My Bad Boy Protector ✔

By Zanzan112

4.2M 136K 53.5K

"He looked at me as if I was the only star in the dark night sky. And kissed me as if I was the air that fill... More

My Bad Boy Protector
Chapter 1 : First Day Back
Chapter 2 : Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
Chapter 3 : Deliciously Entertaining Dinner
Chapter 4 : Snapping Out and Breaking In
Chapter 5 : Eventful Day
Chapter 6 : Crazy Thoughts Lead To Crazier Actions
Chapter 7 : A Cry For Help
Chapter 8 : Apology Accepted
Chapter 9 : The Meganerd and Megajerk
Chapter 10 : Teach You How To Fight Back
Chapter 11 : Self Oath
Chapter 12 : Preparing For The Return of Medusa (Part 1)
Chapter 14 : She's Not Exactly A Witch She's Just A Terrible Bitch
Chapter 15 : Drunk Alex Is Definitely My Favorite Alex
Chapter 16 : The Cute New Guy
Chapter 17 : That Smile Was As Fake As Kim K's Ass
Chapter 18 : Goosebumps Are Forming
Chapter 19 : He Made Me Soup
Chapter 20 : Cruelty At Its Finest
Chapter 21 : And The Lessons Begin
Chapter 22 : Warnings
Chapter 23 : Guess Whose Tutor Am I?
Chapter 24 : The Unexpected
Chapter 25 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 26 : Anonymous Notes, Bonfires and Surprises
Author's Note (important)
Chapter 27 : Sleepovers
Chapter 28 : Confessions Of A Bad Boy
Chapter 29 : That WTF Moment
Chapter 30 : A Trip To Remember
Chapter 31 : Reminiscent Tears
Chapter 32 : Like Beyoncé At The Grammy's
Chapter 33 : Oh Hell Nah
Chapter 34 : I Kissed A Girl & I Didn't Like It
Chapter 35 : That's My Boyfriend
Chapter 36 : Hurt
Chapter 37 : A Party? Not My Cup Of Tea
Chapter 38 : Shocking Appearances (Part 1)
Chapter 39 : Shocking Appearances (Part 2)
Chapter 40 : Drama Like No Other
Chapter 41 : Kidnapped
Chapter 42 : My Name Is...
Chapter 43 : Smashing Attempt
Chapter 44 : News
Chapter 45 : The End
Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)

80.4K 2.7K 352
By Zanzan112

Emily Rudd to the side or top if you're on your mobile app. She plays Sirina. Beautiful ain't she?

Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)

As I entered the house the first thing that greeted me was an ear piercing scream. I dropped the brown paper bags of groceries and sped throughout the house to the source of the voice.

I made it upstairs where I saw Natasha's bedroom door wide open and I heard rather loud voices speaking.

"Nat, I can explain everything if you just-"

"Explain everything? Siri you can't just expect me not to react the way I am for what you did!" I heard Natasha yell and as I got closer I caught sight of her and Sirina standing in the middle of her room. An angry expression adorned her face while a frustated one covered Sirina's.
"That's just it I didn't do anything, he did!" Sirina retorted.

Natasha just scowled at her walking closer up into her face. "Oh, so you expect me to believe my boyfriend of almost two years hit on my own sister!" She screamed and Sirina flinched.


Collin hit on Sirina?

I looked from Natasha to Sirina from my place at the door my mouth hung open.

What the hell was going on?

"I can't believe you'd believe that sad mistake of a boyfriend and person over your own flesh and blood," Sirina finally got out her eyes noticeably welling up with tears but obviously Natasha disregarded that for what she said was:

"I can't believe I'm related to a sad mistake of a person and sister like you," After spitting that at Sirina who looked like she'd been physically slapped she marched away without even another glance at her.

Her steps faltered a bit as she took sight of my frozen figure but she scoffed and bumped me to the side storming down the stairs but still, I was gazing at Sirina.

The tears have finally began slipping out of her eyes as she stood in the exact spot, unmoving.

After getting over my initial shock I walked over to her. She glanced up at me and felt nothing but sympathy as she gazed up at me with nothing but glossy eyes.

"Are you, are you okay Sirina?" I hesitated.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out and she struggled and tried again and she finally uttered the words making me know that whatever she and Natasha were arguing over Sirina wasn't at fault here. "She believed him over me,"

You could see how hurt she was and her face expressed it along with disbelief.

"Take a seat Sirina," I offered and when her stiff, robotic figure made no motion to do as I said I pulled her by the arm making her take a seat on Natasha's big white bed.

"I...I can't believe she took his side over mine," Her voice cracked. At least she was speaking. That was a good sign. Well, more of a hopeful sign.


"Carr, she took his side over mine." She said as a sob escaped her mouth. It was the first time she'd call me that in years and I knew what it meant.

*the same year Carrie's dad brought home his new wife and children*

"Sirina what are you doing?" I asked my step sister as she began climbing the old orange tree we had in our yard.

She looked down and shot me mischievous smile. "Just you watch," She giggled when I gave he a panic filled expression as she advanced higher up in the tree.

"Sirina I think that's enough!" I yelled at her as I could barely make out her figure anymore.

The feeling of paranoia overwhelmed my young soul as I received no reply from Sirina.

The wind blew whipping my long blonde hair in my face and I hastily pushed it aside walking through the trail of autumn leaves that lay lazily on ground.

I stopped when I reached the opposite side of the tree and my eyes widened when a got a glimpse of a familiar head of dark hair.

"Sirina are you alright?" I shouted cupping my hands so my words could project into the air better.

I heard her let out an audible moan. "No, I think I'm stuck." Was her squeaky response.

Stuck? Oh my god! Step mother Leona will surely blame me for this, I thought in panic as I watched Sirina's petite body try to turn around since her back was facing me.

What should I do? I'll just go and call dad, he'll know what to do. Yeah that sounds like I good idea!

"Sirina stay where you are okay? I'm gonna go get help!" I shouted and saw her nod her head swiftly telling me to go ahead.

"Okay. Hurry back and-ahhh!" She was cut off by one of her feet slipped and the right side of her body toppled over causing her to scream some more.

"Oh my gosh! Carrie! Help me please Carrie! I'm gonna fall!" She was hysterical and so was I. I had no idea what to do.

I looked around quickly as I saw Sirina started sliding down some more. She was trying to get a solid grip onto the tree's bark but her small hands weren't allowing her to. I caught sight of the sand box I had owned since I was a baby and grabbed it with my two hands pulling it to where Sirina hung loosely. She was still crying out for me to not let her drop.

"Sirina-" Before I could finish what I was gonna say Sirina came plummeting dowm into the sand box and onto me causing a dust of sand to fly covering both of us.

"Oh Carr, you saved my life!" She exclaimed getting off me and I let out a pained groan sitting up facing her.

"Are you okay?" I asked checking her dusting off the sand off her grinning face. Grinning? Why was she grinning?

"I'm better than okay Carr thanks to you," She outburst.

"Okay...why are you calling me 'Carr'?" I questioned. She was surely something. After having her life flash before her eyes like that, a near death experience she was all giggly. Weird.

"It's your new nickname," She said easily standing up and I followed groaning a bit. The impact of her body coming in contact with mine still pained my muscles.

"Why? I mean, why 'Carr'?" I asked in confusion and curiosity.

Her happy, giddy face became somewhat solemn and at the sight I preferred the one she was wearing before this sad yet serious one.

"Because you were like a car a moment ago. You zoomed in and saved my life as fast and unexpected as a real car would," She began staring into my widened green eyes.

"I want you to forever be a car to me. That I'll know you'll always swoop in swiftly when I'm falling and you know that when or if I fall I'll be at my lowest and as selfish as it sounds I want you to always be my car when I'm in need of someone to pick me up and drive me away, Carr." She ended the tears that she held in finally coming out.

I was wondering why she wasn't crying as yet and now that I was looking at her doing the emotional act I wished she would stop.

"Promise me Carr. Please. I know I won't always be there for you but I'll try my best if you promise to do the same. So please say you will," Were the words pleaded by thirteen year old Sirina.

"I promise." The words slipped out my mouth before I could even have any second thoughts.

*end of flashback*

"Sirina I-"

She broke down in my arms before I finished and I held her as she sobbed in my shoulders. I couldn't help the thoughtless, selfish, and heartless thoughts that came to mind at the moment.

Where was she when I broke down?

When stuff like this happened to me forcing my heart to ache.

She wasn't there to hold me like I was holding her at the moment yet I still did. I held her tightly and made her let out. I let Sirina cry in my arms for what felt like hours until she pulled away out of my embrace.

"Thanks Carrie," She muttered a noticeable blush tainting her tear stained cheeks.

"We made a promise to each other when we were younger right? For me to be your Carr." I reminded and her blue eyes widened then she held her head down in shame.

"I haven't been doing a good job at keeping that promise the past few years," She uttered. The hatred in her voice surprising me. She was blaming herself, but it wasn't her fault and I needed to make her know it too.

"It's not your fault-"

"Yes it is. I knew what mom was doing and still is doing yet still I've been too much of a coward and I even covered for her once. Carr I'm sorry." She said her voice cracking finally looking back up at me.

"You-You covered up for her?" I sputtered in confusion.

"In a way yes, Justin has been becoming suspicious of her attitude towards you and she was picking up onto it," She took a deep breath trying to gather her emotions and I gave her nod urging her to continue. "So she told me to get him off her back. I told him that you were just being an annoying brat as usual and weren't doing what mom told you to do I'm sorry for saying that. I didn't mean any of it and seemed as if Justin knew that also because he acted nonchalant but his eyes told me he didn't buy anything I was selling," She rambled and I squeezed her hands trying to calm her down. She's not at fault, Leona was her mother and I knew how she could be.

"It's okay Sirina," I said slowly. "You're not the bad person here, it's Step mother." I assured and she gazed at me with uncertainty still within her eyes.

She let out a sigh when she realized I was telling her the truth. "I'm sorry for all these years. I honestly felt like shit seeing you going through so much and I couldn't do anything but I promise I'll make it up to you starting now okay? I promise Carr. I'll be there for you like you are now." She said determination shining in her big blue eyes.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," She flinched at my words but I just had to put it out there. I didn't need anymore false hope and it was best to expect the expected than not to expect the unexpected. Does that make any sense to you?

"I-I know I've let you down before but I swear on the river Styx that I'll not do it again," She said seriously making me burst out laughing. Not because I didn't take what she said seriously but because of what she swore on.

"You that doesn't exist right?" I chuckled and her frown turned into an expression of disbelief.

"That's what you think," She snorted rolling her puffy eyes.

"So you believe in Greek Mythology?" I questioned curiously.

"Don't you?" She countered.

"Not really. Only some aspects of it."

"How can you believe in some aspects of it but not all?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. I just can't fully believe in it all nor none of it at all." I answered.

She shrugged.

"Now back to your argument with Natasha," I said making her face fall. "Are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Collin?"


"Wait, you're telling me Collin hit on you while you were waiting outside for Natasha to finish her dance practice?" I questioned as I sat on Sirina's plush mattress.

Sirina thought it would be better if we got out of the girl whose name rhymed with witch's room. She obviously still hurt by Natasha and that hurt turned into to anger. I guess he was right when he said the best way to deal with those sort of emotions were through being angry and oh boy was Sirina angry.

At the moment Sirina had begun retelling her part of the story since Collin apparently told Natasha his. She said he told Natasha that she threw herself at him. Then as I obviously saw Natasha came to confront her out of fury.

"Yeah. Natasha said she had fifteen minutes to go and she needed me to pick her up since her car was low on gas. I went and imagine my shock when I saw Collin outside talking to some random chick, more like groping her," She snorted. "Anyway, I walked up to him and his little 'friend' as he said and I asked him why he was at the studio since Nat told me he was too busy to pick her up. His excuse was that he wanted to surprise her and then take her on a date. I was still skeptical about it but I chose to believe him. We stood there in silence up until that a-hole began scanning me up and down. I questioned him about it, of course I did but he said it was nothing," She seethed running a hand through her hair in exasperation.

"He started saying these subtle things then went to talking about how I got my body like how it was and if I could help Nat to look like I did weight wise-"

"He called her fat?!" I exclaimed.

"That's what I said too! He said he wasn't and how he just wanted Natasha to look as hot as I was. He began leaning towards me and I was in shock but before he could kiss me I slapped him running away and into my car. I drove straight home after that and I guess Nat followed behind me." She finished.

"Wow," I commented at loss for words.

"Yeah," She said plopping down onto her back on her bed staring up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry that happened Sirina. I think you should give Natasha some time she might be mean and all but I know she loves you," She scowled but I continued. "She's just hurt at the moment and anger is all she wants to feel because it's easier just like what you are doing at the moment." I called her out causing a silence to fall upon us.

"I have to go start preparing dinner Sirina, we'll talk later if you want." I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't the tad bit happy at her earlier revelation and promise. She was always nice to me in a low key kind of way and I hoped that would enhance and her efforts to be better showed in the words she spoke after.

"I wanna help," She said in a tone that left for no arguments.

"Oh okay," I said still in surprise.

"So...what were you planning on making?" She asked as I placed the bags of groceries I dropped when I rushed upstairs earlier. Luckily I didn't buy any eggs this time around, that would've been a disaster.

"Well I was thinking meatballs, we haven't had that in a while. What do you think?" I had to get either her or Natasha's opinion before I started making something they wouldn't like. So since Natasha wasn't here at the moment my only option was Sirina.

"Yeah, I think meatballs are a great idea!" She said with an excited grin.

"Okay...meatballs it is then."


"Jeesh Sirina, not so much salt!" I exclaimed as I saw her practically pouring the entire container of sodium chloride into the boiling pot.

"Oops, sorry." She apologized placing the salt bottle down and adding a little water to the pot. "I'm just new to all of this."

"Then why didn't you let me do it myself then. I honestly don't have a problem." I said from the counter.

"I wanted to help. Plus I also wanted to learn the ways behind the stove you know?" She wiggled her eyebrows trying to lighten up the mood.

"Okay," I sighed.

Sirina offered to set the table as I put the finishing touches to the food.

"Done," She said walking back into the kitchen.

"Right on time," I commented turning off the stove and began washing my hands then dried it with a dish towel.

"Let's-" Sirina chocked on her words as she saw Natasha enter. A dirty Natasha. Her usually tamed hair was a mess and her clothes were crumpled and she held both her red heels in one hand as she looked emptily at both of us. Her face was smeared with dirt and her mascara was running making her look more of a mess. She looked like a car ran over her then reversed and did it again just for the fun of it.

"I'll be going to bed, I don't have much of an appetite." She said walking away in a zombie-like way.

What the...?

I could see Sirina was fighting with herself not to go up and ask her what happened to her by the way her jaw clenched.

She saw me looking and let out a shaky laugh then said,

"Let's eat shall we?"


Whoop! Another chapter completed.

Please do tell me what you think of it.

Do you think Natasha was too harsh on Sirina?

Do you think she believed her or nah?

What about Carrie? How do you feel about her comforting Sirina? And what about Sirina's promise to her, do you think she'll follow through with it? Or she'll turn a blind eye to it like a "coward"?

What the HELL do you think happened to Natasha that made her in such a state?

Continue reading to find out>>>

Lol, my poor attempt of promoting the next chappy. Anywho, please gimme a vote and make my day :)

Thanks again for reading!

*two updates in less than a week, I'm on fyah!

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