Chapter 7: I Care

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(I decided to just post his chapter even though the goal wasn't reached. I decided to do it be last chapter, as I was reading over it, I realized there was a LOT of mistakes and I wasn't proud with my work so I didn't expect you guys to be. However, this chapter I want my votes and comments to reach my goal! I don't wanna brag, but I really like this chapter and I worked hard on it. Anyway, go 'head and read! 😘
Love, Kayla Alsina!)

Alexsa P.O.V


"Alex!" My step-father yelled.

I sighed, getting up and going into the living room, where he was seated. His eyes were low and red and being only a couple of feet away, I could smell the alcohol on his clothing.

I silently prayed this wouldn't be another night filled with beatings to both me and my mother.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Where's your mother?"

"I don't know sir."

He chuckled. "You sure?"

"Positive. She may still be at work though." I responded.

"Really? Well then, you know what time it is. Go upstairs and wait for me in your bedroom. Daddy's coming." He smirked looking me up and down.

I turned on my heel, tears threatening to spill out of my eyelids. Before I could even take a step, I heard the keys be inserted into the locks of the front door and I felt a gust of cold wind hit my back.

Turning around, I saw my mom walk in and Russell, my step-father, stand up swiftly.

She smiled at me briefly before turning her attention to Russell.

"Hey b-"

A fist was connected with her jaw, repeatedly. "WHERE. WERE. YOU."

"I- Stop. Please."

He slapped her. "Answer my question."

I tried so hard not to cry, but when you see your mother getting hurt, repeatedly, and there's nothing you can do about it, you don't care about trying to put up a tough guard anymore.

"I was at work." She cried.

That sentence alone caused her to receive a punch to the throat and a kick to her stomach.

"'Till 9:30? I dare you to lie again-" He paused and grabbed her by her long, silky, Black hair. He sniffed her neck, then her chest before slamming her into the wall that held a picture of "Prayer Hands".

I broke down once I saw the round hole her head caused and blood gushing from her forehead down to her nose.


"Answer me." He growled and yanked her head back so she was looking in his eyes.

"Baby I-"

He cut her off by kicking her in the back, right in her spine. She screamed louder than a woman giving birth.

"Don't come at me with that baby crap. It's Russell."

After she wailed for about another 20 seconds, she somehow gained the strength to answer him.


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