Tevun-Krus #21 - Comic SF

By Ooorah

2.6K 295 192

This month it's the turn of Comic Science Fiction to get the @Ooorah crew treatment! Come on in and have a lo... More

What's Inside?
He's Coming - A Short by @KingBritain
A Little More WattPunk..? Ah, Go On...
Last Salt - a Short by @MadMikeMarsbergen
Comic Not Comics - an Article by @elveloy
An Interview With @LeighWStuart
Smith & Jones
Everyone Died (etc) - a Review by @krazydiamond
Caption Contest
The Reptoids - a Short by @RonSchaffer
Announcing TK's 2016 Schedule: Pt. 1
The End of the World as We Know It - A Short by @LeighWStuart
The Community Recommends...
Dat A.S.S. - a Short by @rmcneary
Looking Ahead to TK22 - The Final Countdown!
The Universe eXperiment - a Short by @sdfrost61
You're Dead, Jock - a Conversational Review by @elveloy & @krazydiamond
All Hail Our Robot Overloads - a Short by @The-Scrivener & @RebMoreau
Closing Time

Abandon Shop! Abandon Shop!

421 25 11
By Ooorah

Comic SF... Funny Sci-Fi... For me this is probably the sub-genre that works best with Science Fiction. The possibilities are pretty much endless, but then again that's something that will become pretty clear pretty quickly as you read through the pages of this, our 21st issue.

It's the usual suspects; short stories, reviews, a rather neat little article and our regular caption contest, not to mention a whole host of other features to boot!

This issue really does speak for itself, which means I don't have to. I will, however, leave you with two of my favourite quotes from a much beloved, greatly missed writer of Comic Science Fiction, Douglas Adams.

'There are some oddities in the perspective with which we see the . The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be, but we have done various things over intellectual to slowly correct some of our misapprehensions.'

'For Children: You will need to know the difference between Friday and a fried egg. It's quite a simple difference, but an important one. Friday comes at the end of the week, whereas a fried egg comes out of a chicken. Like most things, of course, it isn't quite that simple. The fried egg isn't properly a fried egg until it's been put in a frying pan and fried. This is something you wouldn't do to a Friday, of course, though you might do it on a Friday. You can also fry eggs on a Thursday, if you like, or on a cooker. It's all rather complicated, but it makes a kind of sense if you think about it for a while.'

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