
By VarunSahgal

6.8K 374 94

A recollection of true bone chilling stories from the crypt More

...A word for the Readers...
...The Scribbles...
...The Paintings...
...The Closet...
...The Call Center...
...Home Delivery...
...The ghosts of the fort...
...The Paint Can...
...The Secret...
...The Curse...
..."You don't belong here"...
...Lights Out...
...Convincing Lie...
...The Daughter's Wail...

...la venganza de amor...

279 17 3
By VarunSahgal

la venganza de amor                                                                                                                             New Delhi, India

Sampat was listening to music with both his earphones plugged in. He liked listening to music in between his breaks. While he was lost in listening to the songs he felt as if he heard something in the song, which was not supposed to be there "no tomar el próximo trenno... no tomar el próximo trenno". The phase in a feminine voice repeated itself twice before the music continued.

Sampat knew Spanish, the phrase he heard was telling him not to board the next metro. Sampat did not pay heed to it, he had downloaded songs before and many of them had internet glitches like this one, sometimes parts of other songs automatically got recorded.

Sampat removed his headphones. He was already waiting at the station for the next metro. The metal carriage slowly moved into the station and threw its doors open to the public. People rushed in like a colony of ants and the doors closed shut.

Sampat got off from the metro. He was texting a client all the way. Sampat had to cross the main road to get to his clients address. Unaware of a car coming from a distance at high speed Sampat started crossing the road while texting his client. Suddenly, he felt a hard blow. He was lying flat on his back on the road, bleeding, a hoard of people had covered him, they were murmuring in whispers. Sampat blacked out in the confusion and pain.

Sampat could hear beeping monitors and clanking equipment. He slowly opened his eyes and with his hands, felt the structure beneath him. He was on a hospital bed. A drip needle was fixed on his left hand. A nurse was moving around in the ward preparing for a procedure. She turned around looked at Sampat and smiled, Sampat smiled back. She slowly started walking to him, reached his bedside, bent down and kept her soothing hands on his forehead. Sampat was waiting to here a concerned lovely comment but what the nurse said next made him grow white with fear. "incluso si usted ha tomado cualquier otro tren. Esto habría todavía que te pasó" saying the nurse gave a wicked smile. Sampat knew what she was saying. She had just told him that even if he had taken any other train he would have still landed here, in this hospital.

Fear rushed through every nerve of Sampat; he grabbed the nurse's collar and screamed out loud. "What are you guys doing to me? What is all this? You think I am a fool that I do not understand your game?"

Hearing the shouts coming from the ward, the ward boy and the doctor came running into the room.

The nurse was standing and sobbing in one corner of the room. As soon as the doctors came in she started weeping and speaking at the same time "doctor...I was just trying to comfort him but he grabbed me by my throat and tried to strangle me". On hearing this Sampat grew mad with rage and shouted out "She is lying.... She told me in Spanish that I would have still met with an accident if I had taken any other train.... she has been playing games with me since morning...she was the one who called me when I was listening to music".

The doctor's had addressed many cases of accidents before, they knew due to internal damages and trauma to the head some people had lost their minds in such earlier cases. The ward boys were instructed to hold Sampat to the bed as they prepared for a sleep injection.

Sampat kept shouting "I am not mad...you here me...I am not mad". His screams did not help him, the ward boys stabilized him and the doctor injected him with the sleep drug. Sampat's screams drowned slowly, his lips slowed down and finally he fell down involuntarily on the bed.

Sampat did not know how long he had been asleep but when he woke up it was dark all around. He could not see a thing. He tried to get up but his head hit something hard, which was covered with soft velvet. Sampat tried to push hard but to no avail. When Sampat actually realized where he was he started screaming and crying. He was inside a coffin; the closed space was asphyxiating him slowly. Sampat screamed and screamed but no one could hear him. Sampat was dying slowly and painfully he had no choice

It was nearly evening when the doctor decided to walk into Sampat's ward to check on him. The nurse and the ward boy were with him just in case there assistance was needed. The doctor opened the door only to find a bone-chilling scene awaiting his eyes.

Sampat was sitting upright on his bed holding his legs close to his chest. He was rocking slowly back and forth. The doctor and his team stood still for a while. All of them were having the Goosebumps. Finally the doctor's dry throat gathered some strength and he told the ward boy to go and inspect the patient.

The ward boy had just started walking toward Sampat when Sampat suddenly spoke "Hola guapo" just after saying this Sampat started laughing uncontrollably, somehow his voice was not his anymore, it was deeper... coarse and broken like a child.

Sampat continued speaking "Hey ward boy... you have assisted this doctor with a lot of operations.... haven't you not. I have also heard you take very good care of the female patients. Look! She is standing right next to you, look! She is telling me all this", after saying this Sampat gave a very hollow and eerie laugh. The ward boy gulped and slowly turned his neck around to look here and there but there was nothing. The doctor and the nurse were clueless on what was happening.

Sampat kept rocking, like a child; he did not raise his head even once. After a short pause he spoke again "Doctor.... Doctor, you have done a lot of successful operations here haven't you and amidst those operations, you have also sometimes taken up the case of pregnant women.... You too have had a lot of fun now...hahahahaha.... Look! She is now standing next to you, between you and your beautiful nurse. The doctor turned around to look at his nurse and the nurse did the same.

Sampat paused again to rock back and forth and spoke again "you are one sexy nurse aren't you? You are getting married soon...right. Should I tell everyone how you got the money for your dowry? Look she is standing next to you and regaling me with your small stories from the different wards where you admitted some of the richest bachelors.... hahahahahahahahaha". Sampat started laughing uncontrollably. Suddenly, his laughter stopped, he started crying, his voice was fine again and he was acting as if he had no clue about what had happened a while ago, he started wailing and speaking at the same time " I am not crazy, please help me, I should have never done it, I should have never fallen in love, I should have never hurt her". The doctor was not being able to understand anything. For the safety of the other patients and the safety of the hospital secrets, he sent Sampat to the shock room

Sampat was given high degree of shocks, he kept laughing all through out like a demon like he was having no pain. After a while when he fainted, the ward boys took him and threw him into one of the cells in the mental wing.

Sampat's head was aching, he slowly got up, he was in this unknown dark and damp cell that smelt of dust and disease. The stench wanted to make him vomit but as he was retching his eyes fell on the shadowy figure with him in the cell. It slowly started drifting towards him. It neither had legs nor features. Sampat ran towards the bars of the cell and started shouting "help me...there is someone with me inside", his screams once again were in vain, no one was around and no one came to help him

After a while, the guard came on his regular round. He pushed food plates into each cell for the patients. When he reached Sampat's cell Sampat was sitting with his legs crossed, eyes closed rocking back and forth like a child. The guard routinely, pushed the plate of food from under the pars such that it slid in and landed perfectly in front of Sampat. The guard was just about to leave when he hear something "quiero Gazapacho". The guard turned around. The voice came from Sampat's cell.

The guard doubled back to check on him, Sampat was still rocking like a child. The hit the grills with his rod and shouted "eat your food", Sampat did not budge a bit, he kept rocking back and forth and spoke again "quiero Gazapacho...Quiero Gazapacho". The guard got scared and rushed to the other wing to call the doctors

The doctors came rushing down. As they got close to Sampat's cell they saw him standing and fighting with someone, someone invisible and he was shouting. "I am not mad...I am not mad...I am not mad", what happened after this scared the crap out of the hospital team Sampat changed sides in the cell and became the other person in the conversation, his voice changed and so did his pitch "eres loco...eres loco...eres loco". The doctor's realized Sampat's madness was going out of their hands so they referred him to a bigger hospital for better care. Sampat was to be shifted the next morning, so they decided that it was best for him to be in the cell for this night. The doctors left the sight and told the guard to keep a watch.

The guard left and came back after an hour or so for another round. It was almost two in the night. The guard was stunned to see Sampat standing near the grill, crying "I am not mad, I am not mad...please here me out, no one is willing to...please hear me out". The guard waited for a while before he spoke in a very non-emotional tone "tell me".

Sampat started narrating a story "They say if you tell the truth god forgives you and does not unleash his wrath, I am a tour guide, Sampat the tour guide. I know four foreign languages . I know my history too; I know , the founder of  Delhi Qutub ud di Aibak , started construction of the bottom storey of Qutub Minar. Around 1220, Aibak's successor, and son-in-law , added three storeys on top of Aibak's first. In 1369, lightning struck the top storey, destroying it completely. , the 19th emperor of Delhi (1351-1388) carried out restoration work and replaced the damaged storey with two new storeys, made of both red sandstone and white marble."

Sampat took a deep breath and continued " everything was fine till love happened, I feel in love with her, Anaida; she was a tourist from Spain, she was very beautiful. I used to give her a lot of small gifts every day. I loved her smile and her body. One day I told her that I loved her and that I wanted to spend a life with her, she denied. My heart broke I was angry. One night when she was coming back from a rave party she was drunk and stoned. I drove her to the forested area of Delhi cantonment and I raped her. I did not know what devil had gripped me, I realized much later what I had done. She was screaming that she would complain to the police and would get me arrested. In fear I took a brick lying nearby and smashed her face, I also wrung her neck to fully confirm that she had died. I buried her body in the forest floor and left Delhi for a week. I did not know she would find me even after months and kill me, I don't want to die...." Saying this Sampat grabbed the guards color "She is with me in this cell, save me, I don't want to die, I am not mad...I am not mad". The guard freed himself and stepped away from the cell. He though Sampat had spoken everything in his pangs of madness. He hit the grill again with his rod and left the sight. Sampat kept howling behind him to free him but the guard did not listen.

The next day morning the doctors came to take Sampat away. What they saw made many of them puke and gave many of them fits. Sampat's brains were splattered over the floor, his skull had been cracked open in two and his head was wrung so badly that he was now facing his back. His body lay motionless on the floor and all over the walls written his own blood were the words

"ella me va a matar"

My sister now works as a psychologist. She is a visiting doctor for the hospital where Sampat was murdered. Even today she tells me that when se passes the forbidden cell. She can sometimes hear a girl laughing and shouting "lo mate...lo mate...lo mate". I looked into Google translate just for curiosity what it meant. The phrase meant, "I killed him"...

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