Panty Droppa ~Kelly Oubre

By DubNationUnderGod

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This right here's a panty-dropper Whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh This right here's a panty-dropper Whoa-oh-oh-o... More

Chapter 1: First Game
Chapter 2: All Eyes On You
Chapter 3: Set Up Part 1
Chapter 4: Set up Part 2
Chapter 5: Jealous
Chapter 6: Chopped
Chapter 7: I Care
Chapter 9: 'Tis The Season Part 2
Chapter 10: Trust Issues
Chapter 11: On Bended Knee Part 1
Chapter 12: On Bended Knee Part 2
Chapter 13: When you play with fire.... (Part 1)
Chapter 14: When You Play With Fire... Part 2
D'Angelo Russell
Chapter 15; Toronto Vibes- Part 1
Chapter 16: Pt. 2

Chapter 8: 'Tis The Season Part 1

3.6K 140 13
By DubNationUnderGod

I just want you for my own,

More than you could ever know,

So make my wish come true,

Oh baby all i want for Christmas...

Is you!

~Mariah Carey x All I want for Christmas is you~

(Song in MM)

~1 1/2 month later (Christmas Eve)~

Kelly P.O.V

I looked up at the shot clock.

"15 seconds." I thought to myself.

I quickly sidestepped Carmelo Anthony and dribbled down the court. As I was going up for a layup, I saw Kristaps Porzingins, The Knicks' center, go up for a block.

I floated it off to Bradley who made a perfect jump-shot resulting in the ball splashing right through the net as the buzzer beater went off, signaling the end of the 4th quarter.

The crowd erupted in cheers as if this was like an early Christmas present.

I went over to Carmelo clapping him up, being he was one of my idols growing up.

"Good game, mayne. I've always wanted to meet you."

"That means a lot young blood. You really have talent, good job out there tonight." He smiled.

"Thank you, thank you. Same goes for you."

"Thanks man. I gotta get going, but next time I see you I won't be taking an L."

I chuckled. "We'll see."

We dapped up one more time and went our separate ways; Him with his team and me into the locker room with mine.

"Wooh! Thank God we don't have a game tomorrow." Kris breathed out as we changed.

"Yeah we don't got one 'till the 27th right?" John asked.

"I think so. We going to Chi-town!!" Nenê yelled, overly-hype.

"Chill." I laughed. "What ya'll doin' for the holidays?"

"Going to my mom's house and having our regular Christmas feast." Bradley shouted from the other side of the room.

"Same. Ima probably go to church tonight, then tomorrow just chill with the fam." John nodded.

"Yeah, my family is flying out tomorrow at 5 and we just gon' hang before they gotta go back." I added putting on some more deodorant, a shirt and basketball shorts.

"What's lil sis doin'?" Nenê asked me reffering to Alexsa.

"You know her deal when it comes to family, so I'm gonna just ask her to go out with me tonight, probably go see the tree and all that extra stuff that females like, and then tomorrow she can spend the day with me if she want." I shrugged.

"Aww. Look at Kelly!!" Otto cooed, sounding feminine.

"Oh you go out with that girl Kris danced with for that game?" Marcin smirked.

(In an earlier chapter, they partnered up and Kelly ended up going with Jelena, Kris with Alexsa. Ya'll remember now? Ight coo')

"Ohhh I think Kel found himself a cheerleader!" The team yelled in unison, TRYING to sing.

I bust out laughing. "All y'all have no chill. Ima head out. See you boys on Saturday."

"Yeah, he gotta go get that cutty." Kris chuckled.

I shook my head. "Whatever. Merry Christmas and ya'll boys be safe!"

I walked out and into my car. Once I got stuck at the light, I decided to text Alexsa:

9:04;To Wifey; Be ready at 10:30.

9:06; From Wifey; For?

I sucked my teeth as I made a right on Washington Boulevard.

9:06;To Wifey; Why you always asking questions? Lemme take you out...Just me and you.

9:07;From Wifey; Alright... And since I know we gonna be out till late, I'm spending the night by your house.

9:10; I love that idea. Maybe you can give me an early Christmas present.

I started laughing when I saw that she read it and didn't reply. By the time I got home it was 9:33. I put my car in the garage and walked into my house, undoing the alarm. I walked back into my room, placing down my belongings and stripping naked.

After taking a 20 minute shower i got dressed in a fitted Red T-shirt, my Red and White Gucci sweater, White skinny jeans and Jordan 7 Hares. Slipping on my Gold watch, I checked the time and saw it was 10:15. I quickly sprayed my "Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male" cologne, grabbed my phone and keys and walked out the room.

I set my alarm back and hopped in my car, calling Alexsa.

"Hola." She picked up.

"I'm on my way."

"Alright, I'll be ready by the time you get here." She responded.

"Ok mama."


Once we hung up, I turned on the heater and put on the radio.


"My baby is looking FIONE!" Alexsa hopped in the car, placing her bag in the backseat.

I chuckled and pecked her lips. "Yo' baby huh?"

"And you know this, mannnnn" She said sounding like Smokey from "Friday."

I looked at her and smirked.

"You look good though too mama."

Her hair was in a big messy, yet clean, high bun and she had on an oversized Grey crochet pullover, Black tights, grey high socks that were scrunched up and Leather Red boots. (Outfit in external link)

She shrugged. "I tried on like 20 different things, but all of them woulda had me freezing to death, so I just threw this on last minute. I don't like it, I think it's too basic."

"Nah for real ma, you look beautiful. I think you look best when you dressed down or just in chill clothes."

"Oh you on yo' Drake huh?" She laughed.

I dropped one hand from the wheel and intertwined my fingers with her.

"What you so happy for?" I asked.

I felt her look up at me and then back out of her window.

"I guess it's because I... Never mind, let's just vibe." She shook her head.

"Baby girl, you could tell me anything. What did I tell you 'bout that?"

"I just never had a real Christmas Eve or Christmas for the last 7 to 8 years so i'm a little bit excited. Especially because it's... With you." She mumbled.

I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. "You good now. I got you, don't ever forget that."

She looked at me and nodded. "Anyways... Where we goin'?"

"You'll see when we get there."

She mugged the side of my face and snatched her hand out of my grip.

"I hate when you do that." She laughed and hit my arm. "Like why can't you just tell me?"

"Then it kills the anxiety, which makes it less fun." I shrugged.

"I guess."


"Oh my God Kelly!!" She yelled as she quickly took off her seatbelt and jumped out of the car.

I chuckled watching her get so excited over a christmas tree and a couple of lights. Once I locked my car doors and placed my keys in my pocket, I walked behind her, grabbing her waist.

She quickly turned and kissed me deeply. "Do you know how long I've wanted to spend Christmas Eve on a beautiful town filled with bright lights?"

"How long?"

"Since I was about 10." She turned back around and started walking.

"Well I'm glad I could make your dreams come true." I kissed her forehead.

I saw her blush lightly before we stopped at an over sized statue of Santa Clause and his reindeer.

"Kelly, can you take a picture for me?" She handed me her phone before sitting on Rudolph.

"I need your password baby girl."


I smirked. "You like me that much that my number and age is your password?"

She flipped me off. "Just take the picture."

After taking about 3 good photos of her doing different poses, we were on our way to the Christmas tree. (Picture in MM)

"Kelly this is beautiful." She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately, tongue and all.

I reluctantly pulled away not wanting to get too caught up being there were kids around.

All of a sudden fire works started going off and Christmas Carols began to play as fake snow came at us.

"I can't see." Alexsa pouted.

"Get on my back."

She stared at me for a second before hopping on and wrapping her legs around my neck.

"Babe!" She called.

"Wus good?"

"Look up."

I did as told and saw her phone in my face. She took one picture of our current position before telling me to turn around so we could get the view of the fireworks, tree and decorations.

"That's dope." I chuckled looking at the second one. "Send it to me."

Shortly after, the fireworks and snow stopped and we heard the announcer say they won't start up again until midnight. Looking at the time I saw it was already 11:34.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Not really, I just want junk."

"They have a candy place called "It's Sugar" right up the block, you wanna go get some?"

"Ooh, yes please."

I shook my head laughing, "Aight, let's go then."

****** At "It's Sugar"******

I don't know why I brung her to this candy place. She was already hype, but she is going HAM right now. So far ,she has picked up a Caramel Candy Apple, Sour gummy worms, Blue cotton candy, Pink cotton candy, Gummy bears, a Candy cane, Caramel Popcorn, a box of Glazed Donuts, Skittles, Starburst and a Hershey's bar filled with caramel.

"Alex." I sighed. "Your stomach is gonna be killing you."

"Oh well."

She started towards the part of the store with waffle cones and i took that as my cue to get up and stop her.

"Ma, that's enough. Let's go." I pulled her lightly.

"But Kelly..."

"Baby it's already 11:52, we stay any longer and you're gonna miss the show."

She pouted and nodded before walking towards the cash register.

"Because it's Christmas Eve, you get a 75% off discount so this will only come out to... 17.38!" A pretty blonde girl smile.

"Aye Fetty Wap on my side right now!!!" Alexsa laughed.

"Remy Boys!" I added playing along with her foolishness, before we both started cracking up.

Once the girl was finished putting Alexsa's candy in a pretty arranged box, we payed and left.


"If you say thank you one more time..." I cut her off. "I told you I got you, so don't worry about it alright?"

She sighed. "I guess."

"Come here." I pulled her by her arm and she stepped into my chest.

"You smell amazing." She sniffed me.

"Thank you baby girl."

In about 5 minutes, we were back at the tree. However, this time it was a little more people making it hard to find a spot. Finally, we got a great area in the top-middle of the crowd. Alexsa got on my back again and within 10 seconds snowflakes started to fall and there were beams of Red and gReen shooting across the sky.

"Merry Christmas!" Multiple voices said from nowhere in particular.

"Oh my God!" Alex screamed.

"What?" I asked.

"It's Michelle, Barack, Sasha and Malia." She yelled.

I forgot about her obsession with the Obama's.

I tilted my head back to see her nearly with tears in her eyes. "Kelly, you don't understand. I am in love with them, especially Michelle."

I laughed at her because she was so over-dramatic.

"It's not funny!!! Where are they bruh?"

"They probably inside the house Alexsa. That's a threat to them if they stepped out in the open with hundreds of people surrounding them."

"True." She mumbled.

After 15 more minutes of watching, I was ready to go.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded and hopped down.

I held her hand as we maneuvered through the crowd and made it back to my car. I opened the door for her and waited for her to get in, before walking around to mine. When we both had on our seatbelts, I turned on the heater and drove off.


Once we were home, I slipped off everything except my boxers and got in my bed. Alexsa soon came out the bathroom in a tank top and bootie shorts.

"Kelly can I sleep with you or..."

I sucked my teeth. "Girl if you don't getcho..."

She chuckled and placed on her head tie while looking in the mirror next to my bed post.

"You look like Celie from the Color Purple." I joked.

"And you look like a wanna- be Odell Beckham Jr."

I straight-faced her and she laughed before turning off the light and getting under the covers with me.

After about 10 minutes of doing something on her phone, she put it on the nightstand. I saw my phone light up with an Instagram Notification from Alexsa.

Sliding it open I saw she tagged me in a collage of pictures from tonight. It read;

"KellyOubreJr- It's amazing how I used to hate your cocky behind and now I'm spending my Christmas with you. I just want to say thank you for everything you've done. You didn't take advantage of me, when you easily could've, you picked me up and was there for me when I fell, you care for me like a husband cares for his wife... And I will always be grateful for that. Believe it or not, I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I know i'm not the easiest person to deal with and my personality is wish-washy and frustrating, but you've dealt with it and now here we are. No one really understands our relationship and that's o.k, you know and I know, what's good. I just wanna sum this up by saying- Without you I would be lost and I wouldn't be the person I am today. Thank you, Kel. Merry Christmas!!! #MCE #MemorableChristmas #THATSMERIGHTTHERE"

I looked over at her and she was pretending to be sleep.

"That's how you feel ma?" I pulled her body closer to mine and immediately felt her breaths shorten.

I slipped my hand up her shirt and her eyes popped open being she had no bra on.

I laughed and just rested it on her lower back while she wrapped her legs around my waist and placed her head on my chest.

"I'm just in deep like with you." She mumbled.

I chuckled and intertwined her our fingers. "To being in deep like."

A couple minutes later her body went limp and light snores filled the room.

"Merry Christmas baby girl." I kissed her forehead before also dosing off.

~CHILE!!! 2333 WORDS AT 11:35 AT NIGHT IS HARD TO DO!!! But I had to give you guys an update, because ya'll exceeded the goal and I had to type this up while I actually felt like it before I kept you guys waiting for another week...

~How do you guys like Kelly and Alexsa's relationship?

~Don't like this chapter at all- That's why there's a part 2.

~I think its because I don't like the sweet Alex, I like her better when she's always jumping down Kelly's throat, but I decided to change it up a little bit...

~Still hit that star and comment button tho!!!!

{Goal; 25 votes, 13 comments}


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