Danger's Back (JileyOverboard)

Від dakotajohnsons

84.3K 567 63


"Can't stay eighteen forever-"
"I'll never leave you."
"I'll take my chances."
"I'm going to protect you,"
"I thought I'd pay my old pal a visit."
"And now I have you all to myself."
"She was my everything."
"Everything is broken..."
"Don't be mad at me."
"Watch it, Bieber."
"You don't want me to go?"
"You're better off without me."
"I have a boyfriend,"
"My main priority is you--"
"Things are going to start changing around here,"
"Where the hell is my boyfriend?"
"It's crazy to think about how much you've become a part of my life."
"I don't want to feel like this anymore,"
"They didn't believe in you but I did."
"I owe you big time."
"I should've let you go when I had the chance."
"Don't fight me on this."
"I'm so going to hell for this,"
"You're a piece of work, you know that?"
"I needed tonight to be special,"
"You've gone off the deep end man."
"And that's when all hell broke loose."
"You shouldn't be here,"
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"What the fuck do you mean she's not picking up?"
"What if this is a trap?"
"--how much is your girlfriend worth to you?"
"It wasn't your fault."
"And now I'm just about done with you."
"I'll make you forget."
"She's going to get him killed you know,"
"Do you even know what the fuck you've done?!"
"You're my world you know that?"
"Jealousy is quite the sexy color on you."
"I have it all under control."
"-the past is repeating itself."
"and I'm choosing to let it go."
"She's never going to forgive you for this,"
"you ruined everything."
"I can't live without you,"
"I just want us to be okay,"
"No job goes unfinished,"
"She's not the same person,"
"You deserve the world even if I'm not in it."
"You'll survive without me,"
"I just want my life back."

"You're still a dead man,"

1.5K 9 0
Від dakotajohnsons

Justin’s Point of View:

Groaning as the light from the windows came peeling in caused me to flutter my eyes open and awake from my slumber. Swallowing despite my dry, sticky throat, I groggily began wiping my eyes clean of sleep. Wincing at the pull in my chest, I sighed frustratingly before relaxing once my eyes fell on Kelsey sleeping soundly beside my bed.

I frowned at the sight of her rolled up in a ball on one of the clearly uncomfortable hospital chairs with a tacky sheet covering her probably freezing body. Reaching over, I gently urged her awake with my fingers not being able to watch her sleep like that any longer.

“Babe,” I rasped watching as she stirred a bit before batting her eyelashes, her eyes finding mine before quickly snapping her body upwards into a sitting position.

“Are you okay?” She murmured groggily, looking around for something wrong, “Did something happen? Do you want something?”

I couldn’t help the smile that urged my lips to pull upwards at her urgency to come to my aid. “Nah, I’m fine baby but I do want you to do something for me though.”

“What’s that?” She questioned, confusingly smiling back at me.

“I want you to go home and get some rest before you get so worn out they have to admit you.”

“I’m fine,” Kelsey retorted with a roll of her eyes, exasperated.

“You have been in here every minute of the day. You’re probably living off the crap they sell in the vending machines at the café and coffee.” I shot back, trying to push my point across. It isn’t healthy for her to be here twenty four seven without a goodnight’s rest or regular food in her system.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it crap; it’s actually not that bad… once you get used to it.” Kelsey shrugged carelessly, trying to convince me otherwise but nothing she’s going to say will change my mind.

“Either way, it still isn’t food. You need to get some air too apart from traveling to the bathroom or getting the nurse. You need to go out, see the sun, the sky… being stuck in here isn’t going to make anything better. It’ll just make things worse for you.”

“I had enough fresh air;” Kelsey waved a hand dismissively, “Carly took me to the diner a couple of days ago and I went home once too.” She protested, her lips pulling into a pout.

Once,” I repeated, “Exactly. You’re warring yourself down for nothing.” I sighed, “What good is it going to do either of us if you collapse just as I’m released?”

“I don’t want to leave you… what if—”

“Don’t,” I signaled her to stop before she continued talking. “There are no what-ifs. I got through the worst, okay? Don’t worry about me. I’m the one who’s okay here. I’m not quite sure how you’ll turn up in a couple days if you continue on like this.” Licking my lips, I took a deep breath, “I don’t want this to turn into an argument. Just do as I say, okay?”

“You’re flat on your back and you still find ways to control my life,” Kelsey mumbled jokingly, shooting me a shy smile as she uncrossed her legs and stood up, stretching her limbs.

Chuckling, I smirked, “Just go home and sleep for a little. I’ll feel much better knowing you’re resting.”

Pursing her lips, Kelsey didn’t put much thought into it as her shoulders hunched over in dismay. “Fine,” She emphasized, leaning over and pressing her lips to mine for a sweet kiss, “But I will be back later.” She pointed at me in a warning gesture.

Pinching her hip, I patted her butt, “I can’t wait.”

Narrowing her eyes at me, she slapped my hand away playfully before turning to grab her jacket as she began pulling it on.

“Wait,” I informed just as she turned to walk away.


“Open that door for me, would ya?” I gestured towards it with my chin.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she gave me a perplexed look but did as I said anyways. “Okay? I was going to anyways… What now?” She questioned as she turned the knob, peeling the door open.

“Spencer!” I shouted enough not to hurt myself but loud enough for him to hear. Shooting his head around the entrance, Kelsey nearly jumped from the sudden face that appeared.

Spencer was one of the guards Paul had set me up with who happened to be somebody I had come to know for  years but lost contact with once I had gone to prison. We used to fool around together when we were set up to attend the same business deals.

“You rang?” He teased with a smile, his hands laced together in front of him as he stood before me upon entering the room with Kelsey right behind, her eyes looking back and forth between us.

“Do you remember when I told you about how I would be assigning a few guards?” I turned my attention over to Kelsey for the time being.

She nodded, “Yeah,”

“Well this is Spencer. He’s going to be your chauffer.”

Peeling her eyes from mine to look at Spencer, she took him in from head to toe, “Okay,”

“You,” I looked at Spencer, “You’re going to be watching Kelsey from now on, got it? Whatever she wants, you get it for her. Wherever she wants to go, you take her. If she wants you to carry her on your back, you damn well best believe you will take her. If she wants to go to the mall then back a hundred times, you’ll drive her.”

Raising an eyebrow, Spencer smirked at my orders.

“I want her to be comfortable around you Spencer so don’t try to be a snarky ass like you are ninety nine percent of the time. That’s my girl’s life in your hands and if anything happens to her, you best believe I’m going to kill you.”

“I’ll guard her with my life.” Spencer gave me his word of honor as he clapped hands with me. Facing Kelsey, he put his arm out for her to take.

Hesitant at first, she looked at me as if to ask for permission. When I gave her a small smile, she curled her hand around his bicep.

“Where to, pretty lady?” He cheesed with a vibrant smile, avoiding the daggers I was currently shooting in his direction.

“Uhm,” Kelsey blushed, biting the inside of her cheek, “home I guess. Do you know where that is?”

“I know where everything is. Had to memorize that shit for hours,” Spencer grumbled, annoyed, completely forgetting my existence but was quickly reminded once I cleared my throat. “Sorry,” He groused, pulling Kelsey out the door. “You know, your boyfriend can be quite the ass.”

“That’s my boyfriend you’re talking about, you know.” Kelsey glowered, clearly displeased at his choice of words.

I smiled.

That’s my girl.

“I know,” Spencer shrugged his right shoulder only, “But that doesn’t mean much to me. I’m only stating the truth—he’s irritating as fuck.”

“I heard that!” I yelled, groaning the second I did due to the needle like pinch that shot through my chest.

Stopping midway, Spencer leaned back so that he could look back into the room. “That was the point.” He winked before dodging the plastic cup I threw at him.

“Missed me!” He sing-sang, his voice dissolving with each step he took before completely disappearing once he rounded a corner to take the nearest elevator down to the main floor.

“Fucking prick,” I spat under my breath, positioning myself in a laying position as I looked up at the ceiling, my stomach resting peacefully at the idea of Kelsey finally leaving and getting the slumber she deserved after staying here for what felt like years (but was merely only a week or so).

After a decent amount of time had gone by, I grabbed my cellphone, calling Kelsey. Tapping my fingers to a random beat in my head, I waited patiently until she picked up.


“Are you okay?” I asked, pulling at the string at the tip of the blanket covering me from my toes all the way to the top of my chest, “Did Spencer say or do anything inappropriate?”

“No, no, he didn’t’ do anything. I’m fine—we’re fine. We just made it past the local area, just a few more minutes and we should be home. Are the guys there or are they on their way to visit you?”

“Nah, I told them to hold off for a while. They might come by later but they should be home now. Listen, call me—or better yet, text me when you make it home, okay? I won’t be able to sleep unless I know you’re one hundred percent safe inside the house.”

“Okay,” She murmured gently, understanding my nerves about the situation. It sucked not being able to take her home myself to ensure her safety with my own eyes but I trusted Spencer enough to know that he wouldn’t hurt her and she was okay under his care for the time being until I got better. “Well… bye,”

Closing my eyes, I rubbed the wrinkles that formed at my forehead, “Bye, baby,” Ending the call, I sighed, urging my head back against the puffy pillow, my eyes finding interest in everything around me. Pressing the palms of my hands to my eyes, I rubbed them free of the stress building itself around them.

“Hello, Mr. Bieber,” Whom I came to know as to be Barbara, one of the nurses assigned to my room came in, a warm grin on her face, “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” I admitted sheepishly, rubbing the side of my face as I let my hands fall down beside me with ease.

“Your charts seem to agree with you Mr. Bieber. Your heart rate is seemingly well and moving at a natural pace and your charts are up to date. Within the next two to three days, you should be free to go,” She confirmed with glee, watching as relief spread across my face.

“Thank God,” I murmured, clutching my phone in my hand once I felt it vibrate next to my thigh. Answering the call, I held it to my ear. “Hello?”

“We made it home safely. I’m in my room.” Kelsey’s small voice was heard through the speakers making the worry disappear.

“I thought I told you to text me?”

“And I thought better of it. I know how much you worry so…” I could envision her shrugging while picking at her nails.

“I’m not too far from you baby girl,” I whispered after a string of silence fell over us. Knowing she was feeling out of place, I tried my best to certify her thoughts.

“I know,” She muttered, “It’s just weird being here knowing you’re in the hospital.”

“The nurse,” I smiled at Barbara who stood watching me with a knowing smile on her face as she gestured to me with an open palm, showcasing the pills I was to take for the pain, “told me I’ll be able to go home in the next day or two. I’ll be with you before you know it, babe. Just hang in there, you’ll be in my arms soon enough, I promise.” Taking the pills, I downed them despite my scratchy throat, gulping down a cup of water soon after.

“Okay,” She squeaked and I knew she was feeling slightly more alone now that there were still a few more days to go before I was released. “Well, I’d better go and let you be. I’ll see you later, love you.”

“Love you too.” Waiting for her to cancel the call this time, I put my phone back down beside me before settling the cup next to it. “Thank you.”

“Anytime, sweetheart.” Her eyes glowed with sincerity, “Girlfriend?” She motioned towards my phone.

Chuckling, I nodded, “Yeah, she worries too much. It was about time she went home to sleep.”

“Coming from a woman’s perspective, she’s going to be far more protective of you now then she ever was before due to your situation.” Taking my cup, she gave me a knowing smile, “I may not know her personally but we girls like to feel as if we’re doing something, anything even if we’re doing nothing at all. We hate feeling useless to the opposite gender especially when they need us more than ever. Cut her some slack, she’s going to need the comfort of your voice and vision of you in front of her in order to feel whole again.”

Letting her words sink in, I nodded, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You do that,” She winked playfully, patting my shoulder gently before walking away with my charts tucked under her arm. “I’ll come by later to check up on you.”

“Alright,” Watching as she left, I took into consideration all that it was she said, reciting her words to me all over again. Kelsey was always the one to keep strong while I was around and knowing that there was nothing she could do about the bullet wound to my chest, I could only imagine how she was feeling at this very moment.

Closing my eyes, I let all the anxieties inside of me vanish, knowing I had plenty of time to bother myself with all these countless glitches in my life. Letting myself relax into the mattress, the exhaustion I didn’t even realize was there took over my body and before I knew it, I fell asleep with the thought of my girlfriend smiling in mind.

Kelsey’s Point of View:

“So you and Bieber, huh?” Spencer asked the second he began driving out of the emergency room parking lot.

“Ugh,” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, confused as to why he was asking. “Yeah?” I stifled a small laugh to ease the silence that fell upon us for a moment.

“For how long?” Spencer scrunched his face up as he looked at the signs, following the directions to leave before smoothing over the bump at the end, cruising gently onto the street.

“A few years,” I shrugged, giving him a side glance look. “Why?”

“Just asking,” Spencer caught my gaze, shooting me his perfect smile. “I mean, the last time I’ve seen him, he had just gotten out of a relationship with some chick whose name I forgot. I haven’t seen him so fucked up in my entire life but apparently,” Looking at me, he nodded approvingly, “he got himself together.”

Not knowing what to say, I just kept my mouth shut, conscious enough to show him some type of response, I gave a tight lipped smile.

“Ay, I’m sorry for what I said back at the hospital. I was just yanking his chain; I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.” Spencer warily looked at me, cautious of his words.

“It’s alright, I mean you were just joking so,” I shrugged, “There’s really no need for you to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Looking out the window, I took notice to the blurring imagery of the trees rolling past us when the ringing of my phone caught my attention. Taking it out of my bag after rummaging through it, I accepted the call. “Hello?”

“Are you okay?” Justin’s voice filled my ears, sending warm vibrations through my body. “Did Spencer say or do anything inappropriate?”

I smiled at his protectiveness. “No, no, he didn’t’ do anything. I’m fine—we’re fine.” Looking outside again, I noted where we were, “We just made it past the local area, just a few more minutes and we should be home.” Licking my lips, a sudden thought occurred to me. “Are the guys there or are they maybe on their way to visit you?”

“Nah, I told them to hold off for a while. They might come by later but they should be home now. Listen, call me—or better yet, text me when you make it home, okay? I won’t be able to sleep unless I know you’re one hundred percent safe inside the house.”

“Okay,” I responded gently, sadness overcoming once I realized the situation we were in. It all seemed normal for the time being but once reality struck, it was like a whole new world opened up. “Well… bye,” I murmured.

“Bye baby.” Cutting us off, I sighed as I tucked my phone into the pocket of my jeans, knowing I’ll need it for when I get home.

After a few more red lights, turns and stop signs, Spencer had finally made it home. Cutting off the engine after he parked in the driveway, Spencer hadn’t even taken the keys out of the ignition when I left.

Staring up at the house, I felt my heartstrings pull violently at the memory of the last time I had been here with Justin. It was that moment when everything was okay, everything seemed to be getting okay again and then everything fell apart… just like that.

Pressing his hand to my back, Spencer gave me a warm understanding sort of smile as he led me up the stairs and into the house where a waft of warm air melted the cold off my cheeks.

Sliding my jacket off, I hung it up before slowly making my way into the living room where Bruce was seated watching TV as if everything were normal. When he caught sight of me however, he jumped to his feet.

“Is everything okay? How’s Justin?”

“Everything’s fine, Justin’s better. He just sent me here because according to him I need sleep but we all know it was an excuse so he can be alone.”

“You know that’s not true.” Pulling me into his embrace, Bruce kissed the top of my head, “Justin’s right, you need some sleep. Go on up, I’ll let Carly and the guys know you’re here. You can say hello to them later.”

“Thanks Bruce.”

“Anytime.” Stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, he followed me up the stairs with his eyes before returning to the living room, Spencer following behind.

Turning the knob, I held my breath the moment I stepped foot into the empty room. Kicking my shoes off, I closed the door behind me, taking in the scenery. Everything was where I had last left it. Not one thing was moved nor taken away. Justin’s sweatpants were on a pile on the floor with his various white V-necks scattered around it.

Remembering that I had to let Justin know I made it, I took my phone out, dialing his number.


“We made it home safely. I’m in my room.” I whispered gently as if somebody in the room was sleeping and I was trying not to make noise.

“I thought I told you to text me?”

“And I thought better of it.” Biting my lip, I shrugged, picking at my nails. “I know how much you worry so…” Trailing off, I let the quiet linger between us, my want for him to be near increasing immensely.

“I’m not too far from you baby girl,” Justin whispered after a few minutes, knowing exactly what was going through my mind.

It always amazed me how well he knew me.

“I know,” I muttered, “It’s just weird being here knowing you’re in the hospital.” Looking around the room, the sinking feeling in my stomach multiplied.

“The nurse,” Justin paused momentarily, “told me I’ll be able to go home in the next day or two. I’ll be with you before you know it, babe. Just hang in there, you’ll be in my arms soon enough, I promise.”

“Okay,” I peeped softly, “I’d better go and let you be. I’ll see you later, love you.”

“Love you too.” Waiting for me to end the call this time, I did just that, the dial tone following suit.

Shimmying out of my jeans, I put on Justin’s sweatpants, loving the feeling of wearing something that belonged to him before crawling into bed. The blanket swallowed me up as I cradled myself like a baby under it.

The second my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

Justin’s Point of View:

Twitching in my sleep, I murmured incoherently to myself, turning onto my side as far as I could go without hurting myself, I disregarded the various sounds I heard outside of my room.

Furrowing my eyebrows at the creaking of the door closing and soft footsteps being heard, I forced myself awake, not being able to ignore the noise much longer. Adjusting to the lighting, my eyes fell open to a figure standing before me with a sinister smile on his face.

“You and I have some unfinished business.” He huskily muttered, his eyes burning into mine.

Locking my jaw tight at the bastard with big enough balls to stand in front of me right now, I repositioned myself on my bed, “You’re looking to be arrested for attempted murder, jackass. If you had a brain, you’d be on the next plane out of here, Cole.” I hissed venomously, the blood in my veins running cold at the sight of him.

“Oh, I have my travel plans in check thanks but I didn’t wanna leave without a fitting goodbye,” He snarled disgustingly, a wicked smirk in place.

“You’re in no position to make threats, Cole.” I groaned, shifting slightly, my eyes ablaze.

“What?” He scoffed, “And you are?”

Ignoring him, I cocked my head to the side, amused. “Don’t you get it? I may be lying here because of you but you’re still a dead man.”

“Not if you’re dead first,” He whispered menacingly and just as I was about to question what he was talking about, he held up a pillow in front of my face.

Clenching my teeth, I tisked doubtfully, “Suffocation? That’s your way of killing me?” I stalled, my eyes flicking at the closed door before quickly gaining attention to his lifeless eyes once more.

“Better than to get my hands dirty with the likes of your blood, don’t you think?” He smiled from ear to ear, distaste present in his expression, “Besides, I’d rather watch you squirm underneath my hold than give you a quick escape.”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” My head shot up to see Kelsey standing in the middle of the doorway, one foot in the door, her body frozen with her hand on the knob. Her eyes were wide in alarm, her breath hitched in her throat as the scene in front of her unraveled in her head. Flickering her eyes to mine, she could sense the hatred radiating off of them that clearly wasn’t directed towards her.

“Somebody help!” Taking hold of her bag in the palm of her hand, all thoughts vanished from Kelsey’s mind as she began charging towards Cole, hitting him with all her might, knowing I was too weak to do anything myself. “Get,” She grunted, “Away,” She slapped him again, her hands flying everywhere as they pounded into him, “From him!” She screeched, slapping Cole’s hands away as they reached to stop her from hitting him. “Nurse!”

“Kelsey,” I groaned, trying to gain her attention but it was no use, “Don’t—”

“Police!” Kelsey screamed on the top of her lungs, “Somebody, anybody, please help!” She cried out, shoving Cole away from her in time to knee him in the groin.

Doubling over in pain, Cole cupped his sensitive area. “Fucking bitch,” He spat.

Gritting my teeth together, if I was strong enough, I would’ve beaten the shit out of him right then and there.

Running over to the arm chair off to the right of the room, Kelsey took hold of it as she dumped her bag somewhere off to the side. Stumbling over to Cole holding it up with the strength she could muster, Kelsey nearly knocked him over the head with it.

“This isn’t over yet,” Cole warned as he dodged Kelsey, making a beeline for the door as he disappeared down the hall just as the doctor walked inside.

“Is everything alright in here?” He spoke quickly, his eyes wide with panic at the outburst Kelsey had created.

Licking my lips, I nodded, getting ready to answer him when Kelsey beat me to it.

“No! Everything is not alright in here,” She spat harshly, “the guy who shot my boyfriend was just in this room!” Kelsey threw her hands in the arm to emphasize her point.

Looking behind him, the doctor rounded the corner of the entrance before looking back at us once more after he saw nobody.

“Kels—” Rolling my eyes, I let out a frustrated breath, “My girlfr—” Groaning, I pressed my eyelids together, taking an internal deep breath before letting it out, “Please forgive my girlfriend. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” I croaked out.

“What?” Kelsey spat, taken back by what I just said.

Finding her eyes, I locked my jaw tight, “Everything is fine Kelsey, isn’t it?” I pushed the question, trying to get it across to her that she was to go along with what I’m saying.

Furrowing her eyebrows in the utmost confusion, Kelsey parted her lips in dismay before clearing her throat, pursing her lips to one side, “I—yeah, apparently so.”

“Are you… sure?” The doctor looked between us both, trying to sense some sort of inclination that we were lying to him.

“Uhm, yeah,” Kelsey brushed the hair that fell in front of her face away, licking her lips. “I must’ve, uhm, misunderstood.”

“If you’re positive…”

“We’re positive.” I hotly confirmed.

“I must have made a mistake, I’m sorry.” Kelsey tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, still trying to put together in her head what had just happened.

“Okay,” He simply nodded once, giving us one more questionable look before leaving, attending to his next patient that was in more of a need of his assistance then I was.

Blowing out an air of hindrance, Kelsey turned to me, hands on her hips, her eyes blazing. “Would you care to explain why you would want to protect the guy who just tried to kill you—again?” She spat incredulously.

Rubbing the side of my face, I wiped my lips, ignoring Kelsey as I grabbed my cellphone. Dialing Bruce’s number, I waited for him to pick him. Before he had the chance to even mutter a single word, I cut through, “You need to come here, now.”

“Justin! They have an APB out on him, why would you—”

Putting a hand up to silence her, I thanked God that she actually listened for once as I listened to what Bruce was saying. “Okay, I’ll see you then.” Putting my phone away after locking it, I sat farther up on the bed, resting my back against my now perched up pillow. “If the cops get Cole, fine. He’ll be trialed for attempted murder and that’ll be it.”

“So? Why let him get away then?”

“You ask too many questions,” I grumbled, not quite thrilled with her sudden interest in my business—how things work and what my decisions were.

“I just want to make sense of this all,” Kelsey bargained as she sat cross legged, leaning into the side of my bed as she cocked an elbow up, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

“Cole might be useful to me alive rather than dead.” I shrugged as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

“So you’re saying you want Cole to get away?”

“For now.”


Sighing, I scratched the back of my head, “I’m curious to see where he runs to and to whom. Cole doesn’t have what it takes to run a territory and he proved that when he left evidence of his arrival here behind. There is no way in hell he could’ve held up this long unless someone bigger was helping him. I need to know who that is and I’m hoping Cole runs straight to him.”

“Okay… that makes some sorta sense but why are you being so blasé about it though? I mean hey, what if I wouldn’t have walked in here a minute ago? That guy could’ve killed you.” She frowned, the thought of losing me crossing her mind like a hot wave.

Pressing my lips together in a firm line, I looked at her with hard understanding. “Listen to me,” I bit the skin on my lip, “give me your hand.” I held mine up for her to take.

Uncrossing her legs, Kelsey leaned forwards as her hand slid into mine, her eyes staring down at them with evident concern making my stomach churn on instinct at her mien.

“You’re not going to lose me, okay?” I squeezed her hand, “You got me through the shooting, through every second of me being here.”

“You act like nothing can hurt you,” She whispered softly, “That scares me.” She admitted, pained. “I mean… you almost died Justin and not just once but twice.”

“I didn’t and I won’t.” Taking a deep breath, I shook my head, “Don’t you get it?” I strained, trying to push my point across enough for her to grasp. I loved this girl more than life itself and there was no way in hell I was going to let her go. “You made me care again. You gave me a life that matters, I’m not gonna leave that all behind for anything.” Bringing her hand up to my lips, I gave it a gentle peck. “I could get shot a million times and it wouldn’t make a difference. I have something to come back to. Maybe a few years ago, I probably would’ve died, but—”

Wincing, Kelsey frowned at the thought of be dying, “Please,” She muttered.

“I’m sorry but it’s the truth. I had nothing to live for back then but, now? Now I do.” Tugging on her hand, I let it drop to my shoulder as I held her hip, pulling her closer, “Now I have you.” I whispered against her lips.

“C’mere,” Leaning upwards, I caught her half way, pressing my lips to her moist ones, an instant moan flying from us both at the electricity that bolted from within. Cupping her face, I held her closer if that were even possible, ignoring the strain in my chest as I gripped her neck in my hold, not wanting her to move away from me.

“Justin,” Kelsey gasped once she pulled away from me.

“Mm,” I mumbled, licking my lips, “strawberry.” I smirked.

Giggling, Kelsey dropped her forehead, hiding her face from mine as she continued to laugh.

Curving an arm around her body, I chuckled at her shyness. “You always get embarrassed babe for nothing and I don’t understand why.”

“You’re just so…”

“So?” I prompted, arcing a brow, “What?”

“I don’t know,” She mumbled, looking at me, “You’re just… you.”

“And that gets you laughing? I didn’t know my face amused you so much babe.” I snickered, watching as her face heated up immensely.

Rolling her eyes, she stuck her tongue out at me causing my eyes to darken as they narrowed down at her.

“You better hide that tongue of yours babe before I have you use it for something far more useful.” I muttered huskily.

Widening her eyes, Kelsey smiled innocently, her entire face now the color of a ripe tomato. “Sorry.”

Before either one of us had the chance to utter a word, a knock came from the other side of the door, capturing our attention.

“What?” I spat, annoyed at whoever it was who had interrupted.

“Uhm,” They hesitated, clearly intimidated by my sudden harsh demeanor, “I’ve got a delivery from the Outback Grill.”

Groaning, I laced together a string of curse words, “Wrong door!” I shouted, desperate for them to leave already when I saw Kelsey coward away from my bed from the corner of my eye.

“Actually,” She sang out, “It’s not.” Clapping her hands together, she rubbed them together as she walked over to the door, opening it. “Hi,” She smiled politely, “Just lay them over there.” She pointed to the long salver that was brought here earlier today.

Avoiding my gaze, he placed the orders on the tray before whisking past.

“Thank you,” Kelsey watched as he exited before closing the door and turning to me with a shy smile on her lips. “I almost forgot…” Biting her lip, she gazed over at me adoringly, “I’m taking you out to dinner.”

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