Royally Misfits

By Pakrat

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Book 1 of The Trigger World series. The year is 2348, and three World Wars have happened since 2037. Every su... More

Royally Misfits
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 14

196 10 0
By Pakrat

Chapter 14

Thank you rebeccalance for supporting The Trigger World series!!!


I hate rain.

No, that's a lie.

I despise rain, with a freaking passion.

When I said that I liked it, I was hallucinating. I'm running through the forest, soaking wet, not being able to stop. Why you may ask? Well because then they could catch up to me, or they could get to where I'm heading-or hoping I'm heading. I mean I've already made it this far, why stop now? I can still faintly hear running behind me, it could also be the rain, I don't know. Right now my instincts are telling where to go, and I'm hoping for the best.

The storm hasn't let up, if anything it's gotten worse. The winds are strong, and cold, and I'm dripping wet. A great risk for hypothermia, but they found a some-what cure for that. Hell they found a cure for almost everything, cancer included. Well except the common cold or flu, but they're working on it.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't notice the tree's thinning out. I looked up to see a building in front of me, at least I hoped it was a building. I walk up to the suspected building, hoping it was one of the home's that the Misfits lived in. I walked onto the deck, and almost fall through with rot, yup definitely a Misfit home. I walked up to the glass door, and hoped it was open. It was. I walked inside and couldn't help the laugh, that escaped through my lips. It was my old home. I had broken into-well not really broken into-my old house. I shook my head, and made my way up the stairs, hoping that they didn't take my emergency bag.

I walked into my room, to find drawers open, my mattress on the floor by the window, with the blankets. I went to the closet, and opened the doors, hoping they left my bag in there. Luck was on my side it seemed, as the bag was still there. On the floor in a plastic bag to keep out mold and bugs. I quickly grabbed the bag, and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the water to warm, stripped out of my wet cloths. I take the dagger and put it on the counter. Surprisingly it wasn't wet. Then stepped into the shower. The water hit me, even though it was cold, it was warmer than my body. But slowly the water warmed, along with my body.

After I had feeling in my body again, I stepped out and wrapped two towels around my body, one so I'm covered, and one around my shoulders. Then I wrapped a towel in my hair too. I took my wallet and the card out of my wet clothes, then opened the bag to see what type of clothes I had put in there. A couple pairs of pants, some shirts, a jacket, shoes, socks, underwear, and bras. I picked a navy long sleeved shirt, with dark jeans, and some random under cloths. Once I was dressed I stuck the dagger in the waist of my pants. I then but my wallet in the bag, and the card in my pocket, I take the towel out of my hair, and brushed it. Boy did that hurt. Then I put it in a braid going down my head.

I took my bag and walk out of the bathroom, and back into my room. I looked out the big windows, only to see that the storm wasn't going anywhere for awhile. I made my way over to my mattress, and picked up the blankets. I walk out of the room with the bag, and my blankets, and made my way downstairs. Once downstairs I made way to the living room, and put my stuff on the couch, then made my way into the kitchen. I looked in the pantry for food, and grabbed a can of fruit, and a box of crackers. I opened the can of fruit and put it in a bowl, then grabbed the box crackers. I grab a fork and head into the living room with my food, and wrapped a blanket around my slightly cold body.

I ate in silence, nothing but me and my thoughts. After I was done I put my stuff of the table. I thought for a couple minutes about what I should do, the most obvious one was to either sleep or call the number on the card. Deciding now was a good time, since the power is somehow is on, I got up and made my way to the phone.

I took the card out of my pocket, which looked brand new might I add. I took a deep breath before I dialed the number, while slipping the card back into my pocket.





No one's going to answer, I should just hang up.

"Hello Avey, you called sooner then I had expected to." I was stunned silent. I didn't know what to say. "So, how about tomorrow we go to the Tiger Stripped Cafe, and talk more hmm?"

Finally finding my voice. "You put a blocking spell on yourself, you let the others see one thing, but me another. Why?"

There was a pause. "I will explain everything tomorrow when we meet, Avey. For now its goodbye."

"Alright, fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I ended the call before she could say anything else.

I looked down at my watch to see that it's 10:00pm. I wrap the blanket closer around my body, and made my way into the living room. I curled up, and started to think about how much shit I'm going to be in when I get back home. I mean I know it was stupid and a mistake, but I wanted answers. Plus everyone thought I was crazy! What else could I have done? Well maybe not run away in the middle of a storm. Ya I'm an idiot.


I wake up to birds chirping outside the window. I snap open my eyes, to see sunlight coming in through the window.

Well shit.

I take the blanket off of me, and stretch. Fully awake now, and not cold, I open the bag and take out the jacket in there and put it on. I then dig out my wallet, and shoved it back into my inside jacket pocket. I make sure that the dagger was still on me. I closed the bag, put it on my back, then made my way to the front door.

I walk down the path, and walk towards the city. I hope I still have luck on my side, and hoping Cross gave up searching for me. I was walking faster than normal, putting distance between me and the house.

Before I knew it, I was on the edge of the city. I quickly walk past the diner and hope that Jill hasn't gone to work yet. Everyone knew where the Tiger Stripped Cafe is, it's one of the hang out points for Nats. But that doesn't mean everyone else didn't know where it was. It was close to the school, so a lot of times people went there for lunch. The only time it's okay for humans to go there is when it's a school day, if it's not then you get looked at funny.

I look up at the brick building with a window front. Paint splatter all over the outer walls, but it only draws you in. I cross the street, and head towards the cafe.

I open the door and the smell of coffee hits me instantly, everyone turns their head and looks my way. Whispers, and glares were thrown my way, but I could give two shits what these people think. I was here for answers. I make my way to a corner table and sat down. Everyone was still looking at me.

Someone walks out of the back room, I turned my head to see who it was. Low and behold, it was the reason why I was here. She made her way to my table, and smiled down at me.
"Good morning Avey, and how are you on this fine day?" She asked me. I still don't know this ladys name, so I'll just refer to her as Pinkey.

"I'm good thanks, how about you?" Deciding begin nice was better than rude.

"Fine thank you, how about we go somewhere more... private?"

I nod my head and get up to follow her to the back room. I could feel everyone's eyes on the back of my head, as I followed her through the back door. Once behind the door, I relaxed, a little. Pinkey lead me down the dark colored hall. She took a couple of turns before stopping at a door, she opened it and walked in, I followed in after.

The room was a dark red colour, the furniture was also a dark brown. I'm guessing they really like dark colours here. The lighting was dim too, the room was just... dark. The lady walks over to the couches in the middle of the room, I again followed her instead of standing awkwardly by the door. The couches were a dark leather, this room was very dark and depressing, especially considering there was no windows.

"So what would you like to know?" Pinkey asked from across from me, on the second couch.

"Uh, your name would be a good place to start." I'm guessing Pinkey isn't her name, so it would be rude to actually call her that.

She gives a small laugh before answering. "My name is Jennifer, but most people call me Jen."

"Are you really royalty?"

"Yes," Jen's lips went into a small smirk as she said that.

"Why do you hide?"

It was a few minutes before she responded. "I didn't like that people are always trying to kill me, trying to be my friend, trying to get a picture. I like to keep to myself, so I didn't like it when the entire world knew everything about me. So I left, I hid. My family and true friends know where I am, but that's it."

I nod my head then say. "Then why tell me? Why show me who you are?"

"Ah, that's the question isn't it? When I put this spell on me, I made it so my family and friends could see the real me. My family being the royal sorcerers, witches, and the fairies. So anyone with a drop of blood to the royal sorcerers, witches, and fairies, would see the real me."

I was looking at her with disbelief. Was she saying I'm royalty? I was not a royal Nat, no way in hell could I be. I mean I think I would have noticed, right? "No, I can't be a royal Nat. There's just no way."

"Then how do you explain the blocking spell? It was put there by a royal, or royal status." Jen's voice was firm, and soft, that I found myself believing what she was saying.
Jen's head snapped towards the door, an annoyed look on her face. "Looks like we're having some company." As she said the last word the door banged open. I turned my head to see some very pissed of wolves-aka Cody, Dowson, Alex, and Derek. With Lily close behind, and Arie in her arms.

I stand up from the couch, I'm in complete shock, how did they find me? Wait they probably tracked my sent! Wait a minute, if they found me, does that mean Cross is here? Well this went downhill fast. Lily and Arie looked at Jen. Arie with a smile, Lily with a confussed look on her face.

"Guys, Avey was right. She does have pink eyes and blond-red hair." Everyone looks at Lily, I look relieved, then confused. The guys are giving us 'you're crazy' looks, and Jen has a knowing smile on her face.

"Ya, she has really pretty pink eyes." Arie said from Lily's arms.

Jen's attention turns to Arie, and the smile grew bigger. She turns and goes off somewhere in the room. Saying something about candles, and everyone is standing by the door awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"So, how's the weather?" I look from face to face.

Lily gives a laugh before coming over and sitting down on the couch along with Arie. The guys still look unsure. "Come in, I don't bite. Much."

Slowly the guys made their way to the couches and sat down. When everyone was seated on the couches, everyone turned their attention to me.

"Well princess, you have some explaining to do." Dowson said from across from me. I shake my head no. "Really? Because I think you do, not only did you run away in a thunderstorm, Cross went crazy with worry-we all did. So start explaining." Cody looked at me pointedly from beside Dowson.

I gave a sigh before I begin. "So I climbed out the window. Jumped from tree to tree, then after I was out of the border I ran. Then I broke into our Misfit house, I then called Jen, after I slept. I walked to this cafe, talked with Jen for a bit. Next thing I know ya'll are here." I do believe that was the shortest summer I have ever done.

Jen came back into the room with her arms full of things, mostly it was candles. She placed them all around the room, in a specific place, or random I don't know. Then she had herbs-I think-and lit them on fire, and was walking around the room with the thing on fire. Okay, what ever floats your boat. Everyone was now staring at her, we had no idea what the hell she was doing, or planed to do.

She turned to face us with a big smile on her face. "Are you four ready?"

"Umm, ready for what exactly?" I asked, because I had no clue.

"To have the spell taken off." She said in a duh tone.

"Wait the four of us?" Lily asked.
She gave a loud sigh before she explained. "Yes the four of you." She points at me, Lily, Arie, and Derek.

"Wait, so you're saying that all four of have a blocking spell, that are blocking our true identities?" Derek questioned from the end of the couch. He didn't seemed like he believe her.


"Okay, I'll bite. Then what are our 'true identities'?" Derek did the bunny ears on 'true identities'.

"What is your name?"


"Well Derek, you would be a royal werewolf and the ladies would all be royal fairies." Jen said as if it was the most well known thing in the world.
There was gasps and intakes of breaths all around the room. I don't know if it was good gasp, or bad gasp though.

"Uh, could someone please explain why thats such a big deal?" Lily asked, followed by Derek and me nodding our heads.

Jen let out a sigh. "Alright, time for a history lesson." She paused before carrying on. "Almost sixteen years ago, two fairie royal children, and a werewolf royal were taken when they were babies. Five years ago the royal fey had another child. Her to was stolen. The two royal family's, thought that the other family stole the children. So they two races were always fighting, and arguing. About two years after the kids were taken, they came to their senses, and realized that someone else had taken the kids. They then came together, to find out who had taken them. The fairies and the werewolves were always close, but this made them stronger, made them closer. Though they never found the children, but the families believe that they are still alive, always having hope."

The room was silent after Jennifer finished the explanation. Everyone thinking. The silence was interrupted by a ringing of a cell phone, Cody's cell to be exact.

"Hello?... Oh, hi Uncle Cross." I could hear Cross yelling at Cody through the phone. "Um, ya we found her... You want all of us back right now?... Like right now? Cause we thought about stopping for some food first... Okay, okay bye." Cody looked at everyone, but his gaze stopping at me.

"Cross want's our ass's back now, and if we're not back there in twenty minutes, he's going to send the police, the Government, and all of the pack to find us." Cody told us with a serious expression.

Well shit balls. Wait, what did they tell them then? "Hey, guys what exactly did you tell everyone? Like, did you give them the note like I did? Did you just say I ran away? Like what?"

"Oh, we said that you were missing from the room. After looking all over the house, we went back to the room through, only realized that you climbed out the window. Then Cross alerted everyone, and now here we are. With a pissed off Cross on everyone's ass. We didn't find any note." Alex said while rolling his eyes.
I then looked at Jen, hoping she had an answer for this mess.

"Go, I need to call more people to help with this spell. I could do it, but it would take a while to do everyone. So go for now, and when I'm ready, the spell will be lifted." Jen's eyes looked distant, but her voice was firm.
"Okay," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Lets go! I don't want to die today!" Cody was standing by the door, practically jumping up and down.
Everyone got up from where they were sitting, and made their way to the door. We all walk quickly down the dark hall, and back to the cafe. Everyone's eyes went back on us when we walked through the door, but we still walked fast through the cafe to the front door.

Once outside, everyone went into cars. Derek, Arie, and Dowson all went in one car. While Cody, Alex, Lily, and me went in the other. I sat in the front with Cody, while Lily sat in the back with Alex.

The car ride was tense, quiet, and fast. The whole time we went above the speed limit, yet none of the police stopped us. We pulled into the driveway to be greeted by a pissed Cross, and a worried Crystal standing beside him. When the car was turned off, Cross and Crystal made their way other to it. I slowly got out of the car, not wanting to get yelled at. I when I was fully out of the car, and about to close the door, I was pulled into a hug by the Cross, and Crystal. They didn't say anything, just hugged me. My arms were of course pinned down at my side, just dangling there.

They pulled away, and I could see that Crystal was crying. "Oh, Chris what's the matter?" I was so confused right now.

"Sometimes I wonder if you have a brain. I was worried, no terrified for you Avey! I was scared something was going to happen to you, that you were going to be dead. We both were." I looked between Cross and Chris. Crystal you could tell was worried, but Cross, not so sure. I looked at Cross more closely, around his eyes were a bit puffy, like he hasn't slept. His brown eyes were a bit red, like he'd been crying. Well damn.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you guys worry. I just went out for a walk/run, but I didn't realize how far I had gone, until I was a section over, so then I walked-well ran back. But it was late, so I went to the Misfit house and stayed the night. I was walking around town when these guys found me." I was hoping that they bought the lie.

They both pulled me into another hug. "Just leave a note next time." Cross told me.

I gave a dry laugh. "I will make sure I put the note in a more noticeable place."

We then walked into the house, Cross on the left of me, Crystal on the right, me in the middle with their arms across my back. For the first time in my life, I left like I had a mom and dad.


So Cross and Chris care for Avey. Hmm...


Pakrat out!!!

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