One Shots= The Hobbit and LOTR

Door AntaresCanopus

60.6K 1.5K 145

One Shot's of LOTR and The Hobbit, I do popular and unpopular people from Middle Earth - even if your've got... Meer

Thorin No.1
Pippin No.1
Frodo No.1
Thorin No.2
Kili No.1
Thranduil No.1
Legolas No.1
Haldir No. 1
Elrond No.1
Bard No.1
Fili No.1
Elrond No. 2
Thranduil No. 2
Smaug No.1
Nori No.1
Ori No.1
Dwalin No.1
Boromir No.1
Faramir No.1
Aragorn No.1
Morgoth No.1
Legolas No.2 (Modern Reader)
Morgoth No.1 - Part 2
Morgoth No.1 - Part 3
Smaug No.1 - Part 2
Smaug No.1 - Part 3
Smaug No.1 - Part 4
Ori No.2
A/N - 20k Reads
Sauron No.1

Éomer No.1

1.2K 41 0
Door AntaresCanopus

Banished. The gods you decided hated you, and you swore to turn your back on the undercurrent of life, on the god who helped the forming of the great land you so desperately traveled in search for someone - someone that long ago, held your heart and you crushed his instead. Karma. You thought bitterly, nudging your horse into a fast walk as you reached Rohan's harsh plains, that carried on for miles. I could be there to comfort him - we could be banished into the lands together, under the name of death. But no, this was not to be so, you had ran from him years ago, with only your quiver, bow and a necklace made of the finest stone and cut diamonds.

"I can't take this" you grasped, as he gave you a lopsided grin, as he managed to clip the beautiful thing around your neck. 'Close you eyes' he said, 'It's a surprise'. You scuffled bitterly, ''Th- This is fair too fine - I'm afraid I can't take it" you cried, you neck warming and your cheeks followed. Éomer cackled, ''No is suits you" you scowled playfully, but your voice remained serious, ''Éomer...'' you began, sneezing as the rich flowers around you caught wind. Hay fever. You wiped your eyes on your sleeve, and cackled, feeling hopeless and helpless. Éomer cackled, pulling your hair that you had let down after training, away from your face. You blinked furiously, and managed to look at him with narrowed eyes. You loved Éomer, his grin, his personality, his eyes... everything that was him, you felt so strongly connected to, but you refused to allowed your feelings cause awkwardness though, so you did not show them - but you felt the tide of it, slowly pulling you to solid ground. But could you live with that forever? No, you would run away, you would run away with or without your feelings being told - you were a coward, you hated feelings, they made you weak, and you couldn't face that. ''Y/N?"
You shook your head, focusing on trying to make you smile reach your eyes, ''Éomer'' you mimicked in the same tone he used. Suddenly you kissed him. Not realizing that that night you would runaway because of the weakness you felt, for loving another.

You sighed. Coward, damn coward. You hated yourself, hated yourself and those damn gods up in the sky. You cursed, before gently digging your heels into your horse's side and sent him into a trot. He was a beautiful horse - in soul, and most ugly in looks. His flank was covered in scars from war, and his legs too long, and chest to broad in proportion with it's smallish head, and large eyes. Let's just say, he was a battle-horse and no show-horse. You grinned, but you loved him all the same, calling him: Miasma. You sat up in your seat , nudging him into a cantor - you immediately felt his lead switch and you felt satisfied. Miasma showed signs of wearing towards mid-day, but it was good, you covered ground and you were ahead of time. I will find you Éomer and I will never betray you - I am your servant and I will make it up to you. You honesty had no idea how you were going to do it, but you were - even if it was going to be the hardest thing in you closed-caged life.

"May I ask why you are so nervous m'lady?" A voice asked, as you watched over Rohan's plains in the watchtower - you were new to the guard, and damn nervous. You felt free. You looked over you shoulder, flickering your eyes over the man behind you. You bowed quickly, deep regret for being so slow to respond to him - in truth you wanted to impress everyone here... even Éomer. "My lord" You responded, before turning back to your post. You winced as he came up beside you. You were... hmm... say socially awkward towards higher ranked men in particle. He flashed you a smile, "You haven't answered my question..." You felt your stomach drop, "A first sign of nerviness" His smile broadened, and your stomach turned. You tried for a smile, which failed horribly. "Forgive me, m'lord" You shrugged, "I am nervous" You admitted, slapping yourself mentally at how weak you sounded. Éomer cackled, "Ah at least you are honest about it" He gently slapped you on the shoulder. "Honesty is the first step to greatness - don't you agree?" You didn't know why he was even trying to make conversation with you, why he was even bothering to notice you. Maybe that is why one of the reasons you actually started to like him.

You pulled away from your daydreams, and rested Miasma and yourself. Before heading off again until the sky turned dark once more and Miasma heavy legs began to wear then did you stop and made camp. Finding a area to camp was considerably hard, especially that is was dark. But these were the plains and any flicker of a fire, could be see miles away if not careful - so one you found and allowed yourself the luxury of a small fire as you wrapped yourself up in your cloak that you packed and fall asleep.

The first thing you noticed as the heavy blanket of sleep arose from you was that there was movement close by, to the right of you, three steps upper and about four steps away. It had seen your fire. Shit. You cursed to yourself, and stained your hearing for more signs. A snort, and a nicker. There was another horse near by that Miasma obviously noticed - a man on horseback had seen your fire. Idiot. Wait until he gets a little closer. The person had probably left their horse out of sight and gone looking himself on foot. Cautious then. Allowing your body to relax to pretended to fall asleep, waiting for the invader to creep closer, just in arms length. Thankfully the idiot took the bait, and been to move quickly, to your belongs. What a thief. You thought sarcastically. One... he footsteps came closer to your side, Two... he paused momentarily, and took a couple of steps forward, and you felt his breath on your face. Three! You moved quickly, swinging around and pushing yourself over the hooded man and latched one of your hands onto his throat as you brought a knife under his chin. He hardly had time to blink. You snarled, ''What do you want?"
He didn't move or answer instead he cackled.
You bridled with annoyance, pressing your throwing knife dangerously hard on his throat, "What do you want?" you repeated, sighing. The man straightened and you suddenly realised that he was a head taller then you. "M'lady I was simply - "

"Simply what, solider? hmmm... You were obviously-"

"Y/N, let the man go" A strong voice commanded. Éomer. You froze, slowly letting the man go.

"Ah Éomer is this man one of your own?" You asked, trying to sound cold and calculating but in truth, Éomer's little visit had thrown you completely off balance. Shit. You cursed yourself and turned around allowing the horseman to moved to Éomer's side. Éomer was still indeed handsome. What else was I expecting? Him to be... ugly... even when he was younger people foretold that he would only bloom. You hated yourself again. Coward. Damn coward. You sighed, as Éomer answered, "Indeed - we just saw a flicker of flame at sunset" Oh did you now? "I sent one of my men to scout it out" You smiled coldly, and bowed, "Now that you know who that traveler was so now you can leave" Bye. You thought sarcastically. Éomer eyes flickered with amusement. And his smile turned smug. You grounded your teeth together, he knew you had come into Rohan for a reason - he knew that you had to much pride. Finally guilt me. ''Why are you here Lady L/N?" Oh starting with the niceties.
You gave a grim smile, "I heard that a nephew to the King of Rohan was banished" you looked meanfully to the group of men on horseback that were approaching Éomer behind him. Éomer bowed his head, "Indeed" good that hurt him.
You brightened, ''And not by your uncle no doubt"
He looked up. It was his signature. He eyes said moarnfully. You pouted, ''Wormtongue has finally done it" you sighed, clicking your tongue. You then noticed the wary glare from Éomer. You laughed, ''Word travels fast" you began to pack up your gear, "Wormtongue should have ever been trusted" you continued, "You know your uncle has been tricked and sickened under his touch - no! - not just under his touch but his master's" Eomer watched you as you continued your rant - that you had been having with yourself through the trip.

"You like arguing with yourself don't you?" Éomer asked you, you winced, finally noticing that you had been muttering to yourself. You bowed, ''Preferable to myself than to others m'lord" you answered quickly. Maybe too quickly. Éomer grinned, "Well said - and please just call me Éomer. Rank does not buy us extra life on the battlefield so it does not matter. So in life we must practice this"

Another word of wisdom from the great handsome Éomer. You scowled. Feelings man! Keep them under control! You rolled your eyes, Then why are you here then Y/N? You asked yourself.
''See your doing it again!" Éomer voice cut off your argument - with yourself. Damn. You straightened, looking uncertainty at him, ''Do what again?" You asked innocently. Please forget. Éomer cackled, ''Your've always enjoyed arguing with yourself" you scowled, ''That is because I hate myself Éomer" you said bitterly, saddling your horse and mounting, before your words could settle in you nudged Miasma into a walk, ''I'm joining your little group by the way - you need me" well that was smooth, you thought sarcasticly. Éomer probably labeled me under as 'Cocky Bitch'. Probably. Éomer eyeborws shot up, ''Are you now?" . I will never betray you - I am your servant and I will make it up to you. I honesty had no idea how I'm going to do it, but I will - even if it was going to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my closed-caged life. You agreed with yourself - for the first time in years. I will.

Three nights later then did the tension start to show, although the men didn't seem to notice but you and Éomer were tiptoeing around the dangerous ground of what had happened all those years ago. Love. Sitting yourself down outside of the camp, you had offered to take the first watch - the boys agreed after a couple of minutes of explaining that you were perfectly capable of doing it. You smiled, nibbling of a piece of cold meat - that the boys gave to you, claiming that you were all skin and bone. Ah they do remember me then. You thought vaguely. Did they remember you running off into the night? Did they remember everything? Hopefully not. Leaning up against a tree, your back turned from the encampment, you heard footsteps to your left, ''Yes?" You asked,
The big bulky warrior - Adam - took a seat next to you, "I thought you and Éomer were smart'' he started, you felt your shoulders tense, where did this come from? He continued, ''I mean I'm meant to be the dumb warrior - you and Éomer are mean't to be smart" So you have said - and where is this heading anyway? "And yet you think we soldiers don't notice, that there are some 'emotional difficulties' " you facepalmed. Oh they have noticed. "Why don't you come forward with them huh?" because there are other difficulties - real ones. And I started them. I'm a coward. You dropped your head into your hands. ''It's not that simple, Adam" you groaned, fearing that he made you upset he hurried on to say, ''Lassie I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, me and the boys were just worried-''
''No! Adam! Your right - Éomer and I are having trouble wi-"
"Admitting it? Connor as a lute with him, he can play romantic musi-"
"James is an excellant cook. He could make a special meal, me and the boys can go huntin-"
"Adam! No!"
"Or we go find a nice little inn, because afterwards there could be some interesting...'' he began to wiggle his eyebrows.
You squeaked, growing bright red, ''N-no!"
Adam ignored you. "Hmm that sounds like a good idea - I'll tell the boys" he got up.
''Adam please no, pretty please'' you pleaded, getting up as well tugging at his at, desperately. He turned to you, ''Then what Y/ N?" His eyes became serious.
You opened and closed you mouth three times, ''I don't know'' you whispered.
His mouth twitched with annoyance. ''Tell him- now!"
''Oh come on - we will make sure he's on night watch"
''We, meaning?
"The boys, of course!" He beamed. Here goes nothing.

Adam shook you awake, pointing you in the direction of Éomer. ''He's night watching over there" you nodded, suddenly feeling horribly nervous. You got up, and quietly walked over there, conscious of Adam shooing the other men away. Pausing behind Eomer you spoke. ''I didn't mean to run away" smooth huh?
Éomer looked behind his shoulder to you, his eyes seemed to soften, he bowed his head., gesturing for you to stand next to him, ''Then what were you you meant to do?" He asked softly,
You sighed, ''I was scared Éomer, I was a coward, feelings make you weak - or so I thought" tears sprung to your eyes. "I'm sorry'' you moved away, turning your back on him, ''Don't you worry Éomer, I have regretted it ever since" Eomer approached you, sighing. You continued, "I regretted that I had left the only beautiful feeling I have ever and ever will feel - I cursed myself - I - I can't even believe how selfish I was, I left you" ohhh how romanic, you thought sarcastically. Éomer's figures wrapped around yours. You looked into his eyes, tears falling softy on your face. ''I love you Éomer, you don't have to love me back - I have already caused enough damaged! I'm sorry and you don't have to pity, I hurt you, I-" his lips crushed yours, cutting off our speech. You responded, as he brought you into his embrace. ''Y/N I forgive you, I love you I always have" he whispered, into your neck. You closed your eyes. I am your servant and I will make it up to you.

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