What Happen

By timewasted

3.9K 71 7


What Happen
Chapter 1: Never told a soul
Chapter 2: Back with the memories
Chapter 3: How you know
Chapter 4: Let the games begin
Chapter 6: It's about to go down
Chapter 7: He's Heeeere
Chapter 8: Wait who?
Chapter 9: Are you telling or I'm I?
The End
Happens Now {sequel to What Happens}
Chapter {1}: You need to know
A little note to ya'll
Chapter {2}: Call Me
Chapter {3}: Find the one who's not here
Chapter {4}: Help me, Help you.
Chapter{6}: We All Have To Go
Chapter {7}: Step back
Chapter {8}: Earn what you need
Chapter{9}: Target
Chapter 10: The End

Chapter 5: You made it worst

114 3 1
By timewasted

(Prod POV)

But the text I got wasn't form him.... it was form ....Ray?

  I sat up at the though that Ray texted me, first me and ray are.... how I put this.... alright in the beginning but he just irritates me just like the rest. See there my boys and really care about them, but sometimes when you mess with somebody's things your sh*t is going to get fucked up.


"This nigga here." I said while opening the text message and reading it

New Text Message(1)


Prod we... I know what your up to and all I got to say is.... stop, because you scary all of us man and you ain't right for all the sh*t YOU did to ..... it wasn't even that serious man

"This is some bullsh*t." I said throwing my phone across the room, but thank goodness it leaded right in my laundry basket. "Slam dock I see." 

I just layed there and wondered, why the fuck should I care any more.

(Ray POV)

I'm just trying.... to get the truth

Surprisingly I want all of this to stop and get back to the old times, but sadly that will never happen.

I got to call somebody.


(Dials number) (Rings)


"Wass up man"

"Idk you tell me (irritated tone)"

"Why u mad"

"Ray you send prince a fucking manic text message that's *sighs* that's why i'm mad ok.... Damn"


"Ray you there"

*line cut*

I had to end the call because I had nothing else to say of that or anything anymore.

I'm officially done.

I put my phone on my bed and lefted my room to go down stairs, I walked to the end of the hall but to only be knocked down by a strong force. "What the...." I said looking up. "Hey watch were you go -" I couldn't believe who was standing there starring me down with a look of pure irrataion and confusion.


"Man how you get here." I said getting up and brushing myself off. "Me and Roc came over to....talk with you." He eyed me up and down then walked back downstairs. I on the other hand was wandering what the heck they were talking about, because if Roc wanted to talk or inform be of it. All he had to do was call....oh I forgot are last convo.

I jogged down the stairs and headed to the living room and was greeted with no other then Roc and Prince waiting. "So what ya'll want to talk about." I said sitting in the reclined rocking chair while folding my hands and smiled. "First this isn't a joke or us being funny anymore....this shit is getting out of control." Roc said "And I be damn if something gets really out of hand."

I looked at him and slowly unfolded my hands. What on this earth are they talking about and why they have a look of pure seriousness on there faces. "What you mean....out of hand." I said starring at Roc then glaring over at Prince.

"DON'T ACT DUMB RAY YOU KNOW WHAT ROC IS FUCKING TALKING ABOUT." Prince yelled dead in my face. " And don't DAMN be contemplating on this shit either because you started all this shit but up again." "Prince first shut yo loud ass up and second I DON'T know what your talking about, Ok" I said in both of there faces from annoyance of what there talking about.

"Should we just tell him." Roc said. "Yeah.... go on ahead." Prince said while he shrugged and sat back.

"Look at what YOU sent Prince man." Roc held up Prince phone and point it towards me. I took it and began to read the message that was on the screen. "I....didn't sent this..You know that..Right" I said looking up from the screen and handed it back  Roc. "Wait....what you mean you didn't sent it....it has yo number and name up here Ray." Roc said while pointing to the right top of the screen.

"Roc you totally forgot that I lost my phone and that I'm using my old one 'till I get a new one this weekend. I said. " And that's why I told you that last night to use my OLD number and not the 545 one,.... come on man." Roc look down at the phone and then back at me. "I'm sorry..I....I forgot..completely man my fault." Roc said apologizing to me.

"Hey....it's alright." I said. "But what I'm not getting is if I didn't sent it.....who did."

"I know." Prince finally spoke up. "I know exactly who.."


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