The Forbidden Lands (Wattys 2...

Von linsella

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Evelin is known as the wild Fendway sister. She dreams of someday escaping to the Forbidden Lands to the west... Mehr

Chapter One-The Forbidden Lands
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven-The Trolls
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine-The Merrow
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen--The Elves
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen--The Stiria
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen-The Faeries
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen-Castle Velia
Chapter Twenty--Bandits
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine--Krialle
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Three

45.6K 2.7K 250
Von linsella

Chapter Three

My sisters were surprised by the sudden change in me. The Sewing teacher asked me if I was ill. I replied, as sweetly as sugar, "No, I don't believe so, madam." Then, I finished embroidering my sampler with twelve red roses on it while the Sewing teacher looked at me with her mouth open wide.  Inside, I was groaning at the fact that we always embroidered roses. Couldn't we at least embroider lilies?

However, it was funny, the reactions I got when I performed a perfect waltz, or sewed a perfect stitch; it made the act tolerable. Soon, my actions blended in, and so did I. Though I despised that part of it.

A month was soon up, and I had earned my trip to Castle Twein.

"Oh, you are so lucky," Ava said as she brushed my hair the morning of my departure.

"You have to come back and tell us everything about Prince Artair!" said Margareta, the elder of the twins.

I gritted my teeth. The brush was stuck on yet another knot in my wild, unmanageable hair. "I probably won't even see the prince," I said. Ava ripped through the knot, and I winced. Then, she tied it away from my face with a wide, red ribbon.

"Thank you, Ava," I said, giving her a hug. "Farewell." I embraced each of my five sisters, and grabbed my luggage.

The carriage was waiting outside, with the Headmistress already inside. I put my trunk in the bag and slid into the carriage, opposite the Headmistress. She tapped her timepiece, indicating the fact that I was late.

The driver cracked his whip, and we were off. It didn't take long until we arrived at the coast, where our ship was. I could see the Forbidden Lands more clearly now that we were so close to the sea. It was fascinating. The land stretched as far as the eye could see. People said it was as large as Krialle. The beach looked ordinary, but beyond that was a wild, twisted wood. And even further to the west, a hazy mountain was visible.

On the ship, the Headmistress and I shared a small room with two tiny beds. The Headmistress scarcely spoke, and sitting in that little room became tedious very quickly. So I decided to go on the deck and watch the sailors.

They pulled on the ropes, and called out things about starboards and hulls, whatever those were. It was fun to watch. The sea felt good on my face. I edged as close as I could to the side, staring at the deep sea.

"Whoa, there, missy," said a middle-aged sailor with a faint accent and dark beard. "Don't get to close, or you might fall off. I don't want a man . . . er . . . girl overboard."

"It feels like flying!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, siree . . . er . . . Yes, missy, it does. But, let me tell ye, it's even better when yer up on the mast lookin' out at the sea. It's much bigger than anythin'. Except, the Eastern Sea's even wider."

"Wider than this?" I was incredulous.

"About as big as Krialle and the Forbidden Island together."

"Amazing," I gasped.

"Sure is," he agreed.

"Have you ever seen the west side of the Forbidden Lands?"

"You mean the Forbidden Island?" he asked.

"Is that what you call it?"

"Yes. I'm from Vemira--the kingdom across the Eastern Sea from Krialle. We call the Forbidden Island many different things. Island of Peril, Western Land, Forgotten Nation, Forbidden Land, or its original name from legend: Havene." That explained his accent and foreign, olive skin.

"Havene. Hmm . . . I've never heard anyone call it that before. Do you have any special names for Krialle?" I asked.

"We do, indeed. The Island Nation. Krialle and the Forbidden Island are the only two continents all to themselves, yet they're close to each other. Vemira borders three other countries," he said.

"I wish Finishing School taught me geography," I muttered, then inquired louder. "Have you seen the far west side of Havene?"

He shuddered. "Yes, once. A storm took our ship off course, to the west side. None of the crew wanted to land on the Forbidden Island, so we steered all the way around it. I saw glimpses of strange little glows. Gave me the spooks."

"Oh," I looked out at the Forbidden Lands and smiled. Someday, I'd discover its secrets.

"Laris!" a different sailor called. "Back to work!"

"Come on, Old Man Laris," said another.

"Oh, sorry . . . for distracting you," I said.

"It was nice to have an excuse to take a break. I'm getting a little old for this, but I cannot leave."

"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm in love with the sea!" he chuckled. I laughed with him.

"I can tell why," I said. "Feeling the salty air . . . it's wonderful."

"Remember what I said about the mast. Maybe you can climb it someday. 'Sept don't do it in yer skirts. The men, well, er . . . " he blushed.

"Old man Laris!" someone called.

"I'm not that old," he muttered, as he headed back to work.

I glanced at the mast. It was high--really high, but it was sort of like a tree. If only I didn't have to wear a dress . . .

"Wait," I whispered to myself. I had an idea.

I ran below deck and opened my trunk. Where was it, where was it? Ah! I picked it up. There it was!

"What are you doing, Miss Fendway?" Headmistress asked, not looking up. I swear she had two sets of eyes. Her head was down, as she read a book.

"My dress got all wet," I said. It had, really. "I'm just going to change."

She turned around on her bed, to give me privacy. I ripped off my dress and threw on two things I'd saved before going to finishing school, despite my sisters' protests. A tunic and leggings. Proper ladies wore dresses. I didn't care. My tunic was gray with a hood and blue sash. The leggings were black. I slipped on my form-fitting boots and grinned. This was comfort.

I noticed a disapproving look from the Headmistress, once she'd turned around.

"You cannot break the deal," I said, "even if I act unladylike. You said I only had to be ladylike until the end of the school year."

"Yes, but I could have a few seamen throw you off the ship," she said. I was shocked at how casually she said it. Yes, Headmistress was scary.

I rolled my eyes and headed above deck. I eyed the mast mischievously. I was going to climb it. I bit my lip and looked around. All the sailors were at work. I creeped toward the mast and put my arms around it. But it was too smooth around, without any footholds, like a tree, and I slipped, getting a sliver in my hand. I heard laughing behind me, and I turned around.

It was a gangly sailor, even younger than my age. "You use the rigging to climb the mast," he mocked, "not just the mast itself."

"Thank you," I said harshly. "How about you show me how it's done?"

"But, well, I'm . . . "

"He's only the cabin boy," an older sailor said with a chortle.

"Someone show me how to do this rope-thing," I said.

"No way," the cabin boy said. "We'll get in trouble if you get hurt."

"Let's bet," I said. "You and me climbing the rigging and mast. Someone will stand underneath the mast to catch us if we fall. The first to reach the top wins. Two hundred."

"Deal," he said. We shook hands. I didn't have that kind of money, but Headmistress did. If I lost, my father would be furious at me for betting on something without the money. He'd repay Headmistress, but she would be extra hard on me. The stakes were high.

Without ever even seeing anyone climb a mast, I began. The ropes turned in the wind, and I was upside down, hanging on for dear life. I saw the cabin boy, who had been beside me,  climb ahead. Competitiveness flowed within me, and I climbed upside down, my hands burning, but I was smiling, nevertheless. It began to rain a little, and the drops were sharp pieces of glass on my cheeks. I let go with one hand and pulled my hood on, my heart pounding. I wasn't usually scared of heights, but this was different than usual.

I was nearing the top, winning, when I heard the boy call out. He was going to fall and break his neck. There was no way the person at the bottom could catch him from way up here. I held onto the rope with one hand and tangled my feet around it. I reached down and grabbed the boy's shirt as he was about to fall. It pulled me down, too, and I knew I was going to die. But my leg got caught in the ropes, and we hung there. It felt like forever. But I didn't have the strength to pull him up.

The boy swung over and grabbed the ropes, continuing to climb. I held on by my leg, the blood rushing to my head and pounding in my ears. I was going to fall. But I heard a voice in my head.

"Squirrel." I remembered Girec saying it countless times. Using all the strength I could muster, I lifted myself up into a sitting position and grabbed the ropes. The cold rain stung my face. I climbed like a squirrel, as fast as I could to the look out, yet cabin boy had made it first. My hopes sank. He flashed a triumphant smile and began to climb down. I stayed. There was no way I was going back down. I breathed heavily and clutched the top railings of the look out. Tears streamed down my face. Why has I thought I could do this? I was a fool. The wind was wilder now.

" . . . knew she couldn't do it," a sailor was saying. "She's just a girl. Someone's going to have to go up and get that society lady."

My blood boiled. I was not some average lady! I closed my eyes. With the wind whipping around, I felt as if I was flying. Earlier, when I had stood close to the edge of the ship was nothing compared to this.

I'd always had a fascination with flight. When I was younger, we had a wooden swing that hung from a branch on my father's estate. I would swing as high as I could, feeling the rush of wind. Then I'd jump off at the highest point, until my mother insisted I wear dresses like a proper lady.

Instead, I taught myself to draw and paint birds, loving the way they looked when they spread their wings and glided above the trees. I studied them, and made my own gliding device, when I was twelve. It ended in a sprained wrist.

But this time, nothing bad would happen. I was Evelin, the wild Fendway girl, the squirrel, and I could do this. I let out a laugh of delight, and I scampered down the riggings. For a moment, the wind whipped furiously, and my fear returned. But I closed my eyes again and imagined myself flying for real. I climbed down, faster and faster, until I reached the bottom. The men whopped and applauded, and I bowed.

"Hand over the money," the cabin boy said. "I won."

"I saved you!" I shrieked with disbelief. "The bet is off."

"Then you are a liar," the cabin boy said. "A breaker of oaths. I'll get you into prison for this. I need that money for my family. You didn't have to save me. You shook on it."

I didn't know what to do. Should I have not saved him? But it was the right thing. And I couldn't break my promise. That would break my integrity. I walked over to the stairs to go belowdecks. I'd give him my most expensive things, and he could sell them for the money. But Headmistress was standing right there; she had seen the whole thing. I groaned.

"You saved that boy," Headmistress said. "Go give him this." She handed me a pouch of money.

I stared at her in disbelief.

"Go on, you made a promise. Ladies don't break promises."

I walked over to the boy and gave him the pouch. I looked him up and down. He was skin and bones, even more scrawny than me. No wonder is been able to lift him. With all that adrenaline, and him weighing nothing . . .

"Here," I said. "You win. Hope it helps your family." I started to walk away dejectedly.

The boy surprised me by running up and giving me a hug. He was crying. "Thank you, miss. I needed that money. My mama won't go hungry this month."

Moved, I felt my eyes sting as well. Did so many people starve in Krialle? I had never really considered it before. "I have some gowns you can sell in town," I said softly.

"No," he said defiantly. "I earn my own money. I earned this money from that competition. Maybe Papa will finally be proud of me."

I admired his pride. Something good had come out of that competition. "You are welcome," I said. He walked away smiling. I wiped a few years from my eyes.

Headmistress walked me down below. "Get cleaned up or you'll catch a cold. I'll go get our supper." She left.

I dressed in my warmest gown, and jumped into the covers on the bed. My teeth wouldn't stop chattering, and I could still feel the rain on my face. Headmistress returned and handed me a bowl of brothy soup.

"You'll have to repay me. Not all right away, but you still must. Ladies aren't indebted to others," Headmistress said.

"I understand, Headmistress," I said.

"You may call me Lady Idena." She said it without a smile or affection, but it warmed me, and my teeth stopped chattering. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to me.

Lady Idena. It was odd to think Headmistress had a name other than Headmistress. I liked it. It was pretty. I tilted my head and looked sideways at Lady Idena. She really wasn't as old as I'd always thought. She was kind of pretty.

Did you like this chapter? I'm afraid I don't know much about sailing. If I made any mistakes, please comment on them so I can fix it.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!!!


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