The Alternate Eternity

Per ItsNeelahBitch

18 0 1



18 0 1
Per ItsNeelahBitch

Hey guys! So here's a new story I'm working on! It's a Fallen Angel/Rephaim story. It might not be any good, but I'm writing it for my enjoyment! So anyway, here goes! The name is just for now, I'll see what I feel like calling it, this name was kind of a rush! Anyway, I hope you like it :D

Comment, Vote, Fan if you like! Eat peaches and have fun!

I love you all! xo Nila

Montpelier, Vermont – 1832

Waiting patiently behind the cover of a Maple Tree; the man watched as the girl exited the tavern. Her walking was stable from the lack of liquor she’d consumed although her pale pink dress was tarnished with the vomit of a drunkard. Leaning against the tavern wall, she fixed her ruby heel; the road home was harsh and any slip of a shoe could cause a serious accident. She sighed heavily and he looked to see worry lines painting her face harshly, a grimace forming on her lips. The worry, as the man well knew was for her elder brother, an alcoholic of around 20 years who had recently formed a mild opiate addiction. Her parents, wealthy aristocrats, were oblivious to their son’s habits; choosing to focus more on their social lives and hierarchal stance than the lives of their two children. They showered them both with money and lavish gifts, but it never compared to the love of a parent of which they were sorely neglected.

He stepped from behind the tree as she passed and followed on her tail, the dark streets abandoned at such a late time. He watched her shiver as a cold autumn breeze brushed her shoulders. She looked around nervously and wrapped her falling shift around her shoulders before speeding up her pace. The man quickened his pace to match, looking around to see if anyone was behind them. His feet tread lightly on the pavement making no sound under his light foot.

The girl’s steps were agitated from the presence she was sure she felt behind her and she turned quickly to see nothing but the dimly lit street behind her. Frowning, she continued walking, balling her fists in a feeble attempt at defence. The man smiled darkly, his face clouded with hatred rather than happiness. A psychotic, manic smile you would be hard pushed to find on a normal person. He concentrated hard and snickered lightly as a heavy gust of wind surrounded them, causing the girl to stumble and fall on to her knees, grazing them on the cracked fragments of the road. The girl’s breath caught in her throat as she scrambled to stand up. Her recently adjusted heel caught on the underskirt of her dress, causing her to stumble once more. Growling in frustration, she stepped forward and lifted up her skirt, allowing her to rise to a stand.

The man stared, the frustration of the girl causing him happiness. He dragged his heavily booted feet lazily across the ground, causing a ripping sound which made the girl turn in fear. Her eyes widened as she saw him, a tall, chiselled man around 6ft tall. Dark hair framed his strong face and his full lips curled slyly. His primal beauty was breath-taking, and he held himself menacingly with the eyes of a killer. She opened her mouth to scream and, despite the fact he was 25 yards away, he covered her mouth with ease, moving in a blur. The girl bit into his hand with all her strength, causing not even a flinch from him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist in a vice-like grip, causing her weak struggles to fall flat as he lifted her to his chest. The rough material of his shirt sparked against her soft skin, the friction marking her arm with a slight burn. Turning, her carried her along through the edge of the path and in to the woods. He lifted her with ease. His unnatural strength allowing him to carry her 110lb weight as though she were a feather. She fell languidly in his arms, too tired to resist anymore and he smirked to the darkness. "Worry not, Angel," He muttered to the girl, turning to brush a branch against her bare arm "This will all be over soon." The girl whimpered in his arms, causing him glee as he edged through the woods. He was close to his destination.

After almost ten minutes, he released the girl from his arms and she staggered to the floor, using her scratched arms to protect her fall. She turned to look at him, eyes wide with panic, before looking frantically for an escape. The man stood and watched, knowing there was no chance of her escape. They were in a secluded area of woodland she had no knowledge of. Even if she were to run, she'd find no escape. He held her arm and turned her swiftly to face the opposite direction as they walked through a clearing.

The girl gasped at the sight ahead of her, they were at the edge of a stream, surrounded by around 20 men, dressed in similar clothes. The age range of these men was between 16 and 30 and they varied in race. Only one thing was similar, they all looked dangerous, and none of them human. With his hand still holding her arm, he led her forwards towards the crowd, spread evenly in a crescent formation. "Brothers!" the male, who she was sure was the leader, announced as he traced the blood mark on her neck. The omen. "Today we feed again."

He was followed by a loud cheer from his 'brothers' and the girl screamed, a loud, shrill cry which filled the air like smoke. The crowd of men raced forwards, pushing the girl to the ground. The leader looked up and grinned with malice at the figure he saw perched in the tree above. The figure in the tree cried aloud at the torture he had to endure, his mate falling to fate and dying under the hands of the Rephaim once more.

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