Burning Love

By silver_moonlight

13.2K 394 145

It has been a year since the seven of the prophecy defeated Gaea. Now, they are relaxing and enjoying their l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8

418 15 9
By silver_moonlight

Dianne's POV

I expected to be on my bed in Manhattan when I woke up. But, no, I was not.

I remembered everything yesterday. Camp Half-Blood. Apollo. Cabin 7. Mom telling me that Frances isn't my whole sister.


Frances! She is Roman! She's going to Camp Jupiter later! Yep, I know all about these. Kayla, daughter of Apollo told me everything, as in everything that I need to know.

It's almost 8:00 am. Honestly, I don't know how I know that it's almost 8:00, I just do.

Oh right, Apollo is the god of oracles and stuff.

Anyway, I brushed my blonde hair and went to the bathroom. After which I dressed in my new Camp Half-Blood Shirt that Will gave me.

I opened the door to my cabin and was greeted by a sweaty Frances.

"Frances? Why're you so sweaty?" I asked.

"Er - I trained a little with Percy Jackson. He's really good. Have you met him? He's Annabeth's boyfriend," she said.

"Not yet," I replied. "Why're you here then?"

"Chiron wants to see the both of us," she said.

"Okay," I said as I allowed her to grab my arm as we went to an office, or something that looks like an office.

"Ahhh, I've been expecting you," Chiron's voice said. He was sitting on a wheelchair. On his left sat someone who has a beard and a diet coke. While on his right, a girl with frizzy red hair stood.

In the room, there were 3 other people besides Frances, me, and the others mentioned.

Leo was there, along with a raven black haired boy, and a girl that very much looked like -

"Clarisse?" Frances suddenly said. "Is that you?"

"Yes. Frances? Dianne? Oh my gods! I haven't seen you for a time," the girl, Clarisse, said. "When did you arrive here?"

"Yesternight," said Frances. Is there even a word like that? Anyway, she and Clarisse were the bestest friends ever. I was just a friend.

"Oh," said Clarisse. "I wasn't here here that time, I was with Chris."

"Chris? You have a boyfriend? Wow!" I said.

She nodded as "The coke guy" coughed. Right, we were still in the room.

All of us turned our attention to him.

"This isn't a time for introductions and stuff. Please listen," he said. "Five of you are requested to go on a quest."

"A quest?"


"How and why?"

Those questions echoed through the room. I kept quiet and raised my hand.

"Um - excuse me. A quest, as in a real quest? The 5 of us are going on a quest? Me and Frances only arrived yesterday," I said.

I knew all about quests only yesterday and I thought that they seemed hard and all and now they're telling us that we would go on one?

Haha, nice one! Note the sarcasm.

"Whether you like it or not, five of you are going, for five of you are chosen," said Chiron, straight forward.

"Chiron, how come?" asked Leo. "Why the five of us? There are no quests until there is a prophecy, and our names aren't in one, or is it?"

"The scroll that Hermes gave me yesterday contains a letter," said Chiron. "In the letter contains something that has connection with, Rachel, our oracle's, dream. Rachel, tell them."

So, the coke-guy was Rachel and the frizzy red-haired one was Mr. D. Or am I wrong?

I think I am wrong.

"I saw the five of you together, fighting monsters and travelling," the girl, Rachel, said. "I think you reenacted almost all of Percy's battles. From the Minotaur until - Typhon. But there were also other monsters. Chiron, please let them read the letter."

Chiron then handed me a scroll.

"Go on, Dianne read it!" he said. "I know you don't have dyslexia..."

I was wondering on how he knew that piece of information, but I was wondering more on the quest and the letter, so I grabbed the scroll and read it.

"To Chiron," it read. "The gods and I have been troubled lately. Since the battle with Gaea, monsters who joined her forces were killed and their essence are now in Tartarus, but that isn't the main reason why we are troubled. What we find very troubling is that the monsters Perseus Jackson fought in the first battles that are not part of Gaea's battle are reforming and are threatening to avenge their family that were minions of Gaea. As much as I hate to say this, we are requesting for five half-bloods to help us. Poseidon doesn't want his son, Perseus, to fight this battle, please choose other half-bloods. In one week, the quest must start, and in four weeks the quest must end. Sincerely, Zeus. P.S. From Ares: Choose, my daughter, Clarisse. Or else."

I handed the scroll to Chiron, while coke-guy Mr. D quickly snatched it from my hand and read it. Silence nominated the room.

I looked at Clarisse, she was blushing. Probably, because her Dad mentioned her on the letter.

Wait a minute, her Dad is Ares, the war god.

"So, your Dad is Ares, the war god?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She nodded.

"Cool!" I said. "My Dad's Apollo."

"Nice," she said. "So, how are you? Being in the same cabin as Frances, is not that good. She does a LOT of pranks-"

Frances then playfully punched Clarisse's shoulder.

"You ruined my secret!" Frances said in a baby voice.

"Haha, sorry," said Clarisse.

"Frances and I are half-sisters," I blurted out. "She's a daughter of Mercury while I'm a daughter of Apollo."

"Oh," said Clarisse. "Figures. She acts like the Stoll Brothers before we even met!"

Chiron then coughed, that made our conversation break.

"So, while all of you were busy blabbing, Mr. D, Rachel, and I talked about this," he said. "We decided for you to be trained in this "one week." Your training shall start tomorrow until Tuesday next week. For now, all of you will be acquainted with one another and talk, for you need teamwork in this quest. So, dismissed."

With that he stood up from his wheelchair and there I saw Chiron as a centaur.

Chiron then walked towards the door.

"WAIT!!!" Someone suddenly screamed which caused Chiron to stop.


Frances' POV

First of all, I have LOTS of questions, so before Chiron left, I screamed.


Chiron then stopped and looked at me.

"I thought I was going to Camp Jupiter. Not that I don't like it here..." I said.

"You'd have to stay here then," said the Coke dude whose name I didn't catch. "And train."

"But Coke Dude!"

Coke Dude then looked at me with angry eyes.

"Did you just call me Coke Dude?" he asked. Lesson learned, do not call him Coke Dude.

I gulped, as Coke Dude - I mean Dude with Coke raised his staff.

"Mr. D, stop," said Chiron.

And he did.

"Mr. D?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. So, does D stand for something?"

"Yes," he said. "Dionysus. But call Mr. D."

"Okay," I said. "Mr. D."

"That's better," he said and with a snap he disappeared into a couple of vines.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"So," the girl with frizzy red hair said. I forgot she was still here. "In case you haven't heard my name, I am Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the oracle."

"Hi," Dianne and I said at the same time.

"Could I call you Red?" I asked sweetly as I've noticed her initials were spelled like that.

She nodded. What a nice girl.

"So, Chiron said for the five of you to be acquainted," she said. "The five of you, come with me!"

And she walked out of the door -

and lead us under a pine tree -

that has something golden in it -

which was guarded by a dragon.

"Hi Ladon, mind if we sit by here?" she simply said to the dragon, as if it was just normal. This is a dragon, for goodness sake.

The dragon didn't respond. It just moved his enormous arm and slept.

She then sat down the grass, as Clarisse, and the others did so.

"Come on, sit," said Clarisse, as I've realized that me and Dianne were the only ones standing.

"Let's go," said Dianne as she also sat down.

I then sat down beside her.

"So," said Rachel - or should I say Red? "Introduce yourselves. Dark haired Girl first."

She looked at me and smiled.

Oh, she must mean me.

"So, I am Frances May Smith, you may call me Frances. I'm almost 16 and I'm a daughter of Mercury," I said quickly, not wanting to say anything anymore.

Rachel then looked at Dianne.

"I am Dianne Angel Smith, you may call me Dianne. I'm almost 15 and I'm a daughter of Apollo."

Leo was the next to introduce.

"You all know me! I'm the most annoying sassiest demigod-est Half-Blood, the one and only, Leo Valdez!" he shouted, which made me laugh. "You may call me Repair Boy or Leo or LV or LeoVa - no that sounds like a girl. Anyway, I'm a son of Hephaestus and I'm 16."

Clarisse was next.

"I'm Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares," she said. "You may call me Clarisse. All of you know that, anyway."

She stopped and looked at us signalling that she is done introducing.

Sigh, she never changed. She used to be a bully to us, but a friendly one.

Haha, a friendly bully. Ever heard of that one?

No? Well then moving on.

All of our heads turned to the raven black haired-boy, for him to introduce.

"Ugh, this is stupid!" he said in an Italian Accent "I don't even want to go on a quest!"

He then stormed off and was soon gone.

What was his problem?



Ooooohhhh.... So who do you think this Raven-haired Boy is? Comment!

So, they're offered a quest. Sorry if this chapter is not that good, I'm not feeling that well.

Sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors!

This is the first time I'll do this but, please get this story at least 8 votes and 8 comments each from different people, since this is chapter 8. Tell your friends or other people about this for an early update. Remember: 8 votes and 8 comments okay?

Anyway, please vote, comment, share, add to reading list, and fan for more updates.

Read and Rock on!

Lea V.

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