Royally Misfits

By Pakrat

9.5K 430 67

Book 1 of The Trigger World series. The year is 2348, and three World Wars have happened since 2037. Every su... More

Royally Misfits
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 6

207 9 1
By Pakrat

Chapter 6

Thank you pp2_retchie for supporting The Trigger World series!!!



Blood. Body parts. Intestines. They covered the front entrance, things that I didn't even know what they would be attached to, are all over the place. I slowly make my way inside. The smell. Oh god the smell, it would be enough to make anyone gag. But still I went through the house. I had to make sure there were no survivors.

I opened the door to the sitting room. It looked untouched. The couches, the tables, everythings was in its place. I went to the living room across the hall. A head was hanging down from the light fixture, an arm was on the couch, a foot... I think was in the middle of the room. I made my way out of the living and into the dining room. This room wasn't any better.

Slowly I made my way through the entire first floor. The things I saw will forever be burned into my brain. I made my way upstairs, for the most part the up stairs looked untouched.
I was opening my last door when I nearly lost it. Seven brains were scattered over the room. Seven brains, just thrown about. Seven freaking brains.

Thats it, I just, I just can't take it anymore. I run out of the room and down the stairs and out the door. I run a little ways away before I collapse on the grass. I try to make myself as small as possible, while clutching my head trying to get the images out.

Someone sat down beside me, but I didn't move.

"That bad huh?" Derek. Of course Derek would be the one to check on me.

I nodded my head, that's all I could do, was nod my head.

"Come here Avey." With that he pulled me into a hug.

We stayed like that until everyone came and sat around us. Until they came looking for answers. I sat up straight, but Derek still had his arm across my shoulders.

"This was unexpected... But we can't let it get to us, not out in the open at least. We will go back to our house, all the groups will stay there. As a group, we will go to each group house, the group members will grab clothes, then we will move on until all houses are cleared." I declared to everyone who sat in the circle.

Baliy had tears in her eyes along with Maya and Mayla. Ashton was pale, and Mike looks green. Everyone nods their heads. I was the first to stand up, then Derek, then slowly everyone else stood. I was in the lead and Derek was in the back. Maya was standing right beside me so that our arms are touching. Mayla and Baliy are holding onto each other for dear life. Slowly we made our way to every groups house, me and Derek helped out with the bags as much as we could.

By the time we made it back to our house, everyone was waiting on the grass or hanging out on the deck. Without a world people helped carry in the bags, as we walk to the door. It was silent as we walk in and people set the bags down in the living room or front hall. We make our way to the kitchen, everyone was hot on our heels waiting for answers. On the counter was sandwiches, fruit, and heated up chili. Food was handed out to us, but no one ate.

"Alright, I guess I'll get right to it. When we got to D's house everyone was dead, and yes, I'm sure. Whatever killed them could be after us next, so all the groups are going to stay here until further notice. We also need to call the Government and let them know what happened. So any questions?" After the little speech, I made my way over to the phone that you have to pay to use. I dialed the number they gave us if anything Misfits went missing, or died. After some rings the answering machine kicked in.

"You have reached Detective Cross. Please leave a message."

"Hey Cross, its Avey. So I just wanted you to know that group D, is now dead, and Shelly is missing. Has been for a week. And in case you can't remember, group D had eight people in it. Call me back when you get this. Love Avey." And with that I hung up the phone.

We don't use the phone because it costs five cents per minute to talk on it, and the money could go to somewhere more needed. The only time it doesn't cost to talk on it, is if someone is calling you instead. Still we don't use it often.

Everyone stays on the first floor. They are either in the kitchen, living room, or sunroom. Derek pulls me to the side. "Do you think it was the wilds you saw last night?" He asks in a hushed voice.

"I don't know. I mean it had crossed my mind in a passing thought, but. I don't know, whoever did this is completely wild. The ones I met last night weren't." I whisper.

He nods his head. We walk into the living room and sit near the window. Within the hour there was a loud pounding at our door.

"I'll get it" I shout to whoever is listening. Most were playing a game. When I open the door I am meet with a very mad looking Cross. "Well you don't look in any mood to play, so why don't you come back later! Bye now" With that I tried to shut the door but his hand stopped me from closing it. By now everyone in the house was at the door.

"Avelena what the hell was with that message? And why didn't you call sooner? You all could've been killed!" Cross shouted, at me. He always blames me, when we don't call him and something like this happens.
"Oh I'm sorry, its not my fault it took you so damn long to get here!" I said sarcastically.

"Until the Government can deem it safe, all of the Misfits of this area, will be moving to a more safer location. We have been granted to use force, if necessary to evacuate everyone." Cross declared.

After he was finished I turned around, walked into the living room, sat down on a couch, picked up a book, and began to read.

"Avey, you will come with us one way or another." I heard Cross from somewhere behind me.

I keep faking reading the book. "Look Cross, you are not going to be evacuating us from this house! We're perfectly fine!"

I heard a sigh then foot steps approaching where I was, but I did not move. Cross tackled me so I was underneath him. I tried to get free, but couldn't. He sat on top of my waist, and had my arms pinned across my chest.

"What the hell Cross?" I scream at him.

Another agent, or detective walks towards us. With a needle in his hand. Great there going to drug me.

"Really? Drugging a child! What's wrong with you people, do you always drug children? Or just when you're bored maybe!" I was beyond pissed now. I'm not a fan of being told what to do, and drugging me on top of that? You're just asking for trouble.

"I'm not the one who was being difficult, if you would just come with us, then you wouldn't be getting drugged right now." Cross says simply.
"Oh so now its my fault, that almost every time we meet, I end up getting drugged. Look what the world has come to!"

The person is next to me rolling up my long sleeve shirt. While I'm squirming like a worm, causing difficulties. Eventually my shelve gets rolled up, and the dude cleans my arm. Cross is putting extra weight on that arm now. I feel a slight pain, and know that I have lost the battle.
My body feels so heavy. My eyes become too heavy to keep open, but I still try. In the end they close, I am so dizzy, the world feels like it's spinning so fast around me.

The last thing I feel is being lifted off the couch.


So group D is dead... And Cross drugged Avey.

Vote!!! Comment!!!Read!!!
Pakrat out!!!

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