Growing Pains [Finished]

By ThaKid_Snapback

104K 4.3K 1.4K

"Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now..." More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 14

3.7K 162 81
By ThaKid_Snapback

Part 14

Six Months Later

"It had been many years since I've been in love
With a real man I had given up on love
I didn't think a good man existed in this world
I was tired, of searching
Because of relationships I've dealt with in the past
Couldn't fathom bein monogamous
When I least expected it, I found you
And because of you, I know how it feels to be" Beyoncé sung as they rehearsed.

The last six months have flown by. The girls EP went better they thought it would, actually better they everyone thought which is why they are pushing the album out sooner.

"Then y'all come in with the chorus." Beyoncé said.

They were planning out how to record some last songs for the album.

"Yeah, I like that." Kelly said writing something down.

Beyoncé looked at her phone.

"I gotta go get Messiah, y'all want something to eat?" Beyoncé asked standing.

"Of course." Michelle said. "It don't even matter."

Beyoncé and Kelly laughed.

"Gotcha." Beyoncé said grabbing her purse.

Beyoncé left out the studio and went into the other. Shawn, Omari, Bleek and Ty Ty were in there working. Columbia was so impressed with the work Shawn had did on the project that they gave him a producer and label deal. Shawn and Ty Ty started Roc Nation.

"Hey, I'm going to get Messiah and some food. Y'all want anything?" Beyoncé asked.

"Whatever you get." Omari yelled.

Shawn walked towards Beyoncé and they left out.

"How's it going with y'all?" Shawn asked with his arm around her shoulder.

"Good, I'm just a bit tired." She said. "But its all worth it. What about you and Omari?"

"It's coming." Shawn said.

"You figure out a title yet?"

"No, not yet." He said. "But Just Blaze cooking up something for me."

Beyoncé nodded.

They walked out and he walked her to her car.

"Be safe out here, where you going to get food at though?" He asked.

"Why? You not getting nothing extra." Beyoncé said. "You not special."

"I'm special to you." He said and kissed her.

Beyoncé pulled back and rolled her eyes playfully. Beyoncé got in her car and drove off. Shawn stood there for a moment feeling really lucky.

Messiah sat in front of his locker starring at the paper in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Derrick asked.

Messiah shook his head and stood up. He dapped up Derrick.

"I got a D in Science." He said.

"That's not that bad. Just tell your mom you was having a tough time." He said shrugging.

"My comments are 3, 7, and 12." Messiah said.

Derrick took the paper and read what the comment numbers meant.

"Poor tests and quizzes, disruptive, and poor attendance." Derrick said. "Well god damn."

Messiah took the paper and folded it and put it in his back pocket.

"Well at least you passing everything else."

Messiah shook his head.

"I'm not giving it to her." He said. "Well at least not today."

"That's a bad idea." Derrick said.

Messiah shrugged and they started walking towards the exit.

"Hi Messiah." He heard some girl say.

He smiled at her.

"All the girls want you." Derrick said.

"No, they wanna meet my mama." Messiah said laughing.

Derrick laughed.

"Well I hope you live past the week." Derrick said.

"Me too." He said as they walked out the door. "There my mama."

They dapped up and Messiah started walking towards the car.

"Hey ma." Messiah said when he got in.

"Hey." She said then drove off. "How was school?"

"It was cool, nothing crazy."

Beyoncé nodded.

"What song y'all working on today?" Messiah asked.

"Oh, now you wanna be in my studio. I thought you was down with Roc Nation? What happened with all that?" Beyoncé asked.

"Why you jealous?" He asked laughing.

"Boy, whatever." She said.

The talked some more before Beyoncé pulled up to Papa John's.

"Go in there and get the pizza and wings." Beyoncé said.

She gave him the money and he got out. Beyoncé's phone rung.

"Hello?" Beyoncé answered.

"Hello Ms. Knowles this is Mrs. Matthews. Messiah's advisor."

"Oh, hi how are you?" Beyoncé asked.

"I'm good. I'm just making my rounds letting parents know that third quarter report cards came out today and your son is in our orange zone for his Science class." She said.

"Oh, he is." Beyoncé said as she eyed Messiah's back in the Papa John's.

"Yes." She said. "His teachers comments were poor test grades and quizzes, disruptive and absences."

"Okay, is there a way I can set up a parent teacher conference to get Messiah back on track with his studies?"

"Yes, I can set that up." She said. "Will after school tomorrow work for you?"

"Yes it will." Beyoncé said as she watched Messiah get the pizza and wings. "Thank you so much for calling."

"No problem Ms. Knowles." She said and they ended their conversation.

Messiah came out and opened the back door and sat the pizzas down with the bag of wings and soda's. Messiah then got in the front seat and put on his seatbelt.

Beyoncé drove off and glanced at Messiah.

"Anything happen at school today?" Beyoncé asked.

"No." He said shaking his head. "Ma, you missed the exit for the studio."

"I know I gotta pick up something at the house." She said.

Messiah nodded.

"I want you to change out of your uniform too."


Beyoncé was getting madder as she drove. She gave him two chances to tell the truth. Before the phone call and after and he still decided to lie. Wouldn't report cards coming out be something going on in school?

Beyoncé parked in their driveway and they went in the house.

Messiah went to his room to change. He switched his khaki pants to cargo shorts and took off his polo and threw it in his hamper. He was reaching for a t-shirt when Beyoncé walked in.

"I'm almost ready." Messiah said getting his shirt down.

When he got it down he saw his mother standing there with a belt in her hand.

"Ma, why you-"

"I asked you twice did anything happen at school." Beyoncé said. "Did you or did you not get a report card today?"

"You, you didn't ask me that." He said.

"Getting a report means that's what happened at school today."

"Okay, we got report cards." He said nervously.

"What did you get and do not lie."

"I got a D in Science." He said looking down.

"Look at me."

He lifted his head.


He shrugged.

"Come here."

Messiah walked up to her.

"Well since you don't know I heard your test grades are poor, you disruptive and you don't go. Now why is that Messiah?"

"I don't be getting it." He said.

"Then why didn't you open up your mouth and say something? You want the new Jordans or new game and you loud as hell. Why you wanna be quiet when it comes to school?"

Messiah just stood there.

"Okay strike one. Why you disruptive? How you being disruptive in class?"

"I don't know. I don't be disruptive."

"Then why she saying you are? What? She lying?"

Messiah just stood there.

"So is she lying Messiah?"

"I guess, I don't be doing nothing."

"Maybe that's the damn problem and why do you have absences? How you absent from your last class of the day? You skipping?"

Messiah just looked down.

"Ow!" Messiah yelled when Beyoncé hit him with the belt.

"I know you hear me. Were you skipping?"

"Yes." He said lowly.

Beyoncé hit him again.

"Speak up!"



"I don't know." He said shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Beyoncé said and hit him again.

Messiah moved that time.

"Stop moving and stand up straight." She said and he did wiping his eyes. "Why did you try to hide it?"

He shrugged which pissed Beyoncé off so she grabbed him closer to her and hit him with the belt a few times.

"Okay!" Messiah yelled.

"Okay what?!" Beyoncé yelled. "Give me the damn report card!"

Messiah wiped his face when she let him go and went to get the report card out of his school pants pocket. He gave it to his mother.

She looked it over.

"If you would've came and talked to me and did not lie we wouldn't even be in this situation right now." Beyoncé said. "It's one class, you could've talked to me."

Messiah just looked at her.

"Now I have an appointment with your teacher tomorrow. I'm gonna need you to tell me everything. I'm not about to go in there looking stupid and if you don't tell me I'm gonna whoop your ass tomorrow again. So tell me what you doing in this science class." Beyoncé said.

Messiah walked over and sat on his bed and told Beyoncé everything he had been doing.

"Is that it?" Beyoncé asked.

"Yes." He said nodding.

She stood up.

"Put your shirt on and grab your book bag." Beyoncé said. "Meet me in the car."

Messiah nodded as Beyoncé left out and he put his shirt on. He grabbed his backpack and went downstairs to meet his mom in the car.

Beyoncé drove off and they didn't speak. The got to the studio and sat the pizza and wings down.

"Go in the front and do your homework. You can eat when you done." Beyoncé said to Messiah.

Messiah nodded and left out the studio.  Shawn and the guys just looked at her.


"Nothing." They said and got pizza.

Soon Kelly and Michelle came in and got some pizza. Beyoncé went to go sit down and was going through her phone.

Omari elbowed Shawn.

"What's up with your girl? She was fine when she left."

"I don't know. I'll ask her after she cool down. She not gonna cuss me out." I said laughing.

A little while later Shawn pulled Beyoncé to the side out of the studio.

"What happened?" Shawn asked.


Shawn just looked at her.

"Messiah was gonna keep his report card from me because he's failing science and he's doing all this other stuff in school I didn't know about."

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah." She said. "But still."

"Just breathe Bey. He's a twelve year old boy. These things happen."

"I'm gonna be late to the studio tomorrow. I got a conference with his teacher."

Shawn nodded.

Messiah came walking up slowly.

"Ma, I finished my homework." He said lowly.

"Go eat." She said and he passed by them and went into the studio.

"What you do to him?" Shawn asked laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"He's scared to talk to you." He said. "You whoop him?"

"I popped him." Beyoncé said and Shawn looked at her. "A few times with a belt. What? Sue me."

Shawn just laughed and Omari came out of the studio.

"Where you going?" Shawn asked.

"I'll be right back." He said and left out.

Shawn and Beyoncé went back in the studio and started playing music. They listened to what Shawn had at the moment. He still had a ways to go. After, they moved to the girls studio and finished up the song they were working on.

Around nine o'clock the girls were calling it a night.

"Messiah, come here." Shawn said sitting on the couch.

Messiah walked over to him and stood in front of him.

"What you doing in school man?"

Messiah shrugged.

"Really? You gonna give me that?"

"I skip sometimes and I don't get it."

"Why you didn't say nothing?"

"I don't know." He said.

"Man, if you gotta problem you gotta tell a teacher or your mom or something. When you don't you get in trouble. You wanna keep getting in trouble with your moms?"


"Then you gotta stop keeping stuff from her and you gotta talk to her." Shawn said. "Have I ever given you advice that wasn't good?"


"Aight then cause I can't save you from a whoppin or punishments alright?"

"Yeah." He said nodding.

"Aight man." Shawn said dapping him up.

Beyoncé stood with Kelly and Michelle.

"I'll see y'all tomorrow but I'll be a little late."

"Alright." Michelle said.

Soon Ty Ty rushed in the room.

"Aye, we gotta go to the hospital. O was in an accident."

"Is he aight?" Shawn asked.

"They won't tell me but we gotta go down there." He said urgently.

They all quickly left out of the studio and drove to the hospital. Beyoncé went to the receptionist desk and she said a doctor would be out shortly.

They sat in the waiting room waiting on the doctor.

"Family of Kanye Omari West"

"That's us." Ty Ty said as they all stood up.

"Well Kanye is stable. He suffered a broken jaw but your friend is really lucky." He said.

"Can we see him?" Bleek asked.

"He's sleep and resting right now." The Dr. Said.

"Okay, thank you." Shawn said.

"His face is pretty swollen right now so I don't know if you want the little one to see. Just a heads up but the swelling should be down by tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you." Beyoncé said.

He walked away and Bleek and Ty Ty followed him.

"I don't know if y'all wanna see Omari in that condition. I think y'all should wait until tomorrow plus it's late." Shawn said.

"Don't worry, we'll come by tomorrow when he's up." Kelly said.

Shawn nodded.

"Call me when you get home and all of y'all be safe." Shawn said.

"Alright." They said.

Shawn kissed Beyoncé.

"Call me later." She said.

He nodded. Beyoncé could tell he was a bit upset.

"Messiah, remember what I said okay?"

Messiah nodded.

They left the hospital and then Shawn went towards the room.

Later That Night

"Hello?" Beyoncé answered her phone out of her sleep. "Okay, I'm coming."

Beyoncé got up and put on her house shoes. She went towards the front door and shut off the alarm. She opened the door and Shawn was standing there. He came in and she shut the door and turned the alarm back on.

They went up to her room and Beyoncé closed the door. Shawn laughed and Beyoncé looked at him.


"Your house shoes." He said laughing.

Beyoncé looked down at her Mickey house shoes that were exactly like Mickeys yellow shoes.

She smacked her teeth.


Shawn took off his jacket and went into her closet. He had some sweats over there. He changed into some basketball shorts and kept his t-shirt on.

He went back into the room and Beyoncé was laying down. He hopped over her and got on the other side.

"Do I hop over your furniture?" She asked.

"Yeah you do." He said. "And you sit on my kitchen table, I had you laying on the pool table and kitchen table-"

"Okay, shut up." Beyoncé said and he laughed. "So how is Omari?"

"He was sleep but his face was pretty swollen." Shawn said. "They gonna have to do some surgery and then his mouth gonna have to be wired shut for a minuet."


"Yeah, but I'm just glad he alive. We almost lost him." He said.

Beyoncé nodded. She turned off the light and snuggled closer to Shawn.

"Goodnight." Beyoncé said.

"Goodnight." Shawn said and kissed her.

The kiss got more heated.

"Stop, I gotta get up in the morning." Beyoncé said.

"Aight, aight." He said and pulled her closer.

"No, get off. You talked about my shoes." She said pushing his arm.

He laughed.

"It's the first time I really looked at them." He said and pulled her back to him.

"Oh whatever." She said as they went to sleep.

The Next Day

Messiah was going to his locker after lunch to get his science book. He was going through his locker looking for his book.

"What you doing?" Patrick asked. "Let's go."

"I can't." Messiah said still looking for his book.

"Why not? You went to Science the other day already." He said.

"My mom found out. I gotta go." Messiah said finally finding the book.

"Oh damn, alright." Patrick said walking away with a few other people.

Messiah stood up and closed his locker. He didn't want to go to Science but he had no choice.

He walked to the class to sit down.

In between class the door opened and Beyoncé walked in and all the kids went silent. Messiah who had been laying down shot his head up and just looked down at the book.

Beyoncé walked to the back of the class and sat down. Some students ended up looking at her and she motioned for them to turn around and they did.

By the end of class some kids were asking for pictures and Beyoncé took pictures with them. Messiah packed up his bag and watched. When the kids left he got up to walk towards her.

Beyoncé stood up and grabbed his chin to look up at her.

"I'm not gonna be surprised by anything right?" She asked.

"No." He said.

Beyoncé kissed him.

"Okay, let's go." She said as they followed the teacher towards the conference room.

Julius was waiting outside the room and when Beyoncé came out he stood near. He stayed outside while they went in the conference room.

"Wait ma." Messiah said before they went into the room.

Beyoncé looked at him.

"You love me?" He asked.

Beyoncé shifted her weight onto her right leg.

"What did you do?"

"It's not me but the boys I hang with do stuff. I don't be do it but I be with them."

Beyoncé sighed.

"What they be doing? Why you didn't tell me yesterday?"

"I was scared but I promise I don't be doing it." He said pleading with her.

"Okay but you need to pick better friends and if you don't know how I'll do it for you and you'll switch schools. Are we clear?"

"Yes." He said nodding.

They went in the conference room and sat down. Everything the teacher was saying Beyoncé was happy Messiah told her before hand. They decided that he would be tutored after school to raise his grades. Also Beyoncé promised the absences and disruptive behavior would stop.

After the meeting they left out and Julius walked them to the car. Beyoncé's new car was a four door Porsche. She still has the Kia but fell in love with this one and bought it for herself for Christmas.

"Call me if you need me." Julius said.

"Will do." Beyoncé said as she rolled the window up and then drove off.

Beyoncé glanced at Messiah.

"Hey!" She said and he looked. "You're gonna have to stop being scared to tell me stuff."

"But I don't want you to yell at me."

"Then stop doing stupid things." She said. "You're gonna be thirteen in a couple months. You need to stop acting like a baby. You are a boy, I'm am not the only person in this world that is gonna yell at you and you keep hanging around those boys and you gonna get caught up. You wanna get arrested?"

"No." He said.

"Then leave them boys alone. I don't know what they got to lose but you got a hell of a lot." Beyoncé said. "If your glasses break you think the guards in juvie gonna care? You lactose and tolerant. You think they gonna make sure you don't eat diary? You like your games, your drums, hanging in the studio. Ain't none of that there."

Messiah listened to her.

"You listening to me?" She said glancing at him.


"Good and don't have that school call me for some stuff that could have been avoided. I'm supposed to be working right now and you slowed up my money. You get it?"

"Yes." He said nodding.

Beyoncé then drove over to the hospital where everyone was. They walked in the room and everyone was in there. Omari's face had went down some.

"Hey Bey." Kelly said.

"Hey." She said. "Hey Omari."

He nodded towards her.

Messiah went over to Omari and they dapped up.

"He can't talk right now." Shawn said.

Messiah nodded and went over towards Shawn.

"How'd it go?" Shawn asked.

"I'm still in trouble but I was honest with her." He said.

"Told you." Shawn said. "Now let's work on staying out of trouble completely."

"I can do that." He said.

"Alright, my man." Shawn said dapping him up.

Soon a doctor came in and had to run some test so they had to go. Shawn told Omari they'd be back tomorrow and he dapped up everybody.

"Let's go get some food and then we'll hit up the studio for the night." Ty Ty said.

Everyone nodded agreeing since it was Friday. Kelly called her husband so he could come and she could be with her son.

They all agreed on Buffalo Wild Wings so everyone planned to meet over there.

They finally got there and parked.

"Ma, wait." Messiah said.


"I'm sorry for lying to you and keep things from you." He said.

"I know." She said kissing his head. "I'm not expecting you to be perfect Messiah. I know things are gonna happen. Just remain truthful with me. I promise I'm not going anywhere, I put that on my life."

He nodded.

"Okay, let's go." She said as they got out the car to eat dinner.

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