Girl Meets Charlie (GMW & GLC)

By peybrinaschild

55.6K 1.5K 2.6K

Meet the Matthews. Just a regular American family that go through the struggles of everyday life. Meet the D... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
That question tagging thingy everyone's tagging me in...
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Three

3.6K 98 110
By peybrinaschild

****Riley's P.O.V.****

I am currently struggling to hold back from squealing at the adorableness that is Maya and Gabe.

All night, they have been talking and smiling and joking around with each other. The waitress has had to come over to our table 3 times already to tell them to be quiet since the restaurant is a little more on the classy side.

I looked over at my mom and saw her smirking at Gabe as he flirted with Maya. She must know something I don't.

And then there was my dad. If looks could kill, Gabe would've already died and gone to heaven. You see, since Maya always seems to be at my house, she has practically become part of the family. And my dad is very protective of his family, especially when it comes to Maya and I.

Then there was Auggie and Charlie. They have actually been getting along quite nicely so far. They were currently coloring each other's menus with the crayons provided by the restaurant. I'm surprised they even had kids menus here, considering it was a high-end/classy place.

Teddy and Spencer were flirting as usual, sharing a kiss every now and then.

Amy was staring at Gabe with a smug smile on her face. I saw her tap Bob's shoulder and discretely point to Maya trying to balance a spoon on her nose, Gabe doing the same.

"Aren't they adorable?" I heard mom whisper to dad. His whole body immediately tensed up and his jaw and fists became clenched.

"No," he growled. "They are not and never will be cute. Not on my watch."

"Come on, Cory. Lighten up a little bit," mom said, rubbing his shoulder. He seemed to calm down a bit, but his fists were still clenched. His whole body became clenched again, and I looked over to see Gabe and Maya holding hands over the table.

"It's like he wants me to kill him." Dad said, making my mom glare at him.

"Oh please, Cory. You need to calm down. They're just holding hands. It's not like they're kissing or something."

"I don't care. And if they do kiss, I swear I will kill him."

"Lighten up a bit, Cory."

"I will lighten up as soon as they stop holding hands."

Mom just let out a sigh and turned her attention back to her food.

I looked back up at them and saw Maya blushing at something Gabe said. He was smiling wide and she had a hint of a smile on her face.

I turned my attention back to my food, but still looked up at them every once in a while. As I finished my food and turned my full attention to them, I realized something.

I don't think Maya has ever been this happy.

****Maya's P.O.V.****

"Shut up," I laughed as Gabe started mimicking me.

"Shut up," he said in a girly voice, and I struggled to hold back my laughter.

"Stop it," I said, giggling a bit at the end.

"Stop it," he mimicked, and I burst out into laughter. He did the same, but I have a feeling that he wasn't mimicking me this time.

"Excuse me, Miss?" The waitress said snootily.

"Yes?" I asked, still laughing slightly.

"I'm afraid that I am going to have to tell you and your friend here to step outside. We have received many complaints about your noisiness."

"But-" I started, but was interrupted by Gabe.

"We will just wait outside," he told our families before bringing me outside the restaurant. We both burst out laughing as soon as we were outside.

"I can't believe you got us kicked out of the restaurant," he said, and I gasped.

"You were the one that made me laugh. Don't try pinning this on me," I said, laughing.

"You were the one that laughed loud enough to get a family to complain," he said as I continued laughing.

"How about we just agree that we both played an equal amount in getting us kicked out of the restaurant."


After that, our laughter managed to settle down, and we kinda just stood there in an awkward silence. My shoes suddenly became a lot more interesting, and I turned my attention to them.

I felt as if someone was watching me, so I tore my gaze from my shoes to see Gabe staring at me. As soon as his eyes met mine, he smiled at me.

"Hey, Maya?" He asked, stepping closer to me. I felt my heart start beating faster as he placed his hand on my cheek.

"Yeah?" I breathed out, and he just leaned in closer to my face.

"I like you," he said and his eyes closed as he leaned in closer to me. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt myself leaning in as well. Our lips were millimeters apart when we heard something that made us both pull away.


I turned to see Mr. Matthews glaring at Gabe while pointing at him.

"You better run," I said, turning back to Gabe quickly.

"Okay. Bye!" He said, running off down the street, Mr. Matthews immediately chasing after him.

I smiled as I watched him run away, biting my lip.

"EEEK!!" Riley squealed, running up to me, followed by Teddy and Topanga.

"He SO likes you!" Teddy said, smiling.

"You guys were so adorable!" Topanga said.


"I realize that, Riles. No need for you to yell it for the whole world to hear," I told her, laughing.

"Well it's exciting!" She said, squealing again.

I saw Gabe running up to me and smiled immediately. He put his hands on my shoulders and stopped to catch his breath.

"Help. Me." He breathed, still trying to regain his composure.

"I don't know what I can do that could help you at this point," I said, laughing at the desperate look on his face. He looked behind me and saw all the girls, making his face light up.

"Hide me," he said, practically begging me.

"Okay, fine. But hurry up. I think I can see him leisurely making his way over here," I said, causing him to chuckle. He quickly hid behind me and the girls made a circle around him to keep him from being seen at all angles.

"Where is he?" Mr. Matthews asked, anger radiating off him as he tried to catch his breath.

"He went that way," I said, pointing down an alleyway to my right.

"And he thought I wouldn't catch him," he said, running off down the alley.

"That was close," Gabe breathed out, stepping out of the circle as soon as Mr. Matthews was out of sight. "Thanks, by the way. I'm pretty sure if you didn't hide me then I would've been killed."

Everyone laughed, and he joined after a couple seconds.

"Seriously, though. Do you think I should be scared for my life?" He asked.

"No doubt about it," Riley said, her laughter quickly coming to a stop.

"Great. I didn't even kiss her and he's already trying to kill me," he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"I think we all know that you guys would have kissed if he didn't come out here." Teddy stated.

"OKAYYYY, I have had just about enough of this conversation," I said, laughing nervously.

"Yeah, I agree with Maya. Let's talk about something else," Gabe said quickly.

"Okay. We can talk about how Lucas hasn't asked me out yet," Riley said, making Topanga and I groan.

"Anything but that."

"So, we're back to the previous discussion," Riley smirked.

"No we are not. I never agreed to this. This is an outrage, I tell you! A complete outrage!" I said, glaring at Riley.

"Okay. Back to Lucas.."

Here we go again.

**Time Lapse**

"I'm telling you Riles, I am most definitely not going to date him," I said, pulling on my pajama shorts and a loose t-shirt.

"Sure you aren't," she replied, laughing.

"I am not!" I whined, although I wouldn't mind dating him.

"Sure, you just keep telling yourself that," she smirked, going over to her bed and sitting on it.

"I will, because it's the truth!" I told her, laying down on my bed and pulling the covers over my body.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," she said before turning off the lamp on her bedside table and laying down.

"Ugh," I groaned, turning off the lamp on my bedside table, causing the room to become completely dark.

"Night, Riles."

"Night, peaches."

And with that, I fell asleep into a deep and peaceful sleep.

**Time lapse**

"GET UP ALREADY!!" Riley screamed as she jumped up and down on my bed.

"Ugh. Why are you so annoying?" I asked her, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes.

"Because as your best friend it is my job to make you look good in front of your crush. And to do that, I have ever so graciously decided to do your hair, makeup and choose your outfit for you," she explained, a huge grin on her face.

"Whatever. I'm too tired to do anything. You either bring it to me or you don't get to do it at all."

"Yeah, sure. So that's a yes?"

"I guess," I sighed, running a hand through my messy curls.

"Yyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyy!!" She squealed, running to her suitcase a big bag that I instantly recognized as her makeup bag. I remember when her mom agreed to let her wear makeup. She said that if she paid for it herself, then she could wear it. Little did she know that every time Riley got her allowance, she would go out and but more and more makeup until she had an abundance of it.

"Okay. So I have to go get your outfit. Watch this with your life," she said, pointing to her makeup bag.

"I will," I told her, and she ran back to the closet. She came out about 2 minutes later with a super girly outfit in hand.

"Riles.." I said in a warning tone.

"Oh come on. This is probably the only time you will let me dress you up. Just this once will you wear an outfit I pick?" She asked, using her puppy dog face.

"Ugh, fine. You win."

"Yay!" She smiled, clapping her hands. "Now, go out this on and come back out as soon as you are done so I can get started on your makeup."

"Yes, sir," I said, saluting her before walking into the bathroom connected to our room.

"Okay, let's do this," I muttered to myself after I shut the door.

I stripped out of my pajama shorts and t-shirt quickly, just wanting to get this over with. I grabbed the white lace crop top and slipped it over my head quickly. I then grabbed the high wasted jean shorts and pulled them on equally as quick. I slipped my arms through both holes in the floral sweater before pulling it up onto my shoulders. I took a peek in the mirror and immediately grimaced at my tangled hair and the black smudges all around my eyes due to me forgetting to take off my mascara last night.

"You're going to need a miracle to make this look good," I told Riley as I walked out of the bathroom, gesturing to my crazy hair and smudged makeup.

"You look fine, peaches. I'm just here to make you look extra fine, if you know what I mean," she said, attempting to wiggle her eyebrows and failing miserably. "Now stop complaining and sit down."

I laughed at her attempt to be serious and just sat on the bed as she pulled a chair up.

"Alright, I'm going to need you to sit extra still for this."

"Yeah, okay."

She unzipped her makeup bag and got to work with the concealer and makeup sponge. She dabbed it all over my face before rubbing it in with the sponge, making me laugh slightly because it tickled.

"How are you ticklish on your face?" She asked, finishing up with the concealer and grabbing some tan powder.

"I don't know, I just am," I said, laughing as she brushed the powder all over my face.

"Seriously, if you're already this ticklish, you're not going to be able to stand eyeliner or eyeshadow."

"I've worn makeup before, just never concealer," I stated matter-of-factly.

"And you don't need it, Maya. You're absolutely gorgeous without it. But just because you don't need it doesn't mean it won't make you look better."

"Sure, whatever you say."

By this time, she had already put eyeliner, mascara, blush and eyebrow pencil on, and she added a last stroke of sparkly white eyeshadow before putting everything away.

"And done! Now for shoes," she said, walking over to the closet and pulling out a pair of nude platform heels.

"Those are..." I said, trailing off.

"The best shoes ever? I know," she smiled, flipping her hair over her shoulder and placing a hand on her hip sassily.

"Only you, Riley. Only you," I muttered as I laughed, quickly slipping the heels on. I stood up and Riley immediately smirked.

"Yeah, you're definitely ready to face him."

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