Read My Shorts

By TheOrangutan

80.8K 3.8K 3.1K

READ my SHORTS! ('cos eating them isn't very tasty) - A collection of very short stories, micro-fiction, one... More

The Last Theorem
Meet Bernard
Form A12
It's all Greek to Me
Aeolian Future
Ink Wraith
Blood of the Fallen
The Twubble with Twabbles
Thief of Time
The Mage's Touch
Come The Dawn
The Temptation of Words
See No Evil
Monkey Nuts
The Lost
The Ultimate Self-Portrait
Pass the Ketchup
Drabble - The Light
A Preferred Silence
Being Shown the Ropes
The Sands of Time
Quantum Reverse
'Gainst the Static of Space
A Shirt of Violent Green
Mirror, Mirror
The Promise of Distant Rain
Dark Blade
First Contact
Oi! Neil Gaiman...
A Triple Wybble
The Fool?
The Race for Her Affection
In Void
Knights of North and South
Half Empty
And in the Darkness Bind Them
Under Pressure
Five Bullets
Tuesday's Gift
Slenderman Collective
Scout 09
The Seep
At the End
Baby Blues
Now I Lay me Down to Sleep
Small Man, Big Hammer
Alien Lights
13 Words of Halloween
The Back Seat of the Bus
The Absence of Light - #100WordScream
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Username Acrostic
A Wonderful Chaos
The Bird Man of Alcatraz Road
The Dark Side of the Moon
Rain Man
Under London
Route 19
And Ridian Danced

Blood in the Sand...

5.3K 154 129
By TheOrangutan

Blood in the Sand...

This town is no longer friendly. A few short days ago when I dusted the road off my travel weary body, I was welcomed with open arms. They were glad to see me then; children ran around me mimicking my walk, women lowered their eyes to the ground in blushing admiration, and men shook my hand, listened to my tales and bought me drinks.

I was a potential saviour, the man who would save them and throw down the yoke of oppression which left them quaking in terror. Now I am no longer the hero but another one of the hated: killer, murderer, problem. Take your pick.

Even as the blood of the fallen soaks into the sand and dries in the unending prairie wind I am aware of the baleful stares of the townsfolk. What did they expect? Some sense of empowerment or a glorious cheer from on high?

All they got for their money was a short-lived relief from the terror, before the suspicion starts again. For he who lies there was me but a few short months ago.

It was murder, sanctioned by money.

I was born fast, born skilled and endless practice has made me the best: until someone better comes along.

He was the best once.

A brief rush of adrenaline, noise, the smell of cordite and one of us crumples to the dust. This time it was him.

The best, the fastest, the answer to all their problems.

Gunslinger: I may be feared and admired, but I can call nowhere home. My guns and my skill define my existence.

I will leave nothing but blood in the sand... 


This little short hung around for ages as a single page and eventually got turned into a novella called Windblown Saviour which is still around, but buried under a pile of other stuff I've written since. Link is on the right. 

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