My Boy Bible: A Guide To Guys

By readlivewritexxx

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My boy bible is a step by step guide to lads! You'll be the come-to-for-advice-on-lads friend with all your s... More

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My Boy Bible: A Guide To Guys

504 11 4
By readlivewritexxx

This is my first watt pad book, let me no what you think by:

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Chapter 1: The A-Z of guys

A=affection! He'll be cute-as when it's just the two of you but he may be shy of showing his smoochy side when his mates are around in case they tease him! Aw, Diddums!


The rubbish tip where he does boy stuff like snoozing, farting, playing computer games, farting, watching football and farting. WARNING: a boys room is a NO-GO ZONE for the faint hearted or anyone with a sense of smell! Did I mention the farting?


He's polite to parents, sweet with you, childish with mates, annoying to his siblings and a suck-up to his teacher, but is this the real him? He's not telling!

D="Designer" fashion

The one pair of trousers his mum didn't buy for him, worn low-slung and baggy. Try to resist the urge to hoist then up to hide his cringey pants-he thinks its stylish.


Don't nag if he spends time checking out the latest gadgets and gizmos at the mall. You'll be glad you have a nerd on call when your phone is acting up!


Even if you pride yourself on liking food, a lads appetite will still astound you. Not for fresh fruit or veg, mind you-he'll tend to go for stinky, fried unhealthy stuff!


He's got that type of unkempt, fluffy barnet you'd love to ruffle-but he ruins it by slapping on loads of gunky goo! Less is more, lads-step away from the hair product!


Trilby, flat cap, bowler, baseball cap-he'll graft one to his head to try to look cool like Niall from 1D or J-Biebs. He'll fail.


Used for 'educational' purposes only. Sky Sports for PE, YouTube for music and drama, Facebook for PSE-you get the idea!


Used to fill awkward silences in conversations and to impress girls. The class clown is guaranteed to make double maths fly by, quickly-shame his humour is often lame, rude or sick!


Encyclopaedia when it comes to film and sports trivia, which leaves no room for remembering other things-like your birthday and when it's his turn to wash up. Hmm...


The Forbidden Word. Never EVER, use this in made company unless you want to bring on an acute case of the sweats, paints or even a minor heart attack


The living saint who provides food, shelter and unconditional love and gets lippy comments and mickey taking in return. Dis her at your peril though!

N=night owl

Staying up into the wee small hours of the night to watch rubbish films or play x-box is not big and it's DEFO not clever! Unless you define intelligence as shambling around like a particularly grumpy zombie!


When boys develop an interest, they don't do things by halves. So don't assume he'll grow out of train-spotting or collecting superhero 'action figures' anytime soon...or ever!

P=Personal Hygiene

Not all guys get that this is important-some count getting caught in the rain as a wash and won't shower when half a can of lynx can mast their armpit stench! Manly musk? More like boyish B.O.!


Good for getting him to talk about himself-in fact, he may not stop! Just don't ask him anything too deep or meaningful.


Some guys love to be in a relationship, some love being in several. Others would rather hang out with the lads-it's a personal preference thing.


If you don't already watch it, why not give it a go? Just don't try to wing it in a conversation about sports if you're clueless. Mix up Man U and Man City and you'll never live it down!

T=Toilet Humour

'Cause poo and bums are hilarious. And farts of course!


Grimy, holey and all too often worn for too many days in a row! Yuk!


When a lad hits puberty his voice may go croaky, warbly and squeaky, but give him a break as its breaking, look at J-Biebs go from boy to babe! No teasing!


He may act laid back-but he frets about lots if stuff-like height, looks, peer pressure, girls, mates, dosh and popularity!


Few things-perhaps starvation-level hunger pangs, eye or thumb strain, or Chezza turning up to beg him for a date-will prise him away from his beloved games.


Him needing me-time and mates-time every so often is NOT a sign that he's not into you. Take an independent approach yourself, and you'll almost certainly get on better when you hook up!


Boys have thicker skin and more of the male hormone testosterone than we do, making them even more prone to pimples!

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