dad buy sunflowers as a homecoming present while Timothy, on the other hand, decided to make a drawing of his sister. It wasn't something out of this world but I was quiet surprised to see how perfectly he drew my eyes. He left me mind blown.

"Calli!" I looked up from my laptop to see Tanner holding my phone. "It's Janice."

"Thank you Tanner." I took my phone giving my little brother a smile. I placed the phone to my ear.

"Hi mom!"

"Hello sunshine! How's everything going?"

"Everything's great. I got here on Monday."

"I know. There's like ten pictures of you and Austin arriving at his condo online."

"I know."

"I was calling you to tell you some news. Guess who just said your name for the first time?"

"He did?"

"Yes. He spent all week trying to say it and he finally got it right today!"

"Aw! I feel awful. He was born almost two years ago and here I am at Miami miles and miles away from him."

"He still loves you Calli."

"I know."

"Cai!" "I know baby. Calli's on the phone." "Cai!"

"He sounds happy."

"He's been like this all day."

"I really hope to be there for his birthday."

"I was talking with Tom last night and we might be planning on going to Miami."

"Mom, you don't have to."

"We all want to."

"If you say so."

"I have to go. Your brother's messing the living room."

"Alright. I love you all! Can you please tell Ale I'll call her later?"

"Sure baby. I love you."

"Bye mom."

After hanging up, I realized something. My mom, Ale, Ricky and Tom didn't have a place to stay. I didn't want them spending money on a hotel either. I sighed. I decided to take a shower and texted Austin asking if we could meet up. I thought he was the right person to have an opinion from.

"Can I get you something ma'am?" I looked up from my phone. A waiter stood in front of me holding a pen and small notebook in his hands.

"I'll have a soda for now. Please." I handed him the menu before he left. I continued to stare outside the window only to see Austin park his Rover. I smiled as I saw him get out but it soon faded.

My leg began bouncing. I was curious to know what Austin had to say about me buying my own place. I kind of remembered the day Victoria, Marcus and I were taking Austin back to his mom. His leg was bouncing nonstop during the ride and so was mine at that exact moment.

"Hey beautiful." I turned my gaze to Austin. He leant down to kiss me, making me kiss him back. "Did you order anything?"

"Just a soda. I was waiting for you." He nodded before sitting down. "Do you want something?"

"A soda's fine." When the waiter came back I ordered another soda for Austin. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"I talked to my mom earlier. She called to tell me that Ricky said my name today plus she mentioned they were planning on visiting but the thing is they don't have a place to stay and my dad's apartment isn't big enough for all of us." Austin nodded. "What I'm trying to say is that I might buy my own place."

"Your own place?" I nodded. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah. I mean, I don't want them to spent money on a hotel. And I was thinking maybe it's time for me to take the next step, you know? Have my own place." I watched as Austin rubbed his chin before fixing his beanie.

"That would be cool. You can have your own place and I and the boys can go visit when we get tired of being at mine." I rolled my eyes. "Plus, there are a few empty apartments at the condo. I think we can go see them."

"Really? You're gonna help me?" Austin nodded. "You're amazing you know?"

"I know." I rolled my eyes once he got cocky but I ignored it. Austin was amazing behind all the cockiness.

Later that night I found myself lying in front of my laptop watching Alejandra. We hadn't talk in a while and I missed talking to my sister. I missed sharing secrets and helping her with school work. I simply missed her.

"And they're thinking about doing something like this in the gym." She showed me a sketch. Apparently the school was holding a contest for all of the students. They were supposed to draw a historical spot from around the world. It was the Eiffel tower surrounded by other places in France.

"It's beautiful. Who sketched that?" I rested my hand on top of my hands.

"Wesley did." I noticed the tone in her voice changed a bit. It came high pitched which wasn't normal.

"So Wesley, huh?" She nodded. "Tell me about him."

"He's in my art class. He's really nice and a great artist. He reminds me of you." She sighed making me laugh. "What's funny?"

"You're crushing on Wes." She shook her head. "You are! You sighed right after you finished your sentence."

"He doesn't like me back. He's always hanging out with his friends. I'm just a loser." I tilted my head to the side.

"You're not a loser. I remember leaving a wise, talented and smart little sister back in Texas. What happened to you?" She shrugged. "Alejandra?"

"I really like him. What if I mess up?" I sat up and placed the laptop on my lap.

"Why don't you invite him over to study?" My sister groaned. She could be pretty stubborn sometimes. "That could work right now, you know?"

"You think so?" She looked up from her desk. I nodded. "I'll invite him over tomorrow then."

"That's my sister." I would've continued but I was cut off by my laptop ringing. I raised an eyebrow. "Why is Austin skyping me?"

"He wants to see you." I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

AM: Hey babe! Whoa! Hey Ale!

AJ: Hey Austin! What's up?

AM: Not much. I was just calling your sister to see her lovely face.

AJ: Ha! I told you that was the reason of his call.

CJ: Alright you win. We were just talking about Ale's love life.

AM: Seriously? You have a love life?"

AJ: According to Calli I do.

CJ: She's crushing on a boy from school. That's having a love life.

AM: Your sister is right. You do have a love life.

AJ: She says I should invite him over to study.

CJ: She should!

AJ: I shouldn't.

AM: You should!

CJ: Ha! That's two versus one.

AM: You should invite him over. How long have you known him?

AJ: We met last year. We were in the same class.

CJ: That's a plus.

AM: Invite him over. You got nothing to lose.

AJ: You just sounded like Emblem Three.

AM: They're pretty sick! Your sister has been obsessing over Drew lately.

CJ: No I haven't.

AJ: Your face is red big sister.

CJ: He's good looking but no one compares to Austin.

AM: Thanks babe!

AJ: She's just kissing up to you.

AM: I know but still.

CJ: Ha!

AJ: You guys are gross.

CJ: Oh! We know. Alex says it all the time.

AJ: Is he even in Miami?

AM: Yup! Yo AC!

AC: What's wrong man? Oh hey girls!

AJ: Hey Alex!

AC: Hey name twin. What's up?

AJ: These two are making gross talk.

AM & CJ: Now we're not!

AC: You should see them when they're together. They like to cuddle and kiss in front of people.

AJ: Ew!

CJ: Shut up AC!

AC: I'm not saying anything out of place.

AM: Calli, come on. Your sister will be twelve in a few months. She should know about boys.

AJ: What do I not know about boys?

CJ: Austin?

AM: We'll talk about boys when you come to Miami.

AC: We'll explain everything.

CJ: If I let you.

AM: You're going to let us, Ms. Johnson.

CJ: Whatever. Ale has school tomorrow. She has to go.

AJ: Boo!

CJ: To bed you go!

AM & AC: Party pooper!

CJ: Get over it!

AJ: I'll talk to you guys another time. I love you all!

AM, AC & CJ: Love you too!

After Alejandra ended her call, I spent about an hour skyping with the foolish four. Robert and Zach were asleep right before Austin ended the call. They looked pretty funny to be honest.

"Alright babe, I'll call you tomorrow." I nodded as yawn escaped my lips.

"Yeah. Love you Austin!" I heard him chuckle as I lied down on my bed.

"Love you too Cal!" I shut my laptop, waiting a few seconds until it hit hibernate mode. I shut my eyes drifting off to sleep.

Hello! If you read this story and completed, I wanted you to know that I will be adding 5 or 6 extra chapters as if it was a sequel to Lost. The chapters were originally part of what was supposed to be the sequel which I didn't write because I knew that Lost is as good as it is. I am also posting this extra chapters because, well, Lost will be hitting 10k reads soon enough and it really means a lot to me.

If you like any of the chapters comment or vote!

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