Chapter 4: Set up Part 2

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If you see my tears fall, just let me be...
Move along, aint nothin' to see.

~J Cole x 03' Adolescence

Alexsa P.O.V

I was beyond pissed.

It's one thing to play matchmaker, but then to lie and do it with someone you know i have a strong dislike for, that's a whole 'nother line that you've crossed.

Snatching my hand from Kelly's hold, i turned on my heels ready to walk out. I didn't get to far before he said,

"Gabby and Melissa left already."

"Because you haven't heard of cabs." I rolled my eyes, slightly turning so I could see him.

"There aren't any for the next 5-6 miles. Good luck walking... in heels."

Little did he know i had an extra pair of shoes in my bag.

Considering the fact that me and Kelly were about 10 feet away, nearly screaming at each other to get our points across, the people in the restaurant started to focus their attention on us.

Not wanting to cause anymore of a scene, i reluctantly walked back over to him, where he led us to his table.

"Order whatever."

"Don't tell me what to do." I scoffed, causing him to chuckle.

After a couple of minutes looking at a menu, the waitress came.

"Welcome to Carppaccio's! My name is Jenna and I'll be your server for today. May i start you guys off with something to drink?"

"Dussé." Kelly ordered.

"A water will be fine." I smiled.

"Get her a glass of White Chardonnay." Kelly interfered.

"Do not." I glared at Kelly, still talking to Jenna.

He turned to the waitress, "I'm the one tipping."

She quickly scurried off, making me highly agitated.

"I thought you said order whatever you want?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"I thought I couldn't tell you what to do?" He smirked.

Rolling my eyes, i looked out the window.

A couple of minutes went by of me gazing off into the night and feeling Kelly burn a whole in my face, yet ignoring it.

"Who hurt you?"

Sighing that my peace was broken, i faced back to him.

"What?" I asked as the waitress came back, placing our drinks in front of us.

"Give us a minute." Kelly told her and she nodded, walking off. "Who hurt you?" He repeated, facing me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Only people who have this much of a guard up are the people who've been hurt before. So who hurt you?"

I laughed. "So you expect me to tell you- a person i don't even like- my life story? Goodbye." I waved my hand dismissing the conversation.

I stared at him, slightly frowning, as his jaw clenched and his eyes turned a darker shade of Brown.

"You're too difficult. I don't even know why im making this much of an effort to get to know you. You act like you better than everyone else, when in reality you just a basic broad who aint nothing important. I haven't done anything to you for you to act like the way you do. So excuse me for asking a question that'll provide answers."

Panty Droppa ~Kelly OubreDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora