Angels of Chaos: Warriors of...

By TheAllAmericanNordic

343K 5.3K 7.2K

Archangel. that was his new name. he no longer went by what you know him as, because if you even mention that... More

chapter I: betrayal
chapter II: Chaos
Chapter II.25 Fotia
Chapter II.5: Warrior skills
Chapter III: Missions
Chapter IV: Return???
A/N #1
Chapter V: CHB hasnt changed
Chapter VI: Annabeth
Chapter VII: capture the flag
Chapter VIII: Brotherhood
A/N: #2
Chapter IX: Beta
Chapter X: Fate and Legends
Chapter XI: Revealed?
A/N: #3
Chapter XII: Countermeasures
Chapter XIII: Olympus
Chapter XIV: 24 hours
Chapter XV: battle begin!
A/N: #4
Chapter IIX


6.3K 131 45
By TheAllAmericanNordic

Sorry I've had a writers block, hope you like this chappie :3,

QUESTION!: do you like this cover, or the other one better. I don't really know so can you all tell me you opinion... I post a pic of the old one, so can you all vote...


Arch's POV:

I stood at the top of Half-blood hill, overlooking the sea of monsters below me. In camp, I heard campers frantically putting on armor, gathering weapons, or getting anything they thought they would need during the battle together. Out of the chaos below me, Zoe and Luke flew up with their katanas in their hands. They landed beside me and looked at the monsters.

"Man, there is like 3 times more this time..." I heard Luke mumble under his breath, Zoe and I nodded in agreement. I turned to face my friends and saw both Luke and Zoe had looks of concern on their faces.

"Are these campers ready for this? I mean, we have trained them but will it be enough?" Zoe asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"We can only hope our training has made it so they can make it out alive." I replied. I felt something brush against my leg, I looked down and saw my partner, Fotia. I smiled down on her while she just looked grimly ahead. I turned around and looked at camp. Many of the campers+chaos' reinforcements were ready to go into battle.

Many of the other Warriors were helping getting everyone ready. I sighed. I just hope this isn't the last time I see this scene.

I looked at Luke and Zoe and nodded. The smiled at me.

"Good luck, my friends." I whispered.

"This isn't a last arch..." Zoe smiled.

"Just make it out alive, for us...." Luke finished. The chaos motto.

We all smiled and gripped out katanas in our hands. We all charged the swarm of monster. As a reached the first unlucky hellhound. I yelled

"For Chaos!!" I slashed his snot, the grabbed my other Karan with my left hand and dual bladed. With my left hand I stabbed the hound in the stomach, shattering it into monster dust. I quickly stole a glance back and saw campers, Warriors, and soldiers alike running over the hill, all with different goals in mind.

The campers wanted to protect their home.

The soldiers wanted to protect whatever planet the came from, from End.

And Warriors wanted to protect Chaos, the being who took us in, at our most desperate hours.

I turned back around to be face to face with a gorgon. It was about to rip my face off when Fotia clamped down on her neck, successfully breaking it. I took this time to bring both my swords in a deadly arc, bringing them down right on the monsters shoulders. The gorgon burst to dust. I nodded at Fotia and she ran off to help many of the other campers in trouble.

The monsters out numbered us about 20 to 1 at least. I looked around, trying to locate End, but I finally found him in the back. Surrounded by billys. I never knew how you were supose to defeat them. They seemed to engulf all of our weapons. The only thing I haven't tried. Was Ordinem Steel. Th metal our katanas are made of.

An idea formed in my head. I ran towards end and the Billys, I slashed at anything brave enough to try and get in my way. I quickly made my way to the back of the group. I finally encountered my first billy. I gripped my katanas incase he tried to steal them and stabbed him in the .... stomach. He made a gurgled sound. Before he gasped loudly and exploded into a black water. I bent down and put my fingers in the water, and felt it. It seemed to be water mixed with strangely squid ink. An odd combonation. I nodded to ,yield and flew up to find other warriors. I quickly found Travis fighting along side Luke and Connor. I inwardly smiled at the trio sons of Hermes but quickly remembered what we had to do.

"Luke, Travis!" I yelled they looked up, along with some other campers, most likely thinking that I was crazy, because Travis was dead.... But quickly went back to any battle they wer in the middle of.

"Guys, those shadow monsters, they can be destroyed my our katanas. Travis have yo gotton yours?" He nodded and I continued. "Come with me to help destroy the monster the campers can't. Connor, can you try and find other warriors and tell them what we have discovered. And while your at it, tell the campers in avoid the shadow monsters." They all nodded. Travis and Luke flew up to me, while Connor finished a monster he was busy with, and ran off to get us reinforcements and to tell the campers to stay away.

We flew toward the Billys and landed pretty much on top of them, I slashed at the first one I saw. Again with the gurgle sounds, before I brought down my left katana down on its side, turning it into ink. I stole a glance at the sons of Hermes, and saw they had similar results.

I smiled as Zoe flew down destroying a billy as she did and started fighting. I quickly found my  next victim.

Annabeth's POV:

I gripped Riptide in my hands as I stabbed a hellhound that leap towards me. I exploded into monster dust that rained down on my me. By jeans we covered in a fine layer of dust. My short had a splotch of blood at the bottom because I had gotten a cut from a Gorgon's javelin. I whipped around to face a telikine (SP?). I slashed at its stomach and decapitated it when I felt claws dig into my shoulder, before going limp and turning to dust. I turned around to find Fotia bearing her fangs. I blinked.

"Fotia..." I mumbled. I had expected her to be with Percy, those two were really close... Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes, they were as close as me and Percy were suppose to be

Fotia looked me in the eyes, before nodding her head, she turned around at tackled a hellhound that had nearly bite the face of a hunter off. I ran toward the hunters. She had Black choppy hair, a silver bow lay near her, with a death to Barbie t shirt on.

"Thalia...!" I exclaimed. I helped her up, while her eyes trailed Fotia, who was constantly saving the lives to many campers, hunters, and soldiers alike. I followed Fotia as well, when Thalia screamed.

"Annabeth's behind-..." She didn't finish, she had made a grab for her bow, of knifes, of any weapon. I whipped around to see shell hounds fangs inches from my face. I braced for an impact that never came. I opened my eyes to find the hellhound melting to shadows, and Nico, standing there concentrating.

My eyes widen when the hound melted into nothing. Nico fell to his knees.  Breathing heavily. He probably would have called to the ground, but Thalia was kneeling there next to him, and caught him before he fell.

I couldn't believe two things

1) Thalia was acting really weird. Like REALLY weird

2) Nico should t have collapsed at just that... But I looked around and saw skeletons fighting along side campers, hunters, and soldiers. I smiled. That's were Nico had went when he disappeared for a couple of days. He had brought reinforcements of his own.

I ran towards Nico and Thalia and covered them as they regained enough strength to at least get out of the battle grounds.

I watched Thalia run off, carrying Nico off out of the battle. I smiled at the two before finding my next opponent.

3rd persons POV:

On Mount Olympus, 5 gods and goddess sat in the the throne room. Zeus, the king of the gods sat on his throne with the master bolt in his hands. He looked annoyed as he watched something off in the corner of the throne room.

Hades looked uncomfortable. He did t have a throne on Olympus, so he stood in the shadows of the columns in the throne room, the helm of darkness sat in the hands. He too, was watching the same thing in the corner of the throne room with a glint of worry and pride in his eyes.

Poseidon seemed to raise the level of tension in the room but a couple of notches. He watched the same corner of the throne room from his throne with plain worry written on his face and eyes. His trident leaned next to his throne.

Artemis croched by her throne, she held her bow with and arrow ready to be fire. Her face was emotionless, but her eyes showed worry and uneasiness. She watched the corner of the room with calculating eyes.

Finally Hestia, not having a throne on Olympus, stood by tending to the hearth of Olympus. The fire reflecting her feeling was a dark purple. Her face and eyes showed worry and sadness. She looked at the corner of the throne room, the fire of the hearth being her weapon of power.

All the gods eyed the corner of the room, where an iris message played the battle currently happening at camp half-blood.

Authors note:

I know, I know, you must really hate me...

One things, please vote, what cover is better. My first one, the picture above, or the one I have now. Please vote, I want all of your guys opinions.


Your demigodishness and all


Ja ne! (Good bye in Japanese)

1623 words

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