A Little Bit Of Sweet & Sour...

By Amerika161

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76 11 6
By Amerika161

-Flashback- (The day Tristan died)

Tristan had been in the hospital for the last couple weeks and it was about 7 am as I was getting ready to leave the hospital to go visit Tristan. I wore a dress that we wore on our 13th birthday, which was a year ago. It was dark blue. On our birthday, Tristan had a black and blue suit. My dad drove me to the hospital so I could talk to him. I walked in the hospital and I was trying to find his room. When I found his room, I walked seeing Tristan lying in the hospital bed with all kinds of wires on him. Then I saw my mom sit right next to him. It looked like she had been crying from earlier. I saw a vase of daisies sitting next to his bed.

"Mom, can we have a minute alone?" She lightly smiled and nodded. She walked over to me to give me a kiss on my forehead and she walked out. I looked at Tristan as he was just smiling away like he had nothing to worry about. I slowly grabbed his hand to hold it.

"Hey, Tristan," I whispered as I tried to stop myself from crying. He smiled even more as I cried harder.

"Tiffany," He whispered as he wiped my tears away, "don't cry."

"I just hate seeing you like this," I croaked.


"Yeah?" I questioned as I was squeezing his hand.

"You know that wall that I haven't painted in my room."


"You paint that wall. Use your imagination." He smiled. "I love you, Tiffany. "

"I love you, too, but-" Before I could finish my sentence, his eyes closed slowly and the monitor made a sound that no one would want to hear. I tried holding his hand but he would hold it back. I screamed and cried for the doctor as the nurses and doctors were rushing in. I saw Tyler and my mom arguing outside of the room. I walked up to my mom angrily as u was still crying.

"You said he was going to be fine and they had to do surgery on him!" I screamed as I start hitting her on the arm.

"Do not hit me, I'm your mother," She angrily yelled at me.

"You knew he was going to die," I cried. My mom stared at me and walked off.

The next day, mom left me, Tyler and my dad without saying goodbye and hasn't came back ever since.

-Flashback over-

It was Monday morning and I walked into Art classroom as I sat down in my seat. I saw Ethan give me a smirk and I am sure he pulled a prank on me.

"Alright, class," Ms. Jefferson spoke up to get the class' attention. "I have changed my mind of the theme of the painting that you will be working on this week. Instead of something sad you are going to show your emotions this week. You can paint anything, but it has to show how you feel."

"Stupid," Ethan mumbled.

"Mr. Fisher, please explain to the class why you think this is stupid," She said out loud and crossed her arms.

"It's stupid because this is like therapy class to express your feelings expect your just putting it on a dumb piece of whatever," He rolled his eyes and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Mr. Fisher, this is how people express there self and some people do it by doing art."

Express my feelings? Gosh, that's personal. Let's see, my mom left me, my dad and brother, my twin brother died and I have this enemy that I hate so much. That seems reasonable to express about right? My mom. I know this sounds bad, but I kinda of hate my mom. I mean she kind of cared more about Tristan than the rest of the family. When she left us, she didn't even say word to me or Tyler. Not goodbye, not see you soon; not even an I love you. I do think she spoke to our dad before she left. We would ask dad if mom will come back or what she said before she left. All he would do is just ignore us and go in his room and just sit in there for hours.

I stared at the blank piece of paper and I did not know what to do. There were many colors of paint and picked up the red paint. I stared at the paint for the longest time. I looked over at Ethan as he was just laughing and goofing of with the paint. As I was still holding the red paint, I walked over to him.

"Hey, Puke-r-son, this is you picking your nose," He laughed loudly as I grabbed the red paint out of the container and I rubbed it all over on his face. There was some people say "ooo" in the class. Ethan looked angry at me.

"Ah, Fisher, you pull off red so well," I chuckled as he formed his hands into a fist.

"Hey!" He faked smiled, "What was your favorite color, again? Oh, yeah I think it was blue." He picked up cup of blue paint and poured the blue paint all over on top of my head. My mouth was wide open soon as he poured the blue paint on me. I grabbed the cup of yellow paint and put more on his face and the paint was more orange now.

"I love how to different colors mix together so well," I scoffed at him. Pretty soon we were throwing all kinds of paint at each other. Everyone was chanting "fight" as we got paint all over the floor. Ms. Jefferson stopped us right away.

"Stop! You guys need to grow up! Everyone is dismissed except for you two. You will be here until you clean all this up!"

We did not speak at all to each other. We were still a mess and we were first trying to clean the floor. About 20 minutes later, of cleaning and not talking, I finally said something.


No answer at all.

"I'm sorry that I threw paint on you." I whispered in a sad voice.

"That's a first," He mumbled as he continued to scrub the floors.

"What do you mean by that?" I raised my voice.

"I mean you never apologized before. And your always the one to start the fights."

"Excuse me? I don't start the fights you do!"

"Peterson, I start the arugments, you start the fights."

"No I do not! You start it all!"

"Whatever, your such a loser," He rolled his eyes as we got done cleaning the floor. We wash the sponges that we were using and we went to the bathrooms to clean up ourselves.

After I cleaned myself up, we both missed all our morning classes and it was already lunch. Ethan walked passed me and glared at me as he went up to Tyler to talk to him. I went up to Hunter as he was eating his lunch. He is always the first one to get his lunch.

"Hunter?" I said as I sat across the table from him. He looks up at me as he had his mouth full of chips and chews it slowly. "Do I always start the fights with Ethan?"

His eyes grew big and he mumbled:

"Oh shoot, I forgot, I have to go make up at test, bye!"

"Stop! Please be honest with me, Hunter."

He rolled his eyes and finally swallowed his chips.

"Well, you kind of do."

"I can't believe you think that!" I angrily said.

"It's true though, Tiff."

Is it? Is it true?

Hey guys! Sorry I took forever to update! Been so busy! Sorry it's shorter than normal!

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Thanks! :)


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