The Familiar-(SasuSaku Fanfic)

By MrUchiha54

60K 1.9K 311

The dark, mysterious Sasuke Uchiha has been around for a long time. He's a feared prince who comes from a lon... More

Chap 1: Pale Prince
Chap 3: Transformations and purposes pt.1
Chap 4: Transformations and purposes pt.2
Chap 5: Mission Complete?
Chap 6: Master and Familiar
Chap 7: Closing In
Chap 8: Shadowed Hearts
Chap 9: Elsa's Spunky Twin
Ch.10: Uneasy Life
Ch.11: Prey
Ch.12: Potion Emotions
Ch.13: the Pure Blood and the Half Breed
Ch.14: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer.
Ch.15: True Power
Ch.16: Pulling Strings
Ch.17: Power of a God
On it's way

Chap 2: Ghoul School

4.9K 168 55
By MrUchiha54

Sakura pov

We walked into the school like any other day. Our school was normal looking, I dare say it was even just like every other high school except instead of mortal students we had wearwolves, ghouls, ghost, heck even a zombie. Ino and I walked over to her locker so she could get her stuff out, this routine took at least ten minutes which meant we were often late to classes. "Hurry up i'd actually like to make it to class on time for a change." I muttered while looking around. She scoffed, "Its not my fault we're late, it's yours dofus." She countered then we both giggled. Shutting her locker loudly we started past the cliques toward our first class.

Now I remember I said i'll tell you more about the whole Familiar thing well here we go. First off a Familiar is chosen by a witch or wizard or even something else completely but most of the time its one of the first two. Second, they stay loyal to that one person forever, if the Wizard/Witch is in danger of dying the Familiar will do anything in their power to save them. Third, a Familiar can also change into an animal. Ino can change into a cute little bunny, the use of this is completely unknown but sometimes it's fun. My animal side is off limits to everyone, only Ino knows what it is because I have yet to find my Wizard/Witch. Last but not least is the number one rule, a Familiar must never have a personal relationship with their Wizard. Ino and Sai ignore this rule and so does everyone else so I guess it just doesn't apply.

We walked into our first class only to be confused as why every girl was standing around two guys as the rest of the guys in class glared at them. The one I saw first was a spikey haired guy with bright blue eyes and a wide, nervous smile. He wore a casual suit and seemed to be acting as the other guys guard but once I saw the other guy I could completely understand why all the girls were fanning over him. He was gorgeous, his jet black hair hung loosely in his face and resembled a chicken butt. I giggled but then my eyes scanned his face, his jaw line and chin was plain but his onyx eyes seemed to be dark pools of midnight. His pale skin disappeared under a regular black t-shirt complete with a dull black pair of jeans. He looked like a normal teen like me but if he was here it meant he was far from normal.

Ino nudged me and winked, "Breath taking huh? Heck if I didn't have Sai id be all over that." She said which caused me to roll my eyes. We took our seats and waited for the teacher to show up, he was hardly ever on time which is why Ino and I never got in trouble for being late. Twenty minutes into class our silver haired teacher walked in, now an interesting fact about him is his eye patch he wears to cover his left eye. Its a mystery of why he has it covered. Not only his left eye is covered but also his mouth. No one knows why this is. "Sorry guys. I got lost on the path of life." Everyone, me included sweat dropped. He rubbed the back of his head, "Right. First we have two new students. Please stand and tell us your names and dreams.", 'Odd.' I thought, He never wanted us to tell him what our dreams were. The blond stood first, "Uh...My names Naruto Uzumaki and as for dreams....I want to become the Headmaster." Everyone remained silent, this guy wanted to be Headmaster? No one wanted that job ever why did he. "Ok. Your next chicken butt." Our teacher said. His name is Kakashi but no one really calls him that. The guy with onyx eyes stood. He had to be over six feet tall, every inch of exposed skin was pale.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. As for dreams its just a word." Then he sat back down. The class was quiet, no one really knew how to respond. Kakashi sighed then nodded, "Uchiha, Any relation to Itachi Uchiha?" He asked. I saw Sasuke stiffen, then he steeled himself and answered. "He's my older brother." He replide. Kakashi nodded then glanced at the door as if planning a escape route. "Take out your books, turn to page two hundred and seventy. Proper use of Familiar transformations." He said. Out of curiosity I glanced up to find myself staring into those dark eyes. Something about him attracted me, I needed to find out more about him.

??? Pov

I paced once again around my small room. I had just received news that someone I loved had been found killed. All the blood drained from her body. I groaned and threw my fist into the mirror that hung on my wall, it shattered and clattered to the floor. I could see my reflection in the pieces that laid inert on the floor. My pearl white eyes were darker then usual and my long brown hair hung loosely over my shoulders. If she could see me now she'd say I look like crap but thanks to that monster she would no longer get to see anything and id no longer get to see her. I picked up the note and read over the lines again for the fifth time.

Dear Hyuga,

As of 10/23/15 one Tenten of the leaf was found drained of her blood. Her body has been taken for observations. We request that you return to your home of the leaf, we suspect the monster who killed her has made residents there. If this case is too personal for you respond with the signed weaver. If you wish to partake this mission you leave in the morning. The train tickets are in the envelope. The target is one Sasuke Uchiha. Race:Vampire. Good luck.

Sincerely, Elites.

He dropped the paper and grabbed his fully packed bag. Tossing the bag over his shoulder he walked out the door. To return to see his old friends but to also retaliate for the death of his lover, Tenten. Neji Hyuga swore right then and there to kill the vampire, Sasuke Uchiha.

To be cont...

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