Hogwarts School Years: Year 2

By DreamKnights1498

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Sequel to Hogwarts School Years: Year 1. This is the second year of the heroines' lives at Hogwarts School of... More

Visits, Jealousy, Surprises
Rice Krispie Sandwiches, Duelling and Show offs
Transfer, Suspicions and a Locket
Tryouts, Strange Meetings and Accusations
Anger, Research and New Clues
Cheer Up, Unexpected and Confrontations
Surprising Game, Secrets and Costumes
Secrets, Polyjuice and Rice Krispies
Constellations, Awkward Meetings and Missing
Quidditch, Broken Vase and Santa
Shopping, Loud Cries and Unicorns
Asking, Weird Questions and Falling Asleep
Unconsciousness, Irritation and Spying
Petrification, Sinks and Signal

Realizations, Pop Tarts and Deals

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By DreamKnights1498

Tamara’s POV

Jennifer, Natalie, and I are sitting in the library doing our homework. Currently Michelle is helping a professor with something. It was silent until Jennifer broke it.

“So, do any of you guys think you’re going to get a confession on Valentine’s Day?” She asks curiously.

“No.” I quickly answer. “Why you do?”

“Keith has been looking at me weirdly.....” Jennifer answers and trails off into silence.

“Weird how?” Natalie asks.

“I don’t know...It’s hard to explain....” Then we hear a growl. We turn to the direction it came from. It is a girl who looks be around our age. I recognize her as part of the Tanland Paradise. She is glaring at Jennifer with hatred and jealousy in her eyes. Man, these people are everywhere. It's kind of crazy.

I look back at Jennifer with a smile. “Looks like you got competition.” I joke. Jennifer just rolls her eyes at me.

She then turns to Natalie. “What about you?”  Natalie is silent for awhile, as if thinking of what to say. Jennifer’s face brightens.

“Oh. My. Gosh. Who is it?” She exclaims excitedly. Then Brian comes into my head. A grin comes on my face excited.

“It’s Brian isn’t it?” I ask teasingly. Natalie’s face reddens a bit and stands up and walks away to a shelf.

Jennifer turns to me. “It totally is. She even blushed!” I laugh for a bit until I see Brian walk by our table. I grab his arm, directing him over.

“Did you tell her yet?” I whisper to him. I’m pretty sure Jennifer heard it though.

He looks hesitant. “Uh....”

“Tell her. Or I’m going to.” I mutter. “She’s over there.” I finish, pointing to the next aisle of books.

“Do I ~”

“Yes.” I say, completely cutting him off. I gently shove him away towards Natalie. I turn back to Jennifer, but not before I see Brian turn into the aisle of history books. There was an amused expression on Jennifer’s face. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Wait....did she think....? Oh no. This is going to get out of hand isn’t it....?

Seconds later, Brian appears from behind the shelves, shooting me a weird look on his face. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jennifer’s smile widen. He didn’t tell her. I know he didn’t tell her. I sigh on the inside. Natalie emerges from behind as well. Casually holding a book in one arm. She heads over to our table, pulling out her chair and taking her seat.

Jennifer’s face was inches from her, still with a silly smile pasted on it. “Well? Well?!” I mentally facepalm myself. Way to be that straightforward.....

Michelle walks over and looks between Natalie and Jennifer. She looks at me, not bothering to hide how confused she is. Natalie gently shoves Jennifer’s face away as Michelle sits on an empty seat. “Well what?”

“Did you say yes??” She eagerly asks. Natalie just stays silent, looking confused as ever. Who wouldn’t be as confused as her if nobody said anything to her and then have someone in your face asking about something they have no idea about.

“Say yes to what?” Natalie asks, seriously confused.

Jennifer pokes her arm with a finger. “You know what.....”

“What just happened!?” Michelle cuts in.

“Brian con~” I immediately shush her. Then I give Jennifer a look that says, 'Be-quiet-or-else’.

“We should probably get to class now.” Natalie comments, tucking in her chair seeing everyone filing out of the library.

Jennifer obediently gets up too. Gathering up her books. “This conversation isn’t over by the way.”


Natalie and I head into our next class, quickly taking our seats before Professor Binns takes his spot up at the front.

“Welcome to another class, students. Now as you know every year we learn about the events that lead up to the Second Wizarding War, following the year’s Harry Potter was in the year it happened. So this week we will be learning about the Chamber of Secrets.”

Yay, finally the unit on the Second Wizarding War. I’ve always liked the Second Wizarding War better than all the other events. So does Jennifer, Natalie and Michelle.

“The Chamber of the Secrets was built underneath Hogwarts by Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts. It was said to contain a creature that would get rid of all the Muggle-borns at Hogwarts and it was true. During 1993, Harry Potter’s second year, many Muggle-born students, a cat and a ghost were petrified and turned solid. This included one of Harry Potter’s friends, Hermione Granger.

A first year Gryffindor student had also disappeared. Who released and what kind of creature was not revealed but the girl was returned and everyone was revived. The creature was meant to kill but the way they were attacked by the creature kept them alive till revived. In the end the creature was destroyed by Harry Potter though he would not say how. Now I want everyone to write an 6-inch essay on how they could have been revived. I will hand your mark to Professor Longbottom and Professor Snabe as you will be finding information having to do with Herbology and Potions. You may start now.”  

Something flashes in my head. I pale at the thought of it. I turn abruptly to Natalie, who was already starting to write. She looks at me confused. “What’s wrong?”

“Milly.” I say quietly. I’m not even certain she heard me.

Milly’s name got her attention. “What about Milly?”

“She’s in the Chamber....She’s in the Chamber of Secrets.”

Colour drains from her face. She’s opening and closing her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say. “Are you sure? How do you know?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know how I know...I just know....she’s in there. For the last four months now.” Natalie looks hesitant at the idea.

“Class dismissed.” Professor Binns announces.

My eyes meet Natalie’s. “Let’s find Michelle.”


This is when I really start to question whatever is happening to me. Random scenes just flash into my mind at equally random moments.

I’m not even certain if they speak the entire truth. I mean, what if it’s just me going insane. Then again with the Brian thing.....

“Michelle!” Natalie calls outs.

"Hey, " she says."What's up?"

"We think we know where Milly is. " I say.

Her eyes are wide with shock. “Where? How do you know that?"

"I don't know, I just know. I don't understand how. " I say.

Just then Jennifer walks up to us. "What's with the sad faces?" she asks.

"We have an idea of where Milly is." says Natalie.

"Where? Let’s go now! "

"We can't..." I say.

"What? Why?" says Michelle.

“Let’s talk about this somewhere more private. " says Natalie.

We walk into the second-floor girls washroom. It's been abandoned so we shouldn't be heard by anyone else.

“So where is she?" asks Michelle.

“The Chamber of Secrets..." I say.

“You mean what Professor Binns has been talking about?" asks Jennifer in shock.

“Yeah... " I say.

“But no one knows where that is!!!" says Michelle loudly. She's been getting more and more worried these days. I guess knowing and not knowing where her sister is is making her frustrated.

“We'll figure it out. We always do." says Natalie. “Let's go look for information in the library."

Just then we hear a scream. We all jump back in fright. The door to one of the stalls slowly open with a creak. Out comes a ghost. It seems to be a girl. She's dressed in Ravenclaw robes and has thick glasses.

“Well hello. Have you come to visit me? No one ever comes to visit me." she says in a high voice.

“Who are you?" I say still a little shocked. I've seen ghosts before, our house ghost is even nearly headless but I didn't expect finding one here.

“People call me Moaning Myrtle, but you better not call me that, and you?"

“Tamara, and these are my friends Michelle, Natalie and Jennifer."

Moaning Myrtle shifts her gaze between Natalie, Jennifer and then her gaze stills on Michelle. “Haven’t I seen you before?”

Michelle blinks. “Uh, I don’t think so...”

“I remember seeing you here on Halloween if I’m not wrong..” she says, studying Michelle’s face for confirmation. “Yeah, I did."

I gently nudge Michelle. “She saw Milly. Milly was here talking to her. To get in the chamber.”

Michelle widens her eyes. “Well, er, what was I doing? I mean, sorry I don’t remember you...I, uh, have a horrible memory.”

Moaning Myrtle narrows her eyes at Michelle. “You seem....different.”

“Different how?” Jennifer questions.

“You....” Moaning Myrtle circles Michelle slowly, studying her from head to toe. “You’re voice is different....and so are your eyes....”

“My eyes?” Michelle questions.

Moaning Myrtle’s own eyes harden. “It wasn’t you. Now was it?”

“What? Of course it was me.” Michelle responds, determined to leak whatever she knows out.

“You’re lying.” Moaning Myrtle says in a stern voice.

Jennifer puts a hand on my shoulder. “Wow. You two must have a lot in common....”

“What makes you think she’s lying?” I ask blankly.

She eyes Michelle up and down in disgust. “Other than her eyes...She looks exactly the same. But she is an entirely different person.”

“Fine. I didn’t come here on Halloween! My sister came here, so can you just tell me where she is?!” Michelle exclaims impatiently.

Moaning Myrtle stays silent, just watching us. “Please?” Michelle pleads.


“Ugh. Fine. Let’s go.” She says, turning on her heel. Michelle places a hand on the doorknob when Moaning Myrtle finally speaks up.

“I’ll tell you what you need to know if you give me what I want. If you don’t, you can just forget about hearing it from me.” Moaning Myrtle says with a sneer.

“What do you want from us?” Jennifer questions. All of us look nervous about what Moaning Myrtle wants.

She give us a sneaky grin. “Well...it’s Valentine’s day....and I’m always so lonely in here....”

Natalie, Jennifer, Michelle and I exchange glances. I think I know where this is going......

“So you want us to find you some company?” Natalie asks to clarify things. “Don’t girls come here every so often though?”

“I’m not talking about a girl.” Myrtle snaps, looking annoyed. “I’m talking about a boy who I can spend Valentine’s day with.” She answers with a dreamy look on her face.

“Is that it...?” I ask. Hopefully she isn’t expecting us to set up some date for her. Candlelit dinner and everything.

“Yup.” Moaning Myrtle answers, still a little dazed. “Ok. We’ll see if we can.” Jennifer answers.

“No if's! IT MUST BE CERTAIN.” She says angrily.

Jennifer thinks for a moment. “Maybe Collin can do it.....”

Myrtle shakes her head. Jennifer looks at her confused. “You don’t even know him though!”

“Well...a couple girls came in here before....They keep on talking about this guy.....”

“What guy...?” Natalie asks questioning.

Myrtle shrugs. “I don’t know.....they’re called Tanland Paradise if that helps you find out who it is.”  

“Keith?” Michelle exclaims surprised. “You want to spend time with....Keith?!”

Moaning Myrtle twirls a lock of her hair with her finger. “Oh, Keith....I like the sound of that....”

Michelle suddenly looks hesitant. I turn to Myrtle. “Don’t you want to spend time with someone else? You know. Someone who doesn’t have a obsessive fan club?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Only Keith.” her voice then turns stern. She darts her face right in front of Michelle’s. “And if not. You can forget about getting your sister back.”

And with that, she vanishes. Michelle sighs, sounding annoyed and stressed.

“Why Keith of all people!?” She rants. “He told me, he has someone he wants to be with on that day.” A look of jealousy is on her face. “I’m going to have to beg him. A lot.”

Jennifer has a nervous look on her face, almost scared. “He, er, wants to be with someone? Did he like, say who...?”

“No.....” Michelle drifts off. “All he said is that he prepared a gift and a confession for this girl.” She says.  

“Then you should ask him before he does.” I say. “Poor guy....”

Moaning Myrtle suddenly reappears. “Yeah. You better.” she says sternly. Vanishing again before we can say anything.

“Well. Now excuse me, I need to owl my parents for a box of pop tarts.” Michelle says. Pop tarts....? “Apology gift and bribe for Keith.” She says, leaving the washroom.

“He likes pop tarts?” Jennifer asks.

“Apparently, yes he does.” I answer.

“But rice krispies are so much better!” She exclaims.

I roll my eyes. “Shouldn't it be better for you? You don’t have to share with him.”

“And different people have different tastes.” Natalie says.

“Ok. Instead of talking about a guy’s obsession with pop tarts, we need to figure out how to get into the Chamber of Secrets and where is it.” I say, getting us back on track of the topic. Natalie and Jennifer agrees.

“Harry Potter never did say where the entrance to the Chambers are.” Natalie comments. That’s going to be a problem....

”How did he find out....?” Jennifer asks.

“He had the help of Hermione Granger. She is one of the brightest minds that Hogwarts have seen outside of Ravenclaw.” Natalie says.

I sigh. “Looks like we need to do research again...”

Jennifer turns to Natalie. “Don’t you know though? You have a bright mind. Just like Hermione.”

“The problem is that-”

“NO, I’M NOT DOING IT!!” We hear a shout from outside. From the voice, I can tell it’s Keith. We all walk outside to see the commotion. Keith has his back facing Michelle who has her hands clasped together with a pleading look on her face. Luckily the halls are empty right now.  

“That doesn’t sound good....” I say.

Jennifer shrugs. “Maybe she got him the wrong pop tart flavour?” I roll my eyes. “Do you see any pop tarts right now?” I ask.

“You haven’t even let me finish explaining yet!” Michelle exclaims.

“You don’t need to! Why would I spend a day as important as Valentine’s day with a freaking ghost!?” Keith yells at her. Then I hear Michelle mutter under her breath.

“When are the dang pop tarts coming....”  

“Come on! PLEASE!?!?” Michelle begs. “Let me explain why!”  

He sighs angrily. “One minute.” Michelle immediately brightens.

“I asked Moaning Myrtle where Milly could have gone to and what she was doing. She told me...well.......she wants compensation. Please. You know how important Milly is to me....” Michelle finishes with a hopeful look on her face. “And you know it’s a bad idea to piss off a ghost. Do you need me to remind you what happened when you-” Then he puts a hand over her mouth.

I raise an eyebrow at that. He pissed off a ghost before? That would be interesting to hear.....I’m going to ask Michelle about that later.

“Fine.” He finally gives in with a sigh. Wow. He actually agreed to that?

“YES!!! YOU’RE THE BEST KEITH!” Michelle cheers and gives him a hug out of happiness.

“Buuut.....” He begins to say, dragging out the word. Dang. I knew it was too good to be true. The smile on Michelle’s face immediately drops. She lets go of him and looks at him with a grimace.

“I’ll give you a box of pop tarts.....isn’t that enough?” She asks hopefully. He gives her a 'are-you-kidding-me?’ look. This isn’t going to be good is it.....?

“I’ll do it. But on one condition.” Keith says firmly. Michelle sighs and nods.

“I’m getting tired of you fighting with Lewis. That it's always involving me and getting us into trouble.” He starts. A look of horror begins to show on Michelle’s face. Natalie, Jennifer and I have looks of shock on our faces. He isn’t seriously suggesting to......

“So I want you to....” Oh crap he is. “spend Valentine’s Day with Lewis.” A tension filled silence is in the air. Everyone’s eyes widen except for Keith, who held a steady gaze the entire time. Well, minus the time when Michelle asked him to spend Valentine’s day with a ghost.

“No offense....But are you crazy?!” Jennifer exclaims.

“What!? No, I’m not!” Keith says.

“Keith....Can it be any day EXCEPT Valentine’s Day......Please.....?” Keith just silently shakes his head.

“If I’m spending my Valentine’s day with a ghost, than you are going to spend it with your soon-to-be friend, Lewis. Do we have a deal?” Michelle sighs.

“Yeah.....We have a deal......” She says as if the world crashed before her. I wonder what Lilly’s going to think about this....

“Anyway I gotta go. I promised Wilma I’ll go meet her. See ya at the common room, Michelle.” He waves at her. “Bye.” He waves at us. Then Keith leaves the hallway.

“The things I do for Milly........She’s going to get it........” Michelle swore under her breath. We heard a call from an owl. We turn to the direction it came from. It's an barn owl with a box of pop tarts and a letter. Wow.........What great timing this owl has.....

Michelle takes the letter and box and fed it. Then she sent it off back to wherever it came from. She looks at the box with contempt. Then she tore the letter open. Michelle quickly reads through the letter. After she finishes reading it, she scowls at it. Michelle stuffs the letter into her robes pocket.

“What did it say?” Natalie asks worryingly.

“My parents said don’t owl us anymore until you give us the news that you've found Milly.” Michelle says darkly. Ouch.....

“Same goes for Melanie.” She adds.

“So....what are you going to do for your date?” Jennifer asks.

“It’s not a date!!” Michelle heavily denies the idea. “It’s just a simple......”

“It so is. You can’t even finish that sentence.” Jennifer teases. I’m pretty sure she wants to make Michelle feel better. But this way....it’s definitely not helping......

“We’re only going to be hanging out together! Besides if my parents especially my dad hears about this......He’s going to murder Lewis, Keith and me.” Michelle mutters.  

“If it actually happens.” I state. “Getting him to agree is going to be like half the work.”

Michelle groans. “I know......” Then she suddenly brightens. “Hey Natalie.....do you still have more of that Polyjuice potion......” My eyes widen. Oh heck no. No way I’m doing that again.

“No!” I say. “Natalie, don’t give her it....”

“Well it’s official....my life sucks.” Michelle says depressingly

“Hey can you guys kill me? Right now?” I shake my head. As sad as it is for her to be her right now, we have to move on. Without us killing each other.

“Anyways....how are we going to find the entrance?” I say softly. I’m still worried someone might overhear our conversation.

“Can we ask Moaning Myrtle? I mean, she told Milly where it is right?” Jennifer offers. I nod.

“Sure. We got her the guy for the....date she wants. We need to talk to her about that anyway.” I say.

Michelle snickers. “Oh she better tell us where it is.....”

“Should we go now or....?” Natalie asks.

“Let’s just get it over with.” Jennifer says. All of us agree with the idea and walk back into the washroom.

Michelle gently knocks on the stall door. “Myrtle?” The toilet in the stall begins to rumble. It looks like it’s about to explode. The four of us carefully take a few steps back. Moaning Myrtle erupts from the toilet and flies around the room, and stops in front of us.

She tilts her head. “Well did you do it? If you didn’t, I won’t be happy.” She asks eagerly.

“You need to tell us what we want to know.” Michelle says firmly.

Moaning Myrtle narrows her eyes at her. She says, crossing her ghostly arms. “Now, did you do it?”

Michelle clenched her jaw. “Yes we got you the guy that you wanted. So can you please tell us what we want to know. I’m begging you.” Moaning Myrtle hums a little bit. Then looks at each one of us critically. As if to see if we’re lying to her about the date thing.

“You promised that you would tell us what we want to know. Not only that but you need to show us where the Chamber of Secrets is. Not tell us. Show us.” I say.  

Moaning Myrtle slowly nods. “Alright.”


“Well? Aren’t you going to show us?” Natalie asks.

“Of course. I’ll show you after my date.” She answers gleefully. Michelle and I facepalm ourselves.

“Alright, alright. But you better promise that you'll show us what we want after your date!” Michelle says darkly with contempt.

“How dare you! I always keep my word!” Moaning Myrtle says, looking scandalized.

Jennifer rolls her eyes. “Yeah, whatever. Let’s go.”

“Wait. I want you to swear right now that you'll show us. Right now, Myrtle.” Michelle says with narrowed eyes. Both her and Moaning Myrtle suddenly starts to have a glaring contest.

“Alright. I, Moaning Myrtle, swear on my grave that I will show you the way to enter the Chamber of Secrets. Happy now, little girl?”

“Not really, but that helped. Thank you.” Michelle answers.

“Sorry for earlier. I was in a bad mood. I've gotten myself into a bad situation getting you that date.” She apologizes.

“Apology accepted. Now leave please. I would like to catch up on my beauty sleep. I do need to look pretty for my date.” Moaning Myrtle giggles. After that, she happily dives into her toilet. A few seconds later, we could hear snores and mumbles coming from the toilet.

We quietly tiptoe out of the girls’ washroom.

“Valentine’s Day is two weeks away. What are we going to do for two weeks?” Natalie asks with a little concern on her face.

“For me, I would be trying to figure out how to get Lewis to agree to go out with me.” Michelle says with a sour look on her face. “And it’s not a date, Jennifer!!” She glares at Jennifer who was about to say something.

“Getting to get Lewis to go out with you of all people?” A voice behind us says.

All of us turn around while Michelle is muttering to herself, “Kill me now...”. Brian is looking at Michelle weirdly with his books in his arms.

“You want to go out with Lewis?” He asks, arching his eyebrows at Michelle.

Jennifer nods enthusiastically, “Yeah. Any advice? She needs to ask him out on Valentine’s day.”

“Valentine’s day.” He repeats. “And I’m sorry, needs?”

“Yeah...” Michelle speaks up. “It’s a long story....”

“A long, complicated, sad story.” I add.

Brian nods slowly. “Clearly. I thought you hate Lewis." he asks Michelle.

“Trust me, I’m doing it because I have to. Not because I have feelings for him.” She answers through clenched teeth. Michelle clearly emphasized the have to.

“So any advice?” Jennifer cheerfully asks Brian. The poor guy still looks confused and gives looks of pity to Michelle.

“Ughhh my first date is with him out of all people.....” Michelle mutters.

“So......” Natalie cuts in. “Do you have any ideas how to get Lewis to agree?”

“I have an idea but Michelle won’t like it....” Brian says. Michelle looks at him and answers, “What is it?”

“Well.......”He starts. “You’re going to have to humiliate yourself...”  Michelle looks at him suspiciously.

“What do you mean by that....?” Michelle asks. We can all tell that she’s scared of what Brian is going to say.

“Admit that what Lewis says is true. Then apologize to him with a smile and Ferraro Rocher.” He says with a look of fear on his face. Oh yeah, he should definitely be scared. We all look at Michelle who has her head down. At her sides I can see her fists clenching. Then all of a sudden, she puts her head up and gives us a big smile.

“Thanks Brian. Now excuse me. I need some time alone.” She excuses herself and quickly leaves the hallway. All of us sigh out of relief. Then we hear a scream. It was out of frustration, anger and stress. We all jumped at the scream.

“That was Michelle....” Natalie points out.

“Oh yeah. That’s definitely her.” I comment.

“She's finally snapped...”Jennifer says.

“That was probably one of the scariest moments of my life....Remind me to never piss her off...” Brian says weakly.

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