Student, Teacher Conference;...

Oleh IHeartALad

722K 12.1K 1.1K

"We shouldn't..." "I know, but I can't stop thinking about you" "Alex..." Melissa Butler is your average stud... Lebih Banyak

Student, Teacher Conference; Prolouge.
Student, Teacher Conference; Chapter One.
Student, Teacher Conference
Student Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Two
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Three
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
First Date
Date Two
Not So Monday Blues
The Ice RInk Development
Planning The Weekend
Sleep Over
Morning After
Anniversary Plans
Party Plans
Getting To Know Each Other
Topless Tuesday
Trouble In Paradise
Getting There
Parent's night
The Jury Is In
The End Result


9K 230 45
Oleh IHeartALad

Third person POV

Melissa turned into a zombie, being pushed ahead by her parents that stood with straight backs and proud faces. Miss Masterson shot a sly grin at Melissa before she turned to lead them off to her classroom, happy at the chance to one up her student.

When they reached the small office, Melissa's heart gave a leap as she saw three instead of the usual two chairs in front of Miss Mastersons desk; she had been planning to do this right from the start.

"Do take a seat" Said Miss Masterson who couldn't help but smile as she walked around and sat in her chair, back straight, smile on her face and hands clasped neatly in fornt of her, clearing her throat before addressing the Butlers.

"Mr and Mrs Butler, I am sure you recieved my newsletter that we had an investigation here at school"

The Butler's looked at each other, glancing back at Melissa who nodded at her parents who looked slightly confused.

"Oh yes, Melissa mentioned something about a student and a teacher" Mrs Butler nodded.

"Took no notice of course" Mr Butler said.

Miss Masterson raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? May I ask why?"

The Butler's looked at each other.

"Clearly this teacher is interested in one student and one student alone, Melissa is not that student" Mr Butler glared.

"How can you be so sure?" Miss Masterson asked.

"Excuse me?" Mrs Butler stood, outraged.

"Mrs Butler, we have some out-standing evidence that Melissa Butler and Mr Alexander Jackmen have been having a sexual affair"

Melissa was crying silently as she gripped the sides of her chair, biting her lip. Mr Butler stood up with is wife, both shouting their heads off at Miss Masteson who could not stop grinning.

"This is outrageous!" Cried Mr Butler.

Mrs Butler looked at her daughters face and turned, with a blinding rage o the headmistress.

"This is a joke! An absolute joke!" Mrs Butler screamed.

Everything went silent, even Miss Masterson sat solemn.

"Oh, that wiped the smile off your damned face did it? What evidence is this, what evidence?" Mrs Butler asked.

Melissa sat with her mouth opened, cheeks shining with tears, her father reached over and rubbed her hand while staring up at his with with an agreeable nod as she stared down the shocked teahcer.

"Eh...they have had numerous meetings alone indicating that they have gotten to know each other in a wy teachers and students shouldn't, Melissa has been caught calling Mr Jackmen by his first name-"

"Hevean forbid! We were given first names for a reason! Do you think that thatis enough for you to accusme my daughter?"

"The investigation came up clean!" Melissa shouted, shaking violently.

Mr Butler got up and went to his daughters side, holding her shoulders still. Miss Masterson stood and pointed at Melissa.

"Why else would your daughter be crying if this sudden news had not shocked her at it's outing?!" Asked the now recovering teacher.

Mrs Butler slapped her hands down on the desk, taking one hand to point at Miss Masterson who took a step back.

"Because you are a tyrant! My daughter and her friends are great students! They have never had a problem with any teacher, and then you turn up and suddenly my daughter and her friends are trouble makers; I don't think so madam!" Said Mrs Butler viciously.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner!"

"How dare you! Waltz into this school and strut around and pick fights with straight A students, did you bully your way into being a teacher? Because I have never had a problem with a teacher concerning Melissa in my life! The last headmaster was such a gentleman and gave a personal, shining review of her! You could learn a thing or two from your teachers here Miss Masterson, I will be calling your superior and I will be making a formal complaint. I will be looking into this investigation and if I hear that this teacher and my daughter have both been cleared from such suspicions frm govournment officials, yet you continue to fester this horrid scandal, I will see about your job here. Mark my words, and I'm fiends with many of the parents of the children that go here, and it's not just my child that complains about you, there are various others" Mrs Butler stood up straight and took deep breaths before turning to her husband and daughter who stood and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Let's go. Melissa, you will be going to school tomorrow and if this disgraceful excuse for a headmistress gives you any trouble whatsoever, you let me know" Mrs Butler said before marching out of the office, her husband pushing Melissa along as they followed.

Miss Masterson stood with wide eyes and a gaping jaw, a few members of office staff had been listening outside the door, to which Mrs butler asked 'enjoy that?'. Melissa calmed down as her dad soothed her and ushered her out of the building, a few parents whom Mrs Butler was friends with stopped her and asked what the problem was. Mrs Butler was not going to pass up a chance to get peole backing her in a fight and so told them of how they were rudely recieved and accused. Mr Butler took Melissa to the car where she sat in the back seat with her feet up and leaned on the door, hugging herself. A few moments later Sam came running out towards the car, asking what happened as she opened the other back door and put Melissa's bag and jacket inside.

"That headmistress of yours, has bullied you for the last time" Mr Butler said.

"She told my parents that she thinks Mr Jackmen and I are the student and teacher having an affair"

Sam gasped so loudly that Mr Butler looked at her.

"What?!" Sam asked.

Melissa nodded and hung her head, Mrs Butler came out of the school, looking a little more relaxed as she said hello and goodbye to Sam and got in the car.

"A few of the women gave me some names and numbers to call" Mrs Butler grinned.

"We will get that rotten, good-for-nothing tramp!"

"Mum!" Meliss gasped with a smile, Sam laughed.

"Your parents are inside Sam" Mrs Butler smiled.


When Sam had waved and skipped inside, the Butlers made their way home; Mr Butler congratulating Mrs Butler for sticking up for her daughter...and not punching the teacher.

"Well, I had to hit something, even if it was just the desk. Why didn't you tell us she was hasseling you about having an affair with a teacher?" Mrs Butler asked.

"Because we got cleared and it was proven that we hadn't been together, and this is the first time she's mentioned it to me"Melissa explained.

When they got hom, Mr Butler made them all hot chocolate, they drank it in the living room while watching TV though Mrs Butler left shortly before it got to late to start calling some numbers, though it was near nine o'clock so she wasn't so sure people would answer. Melissa then excused herself to her room and her dad bid her goodnight. When there she began texting Sam and Alex; whom Sam had told about the incident.

When Melissa told everyone on her phone that she was talking to, that she was going to sleep her mum knocked on the door.

"Hey honey, can I come in?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to sleep shortly though" Melissa smiled.

"I won't be long" Her mum smiled and sat at the bottom of her bed.

"What's wrong?" Melissa asked.

Mrs Butler put her hand on her daughters hand and looked her in the eyes, Melissa blushed but didn't look away.

"It's true isn't it?"

Melisss didn't look away from her mum as she knew there was no point in lying. Melissa knew that her mum had known as soon as Miss Masterson had said anything and still she stuck up for her.


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