The Edge of Our Fate

By JKimCrawford

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"...I don't want to make the choice that I would regret the rest of my life again. And now, I say, I am not l... More

Chapter 1 - Our Origin
Chapter 2 - Broken Out
Chapter 3 - Davenport's Return
Chapter 4 - Alert
Chapter 5 - Hold On
Chapter 6 - Deep Down in the Impasse
Chapter 8 - The Rain on Fire
Chapter 9 - Revenge
Chapter 10 - Connection Encrypted
Chapter 11 - Not Again
Chapter 12 - This is War
Chapter 13 - Strike Back
Chapter 14 - The Defense Before Dawn
Chapter 15 - Awaken and Broken
Chapter 16 - Judge

Chapter 7 - Truth Revealed

2.7K 79 10
By JKimCrawford

Adam's P.O.V.

We get off the hydroloop and threw our bags aside. Mr Davenport comes out and greets us. "The mission went great. We even grab a piece of pizza on our way," I smile.

"Whoah whoah mind your words Mr., that was just you," Leo holds up his hands in defense. Mr Davenport laughs. "You all did great. The chemicals are now in a safe place. I reckon Bree and Chase are on their way. Meanwhile, you- oh here they come," Davenport looks up at the arrived hydroloop. The door slides open. Bree and Chase stands up from their seats and stare at us warily.

They stand there still and quietly.

"So... the clean up job went smooth, didn't it?" I ask, breaking our awkward silence. Chase and Bree exchange glances before answering. They look oddly different but I cannot exactly tell how.

"Yes. Yes, it went smooth," Chase replies, while walking down from the hydroloop. "Exactly the way you described it," He grins, not that usual smirky goofy grin, it is a weird smile. "Okay... Perhaps you should go changed before the dinner. You all looked-" Mr Davenport glances at Bree's and Chase's neat mission suits. "A bit exhausted."

We are making our way to the mentors quarters as I remember about my pizza. I know I should have bought froyo instead of that stupid pizza. I go down the stairs grudgingly.

"Is it?"
"I am sure it is the file."

They are Bree's and Chase's voices. The two have not been coming with us. What are they doing at the cyberdesk? I stop abruptly and hide behind the wall. I learn what eavesdropping was, all thanks to Leo.

"Well it wasn't that difficult getting through them," Bree says while watching Chase typing fast on the cyberdesk. "Yeah, but this system is harder than I imagined. He must have modified the data assess system since last time. That should take a few days." "Just make sure the two will not bump in at any second while we're working,"

It is way too ordinary for me to not understand the situation.


Leo's P.O.V.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I groan while running away from Chase's laser vision. He grabs me by collar and lifts me up.

Chase and Bree have been missing all their classes these two days. And yes, I know what happened between these two honestly. I have seen what happened when Chase grabbed Bree by her wrist in that hallway. But Chase is too over, I mean, missing all the classes isn't the way he used to be. And now he even sets an attack on me and Adam.

"You are gonna keep your mouth shut. Or next time... I won't miss." He raises his left eyebrow and smirks. I am thrown on the ground ruthlessly.

I am stunned. I remember that look. That could never be erased from my life.

He sneers and spans around, silently walking away. Bree follows and they leaves us all behind.


"What is going on we heard there had been an attack!" Big D and Douglas rush into the room. "Oh gosh are you okay?"

We are quiet as if he have not spoken anything.

"Adam? Leo?"

Panting, we lie on the floor still.

"Who on earth would have the abilities to hurt you here?!" Douglas groans loudly and whisper, "oh I wish it wasn't Giselle..." "Chase, Bree," Adam breathes out, their names are the only words he manages to speak. "What?" Douglas ask while helping us up. "Where are they?"

"The... attack," Adam's words comes out in choppy bits. Big D frown and look at me. "Leo, tell us." I nod. "First of all," I take a deep breath, ready for the truth to be revealed.


"And second," I take back a little as the joke didn't catch their attention as I have expected. "That wasn't Chase," I spill out slowly. "That was Marcus."


Bree's P.O.V.

My eye flutter open.

All the troubles are pushed behind when my eyelids have been wide open again. The sky is a beautiful azure. I can smell the fragrance in the air. It's like I am in a fores-

I am in a forest.

My heart start beating fast again. A forest? How on earth am I here?

I press my right hand on the ground to support my getting up. An acute pain spreads from my arm to the whole body. I cry out loud and lose my grip. My back hit against the ground as I curl my injured hand oddly. My back hurts so much.

I groan and shut my eyes, wishing there is someone here with me.

"BREE!" Chase rushes to my side and I open my eyes again. Thanks goodness, the one I need most now, is here.

"Bree, you're awake!" He smiles as he helps me to sit up. I look up at him. He is exhausted, the rims of his eyes are black, though still examining me delightedly.

What is going on?

I turn my head and look around suspiciously. It is late in the afternoon, we are in a middle of a forest. Trees are talk and everywhere, and a fire made by Chase is glowing smoke. I look at Chase with misgiving. "Where were we?" He points to a steep slope that is feet away from us. "There, we fell off." He concludes concisely. I rub my temple hard. And I remember.

"Ah yes... we did," I mumble. "and my hand..." "The scorpions." I nod slightly, looking down at my right hand wrapped with leaves tightly. I know it is gonna cost the moment I give up letting go. "Where are Adam and Leo?" I question. Chase will contact the others to save us, given that I have got hurt.

"Well..." Chase hesitates. "I suppose they are coming... The thing is," he cuts off again. "I couldn't connect to the GPS signal of the island. It is a deep forest but that should have worked. Something was disturbing me to connect with the outside world." I frown. "I guess that doesn't matter. Now that I am awake, I can super speed us back to the island." I smile and push my sound left arm on the ground to get up.

"No!" Chase yells as I clutch on the tree trunk I have been leaning on and try getting up. But my legs are too numb. The moments I leave the ground my legs have lost the grip. They fall on the ground uncontrollably and I hit the ground hard.

I laugh awkwardly. "Yeah, have been lying down for too long. I just have to-" I push myself up again. And I failed again.

"I can do this." again, and again.

I tumble and hit the ground. It is official, I cannot stand on my own. "Bree, please don't," Chase catches my arms worriedly and resists me from trying again. I look up at him anxiously. "What happened?" my voice cracked. He purses up his lips. My vision become blurred, my tears will soon be dripping on my worn out mission suit.

He avoids my question. And it means there is something I should know. My head hurts so much. There are so much going on around, and I have not had any idea of them. I get things messed up. I have never been that powerless and frightened.

"I AM ASKING YOU, WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" I grab him by shoulders and cry right into his face. Chase looks at me as the raw look of anguish crosses his face. He takes a deep breath and starts speaking slowly. "The poison of the scorpions. There were so many bites on your hand... and the venom was spreading so fast in your body. That's why your legs..."

Jaw dropped, I widen my eyes. "I can't walk again?" "No no it is just the poison-" "If it continues spreading, I will have died-" "No! Your super durability is holding-

"NO LISTEN!" I cover my ears with my hands and curl up. Chase stops talking. I let my hands down slowly. I collapse. The sudden attack turns my world upside down. I am stuck.

I gather all my strength and keep hitting Chase in his chest. I am too weak. I yell and cry. "WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS. WE HAVE NO WAY OUT. THE MORE I CARE THE MORE I LOSE. IN ALL OF A SUDDEN I LOST MY MOST TREASURED ABILITY. HEAD HURTS, LEGS NUMB. I AM WORTHLESS. I-"

Chase catches my struggling hands and spins me straight into his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. He hugs me tightly. I stare blankly on the tree in front of me. I do not want to figure out why for quite a while.

"Bree," he calls my name quietly. I dig my head into his chest, feeling a sense of security I have not experienced for too long.

"It is going to be fine. I am able to cure you, now after all you're wide awake. Once your wound is healed, we can get out of this together. You are not lost, at least when I am around. Just relax and trust me." he whispers softly into my hair, but firmly.

"I am sorry," I rest my head on his shoulders. It is hard to believe how simple his way is. "I am scared."

Chase hugs more tightly. He knows perfectly, that is all I need.


Author's Note:
Sorry for not updating:( I have been crazily busy for school. This is a longer chapter for you all:) now that we all know the reason why Adam and Leo didn't go to save Bree and Chase - they thought that the two had returned already. Not knowing that "Chase" was Marcus until this chapter... And who would "Bree" be?

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